Chapter 497 - 14

The claw that was grabbing her wrist held her up and brought her into the air before another claw grabbed her throat and slammed her body onto the ground.

"Argh!" Even with Alex protecting Gwen, there were limits to how much of an impact he could cushion.

Gwen coughed out blood after that impact, staining the front of her mask.

Seeing Gwen getting beat up, Alex decided to help out a bit.

Just as the arm was moving to slam her on the ground again, it was immobilized by the presence of a weak red glow surrounding it.

[Free yourself, Gwen.] Alex told her as he used Chaos energy to immobilize it.

Gwen didn't waste any time before grabbing the metal arm that was holding her neck with her free hand and sending a burst of electricity through it. Alex made sure to augment the shock to the best of his ability.

The electric shock made the grip of the claw falter for a moment before it tightened up again, but that was all the time that Gwen needed to pull away from the arm that was grabbing her neck.

She quickly shot a few webs at the other two arms that were moving to grab her limbs and at the arm that she'd just freed herself from. Taking advantage of the momentary immobility of the three arms, Gwen send a similar shock through the arm that was grabbing her wrist and freed herself from it.

This was when things took a turn.

There was a weak whoosh sound and Gwen, with her super senses, noticed a dart flying into Doc Ock's neck.

'The sixth unknown…' She realized and looked up at the area of origin of that dart. Alex noticed that that dart was shot at all of the incapacitated villains at the same time. Though it was going to be impossible to wake up Mysterio without a heavy dose of stimulation, the rest of the attackers were up.

And this was when Gwen realized that she was surrounded.

"It's you, you bitch!" Gwen shouted when she realized the identity of the sixth person in the warehouse.

"Did you miss me, darling?" Cindy asked Gwen in a flirtatious tone that sent shivers down Gwen's spine.

'Ain't that a fuckable piece…' Alex's inner pervert was stuck admiring Cindy's beauty. She was wearing the typical Silk one-piece spandex costume with grey tones and a red spider forming in the center of her suit.

"I see that you stole my friend's suit design." Gwen taunted. She knew that Cindy was obsessed with her counterpart from Earth-616.

"It was just so good that I couldn't resist." Cindy didn't react as Gwen expected.

'Worth a try.' Gwen didn't dwell on her failure to taunt Cindy and shrugged before she shot her web at the ceiling and got away from the ground.

Just as she jumped up from the ground, there were a number of explosions on the ground. Green Goblin had thrown some of his pumpkin bombs on the ground.

While Gwen was in the air, Doc Ock attacked her with two of his mechanical arms while at the same time, Frank started shooting at Gwen's airborne figure with a rifle.

Gwen had to maneuver in between the two mechanical arms that were grabbing at her while also dodging the bullets that were shot at her.

'Time to put that damn training to some use…' Gwen thought as she decided to take care of the easiest target for now— The Punisher. He would be the easiest to take care of in the current roster of her assailants.

She shot a web at a wall and pulled herself to the Punisher with her leg extended outwards, planning to kick him to unconsciousness, 'I hope he breaks some bones…' Gwen was a little vindictive too.'

Just then, her Spider-Sense flared, and she had to shoot a web in another direction to change her trajectory. At that moment, there were two mechanical arms hitting the spot where she would've been at this moment while there were a large number of webs being shot from the ceiling toward that spot.

'Fucking Cindy…' Gwen was annoyed that Cindy wasn't joining in the fight and was looking for chances to just snipe her.

[Do a feint. Act like you're attacking Punisher but target Harry. He's the one that you don't want to hurt so use this method to take care of him quickly.] Alex told her.

[You wanted me to prioritize taking care of Harry before going for Otto?] Gwen remembered how Alex didn't want her to incapacitate Otto at that time.

[Yeah, but it's fine. You're your own person. You can make your own decisions. My job is to give you advice and to fuck you into oblivion before completely rejuvenating you and then repeating the cycle all over again.] Alex said in her head as she web-slung around the warehouse while trying to reach the Punisher. Gwen made sure to keep messing with the 4 people that were ganging up on her with fun little quips while mostly targeting Cindy. Though she didn't succeed in riling up Cindy.

Though she kept getting intercepted, she'd gotten a nice little hit on Doc Ock. Hitting him in the chin before his mechanical arms flung her away. Even in the pain, Gwen was immensely satisfied.

"Why are you doing this, Cindy? Didn't you already get the portal device from me?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah, but I came across a nice little tidbit of information that your powers are perfectly fine and I just had to see for myself." She said, indulging Gwen.

"I don't think that's it, Silk-65," Gwen said.

"Don't call me that!" Cindy growled and shot a large number of webs all over the warehouse while Gwen did her best to dodge while moving toward the Punisher. She looked as if she was going to look for the right moment to strike and incapacitate him.

'Well, that got to her…' Gwen thought while feeling sad. Of all her smart-ass quips, that simple one's what managed to rile up Cindy.

"I'm the true Silk!" Cindy lashed out.

'Damn… talk about testy,' Alex thought, 'Also much less composed than I expected… I guess she went crazy after failing to use the portal device to get to 616. And by the looks of it, There's no Jesse Drew here, which means that he actually ended up going to 616, leaving her stranded here…' Alex was lost in his inner musings about the comics which didn't exactly matter in the current situation.

"There is no true Silk, Cindy. That's the point of the multiverse…" Gwen kept her engaged while moving toward her target, Punisher, amidst the combined attacks of Doc Ock, Cindy, and Punisher's bullets.

"It doesn't matter. Since we'll be getting rid of the Spider-Menace once and for all. I'll know in due time how you got back your powers." Cindy's mood suddenly swung from unstable to composed as she said to Gwen.

"Right… You and your merry band of the Sinister Six. So goddamn original…" Gwen ended up namedropping the Sinister Six.

[What?] Alex asked. He wanted to know how she knew about the Sinister Six since as far as he could tell, there was no mention of the Sinister Six in this world.

[The 616 Peter— Spider-Man, told me about his run-in with the combined forces of 6 of his foes. They'd joined up to form the Sinister Six. It included Doc Ock, Electro, Green Goblin, and Mysterio along with two other people. I think it was Kraven and Sandman.] Gwen informed Alex.

"Sinister Six? That sounds so negative…" Doc Ock commented from the side.

"Right! I don't like it. How about we change things up? We can call ourselves the Sacred Six since we're fighting the good fight by detaining Spider-Woman!" Cindy had a eureka moment.

"How in the world does that matter?" Punisher let out a frustrated growl from the side. Both Cindy and Doc Ock had stopped attacking Gwen during the time they changed the name and she had already reached him.

"Fuck off, Frank!" Gwen shouted as she was about to throw a punch at Frank's face, but just then, her Spider-Sense flared. Harry had come to attack her.

'Got you!' Gwen smiled under her mask and jumped up before webbing the back of Green Goblin's glider and pulling herself to his back.

"Hey! Go away!" Harry screamed and tried to shake her off, but Gwen was unrelenting. Within a second she was on Harry's back and grabbed the back of his neck.

"Nighty night…" She said before a discharge of electricity left her palm and put Harry out of commission for the rest of the fight.

'Just three left now…' She counted mentally.

Just as she shocked Harry, she had to jump away since Doc Ock's mechanical arms had already reached her. Both Cindy and Doc Ock's lapse was no more than two seconds and they were already focusing on her again. But it was enough. Gwen had already done what she wanted, she'd taken care of another member of their group. The so-called Sacred Six.

'Sacred my ass…' Gwen was annoyed.


[Your ass is sacred.] Alex said as if it was a matter of fact.

[I'm in the middle of a fight, Alex. And please don't read my surface thoughts. It's eerie.] Gwen said.

She was busy dodging and trying to come up with a plan to take care of another of them when she heard Alex's voice in her head again, [Feign tiredness at this point. You've been fighting a high-intensity fight for so long. You should be tired by now. It'll get them to drop their guard a little.] He told her his next idea.

[I like that…] She said in an energetic tone. A tone that didn't match her following actions.

After a few minutes of dodging their attacks, Gwen's movements started getting a little sluggish. This was easily noticed by the three conscious people in the room as they increased the intensity of their attacks.

Seeing Gwen's slower movements, Cindy decided to become an active participant in the fight and jumped down from the ceiling. She'd spent her time throwing distracting shots from the ceiling and not actually doing anything more.

"You seem to be getting tired, Miss Spider-Woman." Cindy taunted.

"Haah… It's more than enough to… haah… deal with you." Gwen acted as if she was wound up.

[Tone down on the heavy breaths. It's a little exaggerated.] Alex informed her with schadenfreude.

[Right…] Gwen rolled her eyes under her mask.

With Cindy actively joining the fray, Gwen's fight got even harder. She had to dodge Doc Ock's tentacle arms and Punisher's super-accurate headshots that came from an assault rifle that had armor-piercing rounds while also having to deal with Cindy's melee prowess, which wasn't a joke.

Cindy had trained extensively in multiple martial arts along with her scientific pursuits. The only reason that Gwen was able to keep up with her and even slightly suppress her was because of her superior physical abilities, courtesy of Alex.

A tentacle claw grazed Gwen's waist, drawing some blood while Cindy kept Gwen on her toes.

[Hey! The only tentacles that can graze my girl are my own.] She heard Alex say in her head.

[Damnit, Alex you pervert! At least pay attention to the situation.] Gwen chided.

[You can take care of it. I'm confident in your abilities.] Alex told her. He could always bail her out with his Chaos magic in a desperate situation.

[Now he decides that he should let me deal with my shit myself…] Gwen felt like she was rolling her eyes too much today.

[I heard that.]

[I meant to let you hear that.] She snarled while dodging a particularly well-aimed headshot that the punished had shot at her after she kicked Cindy away. Having to dodge that bullet put Gwen back where she was as Cindy gained on her and started attacking her again, making Gwen lose the little advantage that she'd brought for herself.

Gwen was starting to get annoyed with their persistent attacks while also having to act like she was tired. These guys weren't letting her find a single opening.

[And to think this is when they don't have any coordination…] Alex told Gwen.

[What do you mean?] Gwen felt like these guys were plenty coordinated.

[Their attacks aren't truly coordinated. It's just Punisher who's trying to coordinate with the other two. Both Otto and Cindy are attacking you on their own terms. If they were actually cooperating, you would be writhing in pain on the ground by now as Cindy extracted your blood… Or whatever she wants to do with you this time…] Alex said the brutal truth. Gwen wasn't really strong enough to fend off the combined forces of these guys yet.

[Whatever.] Gwen was getting lightly hurt repeatedly. She was acting sluggish, which meant that she couldn't make too complicated movements too quickly. This allowed the leftover trio of the Sinister Six to get some hits on her.

Though she still wasn't able to find any openings.

'I should teach her to use some weapon…' Alex mused as he saw Gwen fight barehanded while leveraging her webs to get some hits on her opponents.

After what felt like a lifetime of fighting, Gwen finally saw an opening.

Her entire body was riddled with cuts and bruises, though they were tiny and had no real effect individually, combined, even Gwen was starting to feel the effects of her multiple injuries. But she finally found an opening to take care of Doc Ock.

Just as Cindy was moving to attack her while Doc Ock was behind her to attack her with his mechanical arms, Gwen attacked Cindy with her Bio-Electricity augmented with Alex. He always augmented Gwen when she used her Bio-Electricity since it helped him get more proficient in using his ‹Basic Lightning Manipulation› ability.

Though, Cindy had already jumped away. She had her own version of Spider-Sense, called the Silk-Sense. It was a superior ability to Spider-Sense but was a bit too superior, causing Cindy problems in her daily life. But in this fight, Cindy had an absolute advantage in extrasensory ability.

With Cindy jumping back, Gwen was free to attack Doc Ock, but his mechanical arms were in the way, blocking her from getting close to him.

At the same time, Punisher also started shooting at her. That fucker had been the biggest reason that she wasn't able to take care of these two yet. He kept interfering whenever Gwen got a chance to take care of one of them.

This time though, Gwen leveraged Alex's camouflage ability and disappeared on the spot.

Within half a second, before either Punisher or Doc Ock could react, Gwen was behind Doc Ock and pushed a high-voltage current through his brain stem. At the spot where his arms' core chipset was.

Not only did she stun him to unconsciousness, but also fried the intelligence chip of the arms.

Alex made sure to supplement the current so that the arms actually power down and don't end up taking control over Doc Ock's body like that other time. He used a mix of lightning manipulation and cyberspace manipulation for his. He made sure that those arms would stay powered down until a new chip was created.

After shocking Doc Ock into unconsciousness and turning his arms into a glorified paperweight, Gwen jumped away.

The Punisher had already worn a heat vision device and detected her. Cindy did the same and jumped to her.

'Thanks, Alex…' Gwen inwardly thanked Alex. She knew that without him augmenting and controlling the shock, Doc Ock's arms wouldn't have gone out of commission.

Webbing the top of the warehouse, Gwen jumped away from her spot. Both Punisher and Cindy had arrived to attack her.

Alex got rid of the camouflage since these guys were already wearing heat vision goggles and it wasn't any use. When Gwen used it before when dealing with Mysterio and freeing her father, they didn't realize that it was a camouflage ability that she had. Mysterio's drones had automatically detected her at that time and they didn't pay attention to it at that time.

'I really need a better camouflaging ability…' Alex thought. It was useless when it came to anyone with even the most basic resources.

At this point, it was just Cindy that Gwen was worried about. Frank was no more than a nuisance. Although he was troublesome, she could take care of him.

"You're just full of surprises, aren't you little ghost?" Cindy shot a web at Gwen which Gwen promptly dodged. It stuck itself to the ground behind Gwen and Cindy pulled herself toward Gwen using that web.

Gwen punched the spot where Cindy was about to arrive but Cindy, already having sensed the danger, moved a bit to the side.

Gwen's punch failed to land, which she already expected so she shot a web at Cindy while shooting another at the ceiling.

Cindy dodged the attack and the web went behind her, but Cindy grabbed the web and pulled Gwen to her.

Gwen had already attached another web to the ceiling and was in the air. Then with Cindy's pull, she decided to lean into the momentum and shot toward her with a kick aimed at Cindy.

Cindy had already moved to another location before Gwen landed. And with her landing, Frank started raining more bullets at her location.

Gwen had to keep herself busy while dodging those bullets as Cindy started attacking her, not wanting to lose her advantage.

Gwen kept getting pushed back by the combined forces of Cindy and Frank but soon, Frank's bullets were out, and just as he was reloading like he'd done tens of times before, Gwen decided that she'd had enough.

Her Bio-Electricity was charged up enough and she decided to go with another explosion.

[Alex, some support?] She asked.

[You don't need to ask this stuff, Gwen. I automatically augment whatever moves of yours I can. It's sort of a passive thing. You can just tell me when you don't need me to augment your moves.] Alex told her.

[Okay.] She didn't say anything else before she exploded with another burst of electricity.

Sadly though, Cindy's Silk-Sense was annoyingly good and she'd already jumped away from the blast radius of the electric burst.

But Gwen's blast had already achieved its purpose. She'd made quite a bit of distance from Cindy and incapacitated The Punisher.

Gwen quickly moved to Frank and sent a controlled electric shock into his head, knocking him out for good.

"It's just you and me now, Cindy," Gwen said as she dodged Cindy's kick and grabbed her outstretched leg.

Cindy had already anticipated Gwen's move and shot a web at her hand before pulling the web.

Gwen's hand was pulled away as Cindy brought her leg back down and stood her ground in front of Gwen.

"I guess, it is. isn't it?" Cindy said as she grinned. Gwen could see her malevolent grin even through the mask that Cindy was wearing.


"Why are you even after me? Going so far as to kidnap my father… You already took my dimensional traveler. What else do you want from me?" Gwen still didn't get Cindy's reasoning behind this.

Cindy had revealed Gwen's identity to these people, kidnapped her father to bring her here, and even teamed up with them to attack her. Gwen couldn't understand the reasoning behind Cindy's actions.

'Should I do it…' Alex just had an idea and was contemplating whether he wanted to follow through with it or not.

"Not… Telling…" Cindy teased Gwen in an infuriating sing-song voice.

"Well, fuck you then…" Gwen punched her in the gut while Cindy promptly dodged and shot a web at Gwen's outstretched hand.

Just as the web touched Gwen's hand, it disintegrated. Gwen just now had an idea about how she could use her Bio-Electricity and she utilized it to send out a weak shockwave of electricity and ruin the web that was shot toward her hand.

"How did you get this electricity ability…" Cindy mused out loud.

"None of your business." Gwen was unrelenting and shot a web at Cindy which was promptly dodged.

Each attack that Gwen sent her way was dodged by Cindy and it was starting to get annoying.

"Stay still, goddamnit…" Gwen's physical stats were superior to Cindy's but Cindy had Silk Sense which was better than Spider-Sense and she was also a better combatant than Gwen.

Though Cindy was on the back foot for the fight, one could tell that she was calmly looking for an opening.

[Hey, Gwen. What do you think about me bonding with Cindy?] Alex asked Gwen out of the blue.

[What?!] Gwen was a little shocked and missed her attack which Cindy didn't hesitate to take advantage of. She moved close to Gwen and webbed her stomach before pulling her off of the ground. Or at least she tried.

Gwen had her feet attached to the ground through her Wall Crawling ability and Cindy's attack was of no use.

[What do you mean Alex?] Gwen asked Alex with a furious undertone. She thought that Alex was planning to abandon her for Cindy.

[I mean, what if I separate a part of my body and let that body bond with Cindy? She might be pretty useful.] Alex explained.

[And what happened to all that marriage bullshit that you said back then?] Gwen questioned him with a slightly colder tone.

[I could also just steal her power from her genome and leave her to stay as a normal human for the rest of her life…] Alex mused. He was mostly lost in his own thoughts and didn't pay attention to Gwen's passive-aggressive question.

[Fuck off, Alex] Gwen cursed at him while focusing on her fight with Cindy.

[Fine, fine. You'll be my only host on this Earth.] Alex told Gwen. She was focused on the fight so she didn't notice Alex's subtle wordplay.

His decision was made by factoring in quite a few things. Gwen treating him as a true life partner was a big factor but there was another reason. Alex didn't know if he had a limit to the number of hosts that he could bond with. He didn't want to end up getting fucked over later down the line. He also didn't exactly see any real benefit in bonding with Cindy. He already had access to the Spider-Powers roster from Gwen. He'd rather bond with someone like Jean Grey or Susan Storm next. One is the literal embodiment of The Phoenix Force, and the other can directly manipulate the Cosmic energies of the universe.

At this point, just as Gwen sent a controlled electric bolt at Cindy which was dodged again as usual, Alex instantly extended out from Gwen's body and covered Cindy before she could even react.

'Thank fuck I can make these extrasensory abilities like Silk-Sense useless.' Alex was glad that his opponents couldn't sense his actions with extrasensory abilities as long as he didn't want them to.

The instant that he started covering Cindy's body, Alex injected a sleeping drug into her body to make her go to sleep.

"Alex…" Gwen had a betrayed frown on her face. She thought that he was going to abandon her and bond with Cindy.

"What's up?" He asked happily, "You did amazingly today. I'm proud of you." Alex's body formed in front of Gwen and he pulled her in for a hug.

"Mhm…" She hummed and leaned into the hug with a desperate edge.

[Please don't leave me…] Gwen pleaded with a weak voice.

"What?" Alex asked dumbfoundedly, "Where'd that thought come from?"

"Aren't you bonding with Cindy and leaving me…" She said in a small voice.

"You dumbfuck…" Alex flicked her forehead with his full strength.

"Ouch!" Gwen put both her hands on her forehead and crouched down due to the pain.

"Did you not listen to what I'm doing? I'm planning to do to her what she did to you. I'm going to remove her powers and make her no more than a normal human. She put my girl through so much pain and suffering. The least I can do is to avenge you." Alex told her with a loving tone as he crouched down in front of her crouched figure and pulled her in for another hug.

Alex also pulled her mask off of her head and threw it to the side, he gently held the sides of her face with both his hands and looked into her eyes.

"Didn't I tell you that our bond is practically unbreakable? I can't leave you even if I want to. Not that I would ever want to leave you in the first place."

"Pwomife?" She asked with a muffled voice since Alex had squeezed her face with both his hands.

"I promise." Alex shook his head with a gentle smile on his face and brought his face closer to Gwen's.

"I'm never breaking my bond with you. Even if you someday try to run, it's going to be impossible to get rid of me." He said before passionately kissing Gwen.

"Mhm~" She couldn't help but moan a little when she felt his tongue caress hers while he toyed with her tongue piercing.

A few minutes later, when Alex pulled back, Gwen was huffing with both arousal and breathlessness.

"Let's take care of things here and leave. What do you want to do with the others? I'll be taking away Cindy's and Electro's powers since they'll help me get stronger. The others don't really matter to me.

"All of these guys know about my identity now, Alex… It'll be very troublesome if they reveal it." She said.

"I could alter their memories to make them think that Cindy didn't tell any of them anything about your identity." He offered.

"I don't know, Alex… I feel like if I agree to this then I'll become a hypocrite…" Gwen was hesitant. She wanted to agree but the solution wasn't ethical.

"That's your only choice, Gwen. And your identity getting revealed will be a huge problem. In the eyes of the world, you are a criminal. There's even a warrant out for your arrest."

"I know…" Gwen was deep in thought. Alex didn't interfere since he knew that this was a decision that she should make by herself.

"Do it… Manipulate their memories. But don't read their memories… Can you do that? For me? Please?" Gwen pleaded with Alex with a genuine plea.

"Fine. But just because you asked nicely." Alex lovingly kissed Gwen's nose and manipulated everyone's memories of today's incident. He didn't have any issue not reading any of their memories. They didn't have anything to offer him.

He already had the blueprint for Doc Ock's arms and Harry's Green Goblin tech. The Punisher didn't have much to interest Alex. It was the same with Mysterio.

The only two people left were Cindy and Electro. And they both had quite a bit that Alex wanted.

Electro would give him both EP and would let him upgrade his Lightning Manipulation. On the other hand, Cindy was even more useful. He would be able to increase the stats of his ‹Superhuman Grade Physique Creation› ability while also enhancing his 6th sense by a huge amount. Her Silk-Sense was far better than Spider-Sense. That's not to mention that Alex would be able to get the formula to create his own radioactive spider that could create a Spider-Man.

He could literally mass-produce an army of Spider-Men with that spider.

'I doubt it would be that easy though…' Alex didn't expect things to be that simple with that radioactive spider. Otherwise, Cindy would've already taken over the world.

"We're done. Grab Cindy. We'll go to our warehouse." Alex said and merged back into Gwen's body.

"Okay. What about Electro?" She asked.

"He's contained. I'll see what I can do about him when we get to the warehouse." He told her.

"Let's get going." Gwen walked out of the door while having Cindy's unconscious body slung over her shoulder.

[Oh…] Alex had just noticed something in Cindy's head. He hadn't read her memories but was just looking to read her surface thoughts so that he could understand her motivation for targeting Gwen.

[What is it?] Gwen asked.

[I just noticed something interesting.] Alex said.

[Are you reading Cindy's memories?] She asked calmly. She'd been desensitized to Alex's mind manipulation stuff at this point. And he'd just helped her out with that. She didn't want to be even more of a hypocrite by overreacting.

[Not her memories.] He said.

[Her surface thoughts then…] Gwen was rolling her eyes under her mask. She understood him well enough.

[Yep.] He agreed.

[Well, don't. It's an invasion of privacy. And we'll be interrogating her soon enough.] Gwen didn't like being so invasive with other people.

[I was curious. And I found some very interesting information.] Alex said.


"Mhm…" Cindy woke up feeling groggy as she tried to stretch her limbs.

"Huh?" She was confused as she wasn't able to move her limbs. That was when she realized that she was lying on a bed in a spread-eagle position with her arms and legs tied to the four corners of the bed.

She tried to shoot her webs to free herself but her hands were covered by gloves. She didn't have any mobility in her fingers as her hands were balled up into fists. She tried to release her organic webs through her intent and it worked but even that was useless. The webbing just got dissolved by those gloves.

She tried to look around but her eyes were covered by a blindfold so she couldn't see anything around her.

"No. You are not killing him…" She heard a voice saying.

'Gwen…' She thought, recognizing the voice.

"Why not? It'll help me get stronger…" Another voice argued against Gwen's words.

"Come on, Alex. At least don't kill him…" She pleaded with him.

"Fine… I won't kill him…" He begrudgingly agreed.

"Thank you, Alex. You're the best!" Gwen gave him a tight hug.

Meanwhile, Cindy was feeling a bubbling irritation from within her as she heard Gwen talk so intimately with a man. She tried to speak but her mouth was gagged by a cloth that was taped to her face so she was only able to hear how Gwen generously thanked some unknown man.

"I think I'd like my reward to be a more physical kind…" Alex said with a husky voice.

'I'll kill you, you fucker!' Cindy struggled as she tried to free herself. This was what Alex had noticed when reading Cindy's surface thoughts. She was obsessed with Gwen and wanted her for herself.

Alex didn't know if this stalkerish obsession was present beforehand or if it was developed after Gwen regained her powers, but he would find out sooner or later. For now, he was going to play Cindy.

'Who said that I have to bond with her to enjoy Silk's insides?' Alex chuckled evilly inwardly.

"Mhm~" Gwen moaned as Alex brought her in close and kissed her.

[Are you sure that this is going to work?] Gwen asked Alex with a hesitant tone.

[Positive.] He said as he squeezed her butt over her spider suit.

They had already taken care of Electro as Alex had taken away his powers while sucking as much life force (EP) as he could from Electro. After this, he would only be able to live for a decade at most before dying naturally of old age. Alex liked to indulge Gwen every once in a while, but that didn't mean that he was going to abandon his benefit for her morals.

«EP: 22»

‹Intermediate Lightning Manipulation›:: Allows for fine control over electricity along with its generation. Allows use of ‹Atmospheric Burst› to attack.

‹Atmospheric Burst›:: The user can attract the surrounding atmospheric lightning by gathering the charged clouds. The lightning will then rain down on the enemies to kill them or on the user to enhance their abilities. Cooldown: 5 hours

Alex loved the ‹Atmospheric Burst› ability that can attract atmospheric thunder to make a burst attack in an instant. Though the 5-hour cooldown was annoying, it was due to his own limitations. He could reduce this cooldown to 0 with practice and time as long as his control over lightning improved.

'I really should find a Thor to devour… Or maybe bond with a version of Jane Foster's The Mighty Thor…' Alex wanted to strengthen his lightning abilities even more.

"Not right now… You can do whatever you want to, tonight…" Gwen's said in a sultry tone while weakly pushing him away as her words brought him back from his musings.

[Imagining yourself being fucked by me while Cindy watches from the side, powerless to do anything, turns you on, doesn't it…] He accurately understood her mood.

Gwen suppressed a moan as she felt Alex's hand caressing her already dripping core from over her suit.

Meanwhile, Cindy was trying to free herself from her bonds. She didn't want to hear Gwen's mewls and moans, 'At least not when I'm not the reason for them.'

[That's not true…] Gwen feigned disagreement.

[I don't believe you…] He told her as he felt her dripping even more juices.

"You know… That chick that's lying there on the bed is utterly obsessed with you…" Alex continued his mixed act while revealing to Cindy that he knew about her inner thoughts. His words had an immediate effect as they made Cindy calm down in her bonds, deep in thought. She was utterly dumbfounded about how someone knew her thoughts.

"You don't know what you're… Mhm… talking about. That bitch… Mhm… took away my powers and beat me up…" Gwen continued the act while shyly reacting to Alex's caresses over her sensitive spots. she was also actively responding as she kissed him.

"I bet that she regrets leaving you there to this day. I bet she wants to kidnap you and keep you in her basement forever as her slave." Alex kept revealing Cindy's true thoughts.

It had an immediate effect as Cindy realized that her plans were being revealed one by one. At the same time, Gwen was mewling under his touch and getting more and more turned on by the current situation.

Alex had told Gwen how much Cindy wanted her. And she was all for doing this to make Cindy jealous and mad. Gwen may be a moral goody-two-shoes who was bordering on naivety, but she was still human, and a bit of harmless vengeance was acceptable.

'I think that Alex has already destroyed my innocence…' Gwen inwardly lamented the loss of her innocent mind.

Cindy had started thrashing in her bonds again as she tried to speak through the gag, but she could only make incoherent noises. Noises that only served to give a sort of twisted satisfaction to Gwen's arousal.

"I think our guest is up. We should greet her." Alex said, making Cindy the center of attention.

Gwen looked at Alex with a little smile. She knew what he was planning and didn't mind messing with Cindy like this. Though she didn't know that Alex's plans were a lot more than just messing with Cindy a little.

Alex and Gwen walked to Cindy's bed and Alex grabbed the blindfold before pulling it away.

"Hi, Cindy!" Gwen said with a cheery voice.

"Mmm!" Cindy struggled even more and tried to speak unsuccessfully while looking at Alex furiously.

"I heard that you're obsessed with me… I decided to put it to the test. Me and my boyfriend here are going to have some fun. I hope you can give us your informed opinion…" Gwen was smirking.

Cindy just struggled even more intensely. Sadly, what was keeping her limbs immobile was Alex, it was going to be impossible for her to break free using brute force.

At this point, Alex moved behind Gwen and wrapped his hands around her stomach while bringing his face to her bare neck and sucking. Gwen's resulting moans were heavenly.

Cindy's fury was dripping from her eyes and she was giving him a deathly glare that promised endless pain and damnation.

Alex just chuckled as he brought his hands to Gwen's chest. She was still wearing her Ghost-Spider suit so he was only grabbing her tits over her suit. He then held her chin and turned her face a little before kissing her, enjoying the looks of frustration on Cindy's face.

Alex gently toyed with Gwen's breasts while kissing her right in front of Cindy. He could feel Gwen rocking her hips against his pelvis, indicating that she was just as aroused as he was with this.

Having someone that you're obsessed with and only being able to look at, while another person claimed that person as his own was as frustrating as it could get. And Cindy was feeling the full brunt of that frustration while looking at Gwen and Alex making out as he fondled Gwen's body.

As he was kissing Gwen, he brought his hand to her thighs and trailed his fingers up to her core, slowly teasing her while toying with her breasts over her suit.

At this point, Alex started altering Cindy's hormones, just a bit. He couldn't do a lot without bonding with her, so he would make do with what he had. Alex had a choker that was wrapped around Cindy's neck that served as the connection point.

Cindy, who was already feeling a frustrated kind of arousal due to seeing another man toy with Gwen's body, started feeling aroused as she saw him toy with Gwen's body. Even though Gwen's suit was covering her body, leaving almost everything to the imagination, Cindy's arousal only kept increasing with her frustration. She especially hated Alex's infuriating expression that seemed to be treating her as mere air, uncaring of her presence as he toyed with Gwen's body.

Gwen was getting more and more aroused with Alex's caresses and was completely indulging in her desires.

He decided to take things further and ripped away a part of her suit, specifically, the part above her chest, freeing her breasts of their confines.

As her tits jumped out of her suit, Alex grabbed both of them while mauling them into different shapes Gwen's aroused moans became more pronounced and Cindy's frustrated protests grew louder, serving only to make Alex want to push things further.

Alex could feel Gwen's piercings on his palms as he mauled her tits and he decide to change things up. From the usual regal design of her piercings, Alex changed them to typical barbell piercings. They were better since they didn't get in the way. The other piercings were really erotic when in view but didn't allow him to grab her sensitive nubs with ease.

[Oh… Alex…] Gwen's moans were more than just vocal as her ass kept grinding against his erection.

Alex finally decided to shift things up a little.

He turned Gwen around and looked deeply into her eyes before giving her a light kiss. Then, he put his hand on the center of her chest and pushed her.

They had both been standing on the side of the bed that Cindy was tied up on so Gwen couldn't move back. She ended up falling on Cindy, particularly, on her tits.

Using Cindy's soft tits as pillows, Gwen made herself comfortable and invitingly parted her legs to invite Alex.

Seeing that erotic gesture, Cindy went ballistic and started thrashing in her place.

"Your little friend seems to be mad, Gwen…" Alex mentioned as he looked at Cindy with an evil smirk.

"Forget about her… Fuck me!" Gwen was unbelievably aroused right now and she wanted nothing more than Alex's cock.


Alex wanted to tease Gwen even more but he was also incredibly turned on by the current situation. So he didn't waste any time before the part of her suit that was covering her crotch suddenly disappeared.

He brought out his cock and started rubbing it over her wet and inviting core. Alex enjoyed Cindy's wide-eyed look when she saw his exposed cock. He felt incredibly proud as he kept teasing Gwen until she gave in.

"Please, Alex. Stop teasing me and just fuck me already!" Gwen begged and that was all the prompt that Alex needed. He pushed his cock into her snatch and she arched her back.

Cindy could see the look of pure ecstasy on Gwen's face and felt extremely dissatisfied and frustrated. On one hand, she was gushing wet with arousal and really wanted to get some release, while at the same time, seeing her target of obsession being fucked by another man made her feel frustrated while at the same time, she was getting even more aroused with the situation.

"You're so tight, Gwen…" He commented as he felt her inner walls constricting around his cock.

"Oh~ Alex~" She just moaned in agreement.

Cindy was feeling stuffy in her chest as she was subjected to the view in front of her. And it wasn't because of Gwen burying her head in her tits, using them as cheap pillows. At this point, she'd even stopped struggling as she numbly looked at Gwen's aroused face.

Soon, it wasn't just Cindy's pussy that was wet with arousal. Her eyes had also started getting wet, though for a while different reason altogether.

"Ahhhh~" Gwen started convulsing in her spot as she came hard while the back of her head got even further buried into Cindy's soft breasts.

At this point, Cindy was outright crying and practically begging them to stop.

Alex noticed her expression and realized that Cindy's mental state was the most vulnerable right now. This was the point where he had to make a move to make the most impact on her psyche.

"Tell me, Cindy, why were you after Gwen?" Alex said. Though he didn't stop enjoying Gwen's heavenly pussy, refusing Cindy's pleas.

Gwen looked like she was practically lost with pleasure, but she was also paying attention to Cindy.

Alex brought his hand to Cindy's mouth and pulled out the makeshift gag.

"Let me go… Please!" She begged.

"Not until you tell me. You might even get something good out of it." Alex said suggestively as he rammed even harder into Gwen, making her push her head deeper into Cindy's tits.

"I wanted to know… how her powers came back." Cindy lied while trying to take a deep breath, which was difficult with Gwen's head pressing down on her chest.

"That's a lie." Alex slapped Cindy's face.

With that crisp clap sound, Cindy was stunned when she felt the sting of that slap. Her tears were still running but that slap was a significant action. It drove in the thought of just how helpless she was right now.

"The truth this time," Alex said with a hard tone. A tone that was mostly there due to his increasing pleasure as he felt Gwen tighten around his cock.

"She's mine!" Cindy snarled as she lashed out. The impact of accepting those words in front of Alex was very significant for Cindy.

"There we have it." Alex smiled.

"Go away! Leave us alone!" She lashed out at Alex.

"How about… no?" Alex smiled sadistically as he slapped Cindy again.

Cindy being unable to resist could only struggle. Though her struggles were getting stronger, her mental state was getting even easier to influence.

"Give it your best shot. We have more than enough time." Alex was enjoying seeing Cindy thrash around like that as he fucked Gwen at the same time.

"Tell me, Cindy. How does it feel to see me take your object of obsession with such passion? How does it feel to see her moaning so beautifully under my cock." He asked.

"You asshole!" Cindy wanted to do nothing but kill Alex right now.

"You know, your words don't really match your arousal right now…" He said.

"You don't know shit!" She lashed at him again.

"Is that so?" Alex knew she was lying, she was extremely aroused right now.

He smirked at her as he grabbed Gwen's waist and flipped her over, making Gwen bury her face in Cindy's tits.

The sudden change startled Gwen and she ended up biting Cindy's breast over the Silk costume.

"Ahnn…" Cindy moaned as she stiffened up on the spot.

"Alex~?" Gwen asked questioningly as she moaned. Alex hadn't stopped fucking her after he flipped her over.

"Rip off her suit. And play with her tits." He told her with a tone of finality that left no room for refusal. With the rough fucking that she was receiving, Gwen didn't even hesitate before grabbing the neck of Cindy's suit and pulling, ripping the middle of the suit until it reached Cindy's midsection, freeing her glorious breasts. She started using her tits as pillows, sucking and biting those lumps of flesh to suppress her moans.

Alex had long noticed Gwen's submissive tendencies. He presumed that they were developed due to the depressing life that she lived. When she became a superhero, she ended up killing her own best friend. Then the whole world practically turned against her. After dealing with such a negative life for so many years, these kinds of submissive tendencies were easy to develop.

Gwen's actions served to shut Cindy up as she moaned. She was already burning with arousal and with Gwen roughly ripping off her suit before diving into her beautiful bosom, Cindy's back arched a little as she felt overwhelmed by the arousal.

Alex kept ramming into Gwen's snatch with a few spanks here and there as he looked at Cindy's aroused yet frustrated expression. Her tears hadn't stopped but the reason behind them was now different.

"Tell me, Cindy. Do you still have the formula for the spider that gave Gwen her powers?" Alex asked her as he roughly grabbed her face and forced her to look at him.

Being rendered so thoroughly helpless, Alex's action of forcing Cindy to look at him cemented his position of authority in her mind even more. She even started seeing pleasure as something that was correlated with him.

Many factors were contributing to the change in Cindy's psyche— Gwen's submission to him, Cindy's unending arousal, the slight hormonal changes that were being done to her, and most importantly, she was completely helpless against Alex.

Cindy almost had a docile expression for an instant as Alex forced her to look at him before it morphed into anger and denial.

"So fun…" Alex was enjoying this very much. Though he was talking to Cindy, he wasn't neglecting his favorite Ghost-Spider. He have her plenty of his attention as he rammed into her and spanked and mauled her butt. Every once in e while, he would tease her forbidden hole too. He was priming her to be comfortably able to do anal with him too. Though he was taking it slow, not in a hurry to rush things.

For now, he needed Cindy to be docile and accepting of his authority. This would make it easier for him to take her powers without devouring her. And then establishing control over her.

She may not be useful as a bonding partner, but her assets were plenty. She was the leader of a worldwide organization called SILK and had access to massive resources and influence. Not to mention her smarts. He would be a fool to not have her work for him.

One might think that Alex had mellowed down. And he indeed had. If it was before, he would've devoured Cindy and taken over her identity without caring about anything else.

But things weren't as simple as that. He'd already started taking over two different versions of Earth and it was far more complicated than he expected.

He couldn't run everything himself, he'd tried, but it had increased the difficulty too much. He needed competent people that were working for him and Cindy would be the first of them. This was why he was working so hard to get Cindy. He couldn't bond with everyone.

He would then only have to monitor these subordinates and that's it.

Another more subtle reason was the increasing empathetic connection with people that had very positive morals.

People like Gwen-65 and Laura were true heroes with a stringent sense of justice. He wouldn't become some agent of justice due to their influence, but he would become a bit mellow when it came to certain situations that could be solved with gentler actions. If a matter could be resolved peacefully, then he would go for that method even if it took slightly more effort.

"Tell me." His tone refused any denial as he asked Cindy again as he looked into her eyes with a stern look.

"Fuck off…" Cindy refused as she spoke muffled words.

Alex let go of her face before slapping her again, this time a little stronger, so that it stung more. He then grabbed her face again and made her look at him.

"Try again." He said.

After a few more refusals, Cindy finally nodded with a difficult expression. Her cheek already had a tint of red due to Alex's abuse.

"See, you were good. And good girls deserve a reward." He smiled as he decided to move things a little further, but not before doing something that he'd been holding back on for a while.

He used both his hands to grab Gwen's waist, using them as leverage to grab her and penetrate her deeply, before pulling back and repeating the motion with extreme speed.

With his actions, Gwen's muffled moans got even stronger, and by extension, her assault on Cindy's breasts became even more merciless, she bit, nibbled, and sucked Cindy's breasts with a rough excitement.

Just as Gwen grabbed Cindy's nipple in her mouth and sucked it hard while flicking it with her tongue, Cindy's back arched and she started shivering, feeling the throws of her first orgasm of this torturous interrogation session.

Soon, Gwen also tightened up and came for the 4th time since Alex started fucking her. Though, this time, her tightening pushed Alex over the edge as he started filling her up, making Gwen feel even more pleasure.

"Now for the main event…" Alex's face had an evil expression that was tinged with mischievousness and arousal.


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