"I'll walk you back to your room" Xavier offered, the guy sounded genuinely worried.
"There's no need, I'm fine" Ella frowned, what was she even doing???
She was literally letting Blue affect her again, this wasn't the plan. The plan was to not care until Blue realized her feelings, that is if she had any...
"Ella" the Spanish dude called softly, her name sounded soothing coming from his mouth accompanied with how worried he was….
"I'm fine, I promise, let's eat" Ella sat down with a smile urging the Spanish nigga to do the same, funny how she was ready to flee a while ago, BLUE DAVES!!!
"You're weird" he chuckled, yea…. She agreed on this one "one moment you're happy then confused, shocked, sad,excited and then happy again" he grumbled making Ella laugh
Ella watched as Blue stood up, walking towards the route that led to their room, screw her