After speaking with the soldiers, he went ahead to instruct Casper and his siblings on what to do when they find the Pecran.
"Xavier and Zerys would be going with you. On no account are you to attack the Pecran. We are in need of his help, so do whatever non violent thing it takes to persuade him to come. Is that understood?"
The trio nodded their heads in agreement. "The Queen's in a bad state of mind to handle the Kingdom's affair, otherwise, I would have loved to meet with the Pecran and see reasons with him, but I trust you three to be able to bring him back." Liam said to them.
The soldiers left the castle in search of Alex. They disbanded into a group of three to be able to cover more ground.
At the same time, Casper had left with Xavier and Zerys. The Xing Yun Empire was across the Sea, but they decided to go round it which will take them longer than they had estimated.