After the intense battle that culminated in the defeat of Malachar, Ace Kurotsuchi reunited with Zara, Kyokuske, and the Council of Captains. The demon realm, though scarred by the chaos of the malevolent Rune, was beginning to show signs of recovery. Ace's eyes scanned the group until they settled on an unexpected sight — Yua stood among them, her presence a comforting presence in the aftermath of the turmoil. He couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and curiosity. What was Yua doing here amidst the chaos, and how had she reunited with Zara and the others? Zara, noticing Ace's puzzled expression, stepped forward and explained, "Yua was instrumental in helping us locate you and the amulet. She played a crucial role in our mission." Ace nodded, his gratitude evident. "I see. Thank you, Yua." As they exchanged words, a looming darkness continued to stir. Despite Malachar's defeat, the malevolent Rune that had caused so much chaos had not been destroyed. Its presence still lingered, threatening to engulf the realms once more. Ace's gaze shifted to the amulet that Yua wore around her neck. He had learned that this necklace held the power to destroy the Rune once and for all. It was a glimmer of hope in the face of lingering darkness. "Yua," Ace spoke, his voice filled with determination, "your necklace holds the key to ending this darkness once and for all. We must use its power to destroy the Rune and restore balance to the realms." Yua nodded, her eyes filled with resolution. She understood the importance of their mission, and together with Ace, Zara, Kyokuske, and the Council of Captains, they would face the final challenge — the destruction of the malevolent Rune and the restoration of peace to all dimensions.