The food is good, and the living is comfortable. The cost of electricity is especially cheap, using magic flame for power generation, with the fuel being renewable. Not only can it be planted by ourselves, but it can also be easily purchased from the neighboring towns.
Several groups of indigenous demons have already come to Peacock Base, finding it quite different from other places and becoming suspicious and doubtful.
The base's defenses are very tight, allowing them to move only on the outskirts.
They try to shop, sell goods, find jobs, and find accommodations.
To avoid conflicts with them, Peacock Base still tries to meet their demands as much as possible, but the secrecy still has to be well maintained.
These indigenous demons are not fools, after gaining a bit of understanding of the base, they start to organize trade caravans to sell things. Naturally, the base's favorite is magical fuel for power generation, followed by various magic stones and magical metals.