In a desolate planet within the Sanctuary Empire, a Cosmic Stone formed an absolutely sealed prison. The Divine Worm Solis was imprisoned there, and Long Yi and Little Zi were just about to figure out the true nature of the so-called Divine Worm.
"Giant Long Yi, have you received the huge surprise that I sent you?" the temporarily free Solis floated in front of Long Yi and said. Resting for a while had allowed him to regain some of his False Divine Power, but he still dared not harbor any delusions towards Long Yi or Little Zi. The Thousandfold Divine Form and the surging Divine Power of Little Zi attracted him, but he feared the God Eater more.
"Yes, it really is a big surprise," Long Yi said with a grin.
"You don't seem to be surprised," Solis remarked, somewhat perplexed.