Chereads / The Prodigious Dual Bender / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10

*Air Temple Island*

After the reveal of Hiroshi Sato's allegiance with the Equalists, the Sato estates were searched but the CEO of Future Industries had disappeared. With the grounds currently on lockdown Asami had accepted the offer to move to Air Temple Island with Mako and Bolin.

As their boat arrived they spotted Korra and the airbender kids waiting for them at the docks. Ever a ball of energy, Ikki quickly gave a short tour of the island and answered whatever ridiculous question Bolin could come up with.

As they approached the temple's main building Mako decided to bring up the issue of their missing friend.

"Hey, where's Akira?" as if in response to the firebender's question a loud rumbling could be heard from the other side of the island.

"He's over there," Ikki said cheerfully, pointing the direction of the noise.

"He's training" Korra explained.

"Oh let's go see!" Bolin exclaimed, hopping up and down in excitement.

"Sure but I think we should put our stuff away first" said Mako, pointing to the exhausted air acolytes, struggling to carry all of Asami's luggage. Apparently no one taught the girl the meaning of the phrase 'pack light'.

With her siblings showing the boys to their rooms, Jinora and Korra were leading Asami to hers when they heard another loud crash from outside the temple walls.

"Does Akira, usually train that loudly?" Asami asked, as she and Jinora looked to Korra for the answer.

"Well he normally goes off on his own" Jinora explained. "So I never actually heard him from inside the compound."

"Well he's certainly making himself known now" the heiress smirked.

"Well here's your room" said the Avatar, leading them into an empty bedroom. "I know this is a little rustic compared to what you're used to."

"I think it's really charming and the best part about it, nothing here reminds me of my father" Asami said bitterly. "Thank you for your hospitality."

"No problem" Korra smiled. "Come on, let's go check on Akira."

Moving down to the beach Korra, Mako, Asami, and Bolin were treated to the sight of Akira metalbending shurikans while airbending them for speed at the same time. He then makes a wooden golem 50 feet away while using his newly created technique to completely obliterate the surrounding area.

"Wow. Since when could he do this much damage? Bolin exclaimed and for good reason. Almost the entire area was a complete 360 degree crater.

"Ah there you are" said Tenzin, approaching the group. "Good day, everyone. Welcome to the island."

"Thank you for having us" Asami replied, bowing to the master airbender. After returning the bow, Tenzin turned his attention to Korra.

"Beifong's replacement Saikhan is going to be inducted as the new Chief of Police later. I think we should both be there."

"Alright let's go."

*City Hall*

Arriving at city hall, Korra and Tenzin watched as the newly appointed Police Chief Saikhan, a bald middle aged man, delivered his speech to the public.

"It was an honor, serving under Chief Beifong for so many years and I wish her a speedy recovery. It is with great humility that I take her place as the new Chief of Police. Republic City is facing a threat like none the world has ever seen, but there is one man who has been effective against Amon's revolution."

Korra had a sinking feeling in her stomach as Saikhan turned to the city council. Turns out her feelings were well placed.

"Councilman Tarrlok! That is why, for all matters involving the Equalists, I will report directly to him."

Korra and Tenzin were shocked and outraged by this revelation as the dirty politician moved to stand next to Saikhan.

"The police department will lend any and all available resources to the councilman and his task force, until we quell this insurgency!"

"What is that weasel-snake Tarrlok up to now?" Korra pondered, she and Tenzin glared as they watched Tarrlok work the crowd. Finally as the crowd dispersed, Tenzin took the opportunity to confront the underhanded councilman.

"Tarrlok, I don't know what you did to get Chief Saikhan in your pocket, but I highly doubt it was legal."

"Oh, Tenzin. Always the conspiracy theorist. Did you ever consider Saikhan simply recognizes my talents and wants what is best for this city?" Tarrlok said snidely. The councilman then turned his attention to the Avatar. "Well, Avatar Korra, long time no see. Now that your little Pro-Bending distractions are over, I look forward to your return to my task force."

"Huh, forget it!" Korra scoffed. "There's no way I'm rejoining your vanity project." This wasn't what Tarrlok wanted to hear, evident by how his confident smile fell.

"That is unfortunate to hear. But I'm sure you'll come to your senses as you have in the past" he finished confidently.

"Don't hold your breath, bub" Korra said defiantly. "You know, Tenzin's been right about you all along. You played me, you played Beifong, and now you're playing the new Chief of Police too. Well I've got news for you, you need me, but I don't need you. I'm the Avatar."

Tarrlok sneered as he began to verbally tear down Korra's confidence. "You are not in fact the Avatar. You're just a half-baked Avatar in training. Which reminds me how is your airbending going? Made any significant progress with that?" Tarrlok took sadistic pleasure as he watched Korra buckle under the weight of his words. "I didn't think so. If you won't be part of my task force, then you had best stay out of my way."

*Air Temple Island*

After Tarrlok's harsh words, Korra wasn't exactly feeling all that confident and had chosen to hide on a remote part of the island. Sitting on a small cliff overlooking the water, she allowed herself to wallow in self-pity.

"So this is where you were" said Akira, walking up to sit beside her. "Father told me about Tarrlok."

"Then you know everything he said was true" Korra said miserably. "How am I supposed to save the city, when I can't even learn airbending? I'm a complete failure as an Avatar."

"Hey! None of that" Akira commanded, knocking his staff against Korra's head, much to her annoyance.

"Hey knock it off!" she snapped, knocking away Akira's staff.

"Well I've got to knock this ridiculous notion out of you. Come on don't let that pompous jerk get to you. Ok so you're having trouble with your airbending, big deal. You'll get it eventually."

Korra gave a small smile at the display of faith, Akira had in her. Korra couldn't help but feel that it was time to have some faith in her own abilities.

"Yeah you're right" said Korra, feeling a bit more confident.

"Besides, I'm not the only one that believes in you" said Akira, pointing to the approaching forms of Mako, Asami, and Bolin. "You've got your own Team Avatar."

"He's right you know" said Asami.

"We've got your back" Mako added.

"Let's go show, Republic City the new Team Avatar!" Bolin exclaimed, apparently he really liked the idea. Sharing the earthbender's enthusiasm the teens rushed off to begin their first patrol of the city.

*Republic City*

Though Naga made it very clear she wasn't going to carry all of them, Asami was thankfully able to provide an alternative means of transportation in the form of a five seated, sleek black Satomobile and they were soon driving through the city in style.

They didn't have long to wait before the car's radio picked up a police broadcast announcing that the Equalists had pulled a jailbreak. And as fate would have it the escaping chi blockers had taken the street in front of them as an escape route, as they spotted four chi blockers on motorcycles guarding a high jacked prison bus.

Asami didn't hesitate to have the car speed off after the escaped criminals. As they raced through the streets the chi blockers cared little for public safety, pushing plenty of vehicles off the road but so far nothing that the Sato heiress couldn't handle. Though as the chi blockers caused a truck to skid in their way, Asami knew it was time for some creative driving assistance.

"Korra, Bolin, I need a ramp!" using their earthbending, Bolin and Korra raised the street forming the ramp just in time for Asami to jump the car over the truck, and back in the chase.

"Hey, Asami get up close!" said Akira, as got into a crouching position in the backseat. As Asami brought the car into range, the ravenette made a crazy jump from the Satomobile on to the back of the nearest chi blocker's motorcycle, airbending him of the bike before he even knew he was there.

Taking the bike for himself Akira sped ahead, swerving out of the way as a pair of chi blockers fell back to deal with their pursuers. But Akira wasn't worried as a quick glance over his shoulder showed Asami finishing off the pair ironically with her very own Equalist taser glove.

With the path now clear Akira rode up behind the truck, struggling to maintain control as he drove with one hand as he formed a spherical ball of chi, and quickly slammed the energy sphere into the side of the truck sending it spiraling out of control as it toppled over.

By the time Tarrlok and his taskforce arrived the Equalists were already tied up and the press were taking pictures.

"Avatar Korra, what do you think you're doing?" Tarrlok said angrily.

"Oh, hey, Tarrlok! Nice of you to show up, finally" Korra said smugly. "Here, we captured the escaped convicts for you."

"What you did was tear up the city and impede the real authorities in their pursuit of these criminals."

"Hmm, that's funny, I didn't see your little task force or the cops the whole time! If it wasn't for Team Avatar, they would have gotten away."

Glowering, Tarrlok turned to leave but not before delivering an ultimatum

"This is your last warning! Stay out of my way."

The following night Team Avatar was once again patrolling the city. Earlier that day Tenzin had told him about Tarrlok talking the city council into declaring a curfew for non-benders and ever since, Akira had a very bad feeling.

It only got worse when they arrived in the Dragon Flats Burrow, finding that the power had been cut off. Turns out Akira was right to worry as instead of the reported Equalist rally, they found a large gathering of non-benders being held back by Tarrlok's taskforce, demanding that their power be restored.

"Mommy, look! It's the Avatar!" a child cried, pointing to Korra.

"Please help us" the child's mother pled. "You're our Avatar too!"

Akira could tell that Korra wasn't exactly sure how to deal with the situation but chose to stay quiet as they left to confront Tarrlok.

"Tarrlok! You need to turn the power back on and leave these people alone!" Korra demanded.

"Avatar Korra, you and your playmates have no business here" the councilman sneered.

"We're not going anywhere! You don't have the right to treat these innocent people like criminals."

"This is an Equalist rally. There's nothing innocent about it."

"They're not Equalists" Asami argued, stepping forward. "They're just normal people who want their rights back."

"They are the enemy!" Tarrlok growled.

"Why because they're not benders!" Akira countered. "Is that how the council works now? Or maybe you're the problem! Maybe your little ego trip hasn't been working out, so now your targeting innocent people just so you can save face!"

"I'd be very careful about your words boy" the councilman sneered.

"Why, you mad that I'm not bowing to you?" the ravenette smirked.

"Round up all these Equalists!" Tarrlok ordered, turning away from Akira. The people in the crowd started to scream as the taskforce members metalbended the barricades to surround them. Their fear grew as the ground beneath started to rise into the air.

"Stop!" Korra cried, taking control of the earth platforms she lowered them to ground under the barricades, allowing the people to escape to their homes.

Angered by the Avatar's defiance, Tarrlok turned his gaze to Asami, capturing her arm in a water whip.

"Let me go!" Asami cried, struggling against his grasp.

"You're under arrest!" Tarrlok declared.

"What? You can't do that!" Mako argued.

"Actually I can. She's a non-bender out past curfew and her father is a known Equalist conspirator." Furious over the injustice Mako used his firebending to break Tarrlok's hold incurring the corrupt man's wraith.

"Arrest him, and his brother!" As the metalbenders moved to capture Mako and Bolin, Akira intervened catching them by surprise with quick powerful air kicks to their faces, breaking their noses. Stunned by the nerve of Akira attacking his men, Tarrlok was left wide open as Akira moved onto him, stomping his feet on the ground, delivering a powerful earth pillar to the gut leaving the councilman doubled over in pain, throwing up bile.

"Arrest them all!" Tarrlok growled. Not willing to let Akira expose himself to fight off the taskforce, Mako stepped up shaking his head signaling for the ravenette to stand down for now.

"Tarrlok!" Korra roared, lifting two large slabs of earth from the ground, a clear threat to the councilman. "Let them go!"

"Unless you want to join your friends in prison, I suggest you put those down and go back to the Air Temple."

"Korra, listen to him! It's not worth it." Mako cried as they were dragged away.

"We'll be alright!" Bolin promised.

"And next time, I'll attack even harder!" Akira vowed.

"Don't worry, I'll call Tenzin! He can get you out!" Korra promised.

*City Hall*

Unfortunately Tenzin wasn't any help in getting Akira and the others free as Tarrlok had the police firmly under his control. With no other options Korra decided to take the fight to Tarrlok. Breaking in through his office window Korra found the councilman at his desk. As she entered the room, Korra couldn't help noting that the dark atmosphere matched the councilman perfectly as the only light came from behind a decorative waterfall.

"We need to talk" Korra said firmly.

"So spit it out" said Tarrlok, acting far to calm for Korra's liking.

"Don't you see? You're doing exactly what Amon says is wrong with benders! You're using your power to oppress and intimidate people!"

"And you don't?" Tarrlok asked incredulously. "Isn't that what you came here to do? Intimidate me into releasing your friends? See, that's what I admire about you, Korra. Your willingness to go to extremes in order to get what you want. It is a quality we both share."

"You and I are nothing alike!" Korra denied. But that smug smirk never left Tarrlok's face, he truly believed he was in control.

"Look, I'll make you a deal. You fall in line, and do what I say, and I'll release your friends."

"That's why you arrested them? To get to me?" Korra said in realization.

"I need your answer."

"No. You might be able to manipulate Chief Saikhan into following you, but it won't work on me."

Tarrlok stood from his desk and turned to face his waterfall as if her refusal made the Avatar unworthy of a face to face conversation.

"You will regret that decision" he said sinisterly.

"You need to be stopped! You're just as bad as Amon!" Korra's words strike a nerve with the councilman as his eyes take on a cold murderous look.

"I've tried to work with you, Korra. But you've made it impossible." Tarrlok quickly turned around, throwing a blade of water at the Avatar, catching her by surprise as Korra just manages to roll out of the way, dodging it literally by a hair.

Korra quickly countered with her earthbending, sending a wave of stone at Tarrlok, knocking him into the waterfall. Keeping up the pressure she followed up her attack, releasing two streams of fire at the councilman. But Tarrlok was quick to defend, surrounding himself in a sphere of water. Seeing this wasn't working Korra ceased her attack providing Tarrlok the opportunity to counter, firing shards of ice at the Avatar.

In an impressive display of acrobatics, Korra back flipped, twisting her body in midair to avoid the deadly ice shards. But she soon found herself up against the back wall forcing her to resort to martial arts as she shattered several of the ice blades with her bare hands. Ultimately there proved to be too many of them as she felt one of the shards cut into her side. Seeking shelter Korra raised a large stone slab to shield her from Tarrlok's assault.

As the councilman was so focused on continuing his attack he failed to notice the wall behind was moving as Korra used her earthbending to rotate the stone wall behind his waterfall knocking Tarrlok through a wall. Dazed he stumbles over a railing just managing to catch himself.

"Still think I'm a half-baked Avatar?" Korra growled, standing over the hanging man she uses her earthbending to destroy the railing sending Tarrlok falling down to the floor below. Not done yet Korra jumps down after him, taking some joy in Tarrlok's beaten form. "What are you going to do now? You're all out of water, pal!"

In desperation Tarrlok crawls away from the angry Avatar as she charges forward, fireballs in hand moments away from finishing the wicked man when suddenly her body freezes, as Tarrlok climbs to his feet, hands out in a bending stance. Like a dark puppeteer Tarrlok forces Korra's arms to twist behind her back as she falls to her knees.

"You're in my way, Avatar, and you need to be removed!" Tarrlok said sinisterly.

"You're... you're a... bloodbender?" Korra said in terror. "It's... not a full moon how... how are you doing this?"

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me." Using his now revealed bloodbending, Tarrlok lifted Korra off the ground and threw her into a pillar, knocking her out.

She later awoke to find herself beaten and tied up in the back of a truck.

"Where are you taking me?" Korra demanded, struggling against her restraints but to no avail.

"Somewhere where no one will find you. Say goodbye to Republic City, Avatar Korra! You'll never see it again." Tarrlok said menacingly, shutting the doors just as Korra in a last ditch effort fired fire from her mouth.

"You can't do this! Let me out!" she shouted as Tarrlok started the truck and drove away to who knows where.

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