Chapter 404 - 6

1st of February 2243 - Central Hospital:

It has been a few days since Izuku and his mother took Toga to the Central Hospital so that she could get a full check-up, with Izuku mentioning, when Toga wasn't listening, that she might have a mental problem, they stated that she should stay in for a few days. Since then, whilst the check-up showed that she was fine, in fact, thanks to her quirk, it would seem that the quirk made sure that she didn't get any illness from the blood that she fed off from. Which made Izuku glad to hear, he really didn't want Toga to catch a disease from the blood that she drank to live on.

Her mental health wasn't that good though, in fact, she had to be sedated a few times when she learned that until the tests were finished, she couldn't see Izuku. She became very violent, saying that she wanted to see her master right then and there. There were many long words that Izuku didn't understand when they explained what was wrong with her to the young boy, but in simple terms is that when he saved, she attached herself to him. He had become her lifeline in life, and without him there or knowing that she would see him in a few hours or so, she would become violent and attack anyone who would get in her way getting back to him. In fact, it wouldn't surprise them if she would kill to get to him.

They had no idea what to do with her, in the end, after two days, Dr. Tsubasa (the doctor that told Izuku he was Quirkless,) told them that the best thing to do was to let her be with Izuku. As he could already see that she had a strong bond with the young boy and keeping them apart would be worse for Toga than allowing her to stay with Izuku, at least with Izuku, she would have a decent life. From what he knew of the boy, he wouldn't harm or mistreat her and would give her as normal a life as he could whilst allowing her to see him as her master. In fact, he might even be able to break that hold better than they ever could.

Many of the other doctors weren't too sure about Dr. Tsubasa's idea, but seeing how he was influential in the hospital with all his years of work with children, they didn't argue about it too much. What they didn't know was that Dr. Tsubasa had other ideas for the young girl that was important for her to be with young Izuku, as he was in fact, Doctor Kyudai Garak, and his master wanted the young girl to be with Izuku. So that's why he suggested this idea, to make sure it happens.

Because of this, after three days, they agreed that Toga could live with Izuku, as it would be good for her. This is why Izuku and his mother were here, to pick up Himiko, to bring her to her new home with them. When Izuku entered her room at the hospital, Toga jumped onto him and cried out in happiness, "Master, you're here, I missed you so much."

"Please, call me Izuku when we're in public," Izuku whispered in her ear as he hugged him, "remember, mum and I don't want unwanted questions being asked."

"I'll try, Ma, Izuku." Toga answered softly, not wanting to get her master or his mother into trouble. For her, it would be hard, as she wanted to let everyone know who she belonged to, but if her master wanted this she would try and call him by his name in public.

Moments later, when he got up from the floor, he saw Dr. Tsubasa entering the room, whereupon seeing the boy, said, "Young Midoriya, nice to see you again, how are you doing? I hope you're still not too upset about not having a quirk."

Toga was confused, she knew that her master had some sort of quirk, as he used it to save her, but here the doctor was saying that he didn't have one. She was about to say something about this when her master gave her a look that told her not to say anything, as if he didn't want the doctor to know about this for some reason. So she kept her mouth shut, her master must have a reason for this, if this is what her master wanted, who was she to do otherwise.

"No, I'm no longer upset about not having a quirk, but that doesn't mean I won't stop my dreams of becoming a hero." Izuku informed the doctor, "I know it'll be hard, but I have taken action so that it won't be that hard. I also understand I might be a Pro-Hero, but I'm happy to be a side-kick rather than not a hero at all." Izuku didn't want him to know about his quirk, seeing how he was the one who said he was quirkless in the first place. He knew that if he wanted to be a hero, it would be only a matter of time before everyone would find out that he had a quirk, but before that happened, he wanted to learn to defend himself first.

The doctor smiled as he said, "I'm glad to hear that, dreams shouldn't be given up easily. But I'm glad you are taking action and know your limits too. But please, you should also think about becoming a firefighter or a police officer if you fail to become a hero and still want to help people. It's good to have a dream, but at the same time, you shouldn't put all your hopes on one dream, as not all dreams can come true. In which case, you should come up with a backup dream should your first one fail." Kyudai pretended to care, making it out that he didn't know the truth about the boy.

"I understand doctor." acknowledged Izuku.

"Either way, are you ready to take young Himiko Toga home?" asked the doctor, "Do you also understand what it means to look after her?"

"I'm ready and I understand what it means to look after her, one of the psychiatrists informed me before getting Toga." Izuku informed the doctor as he remembered what the psychiatrist told him and his mother, the risks, and what they should do should it get too much. And that they wanted to see Toga at least once a month to check and see how she and they were doing. Izuku was more than happy about this.

"In that case, unless you have any questions, I bid you three a good day and let you get ready to leave." and with that, the doctor left the room.

Once the doctor was gone, Inko said with a smile as she handed a bag to Toga, "Here are some new clothes for you, I didn't know your size, so I hope they fit you. There's also got one of your new collars in there."

"Thank you Inko." Toga thanked her master's mother cheerfully as she heard about the collar. It was the first thing that she took out of the bag, it was a black leather collar. Toga had a sad smile to see it was the collar with the name Himiko on it and not master's little bloodslut, but she understood why. But she was still happy to be wearing a collar. As for the new clothing, it was a black one-piece dress with red shoulder straps, there was also a grey jacket and black long socks that had black straps, to connect to her dress, so that the socks wouldn't fall down. Finally, Inko got her black shoes.

Here, Toga hugged her master's mother in thanks, "Thank you Inko, thank you." It was the first new dress that she had gotten for a long time, and she liked it and was thankful for it.

"That's fine dear, you need them anyway if you're going to stay with us, in fact, we'll be buying more for you later on." Inko informed the girl as she hugged her back, "

"Actually mum, would you mind if me and Toga go into town for a bit?" asked Izuku, "And whilst there, we could see what clothes Toga might like before buying them."

"Of course dear, that would be fine." Inko told her son and lover, suspecting that the real reason he wanted to go was to get to know the girl that he decided to look after some more. "Just be careful dear. In fact, here take some money so you can buy some things should you find anything you like, and to buy some food and drink."

"Thanks mum." Izuku thanked his mum as she gave him some money. Then he waited for Toga to change her clothes, once she was done the three of them left the hospital, where his mother left to go home, whilst he and Toga went into town.


Sometime later:

It was about an hour later and Izuku and Toga were at the mall. Young Himiko was excitedly tugging onto Izuku, as the two of them were walking around the different shops, enjoying window shopping. They talked about what they wanted if they had the money. Seeing it was almost lunchtime, the two of them decided that they would get something to eat and have one last look at clothing for Toga before going home.

But as they were going to one of the mall's fast-food restaurants, Toga wanted the loo, so they went down one of the corridors where the loos could be found. But as they were walking down one Izuku they met up with someone Izuku didn't want to meet.

"Hey Deku! What the fuck are you doing here, especially with a girl? Is she pity fucking you or something?" Bakugo called out, her two cronies chuckling at her words.

"I don't like her, Master." Toga said without thinking, looking the bully up and down before turning to Izuku.

"Master?" mocked Bakugo, "Has the damn herd finally found himself a girlfriend? One with a kink for master/servant relationship?"

"Oh, or she could be some kind of animal freak, who thinks that she is one and needs an owner?" one of Bakugo's male friends chuckled, he had some sort of Wing Quirk that allowed him to fly. "Maybe, we should show the slut what it really means to be a woman and to be with a real man?" Both Bakugo and her other male friend laughed maliciously at this.

"Really Tsubasa, is that all you got?" Izuku asked darkly, his green eyes were lit with flames, angry at what the wing boy said and was suggesting. Toga's eyes teared up upon hearing this, she tried to shrink into Izuku's coat, his scent slightly comforting her. It would seem that Tsubasa hasn't changed that much since he parted ways with Bakugo and her group years ago, he would only see them during school. Outside of school, Izuku would leave for home, he had better things to do than deal with them. Like fucking Bakugo's mother, seeing how she doesn't go straight home. "For someone who wants to be heroes, you three sure are acting like villains than heroes."

"How dare you!" sneered Bakugo's other friend, one with a quirk that could make his fingers longer, he wasn't happy to be called a villain and so he jumped at Izuku, to give him a beat down.

The problem was that it had been two years since the three of them saw Izuku out of school. In school, he seemed to be tamed and weak, but the problem was that out of school it was different. Out of school, Izuku exercised to keep fit and so no one could bully him again, and recently he was learning how to fight. Whilst he didn't know how to fight popularly, he did know how to roll out of lunged attacks and throw a punch.

So when Bakugo's other friend lunged at him, Izuku pushed Toga away from him and rolled forward, so that he was behind the other boy. Once he was behind the boy, his fists then slammed into him over and over with enough intensity and savagery to stun the bullies and make Toga blush. After a few more hits, Izuku knocked the finger quirk User out, making the Wing Quirk User fly off in fear and shock, as Izuku was acting in a way that they weren't used to. Before, Izuku was tamed and easy to pick on, but now, the weak and Quirkless boy they knew was no more, he was replaced by someone who was willing to fight back. So to be next to be knocked out he ran, or in his case fly, away.

Leaving Bakugo alone with Izuku and Toga, she, unlike her two friends, wasn't afraid of the boy, no, to her he was still the weak Quirkless boy that she has always known. He was just lucky to knock out her friend and the other was too afraid to stand up to the Quirkless Nerd. So instead of running off like her two friends, she hit him with a powerful explosion, destroying his shirt and charring his skin.

Izuku winced in pain, "You bitch…" Izuku sneered in pain, he knew that this would need treatment so that it wouldn't scare too badly.

"You're just acting tough because you're learning how to fight from a former Pro-Hero," Bakugo accused Izuku, "but guess what, Deku? I too found a former Pro-Hero to teach me, Yoruichi Shihōin. She might not be as famous as Scorpion, but at least she is willing to teach me."

Izuku heard of Yoruichi Shihōin, she was one of the youngest former Pro-Hero at the age of thirty years old. She was known as the Flash Goddess, Lightning, she had a speed-type quirk that gave her super speed. In fact, as far as Izuku, he was one of the fastest women in Japan. The thing is, by the time she became twenty-six, for reasons she wasn't willing to share, Lightning quit as a Pro-Heo and decided to teach martial arts instead.

"Congratulations, but that doesn't mean much, it's not like you could have learned much in the last two weeks or so." Izuku told her, from the way Scorpion taught him and what he told him, most teachers of the martial arts would teach new students the basics before teaching them anything else. So it is unlikely that Bakugo could have learned much in her time learning from Yoruichi. "Listen, why don't you leave us alone, I don't want people like you to bother Toga. She's a new friend that I have made recently and she has been hit by a Quirk that makes her think I'm her master. The Doctor believes this is a short-term thing, so she should be back to normal soon. So why don't I give you some money so you can go to the sex shop upstairs, buy a dildo, and go fuck yourself?" Izuku told his former friend. He wanted to show her that he wasn't scared of her or her friends anymore.

"Why you!" Bakugo screamed, lunging at the boy.

But Izuku was ready for this and so ducked at the attack and was about to counter when someone called out, "What's going on here!?"

As Izuku looked around to see who it was, he saw it was the Mall's Security Guard. Here the Security Guard asked what was going on here, Bakugo tried to downplay everything and put the blame onto Izuku and Toga, but thanks to the burn mark on Izuku the guard believed Izuku's story over Bakugo's. After answering a few questions, the guard allowed Izuku and Toga to leave, whilst the guard called Bakugo's parents to see what to do with her.

Izuku would later learn that Mitsuki grounded her daughter for what she did to him. Izuku punished Mitsuki for not controlling her daughter better, not that he cared much seeing how it gave him reasons to punish Mitsuki from time to time.

Either way, with Bakugo ruining the day out for Izuku and Toga, the two of them decided that they would have something to eat and then go home. Little did they know that their bad day was far from over.


Sometime later:

As they were approaching the bus stop to take them home, Izuku and Togo were jumped and pulled into an ally. To their surprise, it was the man from a few days ago, the one that attack Toga because she drank his blood. You see, after that day, the man was angry at himself for being forced to run by a child who wasn't in his teens yet. And because he had a weak quirk that only allowed him to change his looks slightly and so couldn't do anything but run.

Thankfully though, he heard of rumours of a man who was able to take and give quirks as long as the person is willing to work for him and do a few favours without question. To redeem himself in his own eyes and make these two pay, the man was willing to do whatever it took and so went to the man known as All For One. Here, he asked the man for a quirk that would allow him to use knives, and so that his attacks always would leave a scar. He wanted this so that the kids would remember him by and know never to fuck with him again.

Thankfully, All For One had just the quirk that he wanted. To his surprise, once he heard why he wanted the quirk, All For One said that he would be willing to give it to him for free. The man was surprised by this, he didn't suspect the man to do that, not after what he heard about him. But he wasn't a fool either, he wasn't going to give up a free new quirk, so he left before All For One changed his mind.

What the man didn't realize was that All For One had plans for him, he was hoping that the man would attack Izuku and Toga, all so that he could swoop in once Izuku was near death or knocked out. Here he should be able to give Izuku and Toga the quirks he wanted to give to them. He could even kill the man and take back the quirk that he gave him, as he was no longer of any use to him.

"Now I'll make you pay for humiliating me." the man called out as he pulled out a knife from his jacket and tried to slash Izuku.

Thankfully though, Izuku was able to dodge the attack, where he countered with a right hook, which would have done wonders if he wasn't a 127 lbs boy with little to no muscle mass. The villain simply tanked the hit and stabbed his knife into the boy's shoulder before summoning a new one.

Izuku staggered as the knife was buried into his slight muscle, but by this point, the adrenaline flooding his brain prevented him from feeling either winded or pain as he dragged his ruined shoulder into place for a continued melee.

"Wow kid, you're pretty tough, huh?" The new villain acknowledged, preparing to throw his knife into the young man's leg.

The boy fixed a glare on him that was so filled with fury and unyielding determination that it caused the man to hesitate. The boy was looking pretty confident, and as of now, he had no idea what his quirk was, so what if he was outmatched? Shaking these traitorous thoughts aside, the villain hurled the knife into the boy's thigh this time, nicking the artery and causing blood to pour out of the wound, even with the knife stopping most of it.

"You just don't know when to quit, do ya kid?" the attacker asked Izuku, amazed that he would still keep up with the fight, "Just give up, kid. Today, I'll make you pay for humiliating me, let's start with a scar to remind you of me." The villain told the young boy with a sneer, where he pulled another knife out and was about to cut Izuku once again. But the man forgot about Toga, who up to now was standing there in fear, trying to knock the knife out of the man's hand. To protect her master.

Sadly, it didn't go as planned, yes, she was able to knock the knife out of the man's hand, but not before her master got scared. Instead of a scar across the chick, he slashed Izuku's right eye. Fortunately for Izuku, whilst the slash was deep and would leave a scar as planned, it wasn't too deep that it could have damaged the eyeball and blinded him for the rest of his life.

"Don't think I've forgotten about you bitch." the man sneered as he backhanded the girl to knock her down, "You freak, I think I'll kill you to make the kid know he could do nothing to save you."

With that, the man raised his knife to kill Toga, whilst Izuku was trying to deal with his bleeding eye, he could see what was about to happen to Toga and before his body could react to his mind, his body moved to get in between the two of them. This got him stabbed in the stomach, making him collapse in pain, here seeing how he had more than likely killed the kid, deciding seeing how he had nothing to lose, was about to kill Toga too.

Little did the villain know, but a shopkeeper connected the alleyway with a CCHV, (closed-circuit holovision, a new device that shows hologram videos of what happening,) after getting robbed too often as criminals broke into his shop using the alleyway.

Whilst it was normally the shopkeeper that watches these videos at the end of the day or when he has to, right now, there was someone else hacking into the system watching what is going on, someone more sinister watching the live feed. Someone with a more sinister purpose to spy on Izuku.


Hidden Headquarters - All For One:

All For One watched as Izuku was attacked by the man to who he gave a quirk to so that he could pay the boy back for humiliating him, as he didn't like that Izuku who was just a kid. All For One was in two minds about giving the man a quirk that would hurt the boy, as he had plans for him to give someone a quirk that might kill the boy. But in the end, though, he decided to give the man a weak quirk, as this could give him away in with approaching the boy.

It was a risk for sure but it would seem it was now paying off, yes the boy was dying, but that was something he was about to deal with. Not only that, but he can give the boy the new quirk that he specially created for him. All For One had to admit, for someone who had no fighting experience, the young boy was showing great potential for fighting and he had little training. It would seem that with Scorpion, Izuku would become a great fighter one day.

Now using a quirk that slowed time, one that he used very sparingly due to the immense mental strain, he travelled to the boy.

Upon arrival, the man was shocked to see All For One and was about to ask what he was doing there, but before he could utter a word, All For One killed him. In doing so losing the quirk that he gave the man. Not that All For One cared about that quirk, he found it interesting and wondered if it was in his hands it could be useful to him, which it wasn't, so he wasn't upset about letting that one go.

"Th, thank you sir for saving us." Toga thanked the man, who she saw was wearing a dark suit over a white shirt, "But could you help me, I need to take my master to the hospital quickly or he'll die."

"Sorry, but I can't do that." All For One told the young girl, who started to cry for his help begging him to help her, "But whilst I can't help you there, I can help by giving you the means to help him."

"Wh, what do you mean?" sobbed Toga.

"At this moment, I have stopped the bleeding for now," upon him saying this, Toga saw that her master had indeed stopped bleeding, "once I go, it'll start again. But by the time I leave, I'll give Izuku a quirk that'll allow him to heal with your help. I'll be also giving you two new quirks so that you can help defend your master in the future."

Toga was shocked, she didn't know this was possible, as she never heard of anyone being able to give quirks to other people. But if this man can do this and help her master and make her stronger, she would be grateful. Whilst she didn't think much about this as her master was in danger, one thought that did come to her was payment. No one would do this for free, so she asked in concern, "What will it cost us for you giving us these quirks? I don't think you would give them away for free."

"Normally, it would be your undying loyalty," admitted All For One, "but I have an interest in your young master, and I don't want to see him dead. At least not right now. The only price for my help is for both of you to become stronger, do whatever you want. Other than that, there's nothing I want from you two. So tell me young Toga, would you want my help or not, or do you want your master to die?"

If Toga was thinking clearly, she would have realized that this man had used her and her master's names, meaning that he had been watching them. But her concern right now was her master and his health, so she told him, "Yes, yes give us these quirks. Anything to save him."

"Good, the quirks that I'll be giving you are Blood Regeneration and Blood Empowerment," explained All For One, "Blood Regeneration will allow you to heal, even if you lose a finger, hand or foot, the only thing that it won't hear would be if you lose your head. As for Blood Empowerment, once you feed off someone, for a short while after, you'll become faster and stronger than before and the more you drink the more powerful you become."

Toga was holding back tears at this, whilst her Quirk helped with becoming a spy, as a hero or someone who could defend her master, her quirk wasn't all that helpful. But now, this man was going to give her two quirks that'll help her greatly to protect her master."

"Thank you, thank you!" the young girl thanked the unknown man, as she hugged him, but as she pulled back, she asked, "But what about my Master, what quirk are you giving him?"

"His quirk I created especially for him, so I won't say much and let the two of you find out what it can do." the older man smirked at the young girl, "But I'll give you a tip as to what type of quirk it is and how you can help him. First of it's a sexual type of quirk and one of its abilities is to allow him to heal during any sexual activity. So if you were to give some sort of sexual act, he would be able to heal himself. Although, I'll admit I don't know how much by though."

Toga was red-faced here, sure she was hoping to have sex with her master at some point, by for a stranger to suggest this though to help him heal wasn't something she was suspecting. She wasn't shy about sex, in the last year to get the money she had to do certain sexual acts for money, but this would be the first time she would be doing it to someone she actually liked and wanted to have sex with.

"So one last chance to back out, are you willing to have these new quirks?" asked All For One, whilst he is happy to take quirks from anyone that interest him or believed the quirks could be useful or he was asked by someone else to get it for them, he always wanted confirmation that they want a quirk before giving one to a person. He rarely forces a quirk onto someone that doesn't want one. What's the point of forcing a quirk on someone when they just might use it against him, so it's better to them to be indebted to him than someone who's against him.

Although this time, he was giving two people quirks who might use these quirks against him and his allies, it wasn't something he wasn't blind to. One of his hopes was for this to happen, the other was for them to join him as thanks. Whatever the outcome, both would be beneficial to him.

Toga knew that it wasn't her place to accept such an offer on her master's behalf, but right now he was unconscious and dying and so couldn't make decisions. So to save him, she had to make a decision that would not only save his life but change it too. But this decision wasn't hard to make, not when it could save his life. So she said, "Yes, I'm willing to have them."

With those words, All For One placed a hand onto Toga and transferred the Blood Regeneration and Empowerment into the young girl. He was more than happy to give these ones away, as the main thing for them to work was to drink blood in one form or another, something he didn't like doing so or the thought of it made him feel ill. So he was more than happy to pass it onto someone who already had a quirk that made them drink blood for their quirk to quirk.

When Toga admitted that she didn't feel any different when she got the Quirks, the man told her that she wouldn't until she was cut or lost a finger, or won't feel stronger until she drank some blood. Something she would test soon, as right now she had to save her master.

Once All For One gave Toga her quirks, he then went to Izuku and gave him the newly made quirk, Absolute Devotion. All For One admitted he couldn't wait to see how Izuku will handle this new quirk, would he become a hero or villain? It would be interesting to see what the future holds for the young boy.

Not wanting to stick around for the next bit, he turned to Toga and said, "Now Toga, I'll be off and let you heal your master. Please tell him that I won't be watching over him anymore." And before Toga could ask what the man meant by that, he was already gone and she was left with her master who was beginning to bleed once again.

Seeing this and remember that the man told her that to help her master, she would have to do sexual acts for her to do so. Toga was upset, as she hoped that her first time with her master would be with him awake and taking control of her, using her for his own desires. But to save him though, she would have to do it this way.

When she started to give him a blowjob, a few moments into it, she found that the bleeding slowly stopped but the cuts weren't healing. Because of this, she got on top of her master and rode him like a cowgirl, and as she did so, the cuts began to heal. But by the time that she was finished, she was sad to see that these cuts left a scar on him.

She was also happy to see that shortly after she finished healing her master, he woke up confused and wondering what she was doing.


Earlier - Izuku's Mind:

Young Izuku found himself in a black abyss, he wasn't able to see or hear anything, not even himself or his voice when he tried to call out for help and ask where he was. It frightened the young boy, part of him wondered if he was killed by that man that tried to kill Toga. That was another part that was worrying him, he was frightened that something was going to happen to Toga, but as much as he tried, there was nothing he could do about it.

Unable to see or hear anything, he had no idea how long he was here for, minutes, hours, days or worse years.

As he was floating there, unable to move, all of a sudden out of nowhere, there was a bright blinding light, which made him cover his eyes. After a few moments, he removed his hand from his eyes and was shocked at what he saw, he was now standing on the shore of a beautiful lake. Behind him was a waterfall where the water of the lake came from.

As he looked around though, he saw that there were lots of trees, wherever he was, Izuku suspected that he was in the centre of a forest. Other than the waterfall, there were two things that stood out, the first thing was the house next to the waterfall, the house was made with a huge tree, with steps landing to the front door, with a bow window. There was even a postbox made out of a hollow tree log.

But this wasn't the thing that stood out to Izuku, but a huge stone archway with a wooden door. Trees were intengaled around it, and the trunks of the trees were so close together that it was impossible to get through them. The door itself looked like it was made from old thick wood, and even though it looked aged, it would be very hard to open. The reason that it stood out to Izuku was that it was the last thing that he suspected to see here in the forest, in fact, Izuku suspected that this might be his way out of where he was. A way back to Toga.

With this belief, Izuku started to walk towards the door, in the hopes to get back home.

But as he did though, someone called out, "Are you leaving before you even say hi?"

Shocked to hear someone there, he turned around to see who it was. He was surprised to see what looked like a female humanoid demon coming out of the house. She had purple-grey skin, dark purple hair which was in a ponytail, which revealed that this lady had pointed ears, on her left and right temples are two thick horns protruding crookedly. She even had huge grey bat-like wings on her back. She also had claws instead of fingernails, she also had a long tail which seemed to have a heart at the end of it.

She was wearing a halter leotard which had a hole in the front of it that revealed her stomach, on her side she had a sarong, both had both black and red trimmings. She also wore black gloves that had straps that went up to her elbow. Lastly, she had black high heeled boots that went up to her thighs, these too had black and red trimmings.

"I don't have a name," admitted the humanoid demon, "I just came into existence. I have very little info, the only thing I know right now is that I'm your new quirk that was just given to you."

"What do you mean by that?" asked Izuku, he had no idea that quirks could be given, copied yes, but not given.

"I don't know, my memories are foggy." admitted the demonic quirk, "All I know is that I was created for you to go with your lust quirk."

Izuku was shocked again, he didn't know that quirks could be made, he was led to believe that like everyone else that you were born with a quirk. Not given or created. His mind was going through a wild ride with all this information, it was taking everything he had not to blurt out everything he had on his mind. But yet he could feel that she was telling him the truth. So he asked, "So tell me, what do you know and what's your quirk name?"

"Now that I'm combined with your quick, your quick is now known as Absolute Devotion." explained the demon.

Izuku was shocked to hear that his quick and this one had combined into one, and now it had a name to it: Absolute Devotion. Something that he was somewhat happy about, as until now, he didn't have a name for his quirk yet. What's more, it fits what it does, it makes any female be devoted to him 100% whenever they see his cock. But still, even with a name to go with his quirk, there were two questions left unanswered, so he asked, "Where did you get the name for the quirk and now that you seem to be part of me now, what powers do you have?"

He didn't think that if this person was his quirk would have come up with the name herself, someone else would if. If he could figure out who it was, he could find them and ask why he was given the quirk and how it was possible.

"I don't know why I know the name of this quirk. As I told you, my memories are foggy and I just know what I know, but I don't know why or how." the quirk informed Izuku, "As for my powers, it seems that I have many, my true power was Succubus. I look like a Succubus and had many sexual powers that I could lean to my host, I also have the power to enter other people's dreams and subconscious. I'm able to sense people's emotions and change my looks. Just naming a few of my Succubus's powers. Then there's the case of my new Gargoyle powers." the quirk went on to explain. Izuku knew what a Succubus was as when he looked up being with sex powers to see if he could figure out his quirk, it was just typical that he would have some sort of a Succubus Quirk

"What do you mean by new powers?" asked Izuku, not liking the idea of more sexual powers, meaning that he might need to have more sex than he was already forced to have at his age. But he wondered what this new power she was talking about.

"Somehow, I've been given Gargoyle powers, which hardened my skin so that I can take more damage, my claws are sharper so that I can use them to walk up walls. I'm also able to see in the dark. Lastly, I now have the power to turn into stone, where I can heal myself over time." explained the humanoid demon quirk. "You could say I'm now a Gargoyle Succubus."

"Why do you have powers that are meant to help you in a fight?" a confused Izuku asked, "You're meant to be a quirk, and they allow people like me to use as we like. Not have them fight alongside their will, owners for no better way to call it."

"And you would be right, but my powers are different to the quirks that you know of," explained the Gargoyle Succubus, as Izuku was now calling her until they came up with a better name for her, "as you master my powers, I have abilities to appear in your world and fight alongside you. The first ability that you'll gain from mastering the basics is me to appear in ghost form where you see me, this will allow me to watch your back as you fight so that no one can catch you off guard."

Izuku had to admit that was a useful skill to have, as he was worried about fighting and if he was against a group of people. Unless he was skilled about sensing his surroundings, they could do sneak attacks and either hurt or kill him if he was alone. But if he can master the basics of this new quirk, he could have this Gargoyle Succubus look out for him.

"Now, if you can master me fully, at least most of my power, I can appear alongside you in a physical form so that I can fight with you and keep you safe." explained the quirk.

Izuku had to admit that he had never heard of such a quirk that could take a physical form to fight alongside its owner. It didn't help that she didn't know how she got these new powers of hers, as her memories seemed to be altered so that she wouldn't remember anything. So instead of focusing on that part of things, he decided to work on what other powers she meant to have and where he was. So with that in mind, Izuku asked, "So what other powers do you have? And where are we?"

"Well, for me personally, I have no other powers, but for you, it seems you have quite a few new powers." explained the Gargoyle Succubus.

"What do you mean by that?" Izuku asked, confused, "If you're my quirk, doesn't that mean that you have the same powers?"

"You would think, wouldn't you?" acknowledge the sexy woman, "but from what I can tell, whoever created me only made it so that I have the powers from the quirks Gargoyle and Succubus. You on the other, whilst connected to me, have powers that only you can use. I can go into them more later seeing how we're now as one you could say. But I can tell you now that you have a sexual healing power that allows you to heal whilst sexually active if you catch my meaning, something your friend is using right now to help you heal."

Izuku blushed at this, he did want a Healing Quirk to help him to heal should he get hurt, but he was hoping that it would be a normal one, not a sex type one. It would seem that he was destined to have quirks based on sex, as if fate thought it would be funny if he became a sex demon/god or something. He wondered what his other powers were, he hoped they won't sex based too. Either way, how did he know that Toga was having sex with him when he was here and she was wherever? Was all this some sort of out of body experience or something? So trying to figure this out, he asked, "So where is here, exactly?"

"Haven't you worked it out yet?" asked the Gargoyle Succubus, "We're in your mind, subconscious, or as from what I can gather, we're in what you human's call a mindscape."

"I never heard of such a thing." admitted Izuku.

"Not surprising, as only those who learn to meditate or have a quirk to allow them to enter their mind really know such things." explained the quirk, "It's a place where memories, feelings and the like are stored, those who can enter their mindscape can arrange it to look like anything they want to make it easier to sort out their memories and feelings."

"If that's the case and we're in my mindscape, why does mine look like a forest?" ask Izuku, "I don't know what mine would look like, but I don't think I would have created something like this."

"To be honest, when I first appeared here, it was a small room with gold, blue, red and white wallpaper, with one huge statue and many few statues of the same person female with an outfit with the same colours as the wallpaper." explained Gargoyle Succubus, "So I changed it to be more fitting to me, seeing I'll be living here from here on."

Izuku was red faced at this, that kind of place sounded more like him, seeing how he was a huge All Might fan, the wallpaper and statues was the type of thing he would have done. But still, he was puzzled as to why the Gargoyle Succubus would transform his mind into something a wonderful forest, from what he found out about Succubuses, they meant to like dark castles and hell like places. So this Gargoyle Succubus was like a normal Succubus, he would have thought she would transform his mind into one of those places. "But why did you change it into something like this?" the young boy asked the quirk, "I thought if you were like Succubus, you would transform it into something darker."

"I don't know what books you have been reading, but I believe they are wrong." the quirk stated darkly, not liking to be connected to those myths, "As Sex Demons, do you think Succubus could lure in men with hell like places or dark castles as you're thinking about? Hell no, they would need something amazing, something that men would be willing to walk into. We might have the power over the opposite sex, but until we begin having sex with them or kissing them, we have limited power over men. Even then, if they have strong enough will, they can break the spell even after that, if they found themselves in places they are in danger. So they would need something wonderful, a place where men would be happy to stay for the rest of their lives or until the Succubuses are done with the men. So they would want something like this."

Now that Gargoyle Succubus mentioned it, Izuku began to rethink what he knew about Succubuses. Sure they are connected to hell and the like, but to seduce a man, they have to be careful and cunning. Izuku began to realize that if a man has a strong will, even being partly seduced by a Succubus, if led to somewhere dark and evil, they might be able to fight the seduction. Or the target is hard to seduce. They would need a place where men would feel safe and let their guard down and so they can do what they have to seduce or have sex with them.

Then as things were beginning to catch up to Izuku, he remembered Toga and the man that attacked him. "Listen, not to be rude, I have to leave, my friend might be in danger, as we were attacked and with me here, Toga could still be in danger. So is that wooden gate the way for me to get back to my body?" asked Izuku, as he pointed to the wooden doorway.

"It is," admitted the Gargoyle Succubus, "but you don't have to worry. Whilst I can't tell fully what is happening, I can sense that your body is safe and as I told you, your friend is using one of your new abilities to help you to heal." the new quirk reminded its new owner, "So it would be best if you stayed here for a bit longer so that you don't move too much and so allow your friend to heal you easier and faster."

Izuku thought about it for a moment, sure it would be faster, but whilst it could be safe for Toga for now, he didn't know how long that would last. All he knew is that the man ran away for now, but could come back at any moment and hurt her, and he couldn't allow that. So he apologized to the quirk, "Sorry, whilst it might be faster, I can't stay here. I have no idea what has happened and I fear that the villain that attacked us could still be out there and my friend could be in danger." And with that, Izuku began to walk towards the gate, wanting to return to Toga and make sure she was alright.

The problem was that the Gargoyle Succubus wasn't happy about this, she was a Succubus first and foremost and whilst she had no clear memory of her past, she knew one thing for sure. She and her former host who she knew was a female would use men, to get what they want, no man would say no to them. And if they did, they would use her powers to make them say yes, so without another thought and not realizing the type of powers that her new host had, she used her powers to control the young boy, thinking he would be easy to use and control.

But it wasn't to be though, as the moment that she tried, nothing happened to her shock. It was like Izuku didn't feel her power, other than stopping for a few seconds before continuing to walk towards the gate. Once again she tried to use her powers, thinking that he had a stronger will power than most men, so she put a little more power.

But that didn't work either, instead, Izuku turned around and said darkly, "Please stop trying to control me, I don't like it. I need to get back to my friend now." Izuku could sense his new quirk trying to control him by using sexual pheromone, making it so that he would want to do whatever the quirk wanted. But It didn't work, the young boy suspected it was because of the nature of his original quirk, as it was sex based and that it desired to be in control instead of being controlled. Because of this, he had at least some defence against certain mind control quirks.

However, as the Gargoyle Succubus used more power to try and control him, the angrier he got. It was taking everything he had not to show the quirk who was truly in control and that it was meant to obey him and not the other way round.

"I can't do that, whilst I might be a real Succubus, I still have the same nature as them, to need to control and use men as we please." explained the quirk, "Whilst I might not remember my past and how I got here, I know that me and my former female host used my power to control and use men as my host pleased. So, I'll be using you to do my bidding until you're strong enough to summon me out of your mind and I can have a physical form once again, where the real fun can begin."

As she said this, she poured more power into trying to make Izuk submit to her, so that she could control him. That was a bad mistake on her part, as this brought out a dark side of Izuku's original quirk. To make whoever was trying to take control of its host pay.

Because of this, Izuku transformed, you could say, his eyes became darker, lost any warmth that they once had, now they were full of hate and anger. His face was full of malice, with a smile to fit it. "Listen Bitch, if you don't stop what you're doing now, I'll make you pay. I'll make you my personal bitch."

"Like you have the balls to do anything," Gargoyle Succubus taunted, "you might have a sex quirk, but I don't think a young boy has any idea about sex."

Izuku hated her taunt, she thought that for someone as young as him he didn't know anything, how wrong she was. Because of his quirk, he had more sex than anyone of his age should have, meaning he shouldn't be having any but getting lots of it. He was angry and frustrated that this new quirk would think such a thing. But at the same time though, thanks to the new quirk, he was more aroused than ever, something he was having a hard time controlling. He wanted to wait until he got to his mother before he fucked someone, but seeing how this woman was pushing him and she was here, and he his anger and lust was getting out of control, he decided she would be the one to help him out.

Although she was slightly taller than her, he knelt in front of her where he straddled her hips. He then grabbed her wrists as she tried to fight, trying to shove him off of her. This time, she didn't just push him away. Gargoyle Succubus squirmed, turned, and tried to kick, flailed her hands, all in an attempt to free herself - she let loose.

Gargoyle Succubus couldn't believe what was happening to her, she thought she was facing a wimpy who she could control and unlike before do things her ways. But he was anything but wimpy, he knew how to control and fuck woman and she was his next conquest.

Things quickly turned into a wrestling match, then a fight. Her resistance fed his anger, making him show her that he was in control and not her. That he was the master, and she was nothing but his play thing.

She thought she was going to win this battle of sex, she was bigger and stronger than the kid, so she thought she would win this. But in the end, though, he was more forceful; more motivated to fuck than her. He had all his energy available to him - and he was on top.

Eventually, he got so mad at Gargoyle Succubus's resistance that he pulled his right arm away from her left hand and slapped her... hard... palm to cheek... knocking her face all the way over to the side.

Stunned, Gargoyle Succubus stopped fighting and turned her face back to see him. He looked like he was ready to beat the crap out of her. For the first time that she could remember, she was scared. She realized that she tried to control the wrong person and that she was now going to pay for this mistake and he was going to make her his.

"No! Please don't!" Gargoyle Succubus whimpered in fear. He lifted one knee, freeing her hips. She immediately spread her legs and allowed his knee between them, not wanting him to have to pry her open.

His eyes were on fire, it terrified her. As far as she could remember, neither she or her old host has ever been raped, and yet she was about to be. She started crying, feeling his legs move between her, wrenching her open even farther than she had spread them. It was too late to comply. Even if Gargoyle Succubus helped him, it wouldn't be enough. Rape was unavoidable.

She realized that if she didn't try and control him, this would never have happened. That he would have left and helped his friend and maybe another day when she was stronger, she might have been able to gain control over him. But now, she lost her chance to get him under her control.

Gargoyle Succubus couldn't believe how her body was reacting, it was unsure which set of desires to respond to. Fear or pleasure. She pulled her knees up, bringing her feet alongside his legs, offering her body to him, but her hands fought him off, or tried to.

He grabbed Gargoyle Succubus's wrists, easily forcing them down above her head, falling on top of her as he did, meeting her breasts. His dick slammed into her mound, hitting her clit, stroking her with his full head-to-base length.

Good God, it felt wonderful! Gargoyle Succubus thrust her hips to give him a clear shot at her, even as he pulled back and lined up. At the last moment, her knees clamped against him, trying one last time to stop the rape - and failing miserably.

He shoved himself into her, and as he did, Gargoyle Succubus screamed, "NOOOO!" It went in so easily, thanks to one of Izuku's quirks.. The massive head and full girth inflated her, pried her open, reminding her, every millimeter of the way, that she was being forcefully raped.

His mouth silenced her, then bit her lips, gaining their obedience even as she mumbled in pain. His tongue shoved its way into her mouth.

All the while, Gargoyle Succubus's cheek was screaming where he had slapped her.

And then he fucked her - hard - slamming, pounding her with more force than she could remember feeling. Her arms relaxed, then tried to free themselves in a different way than before.

He understood and released them, scooping his arms under her back and grabbing her collarbone with his hands. Her hands went to their assigned place around his neck and held on.

In the midst of it all, her hips had started to meet his thrusts, making it easy for him to take her to her full depth - and then some.

It still felt like rape, but to Gargoyle Succubus's shock, it was a wonderful rape, a master-servent/pet rape, the kind of thing that they do and don't talk about, the kind of thing that no one ever tells you you're supposed to do, but somehow you know you need to do it.

He needed to breathe, so he released her mouth so he could suck in some air.

She whispered, "I love you, Master." Gargoyle Succubus didn't know why she needed to whisper. She believed it was part of it was just needing to be obedient - not wanting to face his wrath if she spoke out.

Gargoyle Succubus now wanted to encourage him, to make him rape her even harder - but at this point was it still rape? She hadn't said 'yes' but her body had certainly communicated her consent.

Yet, somehow, by not saying 'yes,' she prolonged violence - allowing him to force himself into her with each stroke.

His whole body was still pressed on top of her. His face was turned to the side to get fresh air, leaving his neck available to kiss - which she did gladly. His ear was right there too, so she kept whispering, "Enjoy it, Master. Do it as hard as you want! Hurt me as much as you want!"

His face turned back to her, like an alligator swiveling to find its prey. His anger flowed through his body, onto his face and into her at the other end. She didn't know if she had ever seen it, but her body knew that she never felt it before. Her first real taste of his anger was enough to produce a life-long craving - to ignite a fire inside her that would now burn every moment of every day.

It looked as if Izuku was about to kiss her again, but suddenly his head reared back and he roared, baring his teeth. Realizing what he wanted, her throat stretched, her chin lifted, offering her life to him if he wanted it.

Instead of stopping and holding fully inside her, he kept going, kept fucking, thrusting, building the intensity to the point where he screamed. Only then did he descend and bite the base of her neck, marking her as his.

His teeth satisfied, he nudged her chin down and kissed her, forcing his tongue into her mouth while he continued to fuck - to rape - to screw - staying hard.

Somewhere in all of that Gargoyle Succubus came too, but it was hardly the point. She had been taken. He had consummated the bond that they had, claiming his right to her as his quirk, finally giving her a sense of completeness, filling a void in her heart that she didn't know she had.

Once Izuku was done with her, he started to walk towards the gate to get back to Toga, to make sure she was okay. On his way out, he warned Gargoyle Succubus that if she tried to control him like the way she did again, he would make what he did to her like a walk in the park. Seeing what the young child did to her at a young age, Gargoyle Succubus feared what her new master could do to her if she pissed him off again and swore not to get on his bad side again.


Once Izuku walked through the gate, he found himself back in the real world where he was laying on the ground where Toga was on top of him fucking him. She called out, "Yes, Master, I wish you were awake so you can fuck me instead of me fucking you!" as she called this out, she was working back and forth on him.

Izuku still felt aroused, even after what happened in his mind and with what Toga was doing, he still was. So he was all too happy to fuck the young girl as she wanted, not caring how or why just as long he could have sex to deal with the feeling he felt right now.

"If that's what you want." Izuku told her, shocking Toga, as she thought he was still unconscious. And before she could say anything, Izuku pulled her off him and put her on all fours before mounting her and fucked her doggie style.

Toga was enjoying this, more so as her master was fucking so hard.

But the enjoyment didn't last though, as moments after Izuku started to fuck Toga, a Pro-Hero entered the alleyway. It would seem that someone heard the attack from earlier on and it would seem they called a hero for help. Now, this Pro-Hero was the Killer Whale Hero: Gang Orca, who until a few years ago was a sidekick who rose up in ranks and became a Pro-Hero who was fast making a name for himself.

He wears a costume that consists of a white suit with a high collar. The collar reaches all the way to his chin and it is decorated with diamond shapes that are made to look like teeth. This goes with a pink tie made to look like a tongue is coming out. He also wears a killer whale-like cape over his back. From what Izuku understood, Gang Orca's quirk was Orcinus, allowing him to do whatever a regular orca can do, even on land. But whilst he was strong on land, he was stronger when he was in the water.

Izuku was worried, he feared that if Gang Orca saw the dead body, him fucking Toga, the hero would believe he was behind the death and was now raping the girl. He wanted a way out, a distraction so he and Toga could escape, just something so that he wouldn't take the blame for this.

"I can help you, Master!" Izuku heard Gargoyle Succubus say within his head. And without another warning, there was a huge blast coming from Izuku's body where it pushed Gang Orca into a wall. Then to their shock, Gang Orca started to transform into a female. The transformation was slightly painful, body parts being removed and replaced, where everyone was left in shock as to what happened.

Izuku was the first to recover, and he realized this was his chance to make a run for it. So he took it and hoped that this transformation wasn't permanent, so he got himself and Toga dressed and made a run for it.

As for Gang Orca, he was in shock as to what happened to him, becoming a female like this. At first, he thought it was temporary and he would be back to normal shortly. However, it wasn't to be, a week would pass and he would still be a female, with people giving him lewd looks seeing how sexy his body was, as he got big breasts and an ass to stare at. So to find the person who did this and not only to revise what they did to him, but to beat them up, he tried to find the person through the cameras around the area. But with no luck, as all the footage was deleted and so he couldn't find the person.

Little did he or the other heroes know it, but the footage from that area was deleted by someone close to All For One so that they couldn't find out who did it. All For One didn't want people to know about Izuku just yet, so he would be deleting any footage that Izuku was on should he learn someone was looking for the boy. It would be too early for people to get close to the boy, All For One wanted the boy to make his own path, be it, hero or villain. He didn't want the boy convinced by outside sauces.

Because he was stuck as a woman, Gang Orca found himself thinking like a woman and the same urges that a woman has. He would have the same problem as a woman has, like the monthly cercle that they have. It was something that he or as he is now, she, would kill the person who did this to her. Not only did she have to get used to the new body and feelings, but she had to deal with the fools who kept lewing at her because of her new body.

Little did she know, but it would be years before he would meet up with the person who did this to her. And that meeting would change her life once again.