A few day's after Targon would participate in a fly race who which was forced into because he was the tyrant king's grandson and was also bullied for no just losing but not even finishing half of the race but this time it was would be different because Targon would still lose the race but he would finish the race to his and everyone's surprise, Targon was also expected to be bullied for losing but instead one dragon name Igneelstain who would become a good friend of Targon would congratulate him for not just finishing the race but also managing to finish the race despite being a runt. People would also notice Targon is making an effort in just the race but also one on one duels and has finally manage to start breathing fire which he had struggled before Targon's encounter with the strange gems. As time passed Targon would meet and befriend dragons like the dragons from the capture party sent to stop Vorgis party. The dragons Targon would befriend were dragon who were like Targon people who were runts, dragons from a low standing and low ranking noble because they were the only kind of people Targon could trust plus they were people who could understand Targon. As the years passed Targon became a better fight even winning on on one duels and races which manage to earn respect from a lot of people who were close with his father as well as the common people while at the same time getting some enemies but not as many as the allies Targon would make even though he was not being favoured in his grandfather circle despite being Thoron's aid. While Targon own slaves he treated them with dignity even educating them and when criticized by his enemies he would argue that the slaves are like a sword if not taken care of it will become break and become useless but if taken care of properly it will last for a long time to which his father Thoron agreed with his son even willing to being educating his slaves and turn them into servants just like Targon, then Targon and Thoron allies and friends decided to follow suit. Then day Targon would receive a order from his grandfather to fight in the area with no information about who he is fight but when Targon arrived in the area he realized that his opponent was the tyrant king's enforcer and older brother Scourge. As the duel was about to begin Targon refused to fight instead would throw a dagger at his grandfather not killing but cutting a piece of his horn and to threaten to kill him if he ever made him kill any he does not want to kill, then the tyrant king order his enforcer to scar Targon so Targon remembers would not defy him again, Targon's father Thoron tried to ask the tyrant king to reconsider but the tyrant king refused to listen then all Targon's friends, allies, servants and his parents looked away because they could bare to see but still could hear Targon's scream in pain from Scourge burned his face, after Targon face got burned Scourge recommended to his grandfather that instead of banishing Targon or exacute him instead they should break Targon which shocked all the people close with Targon that Targon's own brother would suggest to such a cruel punishment to his own brother. For the next three months would be beaten so much that he was beaten every day starting a month and a half after his punishment began they even went so far as to break his tail, his wings, his arms, his legs and his horn. Then three months later his was brought before his grandfather and asked does Targon have any defiant thoughts to which Targon said if he did then he would throne back into that cell to beaten again thus does not see any point to be defiant to his king. The tyrant king order Scourge to get Targon on his feet to which Targon struck Scourge's hand and then shocking everyone by getting up on his own and seemly recovered from his beating which Targon had no idea how he had recover from, as Targon was leaving the throne room Scouge tried to stop because he have not been dismissed by the king which would lead Targon to punch Scourge in the face which shocked everyone in the room then Targon would state that he no see Scourge as his brother Thoron would be the second to leave the throne room and state that Scourge crossed the line which would lead Thoron no long trusting or having any respect for his oldest son. A few weeks later a few lords have become a defiant which would lead Targon to request that he be sent to quell them and after being ask why he should sent Targon because by now everyone knows exactly what happened to Targon and if the lords see the result of what the tyrant king is willing to do to his grandson imagine what he would do them which tyrant king surprisingly agreed and would send Targon. Targon would meet one of the defiant lord which happened to be Torch, Targon would talk with Torch to stop being defiant until Targon gives the signal to attack his grandfather's fortress which shocked Torch because he had learned that Targon is planning an uprising but was willing to listen because Torch is not the only lord who has had enough of the tyrant king and if they hear Targon's plan for the uprising they would more then will to join. As the weeks passed Targon has managed to calm the defiant lords but in reality was building an army then Targon's plans was almost discovered by an informant of the tyrant king but was killed by Thoron when he learn that Targon was planning an uprising however who would reach the tyrant king's inner circle then the king himself, when Thoron was called to throne room he was asked two questions. The first question was since by now Thoron has heard about a group movement but in reality it was a group of insurgents against king which Thoron knows about them. Then the king would ask Thoron the second question was had Thoron learn the identity of the insurgent lead to which he had but refused to reveal the name shocking everyone in the throne room which would lead them to asking Thoron is he openly defying the king to which Thoron would state he is shocking the room for a second to which the tyrant king the guards to arrest Thoron to which a large number of them stated that he is the prince then Malefor back then the tyrant kings prime minister repeated what the king order to which a dragon name Meraxis said he can't to which Thoron said to him it is alright then Scourge shocked most of people in the throne room order two of the kings personal guard to take Thoron to a cell which Thoron went willingly to keep his dignity. Elefseris one of the dragons in the throne room who like Meraxis couldn't arrest Thoron and would going around announcing that Thoron has been arrest with help from Meraxis and three other dragons named Urraxis, Shraykos and Raegalian eventually notifying Targon. That night Targon went to see his father but in fact went to break him out but his father stop him and would explain that Thoron learned that it was Targon who is the leader of the insurgents which shocked Targon, Targon would then ask is that why his father was arrested and will be executed in the morning which horrified Targon. Thoron would tell Targon why didn't give the tyrant king Targon name it was because Targon recent acts have inspired him and would also state when the tyrant king told Thoron not to get involved with Targon because he was a weak runt plus what tyrant king order Scourge to him and what Scourge suggest Targon's punishment for his defiance. Thoron then would state that he wanted to act to create better changes for a long time but never could and was now proud of his son because he is will act on his ideals even will stand up to the tyrant king plus stating that Targon has taken more after Thoron then he first though and that Targon now surpassed. With time drawing near Thoron would say one last thing to his son that not was he proud of him also that he loved him and always will to which Targon would reply that he loves his father to and both would say their goodbyes. The time had come for Thoron's execution and to everyone except the tyrant king Scourge is the executioner, Malefor would be the one who read the charges against Thoron the crime of treason which outrage the common people who know that Thoron was no traitor and so did all of Thoron's allies plus Targon and his mother, allies, servants and a lot of other dragons in the military. Thoron given one last chance to clear the charges to which Thoron would state that his only crime was that not defying that tyrant king sooner which shocked everyone who heard, as Scourge was about to execute Thoron he asked him if he had any last word to which Thoron would speak some words in Dragiri which meant pride before the fall will lead to the death of the tyrant king then Scourge then decapitate Thoron's head and would show it to the people in a attempt to put them in their place but did the opposite effect. Thoron's death is what started the riots. The tyrant king, Scourge and the king's follow were shocked to learn that riots had erupted. The tyrant king planned to put all the soldiers who once belong to Thoron under Scourge's command but the people and the soldiers never accept, Targon and victor would enter the throne room and would explain that Thoron would leave everything including his soldiers under Targon command to which Malefor would state when the head of a family dies all that belonged to the head of the family would pass on to the oldest child which was Scourge. Victor would read the last letter Thoron ever wrote stating that he no long sees Scourge as his son after what he did to Targon, hear the news shocked everyone then those who were allies/friends of Thoron they supported Targon as Thoron's successor and would also state after what Scourge had done today no one ever follow him. That night the common people gather to discuss about whether or not to join the insurgents, then a hooded dragon entered the place where the people were meeting to which they asked who is it, the hooded dragon was revealed to be Targon which surprised them. Targon would explain that he was here to ask them if they would like to join the insurrection which at first shock them but they realize Targon is the leader of the insurrectionist to which Targon confirms, one of the common people then ask is that the reason why Thoron was executed to which Targon confirmed and explain it was Thoron's first and last act of defiance and would also tell them what his father said to before his execution. After hear Targon's explanation about why defied the king and why Targon is planning an insurrection they understood and agreed to join, Targon would also explain one change to plan to overthrow the tyrant king, the part of the plan that had changed was the tyrant king and his enforcer need to die which shocked everyone in the room only for a minute but agreed. To make Targon plan succeeds he place soldier Targon trust and who are loyal to him to patrol the streets but in reality they were to notify the common people that the siege was about to begin and to evacuate them so they would not be caught in the crossfire, the soldiers loyal to Targon had an order to kill as many on the wall as they can before the siege. As the common people were being evacuated a sentry on lookout at on high level of the citadel noticed some movement below then Targon appeared behind him and explain that his troops are bring those people in for question, then suddenly as the sun began to rise a signal horn went one informing everyone of invaders but turn out to be an insurgent army and as sentry was going to alert the king he was cut down by Targon. A hour after the siege began and the insurgents managed to break through the walls/gate cutting down any who still willing follow the tyrant king with some of Targon's forces getting injured in the process and in the end the tyrant king and his enforcer were slain. After the siege had ended no one known who the killer of the tyrant king and his enforcer at the time was but were glad it was over but Targon would state it is not over yet as they see their home burning to the ground because Malefor and the rest of the tyrant king's forces have escaped and have now gone into hiding waiting for the day of their revenge which would lead Targon to help his allies find a new home which would lead them to the place only known by Targon a place that helped him heal. The place Targon took his allies was a cave which after a deep look into the cave turns out to be a cavern of crystals, Targon would explain that when ran away when I was child he came upon this cave and the strange gems and would also explain after eat one of the gem he passed out the next morning his hand that was cut while trying to break a piece of the gem, Victor then realized that the gems in this cave which leads to a cavern have healing capabilities. As everyone began to settle in for the night lady Saphmira checked on her son and would see that Targon is packing, when she asks Targon told her that he is leaving which leads her to ask why which Targon would that she does know the answer to why he is leaving which would lead them both to inform everyone that Targon is leave when asked why they remembered that Targon lost his father plus his home and despite everything that Strifius and Scourge had done they still was Targon family, after realizing the reason why Targon is leaving they understood and would not stop him even wish luck but asked they he returns them to which Targon promises. As Targon begins to depart he gives his allies, servants and subordinates one last order which was to serve, support and protect his mother which Targon has left in charge until he returns which swear on their lives. As Targon took to the sky he would pledge that he would return when his people need him the most, that was the last time they had seen Targon until today.