Zarina's home is in Jersey City, New Jersey, United States.
Draymond glanced around the comfy and neat living room. A tearful sound and a woman's irritated voice caught his attention.
He shifted his eyes to the windowpane, where he saw Zarina sitting on the wooden chair, glaring at the piece of paper, and ripped it from her sketchpad.
Draymond could see that Zarina was upset, her brows furrowing and teeth clenching while she took out her frustration on paper.
"Argh!" she exclaimed in frustration, tearing a page from her sketchpad, crumpling it up fiercely, and tossing it into the trash bin.
'She's torn her sketchpad four times already. What a waste of paper,' Draymond thought, his quirky habit of counting things taking over.