Chereads / The World of Madness and Horror / Chapter 666 - Gunner and Archer

Chapter 666 - Gunner and Archer

After leaving Caspond's room, the first place Neia went was the archery range.

Neia's subordinates had been waiting there and they immediately flocked to her.

As her friends went, "How did the meeting turn out, Miss Baraja?" "We're always ready to go," and other such things, Neia told them about the meeting.

She told them everything ― what had happened, what had been said, and the conclusions they had reached.

Most of them hunted for a living, and they were all excellent outdoorsmen.

Even they could not help but nod grimly at Caspond's conclusion. There was no doubt that searching the Hills would be extremely difficult.

That being the case, an early dispatch of a search party seemed impossible.

However, they could conduct a simple search within the Holy Kingdom ―

heading east from this place to the fortress line. Since it was unclear where the Sorcerer King had landed, he might be within the Holy Kingdom's borders.

Several people skilled in ranger techniques stepped forward.

Neia wanted to take part as well, but she had practically no ranger skills, so she would only get in the way if she accompanied them.

This was an operation to rescue a righteous king who had reached a helping hand out to save the people of another country. As his squire, not being able to go felt like disloyalty, and it gnawed at Neia's heart.

She felt like screaming the way she had done at Remedios, but nothing would come of it even if she did so.

Neia told everyone that they had received Caspond's permission to search within the Holy Kingdom's borders, but she could not take part herself.

"Leave it to us, Miss Baraja."

"Ahhh. We'll keep our eyes open while searching for His Majesty. We won't miss a single clue about our great benefactor!"

"Alright, everyone. Once the Prince gives his permission, I, I'll be counting on all of you!"

Neia bowed deeply to them.

"Miss Baraja, what will the rest of us do? How can we be useful to the Sorcerer King?"

As everyone looked at her with zeal in their eyes, Neia was filled with delight.

They did not think that the Sorcerer King was dead, even after witnessing that scene.

That's right! How could His Majesty be dead! I'm sure, I'm sure he must be waiting for us to rescue him… I think.

Neia could not imagine a scenario where that supreme being would wait for these people to rescue him. For all she knew, they would probably find him elegantly sipping a glass of fine wine in front of a pile of demi-human and demon corpses.

"Alright! Then everyone who's left will start training, because weakness is a sin!"

Indeed, that was all Neia could do now. She had to become strong enough to be of some small use next time. If she and her people had been strong enough, the righteous Sorcerer King would not have ended up like this.


She received a spirited answer. That was because everyone understood what Neia meant when she said, "The Sorcerer King is justice and weakness is a sin."

Not many people had agreed with those words when this unit had first been formed, but after mingling with them, more people had come around to her point of view.

"Then I'll go see the Prince!"

After speaking directly with Caspond, the search party was quickly granted permission to move out. They had left on the day itself, and three days had passed since then.

While things might have gotten troublesome if the members of the search party had not been of one mind, the fact was that all of them had been chosen because they agreed with Neia's proposal, and so they had left without delay.

While rumors of taking back Kalinsha had circulated through the city during these three days, the Liberation Army had not actually made any moves and merely let time pass aimlessly. The exception was Neia and the increasing number of people who had come to accept the Sorcerer King as justice ― they diligently applied themselves to their training.

Neia let loose an arrow at the target, an irritated look on her face.

Her anxiety and anger had probably made her hands slip, because the arrow embedded itself just slightly off the center of the target.

Normally, someone would have come over to lightly chide Neia, but nobody dared address Neia now.

The reason for that was Neia's face.

Her anxiety over not being able to do anything for the Sorcerer King and a lack of sleep due to a lack of news meant that the area around her eyes was swollen and discolored, which made her look horrible, especially when one factored in the wrinkles between her brows as well. Since she typically concealed her face with her visor, it had a great impact on others when she removed it.

While Neia's subordinates keenly understood how she felt, nobody dared come near her.

―Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your―

These words tumbled round and round in Neia's head.

"―Ahh, honestly."

The shoulders of all the archers around Neia trembled as they heard those quiet words.

―Majesty. No. I need to calm down. Calm down. It's only been three days! Just the eastern region of the Holy Kingdom is large enough as it is! You don't want to scare the others, do you?

Neia took off her visor ― and heard something like a strangled scream from someone who had happened to look her way ― then massaged her temples lightly as she tried to relax her stiff face.

Just then, Neia heard two sets of footsteps running towards the archery range.

Given that she could hear a metallic clinking which was unique to chain shirts, they were not militiamen who had come here to train. Paladins wore armor of metal plates, so it could not have been them either. They were probably somewhat higher-ranked soldiers or colleagues (squires).

"Squire Neia Baraja!"

When Neia turned to face the people who had barged in, the two men who had shown up simultaneously stepped back and cried out.

"What, what's going on? Did something happen?!"

Weren't you the ones with something to say? Neia thought as she replied:

"Ahh, it's been a while. That's the usual reaction… no, maybe it's a little more than the usual reaction?"

These two people were also squires, and they had been trained alongside Neia.

That said, she knew next to nothing about their characters since she had barely spoken to them, but at the very least she still remembered their names and faces.

If Neia knew them, then they must also have known Neia. That would mean they ought to have been used to Neia's murderous eyes. Even so, the fact that they had reacted this way showed how terrifying Neia's face was now.

Speaking of which, Neia recalled that they too had been freed from prison camps.

"Ah, yes. I usually don't look like this ― like I hate the entire world… I think. No, am I usually like that?"

Neia rubbed her face and mused that maybe she should not take off the visor.

"…Ah, sorry. It seems you need me for something. What is it?"

"Ah, no, Prince Caspond is looking for you. Please report to him right away."

"Prince Caspond?"

Why was he looking for her? She had a few ideas, but she did not know which one was correct, so all she could do was pray that he was seeking her out for a good reason.

"I understand. Please tell him I'll be coming right away."

However, they did not look like they were leaving, even after she had given her answer. It puzzled Neia.

"What is it? Is there anything else?"

"No, it feels a little ― well, it's not your face, but maybe it's the air around you? It feels like the air around you has changed. I know I can't express it too well in words…"

"Well, I'd be glad if it was a good change… but we're all going to change. We've all been through so much."

"Ahh, yes. You're right. It's just like what you said, Baraja."

The two of them smiled tiredly. She did not know whether they had bought it.

They said, "We'll talk again some other time," and then they left.

Neia told her subordinates looking at her about how she was going to see Caspond, and then she headed out.

Caspond still stayed in the same building as before, but he was in a different room now.

That was because Jaldabaoth had smashed a huge hole in the previous room's wall when he had shown up.

Nobody stopped her on her way to the room, even with her visor on, and she reached it with no problems.

During this time, nobody had asked her to leave behind the bow on her back either. There was no telling if it was because they trusted her, or because they were mindful of the fact that the bow had been borrowed from the Sorcerer King.

"Prince Caspond, this is Squire Neia Baraja reporting."

Caspond was sitting inside the room, and two paladins stood beside him ―

Remedios and Gustav. Neia immediately fell to one knee.

"I'm glad you came. We've been waiting for you. Ahh, that's fine. Don't worry about it, just stand up."

Neia stood as requested, and then asked:

"I apologize for keeping you waiting. May I know your bidding?"

"Before that, remove the item covering your face, Squire Neia Baraja."

Those matter-of-fact words came from Gustav. Common sense indicated that she ought to have done so.

"Yes! Please forgive me."

After Neia removed her visor, Gustav's eyes widened slightly.

"…Ah, are you not feeling well? Would you like the priests to examine you?"

"No, I don't feel that bad yet." Since explaining was troublesome, Neia decided to press on. "…Now then, may I ask what's the matter?"

"Well, about that… well, there's one more person who will be joining us besides the four of us here. I'm going to get them now, so don't be too shocked, alright?"

She could see a look of distaste on Remedios's face from the corner of her eye.

If it could put a look of disgust on the Captain's face, it was probably related to Jaldabaoth. And then the word "maid demon" suddenly came to Neia's mind.

After hearing Caspond's order, Gustav opened a side door and spoke to the person within.

And then, a monster emerged before them. Neia knew what species it was.

It was a Zern.

While it was a species with a shiny carapace, its appearance was not offensive.

However, there was a faint, almost imperceptible smell of bloodshed surrounding it.

What's a demi-human like that doing here? Neia wondered. Caspond seemed to sense this, and he spoke.

"She is an envoy."

So Jaldabaoth's envoy is here, is that it? Neia unconsciously let her hostility show, and the Zern twitched like it was going on the defensive.

"Hold it, Squire Baraja. It seems you are slightly mistaken. She is not Jaldabaoth's envoy. It is the opposite. She is an envoy of those people who plan to rebel against Jaldabaoth."


Neia could not help exclaiming in surprise. Caspond seemed to have expected that response, and laughed.

"You look surprised. Well, that's only to be expected. Surely you didn't expect anyone to rebel against Jaldabaoth's subjugation of the demi-humans, did you?

However, there are people like that. According to the envoy-dono, not all demihumans serve Jaldabaoth wholeheartedly. For instance, these Zerns. There are other species like the Zern who have no choice but to help Jaldabaoth because their ruling class ― their royal family ― was taken hostage. What they want is to rescue those hostages."


Neia had never heard that female voice before and it startled her. She looked around the interior of the room. Finally, just as she was about to go "no way," her eyes landed on the Zern. That voice would have sounded perfectly fine coming from a human being.

From where on its repulsive body did its human-like voice come from?

Was this a special ability of the Zerns, or was it a kind of magical power?

"The city you humans call Kalinsha, which is five days' travel to the southwest, holds someone important to us. We ask that you save him."

Neia conjured up a map of the Holy Kingdom in her head.

From her previous words, the city of which the Zern spoke was indeed Kalinsha. Of course, it was closer to west-south-west than the southwest and she wondered if travelling there would really take five days, but everything else was within the margins of error.

However, there was one thing she did not understand. Why were they telling

Neia about this?

However, before Neia could contemplate the reasons for that, Caspond said something shocking.

"That is why we have decided to ally with them to fight against Jaldabaoth, Miss Baraja."

Ehhh? Neia could not help but doubt her ears. Could they trust a species like the Zern, monsters who did not even have facial features to read?

"While we were forced to bow to Jaldabaoth's power and invaded this place as part of his army, we received news that our king, who was being held hostage in the Abelion Hills, was killed by demons. As for the other one, the prince who's being held prisoner as a symbol of our submission… now that the previous king has been killed, he is our new king. If you rescue him, we will help you."

Did they kill him because they did not need two hostages? Or was there a more fiendish reason for the killing? While she could not read that deeply into matters, it would seem the important thing was that their king had been killed.

"That said, we are preparing to take our new king somewhere that Jaldabaoth cannot reach, so our most elite royal guard will not be able to help you. However, the remaining three thousand or so of our warriors that Jaldabaoth brought along will fight by your side. Our species will not die out as long as there is a king and a single female, so you may use those warriors as you wish. There will be no problems even if they are all killed."

"That's how it is. You also know the conditions I've laid out in order to triumph against Jaldabaoth. Rather than decreasing the demi-humans' numbers with combat, we will take fewer losses if we persuade them to leave his side. Also, they have provided us with important information, and we have finished verifying it."

Caspond smiled, and then continued.

"From what we know, this news is not a trap set by Jaldabaoth. On the contrary, this is something we can use to deal with the Zern. If Jaldabaoth finds out, they will be purged, and their prince ― the new king ― will also be killed."

That's what'll happen to you if you betray us, Caspond was threatening the Zern.

Although it was only natural for anyone in a high position to think like that, the fact that Caspond could ruthlessly describe such a development frightened Neia a little.

However, once the calm returned to Neia's heart, a question boiled up inside her. Namely: why had he brought her here to listen to their planning? If he wanted Neia to take part in the rescue, all he would have to do was give her an order. It was true that Neia was now a unit commander, but ultimately she was just a squire who was somewhat skilled with the bow.

There was no need to explain the operation to her in such detail. And not just that―

…Ah, don't tell me that they still regard me as His Majesty's squire? I mean, I'm halfway to being a citizen of the Sorcerer Kingdom already, right? They probably mean that the Sorcerer King would also be listening to this under normal circumstances. Or

maybe they want me to explain this to the Sorcerer King when we see him again, is that it?

Indeed. Neia was still the Sorcerer King's squire.

Neia puffed up her chest, and Caspond was slightly surprised at the sudden change in her attitude.

"Now then. With regards to rescuing the Zern prince, we have reached the decision that rescuing him during the chaos of attacking Kalinsha will be very difficult."

"Indeed," the Zern followed up on Caspond's words. "Let me tell you where the prince is being held. Vice-Captain, I hope you will help clarify details for me."

The Zern launched into an explanation with Gustav as backup.

First of all, the great city of Kalinsha occupied the top of a hill. It was under the direct administration of the royal family and was protected by thick walls.

On its west, near its highest point, was Castle Kalinsha.

It was intended to hold the demi-humans at bay should the fortress line be breached, and at the same time it was near a major trade route leading to the south.

Therefore, it was more sturdily built than any other city in the Holy Kingdom.

In addition, Kalinsha's seldom-used castle was very solidly built in order to withstand sieges.

The imprisoned Zern prince was held within one of the towers of the castle.

Since he was in the innermost of the towers that were intended for last-ditch defenses, one could say it was the hardest place in Kalinsha to infiltrate.

It did not even have windows, in order to protect against aerial attack, and one could not reach it without travelling down an aerial walkway.

This tower was now inhabited by a powerful guardian ― a member of the water-using Ogrekin known as Vah Uns. The Zerns were not allowed to go near it, lest something happen to their prince if they did.

However ― provided their treachery was not exposed ― if the guards saw humans ― who were not related to the Zerns ― they would not harm the prince.

In fact, they would protect the prince instead. That was what they meant by borrowing the strength of humans.

"But once the actual fighting begins, if the prince is still imprisoned, we will have no choice but to kill you humans. Since all our fellows who were brought to this land are present…"

The Zern's words started to lose coherence, but everyone understood their meaning.

It would be too late by then.

There was value in rescuing the prince because the Zerns were enemies of mankind. If the Zern were all wiped out, then there would be no need to rescue the prince.

"It'll be too late to send reinforcements once the fighting begins. Therefore, the safest and most effective way to rescue the prince is to send a group of elite warriors who will move as stealthily as possible. Squire Neia Baraja, I would like you to command this operation."

"I cannot. It is impossible for me."

Neia responded to Caspond immediately.

Normally, gainsaying the prince ― who was her supreme commander ― would not be tolerated, both in terms of military discipline and social conventions, but at the same time, that order was truly ridiculous. It was simply too much, no matter how you looked at it.

"I knew you would say that. However, Miss Baraja, this matter is of great benefit to you as well," Caspond narrowed his eyes. "They will furnish us with knowledge about the hills and introduce reliable guides there."

Neia gulped.

She bit her lip, desperately trying to keep a lid on her emotions.

"…How much trust can we place in those words?"

"Once you rescue the prince, the Zerns will respond by rising up in revolt from the inside, at which point retaking Kalinsha will be much simpler. It's certainly better than a conventional siege, and we will be able to take more demi-humans prisoner. The Zerns also say that they will ask around to see which prisoners have the knowledge you desire."

"I'm not too sure about the details," the Zern added on to Caspond's words.

"It seems you wish to travel to the Abelion Hills. If you rescue our prince unharmed, our entire species will be indebted to you. Who would refuse to share what they know with a benefactor? In addition, that knowledge is nothing special."

The Zern's argument was utterly irrefutable.

Refusing them would mean being disloyal to His Majesty. If I let a chance to be useful to His Majesty slip out of my hands because I'm afraid…

After calmly considering the matter, she felt that this was her best chance.

However ― she did not intend to kill herself.

"Who else will be going on the mission to rescue the prince?"

Neia looked at Remedios, who had been silent all this time.

"I'm not going. I can't infiltrate or anything."

If you say that, then what about me? Neia thought, and then she looked silently to Caspond.

"…I asked her to go with you several times, but she kept refusing. Therefore, you will be accompanied by that captive… no, that collaborator."

"Hmph. Captive will do."


"It doesn't matter. Vice-Captain Montagnés, can you bring her over?"

Montagnés left the room with a "Yes." The Zern envoy left the room as well.

It would seem they did not want to let others know that they were working with the humans.

Gustav returned before long, but he was not alone. He had with him a girl wrapped in layer upon layer of chains, a girl that Neia had never seen before. She seemed more petite, delicate and younger than Neia.

She wore a scarf that blended the colors of dark green and sand yellow in a complex pattern, as well as a strange maid's outfit.

Her facial features were exquisite, and even the patch that covered one of her eyes did not diminish her beauty.

Neia suddenly remembered what Evileye had said, and while she was quite sure who this person was, she decided to ask just in case.

"My Prince, who is this?"

"…Haven't you already guessed? She's one of the maid demons who showed up in this city."

Neia went stiff. She had thought as much, but it still startled her. She was difficulty rating 150. In other words, she was a monster among monsters. A being which humanity could not overcome now stood before her eyes.

However, Neia also sensed something else that startled her.

That was the fact that she could still feel such intense hatred with an unbeatable monster in front of her.

How could she hold on to such emotions when facing a creature that outclassed her so tremendously? Was it because this maid demon was not radiating an aura of fear, or was it because of her loyalty to the Sorcerer King?

Regardless of which it was ― Neia sank her hatred for the maid demon into the depths of her heart and did not let it show.

If she was careless, she would start berating her as one of the reasons why such an outstanding monarch like the Sorcerer King lost to Jaldabaoth.

However, while Remedios had her hand on the hilt of her holy sword, Caspond and Gustav did not seem to be doing anything special on their part.

Therefore, Neia could conclude that she did not pose any immediate danger.

Otherwise, they would never allow her to stay in the same room as the prince.

"…Murderer girl. Do not be afraid. Right now I am not sworn to Jaldabaoth, but to Ainz-sama. I will not attack."

"I don't believe you."

Ainz-sama. That term of address filled Neia's heart with displeasure, as if she was trying to reject the fact that it had been said. However, the maid demon replied to her in a monotone.

"…You do not have to believe me. It is simply the truth."

"Miss Baraja. It seems that His Majesty somehow managed to usurp control over her from Jaldabaoth during the battle."

Neia's eyes went as wide as saucers.

Had he actually managed to carry out a nonlethal tactic like taking control of her while fighting multiple opponents ― Jaldabaoth and the maid demons?

Neia did not know much about magic, and she did not know how difficult such a feat was. If one needed an example, it would be like trying to snatch equipment off a very powerful opponent during the middle of combat. If that was the case, then it must have been an incredibly difficult maneuver which only the Sorcerer King could pull off.

Neia came to respect the Sorcerer King more and more.

However, she had two questions now.

She wanted to believe that if the Sorcerer King had done it, then everything would be fine and she could accept that fact. But was the maid really under the Sorcerer King's control? That was the first question. Could it be that she was not actually working for the Sorcerer King, but acting under Jaldabaoth's orders to pretend that she was under his control?

And then, the other question was―

"I understand that you're loyal to the Sorcerer King. But why are you here? Is it because of your chains?"

"…It's not like that."

The maid demon began to exert her strength, and the thick chains emitted a distasteful creaking sound.

"Stop that!"

As Remedios shouted in time with a wave of killing intent, the sound stopped.

"…Even I could break ordinary unenchanted chains."

"Then why? Why haven't you left this place and gone to His Majesty's side?"

She had asked because she was hoping that demonic instincts or the abilities of a bound demon would lead her to the Sorcerer King. The maid demon flatly


"…Because it's an order. The last order I received from him was to help you. So I will do my best as long as it does not mean my death."


Neia was stunned.

…The Sorcerer King came to this country to seize control of the maid demons. He came to obtain the maid demons, a tremendous fighting force that could make the Sorcerer Kingdom even stronger. In that case, his first order to the maid demon should have been for them to return to the Sorcerer Kingdom. But instead, His Majesty… What a kind person he is… Is there a king out there who is so compassionate to the people of another country? No, it can't be, only the Sorcerer King is an exception. His Majesty really is justice! How amazing! I was right all along!

Neia struggled to keep the heat from spilling out of her eyes.

"In that case, what does "as long as it does not mean my death" refer to?"

"…If you ask me to fight Jaldabaoth I will refuse. It will be very difficult to escape if I face him."

. I see, Neia understood. Caspond had already verified the truth of everything she had said. That was why she had been brought here.

"So this demon will come with me."

"Just so. While I thought of sending her to the Sorcerer Kingdom as an envoy, compared to that ― ah ― well, once that's over and we learn information that we can trade, ah ― I was planning to have her join the search party we're sending out. That's because it's dangerous… Those people you picked out haven't found anything yet, so we can be sure that he landed in the hills."

She did not know why Caspond's instructions were so vague.

She peeked at the maid demon's face and saw that it had not changed. She did not look worried.

Of course, this maid demon might not know what had happened to the Sorcerer King, and she probably could not imagine that the Sorcerer King was in dangerous territory. However, her blank face still made Neia very unhappy.

Most importantly, could she let a demon like that use a familiar term of address like "Ainz-sama?"

No, of course not! Neia fumed. Not even she had addressed him in such an intimate manner.

"―iss Baraja?"

"Ah, yes!"

Oh no! Neia's face was slightly red. She had apparently forgotten herself due to her distaste for the maid demon.

"What's the matter? Is something bothering you?"

"Ah, no! It's been only three days since the search started, so I think it might be a bit hasty to conclude that he fell there…"

"I see. That does make sense. However, would it not be better to be prepared for anything?"

"That is true."

"Alright. In that case, maid demon-kun. This is the third time I have spoken to you. The day we found you, yesterday, and now."

The maid demon said nothing and looked at Caspond.

"If I asked you to go to a certain large city to rescue someone imprisoned there, would you help us?"

"…It is like I said yesterday. I will."

"Ahh, good, I understand. Then, I apologize for this, but would you mind returning to your room? Vice-Captain Montagnés, if you would."

He led the maid demon away, and they began speaking again once Gustav returned.

"Miss Baraja. While I do not know if I need to tell you all this, possessing this information might mean the difference between success and failure when you infiltrate Kalinsha. Therefore, I will speak to you about a few things. The first concerns Jaldabaoth."

Caspond told her what they had learned from the maid demon.

It would seem she knew little about Jaldabaoth. Practically nothing, in fact.

She did not even know what abilities or attacks or weaknesses he possessed. In addition, she did not know what Jaldabaoth was doing now or what his objective was.

However, she had said that he would need a very long time to recover if he was severely injured. It was like how it would take longer to refill a larger vessel when the water level inside it decreased.

And so, after learning about Jaldabaoth, the demi-humans, and the other demons, Neia asked Caspond the question whose answer she wanted to know most of all.

"Can we trust her?"

"We can't. We should kill her to be safe."

That answer had been supplied by Remedios.

Neia resisted the urge to ask if she could beat a difficulty 150 maid demon, and listened to Caspond's judgement.

"I find it hard to trust her. This might be one of Jaldabaoth's schemes. She might be a spy sent out in case someone like Momon appears, someone who can fight back against Jaldabaoth."

That was why they had asked the Zern envoy to leave before bringing the maid demon in, and had spoken obliquely in front of her.

"I told you, right? It would be better to kill her. That way there'll be one less thing to worry about."

"I see, Captain Custodio. That is an option. However, it is very likely that the maid demon is indeed under the Sorcerer King's control. That is because she has not been spouting false information about Jaldabaoth nonstop, but replying that she does not know. However, why is she not asking about the Sorcerer King at all… Umu. Still, you agreed to hand the rights to the maid demons over to him, did you not? Since you did that, once they find out we killed her, they will regard our country as incapable of keeping its promises, you know? Once that happens, no other countries will want to help if anything happens to us."

"He's already been killed by Jaldabaoth, hasn't he?"

Remedios's words made Neia look down as she struggled to bite back her anger. Thanks to Remedios, she felt like she had gained the ability to better manage her emotions.

"We cannot be sure about that. That is why I feel we need to test and use her during the rescue of the prince. If she betrays us and leaks the information, then only the Zern will be eliminated, which will reduce the number of demi-humans. We will also be able to root out the rat among us. These are the two merits of this option. And of course, if we succeed, we can simply rejoice."

Please don't forget about the life of the person who will be carrying out the infiltration, Neia grumbled in her heart.

"Did you ask the maid demon about her own weaknesses? If she betrays us and route, would it not be better to have some way to deal with her?"

"We didn't ask about anything like that."

Caspond smiled bitterly. Neia followed suit.

Even if she told them, there would be no way to determine if she were telling the truth. They could not tell by looking, and obviously they could not test it out.

"Well, we're not the ones who control her. Ultimately, she's only helping us because the Sorcerer King ordered her to do so."

Gustav was still going on about that, but in truth both Caspond and Neia had realized it already. There was probably only one person present who did not understand the situation.

"So the infiltrators will be myself and the maid demon. Has anyone else been selected?"

"On that point, if you have nobody else to recommend, then the two of you will go by yourselves."

For a moment, Neia looked at Caspond because she thought he was kidding, but his face was serious.

"Allow me to add to the Prince's words, but surely an infiltration is best handled by a very small number of people, am I wrong? People getting in the way would be bad news, which is why we have nobody to put forward."

While Gustav's explanation was convincing enough, Neia knew that was not the only reason.

It was because of Neia Baraja's situation.

It would be all well and good if this rescue operation went well. If it failed, all they would lose was an interfering squire who had grown close to the Sorcerer

King and one of the Sorcerer King's minions. In addition, they would lose little even if the maid demon betrayed them. It was perfect.

In that case ― was it a lie when they said they had asked Remedios to go before? It was also possible that it was not, and they were just trying to minimize their losses.

Neia exhaled. There could be no other answer. This was a good chance to show her loyalty to the Sorcerer King.

"I understand. Myself and her―" she mused that she was probably a female

"―The maid demon will go together."

"Oh, I see. Then we'll be counting on you."


"Then Vice-Captain Montagnés will draw you a rough sketch of the city. Prepare yourself before you leave. Also, avoid combat if any demons close to Jaldabaoth are present."

According to the maid demon and the Zern's information, Jaldabaoth was served by three great demons. These three demons were―

The ruler of the Abelion Hills, where the demi-humans lived.

The overall commander of the invasion of the Southern Holy Kingdom.

The one in charge of three major cities, who teleported between Kalinsha, Rimun, and Prart.

That seemed to be it.

Therefore, if she was unlucky, the great demon in charge of the cities would be present.

The great demon in charge of the cities apparently had no head, and its body was like a withered tree. It was two meters tall and had no wings or a tail. It had clawed hands, and its slender body possessed an unimaginable strength. Also, it lacked a head, but it was still able to sense its surroundings, and similarly it could even read.

As a demon, it had a truly fiendish physiology.

Incidentally, the capital of Hoburns was apparently under Jaldabaoth's direct command, and not that of his aides.

"May I know who is stronger between it and the maid demon?"

"In the maid demon's own words, she does not know."

She wanted to see the maid demon's fighting ability just once. In particular, she wanted to know what weapons she favored and what special abilities she had. If she did not know that, they might suffer an unexpected defeat.

"The three great demons are both generals and lords. He probably feels that demi-humans are not suited for brainwork, so he seems to have set up a dictatorial power structure. Therefore, the great demons handle much of the administration and they have not appointed any successors or substitutes. If you can defeat them, you'll be able to deal the Demi-human Alliance a devastating blow."

"That would satisfy the victory conditions you have laid out, my Prince."

"Ahh. Although Jaldabaoth might lead in person once his wounds have recovered… Right now, I don't think he'll force himself to take the field. However, if you can take the limbs, then victory will be close at hand even if you do not crush the head. That said, your main priority now is the rescue, so avoid combat if you can."

"I understand."

"In that case… when will you begin the rescue mission?"

"I was planning to set out as soon as possible. However, I would like to speak to the maid demon before that."

"I see. Then how about in two days' time?"

Neia replied in the affirmative and received permission to meet the maid demon. After that, she left the room.

While she had a heavy burden to bear, her stride was energetic and her face was filled with determination. The flames of madness that came from losing her purpose recently received new direction, and they became a blinding light that illuminated her path.

There was still something she could do, and her path led to His Majesty. When she thought of it that way, even travelling with a dangerous demon was nothing.


The maid demon lived in an average-sized house with a garden. It had probably belonged to a wealthy resident of the city in the past. During the savage takeover of this city, part of the beautiful decorations had been destroyed, and statues which should have been there had been smashed. Still, the house itself was intact, and it did not seem like the cold air outside would leak in.

Still, even a cheap and crude house could boast that. Every opening that could be considered a window had been boarded up tight, as though whoever did it were determined not to let air flow in ― or out. It smacked of paranoia.

On the whole, this was a cage, or some kind of isolation unit. It was a place for someone who was nominally a minion of an undead being or a demon, but who was also the subordinate of a hero who had come to save the Holy Kingdom.

It was a place which had been built for many purposes, with a sense of impending danger and aversion blended in as well.

While she wanted to ask what good several loops of chain around the maid demon would do, the Sorcerer King had not yet officially introduced her, so they could not be courteous to her.

The wall around the house had been hastily repaired, but it lacked the crucial element of a barred gate. Had they taken it away because there was not enough steel to go around? In its place was a hastily built guard post beside the door that looked like a temporary hut.

The man standing there was a powerful looking man in full armor, the paladin who had been appointed commander of this place. Neia handed him the scroll which Caspond had prepared.

The paladin quickly scanned it, then returned the scroll to her while handing over a lit candlestick.

It was daytime, but the boarded-up windows meant that light could not penetrate inside. According to the paladin, the maid demon did not need light, so the interior was pitch dark.

Neia went through the door and looked around the desolate garden before heading toward the house. She walked over a shattered brick road, and when she reached the main door, Neia took a deep breath.

She used the knocker on the door, but there was no response. Neia hesitated, and then tried the doorknob. It was unlocked. She cracked the door open, and peered into the darkened interior. There was no sound from the inside, and it was as silent as a mausoleum.

After gathering her resolve, Neia entered. There was no light inside, and no servants. Right now, there was nothing in this house but Neia and a difficulty rating 150 demon.

Sweat beaded on her back. The candle she held shook unsteadily. Everything outside the candle's small circle of illumination seemed to have been sucked into the darkness.

"I'm Neia Baraja! I'm here to see you! Where are you!"

Neia shouted into the darkness, but the darkness did not respond.

Was she sleeping?

She shouted again, louder than just now, but there was no response.

Neia screwed up her determination, and stepped forward.

This was a two-story building. It had many rooms, and checking them all would take quite a lot of time. Still, even without doing that, Neia might be able to pick up something with her acute hearing.

She began with the first floor.

Neia prepared herself for the worst and took a step forward―


Someone called out to her from the side and a face appeared in the light.


Her shoulders twitched, and she unconsciously backed away from the face that appeared.

Her back hit a wall with a thud.

She could not have missed that face. It had appeared beside her as though it had passed through the walls.

"…Felt surprisingly good."

She saw the maid demon through her tear-lined eyes. Her face was blank as she watched Neia panic.

"Damn demon…" Neia grumbled.

Was even the Circlet of Iron Will helpless to prevent the feeling of surprise?

Her heart was pounding like a drum, and it felt fit to burst. If that was the demon's aim―

Nah, it couldn't be…

"…Why did you come here?"

"I came here to ask you something. In two days' time, I want the two of us…"

It would probably be too dangerous to explain the operation in detail since she did not know how far she could trust her.

"…To go on a certain mission."

"…Got it."

"So I think it would be good if we could share what we know and discuss what we can do…"

"…Sharing information is important. Understood."

Whether or not she would really share information would depend on the upcoming discussion.

"…Alright, this way."

The maid demon moved with rapid steps, as though she did not care about the lack of light. It would seem the paladin she had met earlier was telling the truth.

As Neia trailed behind her, she studied the back of the maid demon.

She was a beautiful girl whose slender limbs and pretty face all evoked a protective desire in others.

Still, it all seemed like a charade to Neia, who knew the truth about her.

The chains she had been festooned with in Caspond's chambers were nowhere to be seen. However, the chains were meaningless to begin with. This demon was simply made in the shape of a human girl, and in truth she was a monster that could surpass Dragons.

As she considered that even a slight pat might be the death of her, her stomach began to ache.

"I'm very fragile, so please be gentle with me."

As she heard Neia mutter those words reflexively, the maid demon stopped in place, then turned around and said, "Got it." Even Neia's eyes could not make out any changes in her expression. Not knowing what she thought made her a little uneasy.

They continued on until they arrived at the reception room.

There was only a single candle for illumination.

"…Sit," she pointed to the facing chair. Neia sat down. "…Drinks."

She suddenly produced a bottle of brown liquid. It was just like how the Sorcerer King took out objects.

As Neia watched in surprise, she opened the cap and inserted a straw. It was made of a bizarre material that looked both soft and hard at the same time.

She hoped that muddy liquid was not poison. It would be very distressing if she accidentally forgot that it was harmful to humans.

However, if she was really a subordinate of the Sorcerer King, then she would not be able to refuse. Neia emboldened herself and moved her tongue.

She took a mouthful of it, and swirled her tongue.

It was not as bitter as she expected, and it did not prickle like needles either―

It's sweet?! What is this!

Neia took one mouthful after another. While it was sticky and needed some effort to suck up, it was cool, refreshing, and delicious.

"…Chocolate-flavored. Calories are a little high… around 2000. But don't worry. Eating good food and getting fat is a long-cherished ambition for women, according to a certain great person."

The change in tone made Neia peek at her face again, but she was still expressionless.

The words "great person" made her think of the Sorcerer King, but Neia had the feeling she was referring to someone else.

"…Want another?"

"May I?"

The maid demon probably knew that it would be a shame to finish it up in one go, and she took out another bottle.

Neia was also a girl ― although the Orcs had wondered if she was a female ― and it was hard for her to reach out for something that would make her fat.

However, this drink was in a small container, which meant there was not much of it. Eating too much of anything would make one fat, so all she had to do was eat less at dinner to cancel it out.

I have no idea what these calories are or how much two thousand of them make, but she said it was a little, so it should be fine.

It was a sweetness that was completely different from that of fruits or honey.

This time, she would savor the taste as she drank it.

She took a mouthful―

"Ah! No, that's not why I came. I came to talk."


The maid demon sucked on the straw and drank in the same way as Neia had, while her eyes signaled Neia to continue.

"Er, well, first, if you have a name, could you tell it to me? I'm Neia Baraja, but you can call me whatever you want."

According to Evileye of Blue Rose, each individual maid demon was completely different from the others in terms of appearance and equipment. In fact, the maid demons she had seen behind Jaldabaoth at Caspond's room were completely different from this one.

Maybe there were different names for different types of maid demons, much like Goblins and Hobgoblins.

While there might not be a need to know its individual and race name, if the maid demon really was a subordinate of the Sorcerer King, then as a squire, it

would only be polite to treat her with all due courtesy.

"…Puhaa. Shizu is fine. I'll call you Neia."

"Shizu, is it?"

Neia had expected to be addressed as "human," so she was mildly surprised.

Is the maid demon's personal name Shizu? Or is Shizu her race name? Well, both of them work for me…

"Is that your personal name?"

"…Personal name? An excellent question. Yes. Personal name."

"Ah, forgive me. I don't understand demons that well…"

"…Mm. Demons… huh. This… mm."

Shizu seemed to be mumbling. Neia could hear all of it, but since she was talking to herself she decided not to take a jab at her.

"Alright then, Shizu. What can you do? Also, there were several maid demons, so why did the Sorcerer King choose you?"

"…I'm good at ranged attacks. Also because I was MVP (the best)."

"Best? Ahh, is that it? So at that time you were the most troublesome opponent, is that it?"

Shizu chuckled. That said, her face did not seem to change. However, Neia had sharp eyes, and she understood after observing her carefully.

There was a very slight change in her expression ― she seemed proud.

At the same time, Neia relaxed. It would seem she had not been easily controlled because she was the weakest.

"I can use ranged weapons too, but in turn I'm not good at close combat… We don't have a frontliner."

Shizu sipped her drink in silence.

"Got any ideas?"

"…What are we doing?"

"Infiltrating a city and rescuing a VIP."

She could not mention the word Zern yet.

"…Then we need the ability to move stealthily. Better not to have a clanky frontliner making lots of noise."

"Yes, that's right.

"…Can you move quietly, Neia?"

"I had some training, so I'm probably better than before. However, I'm not fully confident in myself."

"…Can you cast spells like [Invisibility] or do you have magic items that can do so?"

Neia shook her head.

"…I see. Work hard then."

"Yes, I will. Then…"

Could she really trust Shizu? Could she believe that she was under the

Sorcerer King's control?

If Shizu was still a minion of Jaldabaoth and was pretending to be a subordinate of the Sorcerer King in order to spy on them, then telling her about him would be very bad. However, it was very likely that the Sorcerer King had wrested control of her from Jaldabaoth. In that case, not trusting her enough would be throwing away her best trump card.

And so, nervously and haltingly, she spoke.

"In this place, er, I have the duty of being the Sorcerer King's squire."

Shizu's artificial, beautiful face did not move.

"…I heard. He said she had vicious eyes. And then he lent her a bow, which was runecrafted. Show me."

Alarms blared in the corner of her mind ― Jaldabaoth had seemed quite interested in it as well. Still, if Shizu really was in the Sorcerer King's employ, she would not be able to refuse.

Neia handed over her bow, and Shizu took it. However, she only glanced briefly at it before returning it to Neia.

"This is very good. You should let many people see it."

She delivered the line calmly, so it felt like she was reading off something.

However, she was probably imagining things because Shizu was not looking at the bow with interest. After all, she had spoken this way ever since she had first seen her.

"Thank you. Ah, yes. About what happens after the mission―"

Shizu held out a hand to interrupt Neia.

"You should let many people see it."

Why is she so hung up on this? Shizu probably noted the bafflement on Neia's face, and continued:

"He lent you an excellent runecraft weapon. You should spread the word of Ainz-sama's greatness."

The word Ainz made Neia twitch. Making this clear to her was her top priority.

"His Majesty."

Neia sensed from Shizu's blank face that she had not been clear enough, and added:

"That's 'His Majesty.' Calling him Ainz-sama is too familiar, don't you think?"

This time, it was Shizu whose face twitched a little. No, at a glance her face was still blank, but Neia was sure that her expression had changed.

"It's not too familiar."

"No, it is. Normally, you wouldn't address him by his name, but by his title. You just came into his service and haven't been of use to him yet… What's with that face of yours?"

"Nothing. However, I want to call him Ainz-sama and not His Majesty."

Was the expression that could be vaguely glimpsed past that blank mask a look of pity, or was she crowing her victory? Even Neia did not understand, but it made her mad. This thick-skinned newcomer had come out of nowhere, and the fact that she was trying to cozy up to the person she so revered made her very unhappy.

Neia decided not to pretend any more. While she wanted to act as a squire and deal with her politely as a person of the Holy Kingdom, she decided to give up on it. It did not matter if she was dealing with a monster which knew no equal throughout history or in the present day, she had to make one thing clear.

"Someone like you―"

"I was told to do so by Ainz Ooal Gown-sama ― 'Call me Ainz-sama,' he said."


"So I can call him Ainz-sama. I. Can. Call. Him. That."

Left unspoken was "but you can't," Neia's body trembled.

No, she was a demon that the Sorcerer King had bound into his service with magic. Maybe it was natural that she would go that far.

"No, that can't be. You, you must be lying. You're lying like a demon would. How could he have explained in such detail in a situation like that?"

Shizu shook her head, as though to say, Good grief.

"It is a shame, but also true. Well, I know you must be shocked. I understand very well. Still, that is where you stand now. However, if you work for him, someday you will be able to call him Ainz-sama too. Work towards it."


"…Neia. It is a predecessor's duty to teach those who come after them."

While that was a pretty good line, had Shizu not come after herself? Still, the fact that she could call him Ainz-sama made her feel that maybe she was the senior after all. It was a little hard to accept, but first―

"I want to thank you."

"…Don't mention it. One must show kindness to those who know of Ainz-sama's greatness."


Neia's eyes widened in surprise. She had only been bound to him for such a short time, so how had she gained such respect? No, that simply proved how great the Sorcerer King was.

"Yes, that's right. I know very well how great His Majesty is."

After Neia answered, the two of them looked at each other for a while.

Shizu was the first to move.

She swiftly extended her right hand. Neia responded instantly and without hesitation.

While Neia was mildly bothered by the fact that Shizu had not taken off her glove, the two of them shook hands on the table.

Given how much she reveres the Sorcerer King, it would seem she really is under His Majesty's rule. Otherwise, she would not have called him Ainz-sama, but instead she would have called him His Majesty like me, so she would not sound strange.

Was she being naive? However, at this point, Neia was very confident in her beliefs. She understood that Shizu's loyalty was genuine. Just like how the teeth of two cogwheels fitted together, they could understand each other because they were fellow worshippers of the same god.

"…Speaking of which, it's easy to get along with you. As a human being, you have a bright future, Neia."

"I have very mixed feelings about getting along with a demon. We're talking like this because you're speaking the truth about how great His Majesty is."

Hm hm, Shizu nodded.

"…Although I feel it doesn't matter what happens to Neia, I will bring you back safely to this country. I promise."

"Thank you."

Neia's gratitude was honest and straightforward. Shizu's difficulty rating was 150. She was on a level where even Blue Rose would be hard-pressed to win against her. It was only right to be grateful for the protection of such a demon.

This was doubly true if she was a subject of the Sorcerer King. Although, there was one thing she had to clarify with her.

"…Can you swear that in the name of the Sorcerer King?"

Shizu raised a hand, like she had been called on by a teacher.

"This I swear in the name of the Supreme One, Ainz Ooal Gown-sama… However, if you die and are resurrected, that still counts as keeping my word, right?"

Safe…? No, I think that's slightly different…"

The two of them looked at each other.

To Neia, there was a big difference between "safe" and "coming back to life after dying." However, that was just barely within the bounds of what she could compromise with.

"If you don't become a demon or one of the undead, but come back to life as a human, that ought to count, right…"

"…That should be fine.… Alright."

There was a slight change in Shizu's voice, which had been in a monotone all this while. She sounded like she was motivated now.

"…While you're not cute, this is specially for you."

Shizu took something out and went to Neia's side. Then she pressed something tightly onto Neia's forehead.

"Eh?! What?! What is this?!"

Startled by that inexplicable action, she tried desperately to peel it off, but she could not. It was stuck on so tight that it would not budge. It was very frightening.

"What's this! Eh! Wait! I'm scared!"

"…It's okay. It won't hurt and it's not scary. Look."

Shizu showed her something with the number 1 and a strange design ― it might have been a letter ― on it. It was made of some kind of paper that gleamed with a frightening luster and the one on her head was similarly slippery. She had heard of talismancy, so was that a kind of talisman used as a magical medium for that art? No matter what, she could not have given out a trivial item like this, so it must be some kind of magic item. That was what sent a chill down Neia's spine.

What if she could not remove it for the rest of her life?

"Why did you have to stick it on my forehead! Aren't there better places to put it?!"

"…Mm, like a little sister."

"Eh?!" Although she had heard something quite shocking, there was a more important matter at hand. "Anyway, take this off. At least stick it on my clothes or somewhere else!"

"…It can't be helped, then."

Shizu took out a small bottle and placed a drop of something on Neia's forehead. After that, the tightly stuck-on object peeled off easily, like it had never been attached at all. She picked it up, looked at it, and saw that it was the same as the one Shizu had showed her earlier.

"…Sticker. It needs to be pasted somewhere obvious."

It would seem she would have to paste it on. Making Shizu angry would do no good, so Neia did as she was told.


"…Are we done?"

"Eh? Ah, no, after this, er, I wanted to talk about finding His Majesty, ah, no, to welcome him back…"

"…I'll go too. …We need a lot of preparation. After all that is over."


"…I promise. But I hope we can make time to finish the map of the demihumans' hills."

"That's true. Eh, demi-humans?"

A moment after she agreed, a question suddenly popped up in her heart. Right now, she had not told her anything. Even so, why had she suddenly used the word "demi-human?"

Could it be… she heard about him landing in the Hills from Prince Caspond?

"…What's wrong?"

"Er, um… I got it. I'll talk to the people on top."

"…Pleased to meet you, Neia."

"The pleasure was all mine, Shizu."

Although she was still mildly bothered by the sticker from just now, Neia stuck out her hand, and Shizu responded. They both shook hands again.

"You don't think His Majesty is dead after all, do you, Shizu?"

Shizu's eyes went wide.

"…What did you just say?"

"Actually, His Majesty fell to the east, and then he didn't contact us again…

Since His Majesty can cast teleportation spells, the fact that he still hasn't come back makes me think something happened to him… So… what if… His Majesty…"

It hurt too much to speak any further. She hesitated, because if she said it, it might come true.

To this Shizu responded with what was probably surprise.

"…He's fine. He's not dead. My binding is the proof. Hm? …Why are you crying?"

Her tears were flowing on their own.

The Sorcerer King was really alive.

She truly believed that he was not dead. But sometimes, the uneasiness that suddenly reared up in her mind left her unable to sleep. Many people had told Neia that the Sorcerer King was fine, but all of them sounded like they were just trying to comfort her, to try and keep their own worries at bay, and not because they truly believed it.

But at this moment, someone had told her that with absolute confidence and certainty. That, and Shizu was the proof that the Sorcerer King was alive. That allowed Neia to relax at last.

It was relief, like that of a lost child finding her parents, that made Neia weep.

Shizu produced a piece of cloth that was printed with the same design as her scarf ― it was probably a handkerchief ― and covered Neia's face with it. And then, she rubbed forcefully. She was not so much violent as inexperienced, but the place where she rubbed hurt a lot.

Shizu pulled the handkerchief away, and Neia's snot stretched out into a bridge.

"…There's snot on it. …Super shocking."

After hearing Shizu's distinctly shocked voice, there was an indescribable look on Neia's face.

Therefore, she took a handkerchief out of her own pocket and broke the bridge of snot.

"…I'll wash it."



Entering Kalinsha's castle was not difficult.

All they had to do was hide in barrels and wait to be smuggled in as cargo.

There would be checks, of course, but there were other barrels ― eight in total

― besides the ones they had chosen to hide in, so all they had to do was let the inspectors check those instead. The fact that they could get past security with such simple precautions was due to the diverse nature of the Demi-human Alliance.

The demi-humans all came from different cultures and had varying social norms. If they had anything in common, it was that fighting strength meant everything. Therefore, when a powerful individual threw his weight around, he usually got it, and minor transgressions were all forgiven. To demi-humans, their personal power determined their capacity for violence and in turn, their social rank.

Those lower on the totem pole had no choice but to obey.

Therefore, a strong Zern could put an end to the cargo inspection by glaring at the inspectors.

Eventually, there was a loud thunk as the barrels were laid on the ground.

After that, someone knocked on the top of the barrel.

That was the signal that they had arrived at their destination. As planned, Neia counted out three minutes in silence as she listened to the Zern responsible for transporting them open a door and leave.

After the three minutes were up, Neia pushed up the divider above her.

While the bigger pieces of raw meat did not fall when the divider tilted, the smaller chunks rained down on Neia. This barrel was constructed with a false bottom.

Neia was below the divider and the fresh meat lay on top of it.

The reason why the barrels were filled with fresh meat and not vegetables or grain was so that they could use the scent of blood to mask Neia and Shizu's scent.

While Neia found it a little uncomfortable to be soaked in blood and juices from the meat, she still felt happy that none of the countermeasures they had prepared had been put to use.

Neia slowly lifted up the lid of the barrel and peered outside.

She looked around the darkened interior of the room ― there was a faint light that might have been the glow from a magic item ― and after verifying that there was nobody around, Neia slowly climbed out of the barrel.

There were all kinds of foodstuffs and urns on the shelves of this larder. There were also many barrels like the ones which had recently been brought here.

It took a lot of work, but she managed to climb out safely. In order to make getting back in easier, she left the divider standing inside the barrel.

They would need to use these barrels to escape after rescuing the Zern prince.

Shizu, the other infiltrator, had just made it out of her barrel. She was shorter than Neia, so climbing out of the large barrel had been more tiresome.

However, her physical abilities were far beyond those of Neia's and even Remedios's, so she had managed to get out by herself before Neia could go over to help her.



"There's meat stuck to your hair."

Shizu looked unhappy. While her facial expression did not change, that did not mean she had no emotions. Perhaps it was because she had been with Shizu all this time or because Neia's eyesight was excellent, or perhaps looking at the Sorcerer King's bony features all this time had honed her ability to scrutinize others, but Neia had a rough grasp of how Shizu felt.

Shizu fumbled around to try and get the small bits of meat out of her hair, but they were stuck to the strands on the back of her head and she could not get them out.

While I was told to cut my hair short because long hair could be easily grabbed in combat, it seems there are many other drawbacks to it.

Neia went to Shizu's side and picked all the chunks out before tossing them into the barrel.

"…Thanks… Don't want to infiltrate this way again."

"We'll have to do it again when we escape."


Shizu looked despondently at the barrel, then pulled a towel out of nowhere to wipe herself off before handing it to Neia.

The moist towel had a softness and fineness which Neia had never felt before.

Neia imagined that it must have been very expensive. How had she gotten her hands on something like that? Were they common in the demon world?

As all these questions and more ran through her head, Neia wiped her hands that had been made sticky by the meat, and then wiped down Shizu's hair with the clean bits. While it only made her feel better, it was better than not wiping at all.


"Don't mention it."

While Neia was doing this, Shizu took out her weapon.

That strangely shaped device was apparently a ranged weapon called a spell gun. It used mana to fire bullet-like bolts, and it felt like a crossbow. Shizu had said something about the gunpowder not showing any signs of combustion or something, but Neia had not understood any of it, so the explanation was wasted on her.

She had wanted to test it out, but Shizu refused to part with it, so Shizu's fighting ability was still an unknown. Still, she was a difficulty rating 150 demon, so Neia felt that there was nothing to worry about there.


Shizu produced the Ultimate Shooting Star Super and a quiver of arrows out of nowhere like a stage magician before handing them to Neia, and in turn Neia returned her the dirty towel.

Initially, there had been a discussion on how Neia would bring her bow along.

The bow's stave was very long, and when one added camouflage on top of that, she would not be able to close the lid on the barrel, and if the barrel were opened she would be exposed.

While they could have let the Zern carry it in, the bow was a magnificent piece of work and it would have left an impression on people who saw it.

In addition, the Zern had also refused, for fear of being drawn into all this if the rescue mission failed.

In the end, when everyone had told her to leave the bow behind, Shizu said that she could store her weapons in a mysterious space in the air, so she could put the bow in there as well.

The uneasiness of bringing a valuable item lent to her by the Sorcerer King on a mission in a dangerous place blended with the reassurance of not having to part ways with her weapon. Neia thanked Shizu for her kindness as both emotions filled her. It would seem Shizu had accepted Neia as her junior back then, and after that Shizu had occasionally acted like her senior.

Part of that was how Neia had to address Shizu as "Shizu-san," because Shizu would make a fuss if Neia did not. However, Shizu was a pretty girl, and when she made a pouty face ― she could tell even though Shizu did not show expressions ― Neia actually found it kind of cute.

After they had each readied their weapons, Shizu was the first to move.

Neia pricked up her ears to listen for any movement outside the door, but there was nobody there.

"…Let's head out."

Time was short, so Neia nodded.

The Liberation Army was approaching Kalinsha while the operation to rescue the Zern Prince was in progress, so the battle for Kalinsha would begin soon.

1: Neia and Shizu would infiltrate Kalinsha and rescue the Zern prince.

2: The Liberation Army would approach Kalinsha and begin their attack.

3: If the Zern prince was rescued, the Zern would act as a fifth column within the city walls.

4: If item 3 failed, then instead of the Zern opening the city gates and guiding the Liberation Army in, Neia and Shizu would have to handle that task.

However, that was far too much for them to take on, so they would only do what was within their capabilities.

Those were the key points of the battle plan.

The important thing was that if they could rescue the Zern prince, then they could count on the Liberation Army and the Zern to relieve them even if they were forced to hunker down and defend themselves. This was good for the Zern as well; if the rescue succeeded, they could release the prince after Kalinsha was taken back.

In other words, whether or not they could take Kalinsha back simply and with minimal casualties all hinged on successfully rescuing the prince.

As she felt the weight crushing down on her shoulders, Neia groaned as her tummy hurt again.

Therefore ― there was not much time. Once the Liberation Army began their attack on Kalinsha or if they were detected before that, security in Kalinsha would be tightened.

In accordance with what they had planned, Shizu produced a bottle of what looked like perfume out of nowhere and sprinkled it on Neia and herself. It seemed to be some kind of consumable magic item that contained the first-tier spell [Odorless].

There was not much of it, so they had to conserve it as much as possible.

Shizu cracked open the door, peered around outside, and then slipped out.

They had selected their route and decided on how to deal with various situations after consulting the map of Kalinsha, and they had already discussed what duties each of them would be handling.

Neia exited the room as well, then carefully closed the door so as not to make noise before running after Shizu.

Though I'm not really helping much…

Frankly speaking, under the present circumstances Neia was nothing more than a burden. That much was instantly clear when one looked at Shizu's running stride. She ran like her father moved through the woods ― no, she was far better, being both swift and silent. She was definitely using some kind of technique there.

She's a demon, but she uses techniques like a human… It's always the ones you can't judge by their appearances which are the scariest, huh?

While they could have left everything to Shizu, Neia's presence was both to keep an eye on Shizu and also to ensure that it was a joint effort between the Sorcerer Kingdom's Shizu ― assuming she was truly bound to the Sorcerer King

― and the Holy Kingdom's Neia that rescued the prince. That way, the Holy Kingdom could act like they had contributed to it.

The passages were dark. It was nighttime. Moonlight streamed in through the windows ― or rather, the only thing which entered was the moonlight. There were no other sources of light here, no magical illumination or torches.

This was because many demi-humans were indifferent to the darkness.

However, there were different degrees of being able to see in the darkness. While some species had complete [Dark Vision], most of them simply had superior night vision.

Therefore, Neia and Shizu avoided the moonlight and slunk from shadow to shadow.

As a human being, Neia had to focus herself and sharpen her senses. Not only could she not see clearly due to the darkness, the patrolling guards did not carry light sources either, so she could not spot them from afar.

While she did not quite understand why the larder had lights, that was probably for the sake of those species who lacked [Dark Vision].

The two of them kept their footfalls as quiet as possible while they ran through the castle towards their destination.

Considering Shizu's physical attributes were far superior to Remedios's, even a pace which left Neia panting and barely able to keep up was probably slower than a jog to Shizu.

They occasionally spotted demi-human guards, which was their cue to hold their breath and quietly wait for the opposition to move on.

They could not kill them, because that would mean having to take care of the corpses and hide their traces. Since they were in the midst of the enemy, it would be best not to be spotted at all until the rescue was a success.

Fortunately, Neia and Shizu were not spotted, and they continued forward.

There were few guards within the castle thanks to most of the personnel being assigned to the walls and the watchtowers, as well as the city's prisons. The Sorcerer King had killed a great deal of demi-humans, which meant that they could not set up a tight security net. Thus, vigilance within the castle had grown lax, according to the Zern.

The reason why they could proceed safely was because the Zern had reconnoitered the area ahead of time and made near-perfect preparations, but Neia still felt a twinge of uneasiness.

There were two challenges in their way.

The first was the long passageway they had to traverse in order to reach the tower.

The second was the bridge to the tower ― the aerial walkway.

There were no hiding places in either location, and obviously there would be sentries standing watch as well. They would not be alone either.

In addition, at least one of them would be stationed out of the line of fire for ranged weapons because they were on guard against ranged attacks.

While they had discussed the matter in a big group in front of Gustav's map, they would still have to pass through both these places in order to reach the tower.

If we could use [Invisibility] to deceive their eyesight and [Silence] from the priests to deceive their hearing, we would be able to infiltrate perfectly… that's why adventurers ― who form groups that can take on all kinds of situations ― are so highly valued.

Eventually, the two of them reached their objective.

This was the first challenge, the long passageway. If they tried to run straight down it, they would be spotted before they could cover the distance.

In order to avoid that, they needed to reach a location where they could execute ranged attacks while not being spotted by the opposition.

That was why they had come here, the level above the long passage, the room directly above where the guards were stationed.

If they lowered a rope from here and rappelled down the outer walls, they could take a shortcut without being detected.


In response to Shizu's question, Neia consulted the map in her head and the route they had taken, and nodded a yes.

"…Hm. Not bad."

Shizu's reply sounded like she was praising a junior, and then she pressed her ear to the door. Then, she quickly and silently opened it.

While the room was filled with various sundry items, it looked like it had not been used in a long time, and there was a white layer of dust on the ground.

However, there were traces that the Zern scouts had been here. They had moved between the window and a very large shelf.

Shizu produced a rope out of nowhere. It was the same color as the castle wall.

After that, she secured it to the large shelf. She used all her strength to tug on it to see if it could take the weight of Neia and herself, but it did not budge, and it showed no signs of fraying.

The size ― and weight ― of the shelf was a factor, but the web-like strands stuck to the shelves was probably more important. The Zern who had come to this room beforehand had fixed it in place with sticky threads taken from the Spidans.

The window opened easily, and Shizu looked at the city walls outside. After verifying that there were no patrolling guards in sight, Shizu slung her weapon onto her back and said, "I'll go first."

She threw herself out of the window and slid down the rope to the window below.

She took her weight on one hand and used the other to push open the next window, which opened easily. That too had been the work of the Zern.

Shizu then slid inside. Her skillful movements had only taken a few seconds.

After confirming that the room below was safe, Shizu poked her face out and beckoned to Neia.

Neia grabbed the rope and leaned out of the window.

While the window on the floor below was only four meters away, they were now over a hundred meters off the ground. If Neia fell, she would meet with a horrible death. No, it would be worse if she did not die.

She would surely be tortured until she gave up what she knew and then she would be killed. Falling to her death would be a merciful alternative.

The rope had evenly spaced knots along its length ― handholds, in other words ― and there had been no problems during the several practice sessions they had conducted. However, training felt completely different from the real thing.

Ahh, I really don't want to go…

But she had no choice. If only there was something like a balcony that she could just jump down on―

Neia gripped the rope tightly as she pushed her entire body out of the window.

She crossed her legs to firmly clasp the rope between her thighs.

After this, all she had to do was descend slowly.

The ground's just a little lower. The ground's just a little lower.

She slowly went down the rope, reminding herself not to look down over and over again.

She shifted her weight from her right hand, and then to the left, just what like she had practiced. The wind blew and made her body shake at an intensity that could not be compared to training at all.

Come on, come on, come on, me! Shizu should have been more scared than this!

The window was open because of the Zerns' help.

However, if someone had locked the window after the Zerns opened it, then Shizu would have had to climb back up. With that in mind, Neia ― who only needed to make a single trip ― had it easy in comparison.

She finally approached the window, and Shizu reached out to grab Neia's body. Thus, she pulled Neia in with incredible strength.

"Thank, thank you."

"…Mm. But, too long… I'm taking it in, hold this."


Shizu leaned out of the window and raised her spell gun. Neia held the rope as indicated. There was a pop-hiss of expelled air and Neia felt a force tugging on the rope. Shizu had cut it with her weapon.

She pulled the severed rope back into the room and dumped it in the corner.


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