Chereads / Difficult Decisions / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Leaving Home

Difficult Decisions

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Leaving Home



"Dad, where is mom? And why does Tactzo look so different than us?

The youngest asked. 

His father and his two other brothers stopped eating and looked at each other.

The oldest, Tactzo laughed and the second oldest, Will smiled behind his hand.

His dad, Phill coughed and cleared his voice.

"Well, where to start? Long ago I met your mother and she was a Boar hybrid. I was just a young fledgling and the people around her didn't understand why she would choose someone so weak to be her partner. Boar hybrids only choose the strongest among their people as partners but she fell in love with me and I with her. We married and she became pregnant with Tactzo. Keep in mind at this time I wasn't immortal yet so I had 3 lives just like everyone else. But the land fell to war and unrest and by trying to protect her I lost 2 of my lives and was on my last life. She had Tactzo and she worried that with one life left, I would not be able to see our child grow old. One day we were attacked again she forced me to stay with baby Tactzo while she fought the rest but one of them snuck past her. I tried to fight him but he had stronger armour. He stabbed me and I knew I was going to die, that is when time seemed to slow down and the enemy before me got killed."

Tom gasped the mere thought of his father dying shook his heart.

"I saw my wife shapeshift in front of me, from this boar hybrid to a tall human-looking woman. You know that painting by the hallway?" Phil asked.

Tom nodded. He always had seen it but never really asked who she was.

"Long black hair, black Sclera and glowing purple irises. She introduced herself as Lady Death. A diety that had decided to roam the earth as a boar hybrid and wasn't planning on falling in love. She told me that she could not bear the thought of my soul not living so she gave me immortality with the exception that I would forever have one life. So I had to be careful. She wanted to leave after healing me and I stopped her and told her 'What is the point of giving me immortality if I cannot spend it with you?' With that, she decided to stay and she had Will and you. Since she had been in her regular form when we had you, it is why you two came out looking more human-like."

Tom accepted the story with a smile afterall why would his father lie? He didn't know why he had not asked these questions sooner. He had simply just accepted things as they are and never asked until now.

"Your mother left us when you were around 3 hence why you do not have many memories of her. She had to leave because she was still a deity of death, she had a role to fulfill, collecting souls and making sure certain people died. She could not put off her responsibilities any longer. But if you ever wish to see her just call upon her and she will appear"

That's when Tactzo spoke "Or you could summon her through how many people you skill" He smirked.

Phill sighed and rubbed his temples "Tactzo sending an influx of souls to your mother isn't the right way to get her attention"

"Not my fault when people want to act smart with me and make me their enemy" He shrugged.

His brother Tactzo was well known to be a great warrior. Many challenged him and other times he would wipe out whole towns if they went against him. He did not care about the children, women or the old his blade did not discriminate. If they went against him then he would make everyone around that said person suffer. 

He firmly believed that actions have consequences meaning don't act a fool if you aren't willing to lose people around you. That logic didn't apply to him because he was sure he could protect his brothers and father.

"Or a simple book reading at a cemetery could be fine-"

"Borrriiing" Tactzo interrupted Will. 

Thinking back to the story. 

It was strange hearing that his father portrayed himself so weak, Over the years he too had made a name for himself. With only one life left he trained every day, and carried the best enchanted armour and potions to prohibit himself from dying. His sword skills became so well that his skills could easily match Tactzo's but of course, Tactzo would always overpower his father, the man was twice his size, broad and strong. It didn't help that he inherited his father's quickness despite his size.

He sometimes felt jealous as if his father cared more for his oldest than him, they always stuck together, they always went on adventures together and always spar together. He always stated it was because he was older but he wanted what they had. 

Was it too much to ask?

He looked at his plate and moved the food around. 

He wasn't as skilled or strong as his brother Tactzo which his father enjoyed. 

Or book smart with wings like his brother Will which his father also enjoyed.

He was stuck looking human, with no wings, no smarts, no half-boar hybrid strength and the only way one could know they were related was that he shared his father's golden hair and blue eyes. 

Why couldn't he just inherit wings?…would his father be closer to him if he did?

Every day as time passed he felt more and more uncomfortable in his house. 

He could see how the trio got along so well and he just couldn't…. penetrated it. 

Maybe he needed time with his mom? He picked up his dish and excused himself. 

Putting on the thickest coat possible he made his way to the forest. He climbed the tallest

tree, shaking the snow off his face as he got to the top.

Inhaling deeply he lets out the largest yell possible


He did It two times before a soft voice spoke,

"I'm here my little one"

Taking him by surprise he turned around to find an 8-foot-tall floating woman. He was surprised it actually worked.

Her hands reached to cup his face and touch his hair.

"You have never called me before… have grown so much since I last saw you, how can I help-"

He took no more time before jumping into her arms.

"Oh" she hugs back.

"I just need you" he whispered.

"Here I am sweetie" 

They stayed silent for a while before he pulled away and looked up at her.

"I-I feel like I'm being excluded"

She frowns "By who?"

"Dad and my brothers…I don't think they do it on purpose but I just feel… an outsider"

The woman scooped him up taking him off the ground.

"Child, has he been treating wrong?"

"No! He's a great dad I just…I just don't fit"

"I can talk to him and see if we can change something so you feel included-"

"No please don't"

The woman frowned.

They stayed embracing for a while before her face lit up "I think I know what you need!"

"What is that?"

"You need somewhere you feel that you belong. Go out and seek it but you have to promise me to never forget about family because family always comes first! No amount of friendships will substitute the feelings that a family has for you. I think this will be perfect! You are growing and you need a new experience. Kill a few people here and there and get stronger-"

"Uuhhhh I think I like your idea just….not the last part"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to ever kill"

His mother looked like she wanted to laugh

"Oh you precious child you will find out that this world is quite wicked and sometimes death is necessary….this is coming from the deity of death herself! Anyway I think getting exposed to the world outside your home will do you some good in your development"

He couldn't help to think how much Tactzo sounded like Mom at the beginning of that. He guessed Tactzo's blood lust and death were inherited from his mother.

"You think so?"

"I know so, just….promise me you will never forget about family?"

He pinky promises her "I promise"

Kissing his forehead she places him down "Okay I must go back, please be careful little one. I do not want to meet your soul on the other side"

He firmly nods and with that, she disappears.

He became excited and went running home. He began to pack but before he left he went to the library to find a map.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Will asked. He crossed his arms and his black wings became ruffled.


"You coming back?"

He became silent. 

"Oh so it's one of those trips, I'm pretty shocked the youngest one is finally spreading his wings and leaving the nest!"

He scoffed "Wings….right, what wings" he said sarcastically.

The elder ruffled his hair, "You and Tactzo don't have wings but you are still our father's hatchling and you are still leaving his nest. Have you spoken to him yet?"

"No, wasn't planning to"

Will whistles "Wow what overcame you? You are just leaving just like that?"

"I left a note!"

"Good enough" Will shrugged.

"So where are you going?

"I don't know, I was going to look for a map to see where I was going to go until somebody interrupted me"

"I have a place for you, Father hasn't been there for a couple of years now. A city by the ocean called Maryland. It's a human-based city but does a lot hybrids. So it's a perfect place to start and…."

The winged brother hugged him "And a place we will know you'll be there and we won't have to worry"

"Fine fine fine give me. Map"

Will gave him a map, a compás and keys.

"What's this for?" He looked at the keys

"Remember when I said dad hasn't been there a few years? Well he has a property there, it can help you out for the first couple of days until you get your own money to build your own home"

Nodding firmly he pocketed everything and took off. Without looking back.

It took quite a while to get there. He used teleportation pearls to get there faster and had to stop to sleep quite a few times but in the end, he had made it to the city's border. 

A city with wooden walls and shiny lanterns made it look like the most beautiful thing he ever laid eyes on.

He went up to the gates and no guards stopped him.

Walking through the streets he was in awe that he had never seen so many humans in one location. People talking, buying or walking home. It was only once in a while that he'd spot a hybrid.

He felt a tingle in his heart, I look like everyone here, he thought.

He looked at the wooden plack connected to his key.

Section A door 2001.

Not knowing where that was he asked a fox hybrid. He was standing by the side of the street with a hood on. Maybe the reason why he asked him out of everyone is because even if he was seeking people who looked like him to feel like he belonged he was accustomed to being around people who did not look human. Hence he went to him.

He had wild orange hair. Orange eyes and fox ears. 

"Hello, could you help me find my house?"

"Oh, I haven't seen you around you must be new here. what's your name?"


"Nice to meet you Tom I am Antok! Welcome to Maryland City!"

"Thank you Antok"

Billy took his key and began to read the address. "Let's take a look-"

Antok looked shocked as he read the address "Did you steal this key?"

"No, it's mine"

He narrowed his eyes "What's your connection to….The crow man?"


"The great myth, the legend that owns that house. Blonde hair, blue eyes and black wings"

It sounded like he was describing his dad. Antok's tone also sounds like he didn't like his dad so he lied.

 "I was travelling, thirsty and hungry when I met him. I told him my destination and he offered me food and water along with this key. He said he had a home in this city which I could use in the meantime. Why?" 

Antok despite being 2 heads shorter than him wrapped his arm around his neck forcing him to crouch to Antok's level.

"They say that wherever that man goes Death follows, he is cold and deadly and his calmness gives you the creeps. His son is the feared being called Tactzo. He is a great enemy of our city! Murder is in their blood! People avoid them because meeting them is like meeting death themselves. Oh, and the crows! murderous crows follow that black winged man."

He blinks, "Uh wow he sounds like a bad man, he didn't seem like it when I met him"

"Well he used to come around here but like I said death follows him so any time he would be here people would die more than usual. Also, he and his son has had an order of capture for over 100 years now"

His eyes widen "But why?"

"Our city was once destroyed by Tactzo and although Crow man wasn't there initially for the destruction of it he is still an enemy for his connection to that brute Tactzo. He did appear once or twice after the rebuilding of the city but no one dared to capture him but this current president we have is 100% sure he will capture both one day and make them pay for what they did to our ancestors!"

"B-But no one has been capable of killing Tactzo! don't you think he'll kill everyone here if your city attacks him?

The boy shrugged "I don't know everything about the governor's plans I only know of his public announcement."

By this time they were standing in front of a beautiful ancient home. Looked abandoned and untouched.

"It's the only house that survived the initial destruction of the city- Anyways you sure you want to stay here? What if you die in your sleep!!"

He looks at the key "But where else can I stay at?"

"Hmm not with me but I do have another friend who you might like. You can sleep at his place I'm sure he won't mind"

He looked a Antok "Really?"

"Yes! I like you and I don't want something bad to happen to you because you slept in…. This house"

"Okay, I'll go with you. But first, just let me do something" he placed the key underneath the carpet for his brother or father to find it.

"Okay, where do we go?"

"Follow me"

As they walked through the houses they came towards a large dark Castle. 

"This is where the King lives and works but it also works as a town hall" Antok explained.

they walked to the building next to it which looked like a greenhouse.

Antok knocked on the door and a very short boy opened his door. Ruffle brown hair, brown eyes and tiny horns barely could be seen as they were mostly hidden by his hair.

"Hey Antok! who is this?"

"Hey Billy this is Tom"

"Hi, Tom! come on in!"

They entered and he was in awe, the floor was dirt-filled with flowers and plants. The houses felt like a terrarium. It was an open-concept circular home. 

"So where did you guys meet?" Billy asked

"He came up to me asking for help in finding his home. He's new and guess what keys he has?"

There was a pause.

"The Crow Man's house"

"The crow man! so he is real! and I thought the legends were fake!" Billy said excitedly. He quickly turned to Tom.

"How did you you meet him? How tall was he? How long are his wings? Did anyone die around you? How did you survive? How-"

"Wow, wow slow down Billy! He's had a long trip and you are drowning him in questions! He needs a place to stay is it okay if he stays here with you?" Antok asked.

"Sure! You can sleep up there" He points at the bed that had vines for a ladder and what was nice about it is that it's close to the glass ceiling. He could easily sit up and watch the stars if he wanted.

"Thank you" 

He felt so excited. This experience was something new and it felt dangerous. He wondered what they would do to him if they found out his dad was Phill. 

He should probably send a letter to warn them but he just wanted to forget about his family for now. Right now he was just Tom, a traveller with no home, no friends and no family. 

After settling down, He answered Billy's questions, Antok said his goodbyes and he slept peacefully that night.

The next day he was awoken by Billy. "Come on wake up we got to go!"

"Where?" He asked sleepy.

"To make trouble"



Phill: 30s

Tactzo: 25

Will: 20

Tom: 15

Antok: 16

Billy: 15

Axel: 19

(Expect updates on weekends or Friday)