Chereads / Netorare Curse! Getting more powerful with Cuckolding! NTRASIA / Chapter 25 - The Night Which Started It All (3)

Chapter 25 - The Night Which Started It All (3)

Oliver continued explaining what he saw to Sigrid and Jerome and went completely oblivious to the exchange his wife and nemesis-turned-teammate just had. "Basically, we can separate the enemy into 3 entities. The strange big beast, the man on top of its head and lastly, the group of wolves with a few trolls." 

Jerome blew out a smoke and while turning the direction of incoming enemies smirked. "So, If I got you right, they are pretty strong and we even need a fighting strategy to get out of this in one piece?" Jerome asked while putting his cigar to his mouth again and taking another smoke. 

"Yes… I'm certain that we should not underestimate them, first it was the trolls and now there is that pack of wolves, not to mention the beast and whoever's riding on it." Oliver somberly answered.

Sigrid, on the other hand, instead of the fresh air of the forest, got a whiff of smoke from Jerome's cigar. "You animal, get away while you're smoking. I don't want to breathe this disgusting air." She snapped. 

Jerome kept on standing and smoking with his back turned to her. "C'mon, witch let me calm my nerves… or aren't you listening to your dear husband?" Jerome quickly shot back.

Sigrid once again kicked her feet in anger and as she was once again about to open her mouth, Oliver interrupted her while shaking his head.

"Calm down, Sigrid, what's wrong? this is not the time to fight among ourselves." Oliver unexpectedly reprimanded his wife. 

Sigrid, startled by her husband's serious voice, shook a little. "I have to take a grip… What is going on? I'm acting so weird… " Sigrid berated herself while lowering her head. "Just last night I was telling Oliver to keep his cool around Jerome and stop being provoked by him. But here I Am, doing the same thing first thing in the morning."

Oliver noticed Sigrid's strange behavior but did not take it too deep to heart due to the incoming threat. "Anyway, we have two main threats and the pack of beasts with the trolls. Any thoughts?" Oliver asked.

Jerome took the last smoke and with a satisfied exhale dropped the cigar butt to the ground. As it shimmered Jerome was brainstorming a strategy against the threat Oliver had to describe to them.

 At first glance Jerome would be often seen as a muscle head by many people, a man who would use brute force to fix his problems. But that could not be farther from the truth. After a few decades the Bigge family were now being accepted and respected by many due to their bountiful merits for the guild, but Jerome's high natural aptitude attracted trouble and danger towards him. As the Bigge family grew in power and took higher and higher status in guild, Jerome, as the future head of Bigge family, faced many challenges from a young age which forced him to grow and mature faster than his peers. Due to this, he grew up having a shrewd, calculating mind. 

Oliver looked back and forth between Jerome and Sigrid, who now had just raised her head back up, but before Sigrid was able to say anything Jerome started speaking his mind.

"Good job, Oliver," Jerome said in a thankful tone while he turned back to the couple. "I didn't think you had gotten so good at detecting them from that far away, you should have told me you have this ability sooner."

Oliver feeling weirded out by Jerome complimenting him just shrugged his shoulders. "I guess I haven't had the chance yet."

Jerome, as if accepting his explanation, just nodded to Oliver and continued. "These fuckers now probably believe we are fast asleep… But they are going to the ones who are ambushed first. I can't wait to see what the Hughes have set up for us." Jerome said aggressively. Oliver and Sigrid felt a ferocious aura rising from within Jerome. "First, we shall get rid of the small fries. From there we will move on to the big beast and the one you felt riding it." Jerome's words sounded as a command which could not be refuted.

Oliver and even Sigrid froze for a second. The couple stood transfixed, their focus on the tall, muscular frame of Jerome. His confidence, paired with the commanding tone, made them unable to reply. 

Sigrid's breath hitched slightly, her gaze lingering on Jerome's dark skin under the moonlight . She felt a confusing mix of irritation rising again together with her body getting slightly hotter. Oliver, on the other hand, just gulped and listened while keeping his body straight. 

Jerome then turned his gaze directly at Sigrid and smirked when he saw how she was looking at him. "Little Witch, I will have you take them all small fries out in one swoop as an opener." Jerome then in his usual arrogant tone added, "I believe you surely can achieve that, right?" 

Being looked at back by Jerome made her quickly turn her eyes away from him. Sigrid also instead of fighting back and arguing like she usually did, just nodded back at him and answered timidly, "Yes.." As she answered, a realization popped in her head. "To hell that bastard… Who does he think he is ordering us like this… He just caught me off guard, that's why I..." Sigrid thought to herself her anger rising up again even if from outside she kept her cool demeanor on.

Satisfied with the way Sigrid replied Jerome turned his eyes to Oliver and continued. "You're the most versatile out of us. So, I can't assign you an exact thing to do. Just watch our backs and support us. After all, that's the only thing you are good for anyway." Jerome laughed.

Hearing the ridicule coming out of Jerome caused a light frown to appear on Oliver's face. "And here I thought you have changed a bit… But no… you just couldn't, even in such a situation… Oliver shook his head while feigning disappointment.

Seeing Oliver stand up to Jerome, Sigrid clenched her long fingers into tight fists. "Oliver's so right, why can't you just behave for once?" Sigrid then took a resolute step toward Jerome, raised her arm, and pointed a finger directly at him. "You said you're fine with me being the leader of our team. So, why are you acting like one?!"

Jerome grinned in amusement, relishing the chance to rile both the husband and wife. "Huh? When did I say that? Don't remember, but I'll be a leader for you any time, Little Witch, don't worry." His tone was taunting, but before Sigrid could retort, Jerome's expression darkened. With a commanding presence, he continued seriously, "I'll take the front and intercept the big guys since they'll likely target you, Little Witch. You're our main damage dealer, after all. To do this, I'll need our support's help because it'll probably be me against two of them. While I'll hold them down, Oliver, you will support me and her. After you clean up all the wolves and trolls it will be two versus three with us having a healer. So, by then we should be able to deal with them easily. But we have to watch out for two things - me not being able to hold them down and letting them attack you directly, which will probably not happen and second - Little Witch not being able to take most of the small fries in our ambush attack. In case something like this happens, our healer boy will have to fill in the gaps in our strategy. "And lastly'', Jerome's dark eyes focused on Oliver, "During the fight you will listen to my commands, understand?"

Sigrid could not stand to listen anymore. "You… How dare you order us and call me that? Little Witch? Who are you to call me that?" As Sigrid was about to continue her rant, Oliver shouted, leaving Sigrid with her mouth open.

"ENOUGH! JUST ENOUGH OF THIS!" Oliver barked sharply at both Sigrid and Jerome. "Grandpa Aldis sent us here probably knowing something like this would happen. He has put his trust in us. And what I felt from that beast was so strange. This fight will be a life-or-death battle." His eyes pierced Jerome with unhidden anger. "And once again, I'll repeat it for you, Jerome. You can insult me however you want, call me a boy or whatever, but I won't let you speak to my wife disrespectfully."

Both Jerome and Sigrid were taken aback by Oliver's next words. "However, we are fine with you taking the lead here. After all, if we are right, the Hughes family sent them to get you."

"What? I'm not fine with letting this brute lead us," Sigrid protested, shooting a look at her husband. But when she saw Oliver's serious expression and the way he stood up to Jerome, her emerald eyes softened. She decided to put her faith in Oliver, thinking, "My Oli, if you believe that letting Jerome take control here is for the best, then I'll follow your decision. Still, that bastard, JEROME, if he calls me Little Witch again, I won't hold back."

Sigrid turned to Jerome and briefly made a disgusted face before beaming a charming smile at Oliver. She flatly quipped, "Okay, if Oliver agrees, then you can lead us…"

"Fine, fine, c'mon guys, I was just joking around. You know me, that's how I am," Jerome said, his smirk fading as his expression hardened. He stood for a moment, looking into the faraway darkness, his face betraying no emotion. Oliver and Sigrid could only guess what he was thinking. After a few moments, Jerome's thick lips parted. "I'm surprised, not gonna lie. I thought I'd have to force you two to listen to my commands. But since you agree, I won't have to."

Sigrid just laughed, her face portraying incredulity, "Force us? Hahaha, That was a good one Jerome! But please, shut up already and be happy that Oliver is the bigger man here to let you take the lead."

Jerome's smirk emerged briefly as he thought, "Heh, just you wait, I'll make you see who's the biggest man here." But as fast as it came, he suppressed it and smiled genuinely at the couple. "I was just kidding, now let's get ready. We have to destroy these dogs."