Chereads / Angel Fall's / Chapter 9 - Chapter 9 Visiting the Northern Farm house.

Chapter 9 - Chapter 9 Visiting the Northern Farm house.

" What he had done is fucked up. But what matters is the big picture, not these insignificant details. His destiny and life were much more valuable than any other person in this town. The only important people here were his parents the lord and him of course. The rest of the people are like rats to him, I mean what does it matter if you kill one, two, a thousand or even ten thousand of them? Well, it doesn't, nothing would change and the world would still go on the same. " This was Marino's cold calculating mindset.

With this in mind, Marino his knife in hand started to run towards the house. " No witnesses, no leads and no problems. " He reasoned to himself.

As he stepped on the ramp and started running. Suddenly he felt a strong grip grab a hold of his left foot mid run causing him to mess up his movements and fall face-first into the muddy ground.

Looking back at what had grabbed his foot. He could see Neymar still barely alive holding on to his foot.

Seeing this Marino got enraged and kicked Neymar in the face causing him to let his grip loose on his foot. Standing up Marino walked over to the man and stepped on his bloody face. Looking at the man's fading, almost lifeless eyes he said. " You fricking little cockroach! Why don't you just be a good little cockroach and just Die! "

Running his blade through the man's eye. Marino felt it digging deep into the mans skull and brain, the feeling of it made a chill run through his body causing him to snap out of his enraged state for a moment. Letting go of the blade he stepped back in shock and started looking at the deaths he had caused. The sight of the two dead men made his heartache. He felt like a needle was piercing his heart he felt that this was wrong, he felt as if he shouldn't have ever been here to, begin with. He was some cold-blooded murderer, that was not him.

Looking at the two men, he felt many mixed emotions. Maybe it was the looks in their eyes when they fought against him. The fierce, unwavering determination to protect their family and loved ones to the bitter end. These men were true warriors worthy of his respect.

Thinking of this, tears started to form in his eyes. But then suddenly a massive headache struck him causing him to fall to his knees in pain as he held his head.

 " Aaaaaaaagghhhh! " Marino yelled in pain as he sat there on the muddy ground as rain poured down upon him. Then suddenly just like when the headache had appeared it also disappeared.

Marinos eyes flashed a bright bloody red as he got up and turned to look at Neymars body. His face turned ugly as rage and hatred once more overtook his mind and then he spat on the mans corpse and said.

" This is not my fault? No! This is your fault! " 

" If only you would have just minded your own business! All this could have been avoided! and your family would have been spared! But now you have left me no choice but to see this through to the end! " Marino yelled at the dead man in anger.

" Pity and regret are for the weak. A real man accepts his faults and finishes the job, no matter what. "He thought to himself.

Finally, with his thoughts in check, he turned to look at the main building. Only to see that the door now was shut and there was nobody around, just him standing there in the rain alone. 

" I guess we are gonna do it the hard way. " Marino said to himself, as he walked to the chicken house and got the axe.

Back in the house Lara Lopes and her family were panicking and crying as the Oldman tried to think of a plan to protect themselves. " I want my Papaaa! " Cried Lara.

" Calm down Lara, mother is here with you. We are safe in here. I'm sure help is on the way and once they come they can help Uncle Neymar and your father. " She said.

Lara hadnt seen his father die. All she and the others had seen was Neymar getting kicked out the door with his throat cut and that small red-eyed demon standing there. It was a sight that truly scared and horrified Lara to her very core to no end. 

Hearing her mothers words Lara quieted down and stopped crying as she held back her tears and sniffles while her mother hugged her in comfort.

As this was going on the old man had gone into the kitchen and got himself a butcher's knife.

Then everyone flinched in shock as they heard a loud bang against the door. Lara and her mother screamed in terror as one after another more and more bangs came, shaking the door violently. Then came a bang louder than the others followed by a cracking sound of the wooden door giving way. And then immediately after came another one, the wood broke off the door and there they could see an axe's blade poking through the door.

The mother and daughter screamed and cried in fear while the old man slowly walked In front of the door and as he said. " Go to my room and hide. "

Despite the mans words Laras mother just stood there frozen in fear unable to do anything while Lara just watched her Grandfather in admiration. Having heard her Grandfathers words Lara looked at him in aww. To her, at that moment he looked like some kind of a heroic knight from the bedtime stories she had heard. 

Standing In front of the door the old man prepared himself mentally to face the demon as he mumbled some prayers to himself. " Oh, Sighard give me strength. Help me vanquish this evil creature. "

Snapping back into reality Lara remembered her fathers words and started to act. Getting loose from her mothers grip she quickly made her way to her Grandfathers room. Not wanting to just hide but to also have a way to escape the house Lara started to look for a way out. 

Sadly for them, their home had no extra windows. Except the one next to the front door. Although, there were some small hatches that were normally used to let smoke out from the fireplace. Though they would have been a great way to escape, they were just too small, even for her to get out.

While Lara was trying to find a place to hide a loud bang came from the door and one-third of it fell off giving Marino just enough room to get through. Stepping through the crack inside the house with an axe in hand and a knife on his black belt. Marino smiled and said. " Honey I'm home! "

The old man just stood there shaking in fear as he pointed his butcher knife at the intruder. Then with a shaky voice, he said. " Why have you come here? What do you want? "

Hearing the frail old man speak Marino grinned even brighter than before and said mockingly. " What do I want, you ask? Well, that what all men want. I want more! "

With that said he threw the axe at the old man. The axe flew almost as if it had been thrown by a professional straight in the middle of the old mans chest. The skill and precision of the throw surprised Marino a little.

With an axe in his chest, the old man fell to the ground screaming. " Aaaaaaa! "

" No Grandpa! I won't let you hurt him! " Came a young girl's Voice from Marino's right. As he turned to look he got a slap on the middle of his face shocking him a little.

As Lara assaulted him she managed to tackle him to the ground. There she desperately with closed eyes started to swing at him. As her mother watched this scene with wide eyes and mouth a gape from the side not knowing what to do.

Marino on the other hand just laid there with his hands covering his face from the slapping barrage. The beauty of the girl and the sheer hatred in her eyes had taken him completely off guard. The light slaps of the girl were more fashionating than hurtful to him. The girls slaps were nothing to him or at least nothing compared to Neymars right hook.

All Marino could think about was how could one with such hatred in their eyes be so weak. And with that thought his anger returned and he started to move.

Not caring about the girls hit's. Marino wrestled the girl to the ground under him. He then started to strangle her, just like Neymar had done to him.

Though Marino hesitated for a second on whether he should kill the girl. He still decided to go through with it. She had already seen his face. There was no going back.

Gritting his teeth and putting all his strength into the choke. He watched as the life faded from the girls beautiful light blue eyes, as she desperately struggled.

All Lara could see as her vision faded was a bloody and dirty face with red eyes staring at her with a hint of regret and pity written on them. Then as her consciousness faded her vision went to black and then she passed out.

Marino felt the girl go limp and he could see the life fading from her eyes. The sight of this brought him great relief and a hint of satisfaction but even so, he still didnt let go of her throat. 

Then he heard footsteps coming towards him followed by a loud, Pung sound. A loud bang was heard through the house as metal hit Marinos head. Feeling immense pain and with his ears ringing he fell off the girl to the floor. Holding his head in pain Marino looked up to see a middle-aged woman standing there with a pan, preparing for a second hit.

Seeing this he rolled to the side, creating distance as the women tried to swing at him. Quickly right before she could hit him he did a backward roll Marino managed to get to his feet. But as he did so the pan came straight at him, too close to dodge he decided to block it. As he took the hit straight onto his left side. 

In pain he gritted his teeth and with his right hand he pulled out his knife from his waistband.

As the woman lifted her arm once more in preparation for a third attack. Marino got low and slipped under her raised arm, and as he did so he sliced her stomach open.

In shock and horror, she dropped the pan and grabbed a hold of her stomach. But it was futile. With her intestines falling out of her stomach, she fell to the floor dead.

In pain and exhaustion, he looked at the now quiet room. He could see a scared dog peeking out from the other room in fear as the girl just lay on the floor motionless and the old man groaned in pain still alive to his surprise.

Walking up to the old man he was surprised to see him still fighting. The man was trying to pull the axe out of his chest until he saw him and said in pain. " What did you do to them? "

" I gave them peace. " Came a short answer.

" So what now?" Asked the old man as blood came from his mouth.

" I will let you join them. Do you have any last words? " He said coldly.

Hearing this the old man just said. " Spare the girl. "

Hearing this Marino frowned as he thought. Who does this old man think I am? Does he honestly think I would go as far as to defile a corpse? I am not that evil.

With an angry expression, he said. " Sure." And then he ended the man's life.

After finishing his last suspect he let out a massive sigh. As he sat there he looked at his clothes and realized how dirty and bloody they were.

I'm definitely not going to be able to go home like this Marino thought. After which he picked up his knife and left the house.

A few minutes after he left. Lara opened her eyes and quietly got up. Peeking outside the door Lara made sure the coast was clear.

As she looked around the house she started to cry seeing that her family was dead. Finally, the dog came out of the other room and sat beside her, trying to comfort her.

In the dark of night, Marino soaked in the ocean water, trying to clean himself. Marino had run a few hundred meters to the beach to clean all the evidence of himself. There where blood and pieces of meat all over his body and clothes.

After washing his clothes for a while, Marino decided to just rip them apart and throw them into the sea. If he lost the clothes his parent's would start to suspect something. But he could always come up with an excuse and those were not his only clothes. Plus luckily for him, there were no DNA tests in medieval times. Even If somebody found the clothes, nobody would know they were his.

After throwing the clothes away he decided to quickly clean himself. While cleaning himself the storm started to subside and moonlight came through the clouds, lighting up the night.

With the help of the moonlight, he looked at his reflection in the water shocked. Over his right eye were three thin scars and his eyes were pure yellow. They shined unnaturally in the dark. Looking around he realized it was not only the moonlight that was lighting up the night but he was.

His eyes were like night vision goggles but clearer and overall better. His body also felt slightly stronger, his muscles were a bit more defined and his meat stick was a few inches longer.

Even though he had just killed, he remained calm. It was as if it was no big thing. His mind had become corrupted and more accepting of violence. There was also an urge to start chanting and an urge to carve symbols on his body. He felt that doing so would increase his power. If he fully gave in to these urges, he could become something much more.

But now was definitely not the time for that. With a knife in hand, he ran through the bush-filled landscape towards home. He did this not to leave any footprints. Leaving footprints on the road would be asking for trouble.

After getting home he locked the door carefully put the cleaned knife in its place and went to bed. There he lay naked and proud of not being caught as he fell asleep.