Chereads / Alfonsi: Chronicle of the Seven Realms / Chapter 12 - The Problem with Professor Nicolas (3)

Chapter 12 - The Problem with Professor Nicolas (3)

"I can't wait any longer. I really can't. You really have kept me waiting, haven't you, love? Not to worry, soon I will have you back. When the time comes... will you forgive me?"

Talking to the dead was Nicolas' pass time, but not just any random dead person... that would be crazy.

No, this wasn't anyone, this was his wife.

Her body had been carefully wrapped and the mana shield that cover her coffin ensured none of her mana still clinging to the body squeezed through any cracks.

If it was up to Nicolas he would allow everyone to see his wife's beauty in death. He had never even heard of a body as well-preserved as hers. Unfortunately, he could not wallow in his pride. What he was doing wasn't exactly legal in Alfonsi.

Not that he cared, Diana was worth the price of any amount of prison time or even the risk of public execution, which was taboo but not unheard of.

Especially now, he was so close to proving his theory.

The child.

His Royal Highness Azra Alfonsi was the solution he had been looking for. It was as if the child had been presented to him on a silver plate.

Yes, this is how it was to be. The All Father was on his side.

"Yes, that child can do it, I'm sure he can."

With one last longing look at the coffin, Nicolas gathered his things and left for Asteri.

Both him and Carmen were originally granted residency on the lower floors of the palace, but Nicolas had to refuse. He couldn't be away from his wife for too long, he got antsy if he didn't see her often.

The King's mansion wasn't far from where he resided and after showing various knights his credentials he was allowed access to the teleportation room.

As always, the passageways were tightly guarded. It would be next to impossible to remove the prince with this level of security. It may be easier to sneak his wife in to meet Azra.

No matter, Nicolas was sure he could devise a plan soon. The two will meet, that he would make sure of.

Inside the palace was as it usually was, clean and bright... almost too bright.

Maids and knights always seemed to be busy doing one thing or the other. Normally, they would give Nicolas a small bow of courtesy and be on their way.

Today, something was off. He caught the eye of many of them, but none of the palace help smiled or even bowed at him. Nicolas was never one to stick strictly to the hierarchical norms, but this was a blatant act of disrespect. Not enough to be punished, but just enough to make the target uncomfortable.

Something must have happened, but it wasn't him. Nicolas had been sure to remain calm and relaxed while in the palace. Yesterday... was a slip up on his part. Confirming the information he bought from one of the many butlers in the palace got him excited. It was proof that everything he had been working towards was not in vain.

Bringing Diana back to life... was possible.

There was always the chance that the Prince could have told someone. Nicolas almost laughed out loud at the thought. After witnessing his manic episode just the day before, there was no way he would have the courage to say a word to anyone.

The child was far too sheltered, too weak to even say anything.

Feeling a bit more sure of himself, Nicolas walked into the room he would be teaching Azra in. It was a shame, despite the well paying job, he would soon have to leave it. After Diana was back he planned to move them far away, maybe closer to the sea. 

Nicolas entered the room, only to freeze when he saw who was leisurely leaning against the desk Azra usually sat at.

If the dark formal head to toe uniform didn't give him away, then the long twin swords strapped on either side of his belt did.

"Y-your Grace, Duke Kingsley. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Black eyes zeroed in on him, pinning him where he stood. Though Nicolas never partook in the mandatory gossip all nobles seemed to enjoy, news of the elite nobles still managed to reach his ears.

Grand Cross Adam Kingsley was a mystery to most, having rose to fame after breaking up a large trafficking ring and later being appointed as a knight and moving through the ranks. He was showered with praise for balancing both tittles of Duke and Grand Cross.

He was known for his strict ways and lack of sense of humor.

"Rejoice, Nicolas Reed. You will not be taken to a cell for verbal abuse against His Highness Azra, but from this moment on by decree of His Highness, you will be stripped of all tittles. You are no longer a professor and all rights you had as a noble are now nullified, of course this includes your residency within the community. Two knights will escort you out of Asteri, we will visit your residence within a week and if you have not vacated your belongings by then... You will be forcefully removed."

Adam barely blinked as he spoke, while his voice was even, he was only barely managing to restrain his anger. As the father of a young son himself, he felt the King was far too lenient, who knows what could have happened if they had not found out.

Still, it was not his place to question. After making sure Nicolas was no longer in noble residency, he would be sure to finish the job.

He left the room quietly, leaving Nicolas to stand there in shock.

No, this can't be happening, It can't, not when I'm so close. I'm too close, I can't stop here. I won't.

Nicolas snapped out of his quickly spiraling thoughts when two palace knights entered the room with stern looks on their faces.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be."

Deciding to take the underhanded advice, Nicolas went with them quietly. He kept his head high as the aids of the palace watched him leave. What they thought of him never mattered.

The knights only turned to leave once they had taken him all the way to his house, where they once again told him what Kingsley had originally said.

The moment he managed to reassure himself that he was alone, he broke down.

The shirt buttoned up to his neck was far too tight suddenly. Nicolas ripped at the collar, paying no mind when buttons flew to the floor. A light sheen of cold sweat began to layer his body as his breathing escalated.

He threw his things to the floor haphazardly. Nicolas needed to see her, to calm his mind before he thought of his next move.

As soon as his hands came in contact with the smooth cool wood, Nicolas felt like he could breathe again. There was something calming about knowing that only a piece of wood he allowed to be there was what kept them separated.

"Love, things have gotten more complicated but I promise I won't give up. I will bring you back Diana."

Nicolas turned to his study, where all the information he had accumulated over the years lay in their own messy, organized piles.

"For now, I hope you didn't like this house too much. We're moving."

- - -

Where is he? He should be here by now...

Nicolas anxiously tapped his foot against the dirt floors of the underground bar.

It was one of those places that only opened at night, a third home for commoners to unwind. A noble would never be caught dead in such a place. Not that it mattered to Nicolas, he was stripped of his tittle days ago.

By this time of night, the majority of the customers were drunk, peels of laughter shook the walls as cheap ale spilled from poorly handled cups.

Nicolas was beginning to give up hope when the door opened and the man he was looking for entered.

Nicolas met Jackson not long after his wife died. The two were not friends, in fact Nicolas hated the man. Jackson was far too narcissistic and pigheaded. The only reason he approached him was because of the information he happened across while completing his duties as a butler's assistant on the lower floors.

At the time Nicolas was regularly visiting commoner spaces in his endless search for information. Meeting Jackson was like striking gold.

Jackson caught sight of the silent man, and a large grin widened his lips as he sauntered over to him. Nicolas could feel a headache forming.

The assistant butler pulled out a chair and leaned in to prop his head against his hand with a pensive look on his face.

"Sir Reed - oh wait, I suppose I can call you Nicolas now. Something tells me you didn't come here for a drink."

"I needed to speak with you."

"Little old me? Whatever for?"

"I'd like your help."

"Are you sure you can afford me? That information you bought on the Prince's magical cognition wasn't cheap, although I like you I won't lower the price."

"I have been stripped of nobility but I still have some of my wealth left. I never keep all my eggs in one basket."

"I do love a paying customer. So, what were you thinking?"

"I want you to help me kidnap the prince."