-dark elfs are evil humaoid they are lead by seperate familiya these familiya's are controled by mathrona mother in their community woman are superior to men and mathrona mothers are higgest rank in their community and after that they have female priest which seen as a second higgest rank-
Nagarot is the male dark elf he's working as a scout in Ariyan familiya he has red eye,black hair and little bit more muscular body than other elven kind.
in the war between dwarfs and Ariyan familiya,because of nagarot is scout he examine dwarfs for months,he see their community is totaly diffrent from their community they care for their friend,their life is in less risk,their nobels are not killing their soldier and even drink together with them
First these not affect nagarot that much but after months he start affecting from these behaviour and he even see another elf working for dwarfs,dwarfs look like trust this elf and nagarot think
"Is it possible in our familiya?"
And months passed again war became more bloody and each side prepare for final battle in the surface.
But before that one of the noble dark elf called nagan call all the scout and he has two scitmar in his belt and war studded leather armor,he look at scouts and say;
"Your all go to surface and learn about their battle plan as much as possible,if one of yours caught suicide and dont talk about our secrets that you know little bit about now GO"
*After arrive the surface*
Nagarot see the other dark elf's go to diffrent location but he has a diffrent plan nagarot say himself;
"I need to learn truth,i am not sure but these dwarfs look and behave diffrent is it really bad or worthless i dont know but i will learn"
Nagarot see one of dwarven priest he follow him secretly and when dwarf priest became sleepy,nagarot immediatly jump from window and put knife on dwarf priest
Dwarf priest try to ressist but he not able to
"Get out! what is going on?!"
Then nagarot start ask several question like;
"Why are you save these people arent you supreior to them?
Why your nobels drink with normal soldier?
When dwarf priest heared these question he notice these questions are so interesting,this dark elf dont ask about anythink valuable.
Then dwarf priest start answer these question and hours passed.
When nagarot go to the window to get out dwarf priest say;
"If you want to live free life just go i know dark efl community you are failed in your misson they gonna kill you just follow the light"
Dwarf priest put his hand on nagarot and cast bless
Nagarot very affacted by this and think
"I cant live totaly free life with surface race but at least i can stay alive"
And nagarot escape from Ariyan familiya,escape from war and escape from his date
Time passed and some of his items start not working in the surface like her magical cape,shoes and he think
"I cant stay forest until i die i must do somethink"
And nagarot take food as much as he can from his base,take a bag and go to the road for new journey.