Chereads / F Exterminator / Chapter 10 - Rest

Chapter 10 - Rest

The sun was shining and the sky was blue, F and Erika were on their way to F's house. 

''I can't believe that I'm going home, I haven't been there for...''

F thought about it for a bit. ''More than a month.''

You've been an exterminator for a week, you're exaggerating.'' Erika said.

'I was in the hospital for a month, then instead of going home, I followed B to the HQ like a dumbass. Then I fought the worm, the white-clad dumbasses, stayed in the infirmary for 2 days, fought the white-clad dumbasses and the blob with you, then we went to your place and we got fucked up by the anomalies and we fought Adrian and Amenaza until 30 minutes ago.'' F said and looked out the window. 

''I'm pretty sure that's am Exterminator Overtime World Record.''  Erika laughed. 

''I slept for 2 days so it's not like I was too fucked up to work or anything. I'd still want some extra money though.'' F said.

''It's still overtime, still kinda crappy.'' Erika said.

''At least I'm getting some good sleep when we get there. I'll sleep for as long as I...''

F stopped talking. His eyes widened in shock and terror. He stayed like that for 5 minutes.

''Are you alright, F?'' Erika asked. 

Tomorrow is Saturday, the boys and Amy will come to hang out with me. I have to speedrun sleeping so I can hang out with them tomorrow.'' F said and looked at his phone. ''Gotta find how to speedrun falling asleep.''

''You can just text them, tell them that you're tired and you can't hang out.'' Erika said.

I promised them back when I was in the hospital. We've been waiting for this moment for more than a month now. I want to hang out with the boys and Amy.'' F said and kept looking for ways to fall asleep as fast as possible.

''Alright, you can do that, I can't tell you what to do.We'll hang out today and then I'll go home and let you rest. Yeah I'll do that, I'll go home.'' Erika remembered that her home was completely destroyed by the anomalies.

''Right, my place was destroyed. Good thing I keep spare clothes in the trunk.'' Erika said and stepped on the gas.

''You can sleep in my basement.'' F said, still looking at his fault.

''That sounds super wrong.''  Erika laughed.

''Fuck, you're right.'' 

Erika laughed so hard that she forgot that she was driving.


''Right, sorry.'' Erika said.

''You drive like you're playing Need for Speed.'' F said.

''Which one cuz there are like twenty games?'' Erika asked. 

''I've only played Most Wanted.'' F said. 

''Same, I don't like car games that much either.'' Erika said.

''I like driving more than I like playing.'' F said.

''I drive because I have to, I'm not a big fan of driving, especially in this city.'' Erika said.

''I usually go out of town to drive. It feels great to be all alone on the road and you can do whatever the hell you want.'' F said.

''I haven't done that before, could be fun though.'' Erika said. 

In a couple of minutes, F and Erika reached F's house. Erika parked the car. F took out Erika's luggage.

''That's a pretty nice house.'' Erika said.

''Yeah, it's a nice place. The rent is cheap too.'' F bragged.

''How much is the rent if you don't mind me asking?'' Erika asked.

''About 1200 per month.'' F said.

''That's not too bad, It's cheap for a house as big as this.'' Erika said.

''I know.'' F said.

''How big is it?'' Erika asked.

''Let me show you.'' F opened the door and let Erika inside.

''I welcome you to my Soul Society, I mean my house. It has 2 floors, 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms and a big fucking kitchen.'' F said, proud of himself.

''Damn, your place is pretty big.'' Erika said in excitement.

''You haven't seen anything yet. Let me show you the second floor.'' F said and took Erika to the second floor.

''Here are bedrooms 1 and 2, the bed in 2 is broken because I'm a dumbass. This here is the second floor bathroom, it's smaller than the one on the first floor but no one can see the difference.''  F said and opened a window. ''Would you like to see the pool in the backyard?''

''Yeah, I want to see it.'' Erika said.

"Follow me." F said and walked through the window. 

''You can walk on the roof?'' Erika asked as she also walked through the window.

''Yeah it's pretty neat.Also this is the roof, It's a roof and that's about it. You can see the front lawn, the backyard and the pool from here.'' F said.

''That's pretty cool.'' Erika said.

''You can swim in the pool whenever you feel like it, I just gotta clean it up first.'' F said.

''It's the middle of November, F. I don't think I'll swim anytime soon.'' Erika said. 

''Good point, let's go to the basement then.'' F said.

''Sounds like something a serial killer from the 60s would say.'' Erika laughed.

''True but serial killers from the 60s don't have a random bag of cement in the middle of their murder basements.'' F said.

''Is it there for decoration?I'm not good at basement design.'' Erika asked.

''No,Eri, the bucket is for decoration.'' F said.

''You have a bucket? Awesome.'' Erika said.

''I just didn't know where to put it so I just threw it in the basement.'' F said.

''Sounds like something a serial killer would do to their victims.'' Erika said.

''Can you stop comparing me to serial killers? I don't kill people, that is my least favorite thing to do.'' F said.

''It's a meh hobby if I'm being honest. Nothing interesting to do, just the same old thing every time.'' Erika said.

''Sounds like a shitty hobby to me.'' F said.

''That's because it is. Don't waste your time with pointless things, it's not fun.'' Erika said.

''What were we talking about again?'' F asked.

''I can't remember. Let's go back inside, it's getting cold out here.'' Erika said and walked back inside. F followed soon after.

''What's the plan, F? Are you still gonna hang out with the gang today?'' Erika asked.

''Yeah, I promised them so I will.'' F said. 

''Alright then, I'll go unpack my stuff upstairs.'' Erika said.

''I'll go take a shower, I'll be quick.'' F said.

''Yeah don't take too long, I want to take one after you.'' Erika said.

''I'm fast as hell, you won't have to wait much.'' F said and entered the bathroom.

Erika finished unpacking rather quickly and went downstairs. 

''Let's see if he has something interesting down here.'' She said and started looking around.

F washed his hair slowly, thinking if letting Erika stay over was a good idea or not.

''I'm doing something stupid again, aren't I?''

F looked up at the ceiling.

''She's a good person, she needs someone better than me.''

F looked down.

''I shouldn't think about her like that. What kind of girl fights so hard for someone she met less than two weeks ago? But then again K saved me from the worm and I'm sure he doesn't like me at all. I shouldn't overthink this. F said. He stood in the shower for a long time.

''F! Did you drown in there or something?!'' Erika asked.

''Crap! Did I take too long?'' F asked.

''You've been in there for more than 20 minutes!'' Erika said.

''Sorry, I zoned out.'' 

F quickly finished showering and left the bathroom. Erika was sitting on the couch, reading one of F's magazines. She looked at him and smiled.

''You're finally done, I read through most of your weird bug magazines.''  Erika said.''You really likes weird bugs, don't you?'' She asked.

''I really liked buying weird magazines when I was a kid, the bug ones were just the coolest!'' F said.

''I can see why you liked them, bugs are pretty cool. These might be useful for making new gen armor, I might have to take your magazines for my research, I hope you don't mind.''  Erika said.

''I don't mind at all, you can take them all.'' F said and opened the closet to look for a shirt.

''I'll return them in a few months, maybe a bit longer because I have to finish the prototype armor. The grade 6 suit would be soooooooooooooooo awesome! I can't wait to make it!'' Erika said.

''Just how many armor suits are you gonna make?!'' F asked.

''I hope I reach grade 10 before I die, I don't know how long that would take though.'' Erika said.

''Why are you saying that like you're gonna die soon?''  F said while putting his hoodie on.

''Exterminators don't live long, most of us die before we can achieve anything. I don't want that to happen but I know that I might die soon, especially with how strong monsters have become. I have to work hard so I can live long and fulfill my dreams.'' Erika said.

''You don't have to worry about dying to monsters, I'm going to fight them for you. I'm not strong but I'll do whatever it takes to help you.'' F said.

''Why would you do that for me? I haven't done anything to deserve that kind of help, don't devote your life to me, my dreams shouldn't be built on a comrade's sacrifice.'' Erika said.

''It's not sacrifice because I won't die.'' F said.

''It is! You're giving up on your dreams to help me achieve mine! I don't want you to do that!'' Erika said.

''I don't have dreams to fulfill, I just want to be strong so my friends can achieve their own dreams!'' F said.

''I think I walked in at the wrong moment.''  Mike said. 

F and Erika looked at the confused Mike, who opened a bag of chips and started eating them. 

''Mike?! What the hell are you doing here?!'' F said.

''It's Saturday, dude, we agreed that we'll have a bbq party on Saturday.'' Mike said.

''Wait why is it Saturday? How did you get in my house?!'' F said.

''I have my ways.'' Mike laughed.

''That doesn't explain anything.'' Erika said.

''That doesn't really matter right now, does it? I have a bunch of meat and booze, that's the important thing. I'm Mike by the way.'' Mike said.

''I'm Erika, public safety threat exterminator, nice to meet you, Mike.'' Erika said.

''Nice to meet you too, Erika public safety threat exterminator, you have a really long name.'' Mike joked.

''I have the shortest name in my family, the others summon eldritch horrors when they mispronounce their names.'' Erika joked.

''Sounds like a pain to be around them, I wouldn't like Nyarlathotep and friends to jump me when I accidentally mispronounce my sister's name.'' Mike said. 

''Can we not talk about long names and eldritch bs? I got the barbecue ready, I think we can start the party.'' F said.

''We gotta go get some soda, you know how Amy is when it comes to alcohol.'' Mike said.

''Yeah, let's go get soda before Amy shows up, I don't want to clean up her vomit.'' F said.

''Let's go to the store, Fin, no time to waste.'' Mike said.

''Lemme grab my wallet and we'll go.''  F said and grab his wallet.

Mike and F went to the store to buy soda.

''What should we get?'' F asked. 

''Cola, red bull, sprite, pepsi, dr. pepper, kool-aid, fanta, orange juice in that order.''  Mike said.

''We're not buying all that, I'm too broke to afford this shit.'' F said.

''Let's buy a cola and a sprite then.'' Mike said.

''Alright let's do that.'' F said.

F and Mike bought the soda and went back home.

''We're back.'' Mike said.

''Welcome back, did you get the soda?'' Erika asked.

''Yeah we've got the soda, we only have to wait for the others to come.'' F said.

''The others?'' Erika asked.

''Amy and Joey, my other friends. Yes have 3 friends in my mid 20s, I am that impressive.'' F said.

''That's kinda sad but you still have more friends than me. Also I know who they are, I was asking when they will come.'' Erika said.

''You have a new friend, that's me, I'm the new friend.'' Mike said. 

''Thank you for being my new friends, Mike. I can finally test my weapons of mass destruction on someone!'' Erika said excitedly and pulled out a giant rocket launcher. 

''I think I know why you have no friends now.'' Mike said.

''Yeah, my friends can't take a rocket to the face without dying.'' Erika joked.

''How do you know that?'' Mike asked.

''Perks of being an exterminator.'' Erika said.

''I kinda want to be an exterminator now.'' Mike said.

''No you don't, it sucks and you will 100% die.'' F and Erika said.

''Wait how do you know that, Finley? You haven't worked as an exterminator that long.'' Mike asked.

''I fought 10 things in a week and I amost died on each encounter. Trust me, you don't want to be an exterminator.'' F said.

''Why are you an exterminator then?'' Mike asked.

''Big money, the salary is more than three times my previous one.'' F said.

''Well sign me up! I want to make more money too!'' Mike said.

''You can't fight monsters, Mike!'' F said.

''Yes I can! I'm strong.'' Mike said.

''You're not strong enough to fight them.'' F said.

''Then how do you fight monsters?'' Mike asked.

''Cursed weapons and these hands.'' F said.

''I'm pretty sure I was stronger than you last time we fought.'' Mike said.

''I can punch through concrete.'' F said.

''I stand corrected.'' Mike said.

''Yes, now be a regular dude.'' F said. 

''Right, I won't fight monsters with my bare hands. I'll use guns and stuff, you said that you have special cursed weapons, I'll use them to fight monsters.'' Mike said.

''That's way smarter, I'll make you a suit that can take pretty much anything, no wait, I can give you a grade 2 suit so you can get used to having a suit with a curse in it.'' Erika said.

''Don't do that, Eri, don't give him hope. He will do something reckless and he will get hurt.'' F said.

''I can hold my own in a fight with a monster, I just need a weapon and a suit.'' Mike said.

F got up and left the room.

''Finley? Welp he's gone, I guess it's just us now.'' Mike said.

F came back with an exterminator suit.

''Take it, we're going to the backyard.'' F said.

Mike took the suit and put it on. He and F went to the backyard.

''What are we doing?'' Mike asked.

''I'm around the level of the weaker monsters, if you can fight me off, you're good enough to be an exterminator.''  F said.

''Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait, Finley wait! I can't fight you right now! We have a party to prepare for! We have a few minutes before Joey and Amy show up! Let's not fight right now!'' Mike said.

''No no no, you're not getting out of this one, Mikey! We're gonna fight for five minutes and then we're gonna go back inside and wait for Joey and Amy! Now square up!'' F yelled.

''Oh I'm so dead.'' Mike said and raised his guard. 

F threw a punch at Mike, who dodged out of the way.

''Are you trying to kill me, asshole?!'' Mike said and threw a punch at F.

''Yes!'' F said and blocked Mike's punch.

''What? I'll kill you!'' Mike screamed and continued throwing punches at F.

''You're a moron if you think you can kill me with punches like that.'' F said and blocked Mike's attacks.

Mike and F continued exchanging blows for the next couple of minutes. F grabbed Mike and threw him on the ground. F jumped up and tried to stomp on Mike but he rolled away.

''What in the Super Mario shit was that, dude?! You can't fight for shit!'' Mike said and got up.

''Shut up, Mike!' F said and tackled Mike.

''Nice moves, did you steal them from the NFL?'' Mike asked mockingly.

''I stole them from your mom!'' F said and punched Mike in the face.

''OW!'' Mike screamed and kicked F.

''Stop fighting, you two! A guy and a girl are outside and I think they are your friends.'' Erika said.

''Does the girl have pink hair? Amy dyed hers.'' Mike and F asked, wrestling each other.

''Let me check again.'' Erika said and looked outside.

''No, not pink, bubble gum.'' Erika said.

''The fuck does that mean?'' Mike and F said, still wrestling.

''Her hair is not exactly pink!'' Erika said.

Mike and F stopped wrestling and went to the front door. F opened the door and saw Joey and Amy outside.

''Yep, definetly pink. Come in, turd eaters.'' F said.

''What was that for, asshole?!'' Amy said.

''Nothing, just confirming that your hair is pink.'' F said.

''Bubble gum.'' Amy said.

''Same shit.'' F said. 

''Let's not argue about hair colors and get to the food.''Joey said.

''The stuff is in the backyard, let's get this party started.'' F said.

''Wait a minute! Are we just gonna ignore the fact that you invited another girl to the party? Introduce us, asshole! It's part of your job here!'' Joey said.

''Right, I forgot that you don't know each other. This is Erika, we met at work. Erika, these are Joey and Amy, they are essentially the same person so I don't have to introduce them sperately.'' F said.

''We're two different people!'' Amy said.

''Yeah, we are different people! We do different things and we work different jobs, have different dreams and uhhhhhhhhh.'' Joey said.

''Hi I'm Erika, it's nice to meet you two.'' Erika said and shook their hands. 

''Finley said that you met at work, how's working with him? I'm sure it's a pain to work with someone like him in such a small convenience store.'' Amy said.

''F is an exterminator now. We kill monsters and stuff.'' Erika said.

''You call him F? That's a cute nickname.'' Amy said. 

''So we're ignoring the part where she said that they kill monsters together?'' Joey asked.

''Yes, we're absolutely ignoring the monster slayer part, I only see cute couple nicknames and nothing else.'' Amy said.

''F and I are not dating. We kill monsters and use curses though, only I use a curse, F doesn't.'' Erika said.

''What even are curses? Do you just swear at monsters until they die? That actually sounds hardcore.'' Amy said.

''Think of it as magic but stupid, by stupid I mean it costs an arm and a leg to cast a fart cloud. It sucks but it's all we've got.'' Erika said.

''Sounds awful, no powers to fight back against monsters, you need a hug. Yeah you definetly need a hug.'' Amy said.

''I appreciate the offer but I'm not very fond of physical contact.'' Erika said. 

''It's alright, I understand. Let's drink some emotional support booze instead.'' Amy said and started looking around. 

''About that, F said you can't drink alcohol so he hid it somewhere.'' Erika said.

''That's unfair!'' Amy said.

''I can't have you puking all over the place again.'' F said. ''You can have a soda instead.'' F gave Amy a can of soda.

''Thanks, I hate it.'' Amy said and opened the can.

''You don't get to complain about it, not when you do stupid things like getting drunk and puking all over my couch.'' F said and grabbeda beer from the fridge. 

''Gimme that!'' Amy jumped towards F and tried to snatch his bottle. F dodged out of the way and Amy hit the fridge. 

''Good job, idiot. Now I have wipe the blood off my fridge.'' F said and sipped his beer.

''Holy crap! Amy are you okay?''  Erika asked and rushed over to the injured Amy. ''Your nose is bleeding!'' 

''I couldn't see that, thank you for pointing it out.'''Amy said and wiped the blood off her face. ''I think my nose is broken, thanks for dodging me, Finley. I'm going to the bathroom!''  

''You're welcome. Next time don't jump towards me cuz I dodge.'' F said and took a sip of his beer. F looked outside to check on Joey, Mike and the barbecue. 

''How's it going there, dudes?'' F asked.

''It's all good, steak looks all steak like.'' Joey said.

''Gotta get the bbq working, we need our steak well done!'' F said. 

''F, that steak looks like charcoal.'' Erika said.

''That's called a congratulations steak, Eri.'' F said. 

''I didn't know that.'' Erika said and opened a bag of chips.

''It's Steak 101, Eri, everyone knows it.'' F said and took another sip of his beer. 

''Well I didn't. I guess I should try to learn more about stake, my current knowledge is too little.'' Erika said and offered the bag to F. ''Want some?''

''Sure, I like chips, I'll take some.'' F said and took a few chips. ''We can put these in a bowl, it would be easier for us to take chips.''

''Sure, let me get a bowl.'' Erika said.

''Cabbinet, upper left, I always put my bowls there.'' F said. ''I'm gonna go check on Amy, I don't want her to bleed all over my bathroom.''

F went to the bathroom and saw Amy holding her face.

''You alright?'' F asked.

''Do I look alright?'' Amy asked sarcastically.

''You gotta pinch it, you will stop the bleeding.'' F said.

''Pinch what?'' Amy asked.

''Your nose, pinch your nose.'' F said.

''Does it work?'' Amy asked.

''For sure, just do it for five minutes.'' F said. ''I'll give you a beer as an apology.'' 

''It's a deal, Finley.'' Amy said and pinched her nose.

''Sorry for dodging you.'' F said.

''It's alright, Finley, I'm used to it. Amy said.

''I'm just worried about you drinking yourself to death.'' F said.

''You know It's not that bad.'' Amy said.

''I'm pretty sure it is THAT bad. I've seen you drunk way too many times.'' F said.

''I admit I drank too much when we we're still in college but it's been a while since then. I've changed a lot.'' Amy said.

''Speaking of college, remember the time you fell off my balcony?'' F asked.

''Yeah I remeber that, we were celebrating the end of finals, and I decided to dance on the railing.'' Amy said.

''That was a wild fucking day, I can't believe I didn't die from shock.'' F said.

''It's not every day you see a stupid bitch fall from the fourth floor balcony and crash into the sidewalk.''  Amy said.

''I remember. I don't want to remember it.'' F said.

''I blame the tequila for that one, myself too but mostly the tequila.'' Amy said.

''You were a wild one back then.'' F said.

''A drunk one actually. I'm surprised you put up with me.'' Amy said.

''All of us were shitheads back then, we all did dumb things. Leaving you for a single shitty thing would make us the worst, you didn't leave any of us when we made stupid decisions and ot in trouble, we didn't leave you either.'' F said.

''You're right, I didn't leave. Thanks for not abandoning me.'' Amy said.

''You're welcome.''  F said.

''Shit, I didn't expect us to get emotional in a bathroom today.'' Amy said.

''I didn't expect you to nosedive into my fridge either but here we are.'' F said.

''Oh shut up, your fridge is invincible.'' Amy said.


''I can't remember the last time I was emotional in your bathroom.'' Amy said.

''It was probably back in college.'' F said. 

''Yeah, I would've guessed around college too. I did pull that shitty crying act in your bathroom too much, sorry about that.'' Amy said.

''Eh, it's alright. It's not like I haven't done stuff like that in your bathroom either.'' F said.

''No, you were way worse.'' Amy said.

''How the hell was I worse than you? I don't remember puking all over your bathroom, but I'm pretty sure YOU HAVE!'' F yelled. 

''Fair point, but I don't tend to clog your toilet, unlike you.'' Amy said.

''I take big dumps because I eat a lot of food! You don't mind it when Joey clogs yur bathroom!'' F yelled.

''Yeah but he sells me weed so it's all good.'' Amy said.

''Fair.'' F said.

''Soo, this is pretty awkward, we don't really talk all that often.'' Amy said.

''Yeah, I hadn't noticed how little we talk outside of this kind of stuff.'' F agreed.

''We should go out more.'' Amy suggested.

''I agree. We really should hang out more.'' F said.

 Amy's bleeding stopped. 

''Holy fuck, that actually worked.'' Amy said.

''Holy fuck that actually worked. No more awkward conversations.'' F said.

''You gotta give a beer now.'' Amy laughed.

''Yeah, I'm gonna go grab one from the fridge.'' F said and left the bathroom.

''Hey Finley! The steak bit Joey! Help!'' Mike screamed.

''The fuck?'' F said and rushed to the backyard.

''HELP ME! HELP ME! HELP ME, ASSHOLE!'' Joey screamed in pain, the steak bit his leg again.

F grabbed the steak and punched it in the face. The steak fell to the ground and died.

''That thing is dead, thank fucking goodness.'' Joey said.

''Why did that steak bite you? How?'' F asked.

''It suddenly came to life and attacked joey.'' Mike said.

''How the hell does that even happen?'' F asked.

''For something that is dead to become a monster,aka our steak here, it has to be exposed to a large amount of cursed energy.'' Erika said.

''How large?'' F asked.

''Extremely large. If all that cursed energy comes from a single being, that thing produces more energy than a nuclear power plant.'' Erika said.

''And what if it's not a single thing?'' F asked.

''We're good then, fighting multiple strong monsters is way better than getting erased from existance by something that powerful.'' Erika said.

''Let's say that there are multiple fuckers and their energy turned a single steak into a little biting motherfucker, how close are they?'' F asked.

''Far away most likely. It was probably a stray wave of cursed energy.'' Erika said.

''I hope it is, I don't want do deal with anyone today, it's the weekend and I want to rest.'' F said.

''Yeah, we're both about as drained as we can be, we can't fight if a monster shows up.'' Erika said.

''Hey, Finley, where is my beer?'' Amy asked.

''Sorry, I had to kill that steak over there, it tried to kill Joey.'' F said.

''I'm not gonna question that. Just give me my beer.'' Amy said.

''Catch!'' F threw Amy a can of beer. Amy caught the can and laughed.

''Hell yeah! I got it! I got it! I got my beer! I got my be-''

Suddenly a wave of cursed energy hit Joey he crashed inside the house.

''What the? Joey?'' F looked around in confusion but he suddenly realized what was going on.


''Right! I'm going!'' Mike said and ran inside the house. 

F and Erika looked at each other.

''Call reinforcements, I'll try to hold them off for as long as I can.'' F said and grabbed a piece of the fence. 

''On it!'' Erika said and pulled her phone out. She dialed the extermination company's number and called. ''Erika to HQ, we need backup! My current location is Cum Street,the one next to the park! Please hurry up!'' 

''Copy that, Erika. Reinforcements are on the way. Hold tight.'' HQ dude said.

''We're surrounded and outnumbered! Make it quick!'' Erika screamed.

''Sounds like you're fucked, I'll send coffins too.''  HQ dude said.

''What do you mean?! Just send backup!'' Erika yelled.

''Nah I don't feel like it.'' 

''That voice? Tengen?! What the hell are you doing in HQ?!'' Erika asked.

''Having fun, what about you?'' Tengen asked.

''We're about to die!'' Erika said.

''Well boo-hoo, I don't care.'' Tengen said.

''I'll pay you if you send backup!'' Erika said.

''How much?'' Tengen asked.

''A crumpled five dollar bill and a knuckle sandwich!'' Erika screamed in frustration.

''Deal! I'll be there in 5 minutes.'' Tengen said and hung up.

F was hit by a wave of cursed energy, sending him crashing next to Erika.

''Are we getting backup?'' He said and got back up.

''Yeah, the special kind of backup.'' Erika said and smiled.

''How much do we have to hold out for?'' F asked.

''Exactly 5 minutes.'' Erika answered.

''Sounds hard.'' F said and looked at the 7 opponents standing in front of him and Erika.

''Aw, Crapbaskets.'' Erika said.

To be continued