Then he handed the letter to Lang Zhong.
Lang Zhong opened it and after a glance, said, "I see. Please bring a return letter to that Master Yan for me."
He then dipped his finger in some mud on the ground and scribbled on the back of the letter he had just read. The writing was uglier than the trails left by dung beetles, at any rate, Ma Lin couldn't understand it.
He gave it to Ma Lin, who accepted it and asked, "Do you need any other help?"
"No need."
"Do you find it very uncomfortable to live here?"
Lang Zhong said, "Although it's very uncomfortable, I can stay alive. I am quite satisfied with this place."
Ma Lin said, "Sir, I'm very curious about what you've been through."
Lang Zhong said, "It's better you don't know, curiosity killed the cat."
Ma Lin thought for a moment and decided to let it go.
He pocketed the letter and left using an invisibility spell through the burrow.