When I was drawn out from my friends with the ten chosen sacrificial lambs . for a second my soul flashed out of me before I regained my composure. I shuddered with unknown fear rushing down my spine. Hot tears stung in my eyes though I tried to remain stoic the whole time. I couldn't turn off the sight of little Kylin lying down on the ground with her rib cage ripped apart ..her eyes wide opened with fear like she was memorising her death . She was the only youngest blood mate who was cared and protected by everyone.
She was full of light and life before darkness clouded her life. These despicable monsters deserves no place in this World .
- she clenched her hands to fists as she felt an urge to kill pulling her over . However she knew it wasn't the right way. If she wants to avenge the death of Kylin she has to be patient and study all the weak points of yhe bloody malice monsters . She has to learn to control her rage and in order to do all that she has to pass the gates of hell which was waiting to swallow her. -
When we got to the gates of hell I could hear the deadly aura filling us . It was death welcoming us with bloody hands. The tragicomic Wolf breathed fire. I watched as it pounced the ground eyes filled with bloody lust for blood.
I watched each moves. All it wanted to see in the young girls was fear and it fed in it . It used it as a weapon to us . You have to have a firetackler in your eyes in order to shield yourself.
I knew a lot about this tragicomic Wolf as I once raised one of it and one day it just disappeared . This was before the reign of the bloody malice vampires .
I had studied how they prey on their preys . They are just predators who feeds in your fears as it drives them to attack.
I watched it from behind the bars ..the gates suddenly opened I noticed on inside it was more like forest filled with breathing fire . It Is for them to enjoy seeing humans struggling..fighting and running for their lives . They intend to see us helplessly running for our lives in vain .
Me : stay behind me try to empty your fear ( she said to the other bloodmates)
Suddenly we werw all pulled inside the gates by an invisible force and it locked itself.
The gate had disappeared it was only us in a thick forest . The Wolf was nowhere to be seen.
I knew the forest thing was just an illusion to play with our minds .
Martia : this is the chance we have to run ( she said to the other bloodmates as she suddenly started running in the thick forest)
Me : nooooo Martia
Before I could stop her ...she was ripped apart dividing her body to two parts . Everyone screamed in fear .
There was a growling sound and the next. We all turned around behind us a there was a gigantic shadow of a Wolf..we could only see it's glowing red eyes flickering with fire .
I could see it was staring at me . It was looking through my soul Everyone started running from different directions leaving me rooted to the same place . Palms sweating..I could feel my whole body was sodden with sweat
It took it's form of a wild terrifying huge black wolf . Which looked merciless .
- As the Wolf was looking into her eyes it recognized the eyes of a small girl patting it's head . The same eyes which were fearce and ways reflecting the fire inside her. She was no longer the little girl . Her ginger hair flowing down her shoulder. Her usual strong scent which controlled the nature . The same girl which saved it's life when people from her clan attempted to kill it . The same time Tasha was trying to wonder why it wasn't making a move on her ??? The Wolf slowly turned away running after the girls which disappeared.
Tasha fell down on the ground on her knees. Tears streamed down her cheeks .
"Just one lucky dog today "
Voice said from her behind . She quickly got on her feet ready to target her enemy. Her eyes suddenly turned to two smoking black pearls .
She was surprised to see a huge man with piercing green eyes . With his sword whith a fire blazing symbol which was still in its scabbard. He had sandy blonde hair which flowed down to his waist .
I recognized the sword but couldn't remember where exactly I've seen it.
Me : are you here to kill me ??( she said with a thunderous voice as her power had took so much control on her that she had turned vicious)
The guy just smirked as blew something to me the next I felt so dizzy that I blanked out.
The next day I was awakened with a wet towel on my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes as I regained my full vision was surprised to see myself in the dungeon , Vivian and Casie were looking down at me with worry.
Me: am I in heaven ?? Did the two of you just died with me ( she said totally baffled )
Casie : well I wish it was like that
Me : well I just realized how much I need to live
Vivian: that's the spirit we need to take in the battlefield
Casie : the battlefield we already in ( she said looking at Vivian and Tasha with looks of encouragement)
They both helped me to sit upright suddenly my vision just blurred. I saw a girl surrounded by so much light walking in the Underworld...her light was so much bright that it brightened the whole area . She had her face hidden behind a veil . I could see her powder blue eyes sparkling..it was like they were realising some sparks .
Voice : Tasha !!!( Both Casie and Vivian were struggling to pull her from the other World as she was terrifying them her eyes had turned completely white . She suddenly woke up with a start heavily breathing .)
Vivian: what happened....what's going on with you ( she said cupping her sweaty cheeks )
Me : I saw her again,, t_the girl with blue eyes ( she said heavily breathing looking at both of them ) She is coming
There was silence. I knew Vivian understood me but she was just denying it .
Casie: you need some water .
I drank it my head all over the place
My mind was still unstable. I couldn't remember how I made it here and judging by the number of girls in the dungeon with us. I was the only one who survived.
Later we were all ordered to go out of the dungeon for the first time. We were taken outside to work on the fields and no one was supposed to talk with anyone.
We worked for twenty unrealistic hours. I was so exhausted that I felt like dying. After that we went to clean the rooms of our Masters .
Voice : you look dirty ,,( a voice said as she cleaned the room)
Without looking who it was I quickly got on my knees head down the ground . It was a woman voice.
Her : I'm Hannah,,
Me : nice to meet you Master , ( she said as she kowtowed to her )
Hannah : yah kinda interesting
From her tone I could tell she was saying it the opposite way .
Hannah : are you the bitch fucking around with Vivian??
Me : w_what ??( she stuttered)
Hannah : why are you stammering the second I said her name ??? ( she said with an intent tone )
I trembled trying to figure out what she meant .
Me : I _have no idea
Voice:Hannah your cousin is calling out for you
She left in a huff I inhaled and exhaled . That was close !
Voice : next time it will happen stop messing around...
This voice !! I've heard it somewhere. It was velvety and musically. However when I looked up there was no one else. Since that terrifying day in the gates of hell I've seemed to be imagining things and losing my mind.
I continued dusting the room . We were sent into a hall were those bloody bastards were dining .
The Crowned Prince walked in we all stood in rows looking down to the ground .
Lucian : today we are going to engrave you the numbers which will make you connected to your Master's.