The young geniuses from prestigious families, who had never experienced such humiliation before, were infuriated after being mocked by the unruly commoners. With the bewilderment caused by the Martial Law being shattered by Tang Luo, Xiao Ziyu, Li Xuanba, and Cui Haoran, brimming with murderous intent, turned towards the panicked commoners after taking the golden tickets.
Like tigers plunging into a flock of sheep, the trio chased after the fleeing mob, landing each punch on the faces of those who had just spoken insolently.
Broken teeth mixed with blood flew out, causing more onlookers to escape in fright. But how could ordinary people possibly escape a martial artist's pursuit? The trio had memorized the faces of those who were most insulting, and they wouldn't let a single one go.
As he saw the sudden increase in broken teeth and blood stains on the ground, Tang Luo thought: "Indeed, it's like looking for teeth everywhere."