"Clark, Leo, it's time to get up."
Knocking on the door, Jonathan said from the otherside of Clark's door. Inside Leonardo and Clark woke up with a slight grumble as they began to shuffle around the room. Shutting off the alarm they set for two hours later at six o'clock. Now however Jonathan seems determined to get them moving so they can get their bulk of farm work done before Aurora wakes up.
"The sun won't even think about waking up for another hour." Leonardo grumbled.
"You're just complaining that you can't wake up next to your girlfriend." Clark retorted.
"Yeah," Leonardo nodded. "Still if it makes Jonathan happy, whatever. His house, his rules."
"He is just trying to give us enough time to do our chores with our powers without Aurora noticing." Clark replied.
Leonardo rubbed his chin thinking that Aurora probably already knew he and Clark weren't normal. Not to mention when he and Aurora were traveling place to place, it's not like he hid his abilities, but also didn't display them before her either. Hence, Aurora probably wouldn't be surprised that much even if she learns of their abilities.
After changing into some work clothes or the clothes they wore yesterday since they would take their showers afterwards. For while the two won't break a sweat, it would remove the lingering smell or the dirt their clothes will collect. Hence, it wasn't long before two blurs were racing around the farm.
At around seven, a small red car drove up the driveway. Where a perky and energetic school reporter got out of it with a slightly embarrassed face. Which only grew when she knocked on the door and stepped into the Kent house.
"Morning, Mr. and Mrs. Kent. Clark and Leonardo." Chloe said before her eyes drifted over to the other girl in the room. "Who are you?"
"Aurora Morningstar. Leonardo's girlfriend and-."
Before Aurora could continue with some nonsense, Leonardo lighty pinched her side to stop her from under the table. Now wasn't the time to speak her jokes, especially to someone like Chloe. The girl still has the habit of putting all she learns into the school paper from time to time.
"Well, morning." Chloe nodded. "So, Mr. and Mrs. Kent, I got a really huge favor to ask."
"What is it honey?" Martha asked, slightly concerned as her eyes drifted to Chloe's stomach.
Chloe's cheeks heated up from the embarrassment and decided it best to quickly tell the details. "My cousin is coming to town to stay for a short while, but we have no room due to the construction at home last minute and since the apartment at Talon is taken. I was hoping you can take her in during her short stay in Smallville."
"As long as Aurora is fine bunking with her, otherwise we have no room." Jonathan answered.
"Great, thank you so much." Chloe thanked them.
Later on after Clark came back with Lois Lane who seems to be Chloe's cousin staying with them. Leonardo was knocking on the bathroom door for Clark was really taking a marathon shower. Since whatever happened while Clark was out with Chloe required them to take showers afterward.
After nearly a minute of waiting, he got slightly annoyed as he was holding towels Martha asked him to run up to him. When the door finally opened revealing Clark who seemed slightly embarrassed.
"I was about to wonder if you drowned in the shower at the rate it took to open the door." Leonardo said.
Then he noticed a pair of extra legs behind Clark and realized something. "Clark, I knew you were looking for a girl, but isn't jumping in the shower the same day you met her a big leap for you? No, this is a cause of celebration, though I wonder how Chloe would take the news. Aurora, we got to prepare a celebration snack for Clark learning female biology first hand!"
"Vanilla or Cherry ice cream? If he wants a different one we need to make a run to the store." Aurora shouted from the bottom of the stairs.
"Clark did what!" Following Aurora was Martha's voice.
"Not under my roof!" Jonathan almost put an opera singer to shame.
"Thanks Leo, and we took separate showers." Clark said through gritted teeth.
"Shame," Leonardo smiled. "Well, here the towels."
Stepping out from behind Clark was a brunette girl about a year older than Clark and a head shorter. She was fairly pretty dressed in Clark's shirt, knew she was well built, not as well Aurora but not far behind either. After saying hello, he turned around and went back downstairs.
"Nevermind, he is still a pure boy." Leonardo announced with fake sobbing.
"Your brother is interesting." Lois commented.
"Yeah." Clark glanced at her for a moment.
After the two got dressed and came downstairs, Jonathan and Martha were standing there with their arms crossed and tapping their fingers on their arms. Which made Clark freight until he saw the smiling Leonardo and figured out what was going on.
"You know Leo was joking right?" Clark said weakly.
"Is he?" Jonathan said without shifting faces or backing down. "What other reason is there for you to take a shower in the middle of the day like this after going shopping?"
"We ran into a guy who could turn into metal and morph his body." Lois said excitedly. "It was kind of cool, but weird. Chloe always told me this town was weird."
"Well, we didn't learn that part until later. In fact Lois saw him dragging someone out into the cornfield." Clark replied, shooting her a glare. "I went to intervene while asking her to call for help."
Lois rolled her eyes at this. "What are two left feet going to do? Stumble over him with your huge size. You're lucky I was there since he smacked you fifteen feet easily."
"Says the one that nearly fractured her hand on his face." Clark retorted.
"You know, I think I see some chemistry between them." Aurora whispered to Leonardo.
"Maybe in a few years, they might come together. Until then, they will probably be frenemy, friends, best friends, before then." Leonardo whispered back.
"What is it, a tv drama?" Aurora rolled her eyes.
"Well, Clark tends to live life as one at times." Leonardo pointed out. "During his freshman year at school he basically had a freak of the week that basically grew in power and destruction they caused."
"Such a strange town." Aurora murmured. "I can see why you think this town is worth coming back too."
"Well there that, but also my brother is here." Leonardo replied. "From time to time you think he has been kicked in the head by a horse by his idiotic choices he makes at times."
"He does live on a farm, so it is a possibility." Aurora laughed.
While the two were chatting away, Clark and Lois finished their story. Before Jonathan and Martha just nodded in understanding. Since it was not the first time Clark ran into something strange, just wished their second guest didn't put herself into danger. Otherwise, how would they explain an accident to a military general?
"Ok, but please be careful in the future." Jonathan said.
"Yes, sir." Clark lowered his head.