Chapter 148 - 148

"Well, here you go... BITCH," Anon spoke as he took out his Arcane Slayers and chopped Yggdrasil's body into thousands of little pieces.

"I was enjoying this manipulation game at first, but after a certain point... It became absurd. Now... Let's get to the main deal." Anon stopped talking as he looked at Yggdrasil's body.

"You really think you can fool me? I know you are listening to every word I am saying right now." Anon spoke with an obvious expression.

Suddenly, the roots inside the room started moving towards Yggdrasil's chair.

In under five seconds, all the roots overlapped each other and formed a human female-like shape.

After two more seconds, the human body's face was formed, and Yggdrasil came back to life once more.

"Hmm... So, when did you find out?" Yggdrasil asked with a serious expression.

"From the moment you called out to me on the academic grounds..." Anon replied with a smile.

"Then, why pretend to be under my control and all this bullshit?" Yggdrasil asked.

"Well, as I already told you... It was fun at first, but when you asked me about my Rail Gun's Formula... You crossed your limits." Anon replied.

"Haha, you caught me... What about it now? I am an immortal creature, as you just saw. You can't kill me unless you kill all of Mother Nature." Yggdrasil spoke as she smiled towards Anon.

"Oh really?" Anon asked.

"Yes... Why do you have doubts about my immortality? Well, you can clear them by killing me as many times as you need." Yggdrasil spoke with a tension-free expression.

"Oh lady, my lady... What if I crush your heart?" Anon spoke as he simply placed his hand over Yggdrasil's heart.

"Y-You know about my heart?" Yggdrasil asked with a very shocked and surprised expression.

"I know everything..." Anon replied with a smile.

"Y-Y-You can't do it... That glass is enchanted with the highest grade of Unbreaking Spell. Even I can't break into it." Yggdrasil replied with a bold smile, but she was really afraid inside her heart.

"Well... Okay." Anon spoke as he tightened his grip over the glass box.

After trying for about one minute, Anon finally made a sad face and looked at Yggdrasil.

"Hahahaha... I told you, Mr. Anon. I am immortal, and that heart is indestructible until it's inside that glass box.

Now, why don't we sign a peace agreement and-"

"Auric Energy..."

Suddenly, the auric energy covered Anon's whole hand and...


A crack appeared over the glass box.

"Oh shit, not good." Yggdrasil spoke as she immediately rushed over to Anon and tried to stop him.

"M-M-Mr. Anon, P-Please... Why don't we sort this matter out by sitting down and talking calmly, just like two matured adults?" Yggdrasil spoke as she tried to stop Anon from breaking the glass box.

"Oh, I am no adult... I am just a naive child with stupidly overpowered skills." Anon replied as he applied even more pressure on the glass box.


Suddenly, more cracks started to appear all over the box.

"Hiyyyaaa... N-No, Mr. Anon... Please don't do this. I-I will do anything you want, Please... Don't do this. Mr. Anon please-" Before Yggdrasil could've completed her begging, Anon broke the glass box entirely.


The glass broke entirely, and Anon picked up Yggdrasil's heart in his hands.

"Now, what were you saying?" Anon asked with a smile as he squeezed the small plant.

"Nooooooo.... No, No, No... Please Mr. Anon, I-I will die if that plant gets destroyed." Yggdrasil spoke.

"Oh, really? I thought you were immortal, just like you said 10 seconds ago, or did you forget that as well?" Anon asked with a smile.

"N-No... I am not immortal, it was just my foolish tongue that slipped while talking nonsense... Please forgive me and give me my heart back?" Yggdrasil spoke in a very desperate tone.

"See... That's how you manipulate someone, and in this method, all you have to do is blackmail your opponent." Anon replied with an evil smile.

"Y-Yes... I understand. Now, please give me my heart back... Please, Mr. Anon." Yggdrasil begged.

"Okay, okay... I will give it back, but what do I get in return?" Anon asked with a smirk.

"W-Whatever you want." Yggdrasil spoke.

"Yeah, then... I want to rule the Dwarven kingdom. Can you fight them and defeat them for me?" Anon asked.

"W-What? T-That's impossible..." Yggdrasil replied with a shocked expression.

"Really? But you said 'Whatever I want,' What was all that about?" Anon asked in a mocking manner.

"I-I meant, whatever you want... That is under my jurisdiction." Yggdrasil replied.

"Hmmm... I don't think I want anything that's under your jurisdiction because, this whole kingdom is under my jurisdiction." Anon replied with a smile as he plucked out a small leaf from the plant and ate it."

"Oouchhhh... P-Please don't, Mr. Anon." Yggdrasil spoke as tears started coming to her eyes.

Suddenly, a notification popped up in front of Anon.

[Your life force has been extended by 1 Year.]

As soon as Anon read this notification, an evil smile appeared over his face.

"Hehehe... So, these leaves are your life force, huh?" Anon asked with a psychopathic smile.

"N-No... Mr. Anon, please don't do this. I-I need the leaves, plea- Ouchhh." Before Yggdrasil could've completed her sentence, Anon plucked another leaf out of the plant and started chewing on it.

"Hmm... Tastes like refreshing mint." Anon spoke.

Suddenly, Yggdrasil went down on her knees and grabbed Anon's legs.

"Please, I beg you... Please, give me my heart back." Yggdrasil begged.

"Okay, okay... Here." Anon spoke as he gave her the heart back.

"T-Thank you, Mr. Anon." Yggdrasil spoke as a smile appeared over her face.

Suddenly, the plant disappeared from Yggdrasil's hand.


"Hahahahaha... You are such a stupid bitch. You really think I will return in that easily?" Anon asked with a smile.

"W-Why are you doing this?" Yggdrasil asked as tears started falling out of her eyes.

"Okay, okay... Let's get over these games and talk about the real deal. I need you to accept this slave collar and become my slave." Anon replied with a smile as he tossed a slave collar towards Yggdrasil.

"You are joking right ?" Yggdrasil asked with a smile.

"Oh, I don't joke, Luv. I am a very serious person, When it comes to making slaves and I also want to test if your breasts can produce milk for me.

Now, Get this Slave collar on that neck of yours or be ready to face your death and i guarantee you, it will hurt a lot." Anon spoke.

"N-No, Y-You can't do this to me... I-I mean, I-I am not any simple monster, I am a-"

"Dryad, I know and I am showing you so much mercy just because, you haven't killed someone until today.

I will let you meet remil after this and you can ask her, to what limits I can go, when it comes to being crazy." Anon replied with a psychopathic smile.

"Mr. Anon, Y-You aren't doing the right thing with me. Y-You will regret it..." Yggdrasil spoke.

"Oh my god, I didn't knew that I was doing something so wrong with you. Please forgive me and wear this slave collar, BITCH." Anon spoke.

"O-Okay wait... W-What if I give you something, that can Pique your interest ? Will you spare me then ?" Yggdrasil asked.

"Hmmm...? What do you have that can Pique my interest ? If it's money then-"

"No, Not money... It's something even greater than money."

"Hmm...? Go on." Anon spoke.

"It's a map to the secret location of a very powerful weapon. The weapon that gods of the higher standing hided here on the holdy land." Yggdrasil spoke.

'A map of a very powerful weapon, that gods hided ? That sounds interesting.' Anon thought as his interest Piqued.

"Okay, It's a deal... You give me the map and I will give you your freedom, but You still have to listen to my orders and If I found out that the map you gave me is a fake, then I will find you... No matter where you hide in this world and I will do some real horrible things with you." Anon replied.

"I promise you, This map is not a fake and even after giving you the map, I will still be under your command. Here... This is the map and I can't produce milk or have sex with you." Yggdrasil spoke as she summoned a map and gave it to Anon without wasting anytime.

"What if I make you my slave now ?" Anon asked with a smile.

"You won't." Yggdrasil spoke.

"Why are you so sure about that ?" Anon asked.

"The rumours I heard about you might be true or fake, but all of them had one thing common in them, that you are a man of your word and I don't think that's fake or is it ?" Yggdrasil asked.

"Nice move, you really have a sharp mind. But, I will still fuck you." Anon spoke with a smile.

"You can't and it's not because I don't want to... It's just that, I really can't have sex with you." Yggdrasil spoke.

"What do you mean ?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"You see I am a Dryad, the creature of lust and nature. But I am a virgin Dryad and I suck a little amount of life force out of male's by creating an illusion, in that illusion they seem to think that they are having sex with me and give up their life force easily.

In this method, I don't have to kill anyone and my desires are very limited in this method." Yggdrasil explained.

"Hmm... Well, I will respect that and leave you a virgin for now but, you will still have to follow every single order of mine without any resistance, Do you understand ?" Anon asked.

"I understand, Sir. I will always listen to your orders and try to execute them with everything I have." Yggdrasil spoke as she bowed down to Anon.

"By the way... If you want to manipulate someone, don't just use your skills continuously on your Target. It can destroy a normal human's mind easily and if he used some kind of protection Artifact, then you will get hurt in a very bad way." Anon explained.

"I-I will keep that in my mind, Sir. Thank you for the insight." Yggdrasil spoke.

"No problem." Anon spoke as he exited the office.

[Would you like to execute the skill 'Mind Control' on the target ?]

"Yes..." Anon ordered.

[Yggdrasil Ojik's Mind Control: 12%]

'Can't leave you without any security, Luv. I left a few drops of my blood over her body, when she was re-creating herself.' Anon thought as an evil smile appeared on his face.

Suddenly two more Royal carriages stopped right in front of the academy.

One of them had the symbol of a Werewolf on them and the other one was from the Fire Dragon's House.

Both of the doors opened at the same time and two ladies stepped out of the carriages...

"Oh my, Is that you Luna ?" A human female with fair skin tone, small body and glasses asked.

"Teacher, Letti ? Are you here, for him as well ?" Luna asked with a serious expression.

"Yeah, I just heard that he is back in the kingdom. You are here for him too ?" Letti asked with a smile.

"Yes. I have a score to settle with him." Luna spoke with an Angry expression as she walked towards the verification gate of the academy.

"Oh my, Seems like something interesting is about to happen..." Letti spoke as she immediately followed Luna.

Deep inside the stormborn sea...

A very beautiful mermaid is running away from some dark creatures that are following her with an incredible speed.

"What have I done ? I shouldn't have done that... Father I am sorry." The mermaid spoke as she used every last drop of stamina, she had in her body and increased her speed upto such a level that the dark creatures couldn't follow her anymore.

After escaping the dark creatures, the mermaid entered inside an abandoned pirate ship.

As soon as she entered inside the ship, she noticed that more than 300 mermaids and sirens are already hiding inside the ship.


In the beginning of the Holy Land, gods created creatures who were dependent on water and fire.

The creatures that used fire walked up to the lands and were called the Dragons. However, the creatures that used pure water magic decided to live inside the ocean to strengthen their magic skills by residing in the same element they were using.

Although, when the god of mischief created demons, some of the demons decided to go underwater and reproduce there.

The demons were clever; they enchanted and manipulated the mermaids into sleeping with them and giving birth to their offspring.

The mermaids were very innocent at the start. They didn't think twice and started reproducing with the demons.

For the next five years, the demons reproduced without any stops. But all of this came to an end when one of the gods noticed this.

As all the other gods were informed about this, they cursed the demon race. If a demon ever tried to step inside the Stormborn sea, he would die instantly.

After that day, no demon dared to step inside the Stormborn sea, and the offspring they reproduced with the mermaids came to be known as the 'Sirens.'

Sirens were innocent children, and the gods couldn't kill them. So, they left them alive, but they didn't know that sirens had the beauty of a mermaid and the mind of a demon.

Thirty years passed without any disturbance, but after 30 years, a hurricane came that destroyed the peace completely.

The sirens started discriminating among themselves; they started assigning positions and power.

They started building an empire where the wrong was punished, and the right was rewarded, but the mermaids didn't like it.

Mermaids always thought that they should all live with love, happiness, and equality.

The sirens didn't like this thinking, and this thing started a war between the two races.

Although the mermaids were very lovely creatures, they knew how to protect themselves from the sirens.

They chose a Queen to guide them in the war and started fighting the sirens.

The sirens had to use dark energy, as they were from the demonic bloodline, and the mermaids used pure magic.

The fight continued for the next 300 years, and at last, the mermaids won, but they had to pay a very high price for winning. They lost their Queen, and that's when they understood.

Power was needed to maintain control. The sirens begged for mercy, and the mermaids showed them mercy, but on one condition: they couldn't live with them anymore.

On that day, the sea was then divided between the sirens and the mermaids. Rules were made.

The sirens went deep into the depths of the sea and built their kingdom from scratch.

Meanwhile, the mermaids also created a kingdom and assigned powers to the stronger ones to maintain peace and prepare themselves for any future attack.

The peace was maintained for the next 400 years, but the mermaids didn't know that the sirens were burning in agony and anger.

They wanted revenge, and in the fire of their revenge, they forged a monster. A monster that was designed to destroy the mermaids entirely... It was named 'Aegis.'

But as they were creating the monster, they added their blood to its DNA, and as soon as they added their blood, Aegis gained its own consciousness and got out of control.

The sirens did everything in their power to kill it, but Aegis ran away from the siren kingdom and attacked the Mermaids.

Although the mermaids were already prepared for the attack, they never expected... That such a thing would attack them.

Aegis went on a rampage for the next two days and destroyed more than half of the mermaid kingdom and finished almost 70% of their population.

King Nereus realized that if he didn't do something about this creature right now, his kin would be finished.

That's when he decided to go and seek help from the land, but when he didn't find anyone to help him, he used the last way to save his kingdom; he signed a deal with the demon King himself.

In exchange for his soul, King Nereus obtained a legendary Artifact.

The Artifact held immense powers in itself. As soon as King Nereus went back to his kingdom, he used the Artifact and sealed 'Aegis' inside his own body to save his kin from extinction.

According to the deal, his soul was extracted out of his body as soon as he used the Artifact, and his body was sealed inside a very secure room.

That room was buried under the foundation of a new mermaid kingdom, and his daughter took charge of the kingdom.

The peace returned back to the mermaid kingdom, but not for long.

King Nereus's body was still aging, even though it had no soul inside.

As the demon king's successor declared war on the human and the other kingdoms...

The number of human pirates started increasing in the Stormborn sea because it was the only place... Where the demons couldn't hurt them.

But when too many pirates started rising... Wars started happening within the sea, and many ships got destroyed during these wars.

The wrecked ships started sinking into the sea, and they landed directly over the Mermaid kingdom.

Most of the ships were destroyed completely by the defense mechanism of the mermaid kingdom before they could've reached the grounds of the kingdom, but one day... An unknown wrecked ship that was sinking into the sea carried a special type of enchanted explosive powder that was waterproof.

When the defense mechanism tried to destroy the ship, the explosive powder inside it burst out and destroyed the defense mechanism instead.

The waves that were generated out of the explosion shook the foundation of the kingdom, and 'Aegis' was released once more, but this time... He didn't attack the mermaids immediately.

He waited for the perfect moment. Aegis started creating his own Minions with the dark energy that he got from the sirens and waited for the perfect time to strike.

24 hours earlier in the mermaid kingdom...

Queen Neridia is sitting on her throne, just like any other day, but today there is no one inside the Royal court other than the Royal ministers.

There are 13 Royal ministers in Neridia's Royal Court, out of which... 10 are female mermaids and the other 3 are male mermaids.

"I am getting bored," Neridia spoke with a bored expression.

"My Queen, you should go and utilize your important time in some other activities instead of sitting here and wasting it," Minister Tidalia spoke up.

Tidalia is one of the oldest ministers in Neridia's court; she has been a minister since Neridia's father was the king.

"You say that, Madam Tidalia... But you are sitting there since early morning, and if you are sitting there at that age, why can't I?" Neridia replied with a smile.

"My Queen, my age is just too much for this minister stuff... I am thinking of retiring now," Tidalia replied with a smile.

"Madam Tidalia is right, My Queen. She is really getting old. I guess that's why sometimes she forgets to stand up after sitting on her seat... Hahaha," Minister Azura spoke as she tried to crack a funny joke, but no one laughed.

"Come on, Guys. That was funny... Right, Drakon?" Azura asked as she looked at the male mermaid sitting beside her.

"Nope, not even one bit... That's worse than a human's sense of humour," Drakon replied with a straight face.

"My Queen, I agree with Madam Tidalia, you should go and do something else with your precious time," another minister advised.

"Okay, Okay... We will decide it with voting. How many of you guys want me to take the day off from this court and do something that I like, give me a show of hands," Neridia asked.

Immediately twelve of the ministers sitting inside the Royal Court raised their hands, but one of them kept their hands down.

"Oi, Seafern. Do you want our Queen to sit inside an empty Royal Court instead of letting her do something interesting with her time?" Azura asked with a serious expression.

Seafern didn't speak anything; instead, he continued to stare blankly into the air.

Seafern is one of the most talented ministers that Neridia has in her Royal Court. Seafern is not only a disciplined scholar, but he is also known as the master of martial arts.

"What's wrong, Seafern? Are you alright?" Queen Neridia asked with a smile.

"Oh, he is always like that. It's like he is looking at some ghost in front of him. Sometimes when I see him at night, I get scared," Azura spoke.

"Have some shame; he is blind, and you are making fun of him? How disappointing," Drakon spoke.

"H-Hey... I-I didn't mean it in that way, and-"


Suddenly, a cracking sound came from Seafern's body.

"Seafern, What are you doing?" The minister that was sitting beside Seafern asked.

Suddenly Seafern's tail, like a fish, started turning into two human-like legs.

"Why is he using his legs?" Azura asked with a confused expression.

"Seafern, What are you doing?" Neridia asked with a serious expression.

Suddenly, Seafern stood up from his seat and summoned his pair of green shining Gelatin blades.

"Woah... Woah... Calm down, Seafern," Drakon spoke as he stood up from his seat and turned his tail into legs form as well.

Seafern didn't stop and started running towards Neridia without speaking anything.

"We have to stop him..." Azura spoke as she transformed her tail into legs form and summoned two long chains in her hand.

All the other ministers sitting inside the Royal court stood up as well and transformed their tails into leg forms.

This process of transforming tails into legs is used for fighting in the mermaids and it is called Aquamorphosis.

"Catch him from the left side, Azura. Everyone else protect the Queen," Drakon shouted.

"Yes..." Azura replied.

"Let him go..." Tidalia spoke with a smile.

"Lady, Tidalia... What are you say-?" Before Azura could've completed her sentence, Tidalia flickered her hand, and a strong wave of water pushed all of the Royal ministers away from Seafern.


Suddenly, Seafern jumped towards Neridia and pointed his long blade's tip towards Neridia's head.

'Is this how it ends?' Neridia thought as she closed her eyes tightly.


Before Seafern could've reached Neridia's body, the glass window behind her throne broke, and two dark creatures jumped towards Neridia from behind.

These creatures had red glowing eyes, an irregular body shape, and long teeth.

"Kill, Queeeeeeennn now." The Creatures shouted, but before they could even touch Neridia's body, Seafern's blade pierced through their bodies and destroyed them entirely.

Their bodies immediately turned to black ashes and started floating in the water.

"Holy mother of all fishes... What was that!" Azura asked with a shocked and surprised expression.

"Are you alright, My Queen?" Seafern asked Neridia as he looked at the floor.

"Y-Yes, But... H-How did you see th-" Before Neridia could've completed her sentence, Seafern hits her slightly on the head.


"Is that, what I taught you in your self-defence class? To close your eyes when you see an enemy coming at you?" Seafern asked with an angry expression.

"Oucch... B-But, How did you know that I closed my eye-"

"More of them are coming... 100... 300... 600 and increasing. We have to get you out of this place right now." Seafern spoke with a serious expression.

"We can fight them..." Azura spoke.

"But, first, we have to use our defensive skills..." Drakon spoke.

"There are too many... They will outnumber us easily, and their master is coming with them. We have to escape with our Queen, right now." Seafern shouted.

"Not all of us have to escape. Me and the rest of the ministers will take care of this place, and we will try to hold them back for as long as we can.

Seafern, you have to escape with the Queen and keep her alive at any cost... Don't forget your promise to the king and don't forget your oath that you took for this kingdom.

Do you understand?" Tidalia spoke as she stood up from her seat and transformed her tail into legs.

"I understand, Madam Tidalia. We have to go my Queen..." Seafern spoke as he grabbed Neridia's hand.

"I-I can't go like this... I-I can't leave my ministers like that... Leave my hand," Neridia shouted as she freed her hand from Seafern's grasp.

"Lady Tidalia... I am not going anywhere; I am going to stay here," Neridia shouted as she looked at Tidalia.


Suddenly, two more glasses broke, and more dark creatures rushed inside the Royal court from each side.

"Azura... Use everything you have. Everyone, get your best weapons and skills out of your pockets... We have a long way to go," Drakon spoke as he pulled out his wand and started shooting water bullets towards the dark creatures.

Every single minister started fighting the dark creatures, and the Royal guards rushed into the Royal Court with their weapons.

Tidalia walked up to Neridia and touched her face with both of her hands.

"Your cheeks feel like my daughter's cheeks. She would've looked just like you if she would've been alive today," Tidalia spoke as she squeezed Neridia's cheeks slightly and gave her a big smile.

"Please, please... Let me stay and help you guys. Sob-Sob Please... I-I can't run away from this... Sob-Sob. If I ran away today, Father will say that I was a coward who ran away when her people needed her help. Sob-Sob," Neridia spoke as she started crying.

Tidalia hugged Neridia and whispered something into her ears, "The one who runs away is not always a coward, darling. Run today and hide; you will have to wait for the perfect opportunity to strike again, just like a lion does. Do you understand?"

"Y-Yes Sob-Sob," Neridia replied as she hugged Tidalia tightly.

"Now, go and listen to everything Seafern says, okay?" Tidalia spoke.

"Yes..." Neridia replied as she immediately left with Seafern.

"Now, now... What is going on here?" Tidalia asked as she turned around and noticed that out of 11 ministers, two were already dead.

"Madam Tidalia... We need your help," Drakon spoke as he got surrounded by many dark creatures.

"You guys won't let this old woman retire, will you?" Tidalia spoke as she flickered her hand slowly, and every single dark creature inside the room turned into ashes. But this took a heavy toll on her body.

As soon as Tidalia used this spell, she felt her knees getting weaker and weaker. After some time, blood started coming out of her mouth.

"Madam Tidalia." Both Azura and Drakon rushed up to her and grabbed her body.

"I-I am alright... Just some old age problems," Tidalia spoke.

"I know I shouldn't be saying this, but that was fucking cool," Drakon spoke.

"Yeah, I mean... That was fucking awesome, Madam Tidalia," Azura spoke.

Suddenly, more dark creatures rushed inside the room. This time, they rushed towards Tidalia, as they noticed that she is a big threat to them right now.

"Well, well... If I am going to die, I better die with my glory," Tidalia spoke as she picked her wand up from the ground, pointed it towards the ceiling, and started chanting.

"The mother of all, the creator of all, 'Goddess Aqua' bless your child with your powers to put up one last fight before death embraces me into its cold arms," Tidalia spoke as her wand started shining, and she returned back to her peak condition once again for a short period.

"S-She looks beautiful..." Azura spoke.

"She really does... I wonder, why did the king marry our Queen's mother instead of her," Drakon spoke.




In between these loud noises of explosions, Neridia and Seafern are making their way towards the back of the castle.

Suddenly, some dark creatures noticed this and started following them silently.

"What was that promise that Lady Lidia was talking about?" Neridia asked as she looked at Seafern.

"There was a promise that I made to your father on the day you were born... Lady Lidia was there as well," Seafern spoke.

"What was the promise?" Neridia asked.

"I will tell you when the right time comes. Move fast; we don't have time," Seafern replied as he continued to walk ahead.

Neridia followed Seafern without wasting any time and continued to cry.

After walking for about 12 minutes, both of them reached the back of her castle, where a carriage was waiting for them.

The carriage was covered with algae and black paint. It was an emergency carriage that was drawn by two giant seahorses.

Seafern went ahead and freed one of the seahorses from the carriage.

"Here. You know how to ride a seahorse, right?" Seafern asked.

"I-I have ridden a trained seahorse..." Neridia spoke.


"Only once..." Neridia added.

"No problem; that's enough to get the basics. Just get on his back," Seafer spoke.

"You are coming with me, right?" Neridia asked.

"Yes, I am com-" Before Seafern could've completed his sentence, he felt something.

Seafern stopped talking and started staring towards the hallway that they just came from.

"What happened, Seafern?" Neridia.

"I am not coming with you, my Queen... But, you have what it takes to survive, and I believe you," Seafern spoke.

"N-No... Seafern, you can't do this to me. I-I will not be able to do this without you," Neridia spoke with a very stressed expression.

"My Queen, listen to me... You are a very brave girl. Here... AHHHHHHHHHH...." Seafern spoke as he gouged out both of his eyes from his eye sockets and pressed them together.

"S-Seafern... What are you doing?" Neridia asked with a scared expression.

As soon as Seafern pressed his eyes together, a metallic pendant was formed into his hand that looked just like a metallic eye.

"Here... My eyes will always keep an eye on you," Seafer spoke as he smiled and pulled out a piece of black cloth from his pocket and covered his empty eye sockets with it.

"S-Seafern... P-Please don't die," Neridia spoke as she hugged Seafern.

"The promise was to keep you alive at any cost, no matter... What I lose. Go now... Ticth" Seafern spoke as he slapped the seahorse, and it started running away with Neridia.

Seafern then pulled out his blades once again and started walking towards the hallway.


Suddenly, many dark creatures started coming out of the hall.

"Die, you filthy creatures," Seafern spoke with a disgusted expression as he started running towards the dark creatures with his blades.


Inside Neridia's Royal Court...

A gigantic monster, about 9 feet tall, is sitting over Neridia's throne.

Pitch-black eyes, a dark red body, human-like but without hair on his head, and a muscular build. His nails are very long and dirty.

This monster is none other than Aegis himself.

His left leg is resting over Azura's head, and the right leg is resting over Drakon's head. Tidalia's body is lying in front of him, and his dark minions are eating her.

Suddenly, five dark minions walked inside the Royal Court with Seafern's unconscious body.

"Master, we have brought him here.... Hehehe," the minion spoke as he laughed evilly.

"How many of you did he kill before going unconscious?" Aegis asked.

"About ten thousand, Master..." The minion replied.

"So, he is the strongest here... huh?" Aegis asked.

"Yes, Master, but this guy is blind. He can't see anything," the minion reported.

"Don't worry; I will fix him and make him an obedient minion of mine," Aegis spoke as he stood up from the throne and crushed both the skulls at the same time.



He then stepped over Tidalia's head and crushed it as well.


After this, Aegis walked up to Seafern and grabbed his head.

"I, Aegis, will turn you into my minion by inserting my negative mana into your body," Aegis declared as he started transferring the dark mana into Seafern's body.

The negative mana was too harsh on Seafern's body, and due to the unbearable pain, he regained his consciousness.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..." Seafern shouted in agony as he felt unbearable pain in his body.

The negative mana inside his body was tearing his muscles apart and recreating them again and again to make him obedient.

Ten minutes passed, and Seafern stopped shouting. Seafern's body was now covered with a dark aura, same as the minions, but he had his eyes glowing bright green.

Seafern stood up from the ground and looked at Aegis for one second. He then immediately went down on his knees and showed him respect.

"Hahahahah.... Very good. You are now my minion... Aegis's Minion. You will guide my minions and find that Queen, who you helped in running away... Do you understand?" Aegis asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty..." Seafern replied as he immediately stood up from the ground and walked out of the Royal Court to find Neridia.

"Where will you run to now, Neridia? I will catch you and take what's mine... Hehehe." Aegis spoke as he walked back to the throne and sat down.

Somewhere in the middle of the ocean...

Neridia is swimming, but she is scared of her environment.

"I should've learned how to ride a seahorse properly instead of taking the magic class," Neridia spoke as she felt that someone is watching her.

Neridia stopped and turned back immediately...

"W-Who is it?" Neridia asked in a very low tone, but no one came into her sight.

'Was that an illusion?' Neridia spoke as she turned her head back to the front and started swimming again.


'Okay... That was a noise.' Neridia thought as she turned around almost immediately to see who is following her.

Suddenly, she noticed that two dark minions are coming towards her from behind with full speed.

"N-Nooooooo...." Neridia shouted as she started running away from the minions with full speed.

Neridia kept running for the next 30 minutes, and all of her stamina is exhausted now, but the minions behind her are still at the same speed.

"Father, please forgive me... I couldn't save the empire." Neridia spoke as her speed started slowing down.

Suddenly, the locket that Seafern gave her earlier started shining brightly as she felt a boost of stamina in her body.

"Seafern..." Neridia spoke as she gathered everything inside her body and boosted her swimming speed so much that the minions couldn't follow her anymore.

Neridia turned her head and noticed that the dark minions aren't following her anymore.

'They are gone... Finally.' Neridia thought as she stopped swimming and decided to take some rest before continuing.

But resting outside was a stupid decision right now, that's why she started searching for a wrecked ship to rest in.

After swimming for some time, Neridia found a big wrecked ship, stuck over a giant rock.

"Yes, a wrecked ship..." Neridia spoke as she immediately rushed towards the ship.

Neridia entered inside the ship and started swimming towards the deepest part of the ship, its hull.

But as soon as Neridia entered inside the ship's hull... She noticed that she wasn't the only one hiding inside the ship.

There were about 300 mermaids and sirens inside the same ship's hull.

"Nooooo... Don't hurt us." Some of the mermaids shouted, meanwhile, the sirens pointed their weapons towards the unwanted visitor.

"Who are you? Identify... Yourself." One of the sirens asked.

"She is the Queen of the scared mermaids, keep the weapons down." The siren Queen, Lorelei, spoke as she walked up to Neridia and grabbed her hand tightly.


"Get inside or all of will die, Idiot." Lorelei spoke as she pulled Neridia inside the room and closed the doors once again.

"My Queen... Are you alright?" A mermaid asked as she touched Neridia's hand.

"Y-Yes... I am alright." Neridia replied with a serious expression.

"I guess, Your castle is also sacrificed huh?" Lorelei asked with a serious expression.

"Y-Yes..." Neridia spoke.

"So, You ran away too huh? Just like me." Lorelei asked with a smile.

"It wasn't my choice. I am nothing like you... I know how to protect my people." Neridia replied with an angry expression.

"Obviously... Why would the great Queen run away from her people?" Lorelei spoke in a mocking tone.

"Both of you stop fighting, and you keep your mouth in control... Lor." An old siren spoke from behind.

"Grandmother... She was the one who started it." Lorelei replied with an angry expression.

"If you don't apologize right now... I will hit you with my stick." The old siren spoke.

"I-I am sorry... Neridia." Lorelei spoke.

"Is this all of us?" Neridia asked.

"No, There are about 30 other ships... That have several other sirens and mermaids within them, but all of them are far away from each other." The old siren informed.

"Which one is the nearest?" Neridia asked.

"10 kilometers from here..." Lorelei replied.

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