Nao -Adore you
"Oya man wake the fuck up."
Startled she she'd her head up with speed facing the white soars with a bunch of notes written. She grimaces at the view of everything she missed.
"Fuck gimme." She hands her hand motioning for the notes." Her friend rolled her eyes and handed them over with ease.
"I said I'll try next time." She looked at her with paper marks on her face."
She laughed a little before the teacher turned to face them.
They both turn to pretend they are taking notes.
"Okay after this take pages 100-120 and work if you don't finish do it as homework I'll check tomorrow."
The whole class boos in dismay in their own way.The girls look at each other.
"My place or yours?" Anne asks.
Oya raised her shoulders trying to jot the notes down as quickly as she could. "I'm my dad is making wings."
"Oh fuck yea yours~" She says picking her.
"Oya please let others work." The teacher looks up to her."
She says looking through her glasses.
She whispers under her breath "fuck that."
The teacher raises her voice "What was that!"
"She said fuck that a boy at the back says louder biting his pen."
Oya cocks her eyebrows without turning.
"Alright, that's it both of y'all have detention after school and the work will be done there." The bell rings and she writes the both of them up."
Oya sighs banging her head on the desk.
Anne laughs before grabbing her notes.
"Noo~" Oya pleads.
Anne laughs shopping her head "Ft me when you get home." She said before grabbing her book back and leaving
She breathes and nods before glaring at the teacher and grabbing the pink slip before leaving the girls high fives and parted ways.
Everyone began running, pushing each other in the hall to first grab the public busses.
Oya slowly walks past them to get to the detention classroom she knew so well in her junior year. She feels a ball hit her head before feeling a head on her.
"Jayke if you don't." He laughs holding his football.
"What you mad at a little detention, oh yeah I remember you don't have a car ride home after~" He teases.
She ignored knowing well this was the only boy in the school that even interacted with me. She always stuck by Anne if she wasn't lost in some corner of the school doing her own little thing.
She got to the class and stood against the wall between the door waiting for the gym coach to get there. Jayke got to the door and stood against the opposite wall hand shaking people as the left till the halls were empty.
"Sorry but still she had to hear what you had to say." He said moving his headphones to the side to hear.
He scoffed "I didn't need help to say it that's why I said it so low for her to concentrate on the fuck I was saying get it?"
"What the fuck are you reading at home."
"Um, defense against the dark arts."
He laughed while playing with his ball twisting it and looked back to see his coach. She tipped the ball to make it fall in front of him.
"Jayke. Again."
"Yeah, coach just defending the defenseless. Daily task."
Oya hit his shoulder harder than expected to the point her blowout bang moved to cover her eyes.
"Ya doesn't look like it." He said as he unlocked the door with his master key.
"I'm tryna get me one of those next."
The coach looked at him seriously knowing he'd do it.
"20 laps say you won't." He sat at his usual spot.
He backed out in motion putting his hands up "Yeah you're right."
Oya sat in the back corner of the class and he sat in the other corner. The class filled and Tessa knew it would be a long afternoon.
It ended rather quickly but Oya still couldn't understand why Jayke had would even speak for her nor talk to her at all. By meant he was the only one to talk and interact with her him throwing his ball on his head and others generally to have fun.
She didn't think much after but when the idea came back up she looked at him seeing him eyeing her already biting his pencil almost to munch on it.
Is this man a munch?
She thought making herself laugh but the stare was a little long.
She turned quickly trying to complete her homework then she remembered she had forgotten her notes.
She didn't want to ask but she stood up walking to him."Did you perhaps take the notes in class?"
He opened his already-done homework and handed it to her as she was about to grab it he gripped the notes.
"Say thank you..." He said darkly.
Tess felt a small panic ride. "Um ya, thanks." She said before getting back to her spot.
She gladly finished everything in time before the timer on the smart soars finished.
He handed him his notes and gave an awkward smile before making her way to the favorite farthest bus top to not be beside the other hyper detention mates.
She stops to grab her spliffs in her bag wrapped in watermelon paper to smoke. She placed the spliff between her lips and as she's about to light it her lighter's fuel struggles to get lit up. She keeps trying till she sees tiny tricks of water falling on the glass. Just a moment later it stays pouring.
A nice black matte car rolls in front of the bus stop abruptly and the left window rolls down.
"Want a ride." He said looking at her being freaked out that he even spoke to her after school hours like this.
So who's interested in who?
She thought.