For a while, Adam stared at Silvana as if mesmerized, before nodding deeply.
"Yeah... She's beautiful..."
He wasn't shy, that was his opinion, but Silvana wasn't as resistant.
As soon as his words were spoken her colors splashed across her face. Her serious image crumbled the moment she turned away, waves of shame one after another hitting her.
Tapping her cheek, Misa smiled predatorily intently studying Silvana's new appearance and her reaction to Adam's words.
"You can't argue with that. However, when Goran and I work together, it's impossible to get any other result than success."
A short chuckle erupted from Adam as he threw his head back:
"Hahaha, maybe you're right. I didn't want to end up at the Twilight Palace at all, but I don't regret taking advantage of your help and skills."
With a short pause, Misa nodded.