Liam walked up the stairs and just like Levi had said, the third room at the right side, on the door was a poster boldly written 'don't come in if you're not into kpop' how lame….
He knocked, calmly, and the door flung open revealing his cousin, Belly
"Hey.." she muttered, a small smile on her face
Liam gave a nod, he was sure his facial expression was asking the question he had in his head 'where's Ella?'
"You coming in?" Belly raised a brow, giving him a weird look "she has not calmed down" she muttered
"Can I come in?" He asked, awkwardly embarrassed…
"Yes, you can" Belly shrugged, opening the door wider so he could walk in
He walked in after muttering a seemingly genuine thank you, Ella was lying on the bed, shoulders looking stiff…
"I'll go down to join the rest, make sure to bring her down" Belly muttered before walking out
Was that an order?