Author's pov :
Y/n was getting ready for her office... she woke up at 7 Am sharp ... Did her morning chores and now was having her omelette and orange juice while reading about the documents her colleagues has sent to her an evening before...
After having her breakfast she left for her office at 7.45 Am..... She drove to her office .... Mr. Choi was waiting for her at the entrance of the building .... Mr. Choi greeted him...
Good morning ..... Miss. Y/n"
" Morning Mr. Choi .... just call me Y/n "
" Okay Mis.... I mean Y/n ... Just follow me ... "Y/n just nodded in response
They entered the building .. ... Mr. Choi introduced Y/n to everyone there... Both boys and girls were drooling over her...
Y/n was wearing a white shirt with black trouser.... She was looking gorgeous dam hot.... & beautiful at the same time...
Her hairs perfectly styled.... deo eyes in which anyone can easily get lost ... Prominent nose... & those plump lips .. ..
" So Guys this is MISS . y/n Jeon ... From now on she'll working with us as the head of marketing department " announced me. Choi
" Hii everyone... " Y/n smiled at the staff & her colleagues ... Her smile was friendly but professional .,... After the handshakes... Some flowers ... She greeted everyone and they entered the elevator.... Mr. Choi pressed 44 button...
While in the elevator....
"So Y/n i hope ... You have already read the reports that I send you.... Right ? "
" Yes ... Mr. Choi... & I'm already aware of the situation... So don't worry.... "
" Okay... Let's get you settle with your new office ... Mr. Choi smiled and Y/n returned the gesture by smiling back ...
As the elevator door open... Lily was waiting for them with bouquet of blue orchids.....
"Welcome miss. Y/n. " Said Lilly while blushing...
" Oooh.... Hiii Lily. .."
She handed her the flowers . ... Those were Y/n's favourite... Y/n smelled them & thanked Lily... They were engaged in conversation when Mr choi cleared his throat .... & said " Lily you guys can flirt after the issue with marketing department is solve... Otherwise CEO will skinned me alive .... you know how much important .... His work is for Mr. Kim "
To be continued....
I hope like the chapte
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