Chapter 401 - 3


10th of January 2243 - Scorpion's Dojo:

It has been over a week since Izuku played heroes and villains with his mother and Mitsuki, which he had a great time playing with them, punishing them for being bad people. He spent a few hours doing so until Mitsuki was forced to go home. It was decided, to Mitsuki's dislike, that Mitsuki would stay home for a while, so that son and mother could catch up with the time that they missed over the last few months.

Inko hated not being there for her son, making him feel pain because he couldn't fuck her and had to find someone else to fuck. Even if in Inko's mind she was doing all this for the Greater Good of her son so that he could have everything he wanted. It hurt her physically and mentally to be away from her son for all these months. She hated it but she did it for her son. She was upset that her actions led her son to go to someone else's bed.

If it didn't hurt her son, she would have been more than happy to kill Mitsuki for fucking her son. Thankfully though, she found out that like her, Mitsuki wanted nothing more than to make her son happy, even kill or hurt those who dare to hurt him, even her own family if they truly hurt him. They were the same, cocklslaves to Izuku, willing to do whatever it took to be fucked by him, to make him happy, fuck and play with other women, kill or hurt anyone who gets in their way in getting fucked him. To them, Izuku was their God, who was to be worshipped and should be obeyed at all times by those who follow him, anyone who doesn't should be punished.

They would try and give him anything he wanted, do whatever it took to make him stronger and better. This is why Inko got him a meeting with the Undead Hero, Scorpion. Yes, she said that she received a decent discount from the former hero so that he would teach her son to fight, but what she informed her son a few days later was that he wanted to meet him first. He and the other children wanted to learn to fight.

Scorpion wanted to see if they were worthy of his time and energy to teach them, as he didn't want to teach those who would use his skills on the innocent. So here they were, mother and son on a Thursday afternoon in front of Scorpion's Dojo, named just that. Izuku had not long finished school for the day, and his mother picked him up and brought them here.

Apart from them, there were many parents with their children, even some adults alone, wanting martial arts from the former hero. It was once in a lifetime chance to do so, to learn from a true legend like Scorpion. Even Katsumi was there with her mother, which Izuku was happy to see. He wished it was just him, his mother and Mitsuki, where they could play heroes and villains. But that had to wait for the weekend, right now they were here for him to learn martial arts to become a better hero in the future.

After waiting for a few minutes, Scorpion came out of the Dojo with a teenage girl. Scorpion was wearing an article of ninja-style clothing, which was black and yellow, with skulls on it, he was wearing a yellow metal mask. As for the teenage girl, she had long black hair and blue eyes, she was wearing a black leather jeans, a black corset and black tabi boots that went just above her knees. She was also wearing a yellow cotton mask, with a yellow band around her forehead and a black metal collar with a chain down it. She also had a yellow sash that was across her shoulders and a kind of drape hanging off her jeans.

Once they came out, Scorpion said, "Thank you all for coming today, now before I start, let's do some interactions, as you all know I'm the former Undead Hero, Scorpion. But my real name is Hanzo Hasashi. As for the young lady next to me, she's my daughter Harumi or as she goes by her hero name, Hellfire. She'll be helping me to teach you all." Here there were many cheers at this news by many male teens and adults.

If it wasn't for Izuku not wanting to stand out, he too was happy with the news, and not because of how normal boys of his age might react. That she was a cute female helping them to learn. No, his reactions would have been like the male teens and adults, she was hot and would like to fuck her.

Either way, for now, Scorpion and Hellfire didn't react to this, as if they suspected this. But by the looks of things, they were eyeing those who reacted this shameful way, as if they would do something later on about them when there weren't as many people around. Instead, Scorpion went on to say, "Now today, me and Hellfire will be seeing you all in groups, and from each group, we'll be weeding out those who we believe are worthy of our time and energy. As we don't want to teach those who won't take our training seriously and won't misuse the training. Be warned, at this time I'm only looking to train about ten to twenty people. So if there are more than twenty people we believe are worthy, then we'll be testing them another day to see if they can handle our training. As it'll be harsh and many of you won't be able to handle it. So hearing this, if you believe that you might be able to handle the harsh training, please leave now."

"My father is right, for some of you it'll be harder than for others," Hellfire explained, "what we'll be teaching you things that most martial Dojos don't teach. What we'll be teaching you might be harder for you adults than for children, as children's bodies will have an easier time to learn our skills than you adults. So if you think you can't stand the extra hard work, please leave, we're only taking those who are willing to put in the hard work and take it seriously."

Hearing this from the father and daughter, a few adults left, even a few children even left too, as they didn't like the idea of extra hard work.

"One other thing, if you think we'll be helping you with your Quirks, think again." Scorpion told them, "We don't have a licence to do so, and even if we did, we wouldn't be. We're teaching you how to defend yourself without using Quirks. So that if you're able to, you can add your own style fitting to your Quirk. So if you came here thinking that we could teach you about using your Quirks, then please leave."

"Also, if you have a Strength Quirk where you need to face those with a Strength Quirk of their own or able to deal with your super strength please leave too." Hellfire told them, "It's not like we don't want to train you, but you would need a one on one training with either myself or my father, something we can't do right now. As it'll be only me and my father who'll be teaching you, as we just started up and haven't found anyone to help yet. So we're limited to how many we can teach right now, so we're sorry, those with Strength Quirks, we can't help you right now."

Here a lot more adults and children left, as they either wanted help training their Quirks or they had a Strength Quirk. They weren't happy about this, but they knew better than to fight a hero over this, more so with one of the oldest heroes out there like Scorpion. Although, as the last two were about to leave, for some reason they decided to attack the Undead Hero.

It was foolish of them, Scorpion just played with them, using them to show what he could do. Using one of them to jump over them to hit the other person, he even jumped over cars in a certain way, to either attack and escape them, not like he had to escape from them. He even ran up or across walls to do certain moves. After a few minutes of playing with them, the two people decided it was better to run before the hero got serious.

As the two men started to run off, Scorpion turned to everyone and said, "What you just saw me doing is just some of the things that we'll be teaching you. It'll be hard work to learn, but I believe that once you master it and you become a hero, you could use these skills with your quirks and make them your own."

Here, no one else wanted to leave, as they were amazed by Scorpion's movements and wanted to learn them themselves. Some even were whispering about how they could use some of these moves with their Quirks. Seeing how no one was leaving, Hellfire went on to say, "Now, we'll be putting you into small groups and over the next few hours talking to you all, and depending on how many we find worthy, we start your training this weekend. But if there's more than twenty of you, we'll be doing some tests to see if you can handle our training and the best will stay whilst the others have to wait until we can handle more students."

And with that, Scorpion and his daughter split the reminding people into small groups, Izuku was put into a group of ten children around his age, sadly, one of the people he was with, Katsumi. Not only Katsumi but two of her friends too. Katsumi was giving him dark looks, it would seem that her mother told her not to make a scene and pick on him. Izuku was grateful for his lover to do this for him, but he knew that this wouldn't last, Katsumi was like that. It would be only a matter of time before she does or says something, that's just the way she was, act first and think later.

Izuku was right, it was an hour later and Izuku's and Katsumi's group was one of the last few groups that Scorpion and his daughter had to talk to, when Scorpion came up to them. "I'm sorry for making you all wait." Scorpion apologized, "So, let's start off by telling me your names and the reasons why you want to learn martial arts."

"My name is Katsumi Bakugo, and I want to learn martial arts so I can become the number one hero, just like All Might." Katsumi introduced herself before Scorpion could say who he wanted to talk to first, "In fact, I'm hoping to become even better than All Might, to become even stronger than she ever has been."

"This is what most of you want, isn't it? To be like or become stronger than All Might." asked Scorpion, most of the children there nodded at this, as they all wanted to be like All Might, to them, she was the Symbol of Peace, known by everyone, so of course, they wanted to ve like her. "Not surprising, everyone wants to be like her or like young Katsumi wants to become stronger than her. Be warned though, there's always someone more skilled or more powerful than you. Even All Might, whilst not many, there are a rare few who are more skilled than she is. Like me, I might now have the super strength that she has, and if it was strength alone, I might not win, but because I have more skills than her I have a good chance of winning. You need to understand something when it comes to fights, strength isn't everything, skill and cunning are the keys to fighting, willing to do whatever it takes to win against someone who is much stronger than you are."

The children there couldn't believe what they heard, there was no way that anyone could defeat All Might, not even the legendary Undead Hero could defeat her. That All Might would find a way to win a battle like she always has done, "If you want to believe me or not that's up to you, but I want you all to understand that no matter how strong or skilled you might be, there'll be someone who's better than you, if not but in the future, That's just how life is." Scorpion told them all, "Anyway, if your reason is just to become a hero like All Might, just tell me your names and I'll start with the questioning."

"Names Izuku Midoriya and whilst I would like to become like a hero like All Might, I have another reason to learn martial arts." young Izuku admitted to the legendary hero, "I want to show that someone as Quirkless as me can still be a hero even without a Quirk."

Izuku was shocked to see that Scorpion gave him a strange look, as he knew better, that he wasn't Quirkless as he was letting people believe. Was it possible that his mother told the hero about him being able to copy Quirks? He didn't want to think that his mother would sell him out, knowing that if anyone found out about what the two of them did to get his mother's Quirk, people would take them away. He didn't want to think what he would do if that ever happened. Both his mother and Mitsuki were his world, he would do anything and everything to keep them together. For now, he just put it down he was seeing things and that the hero didn't know anything.

"Oh please, Deku, I'm amazed that you're even here." Katsumi laughed at Izuku, along with her friends.

Scorpion looked at them all darkly at this, his eyes having a hint of yellow in them. "Why would you call him Deku?" the teacher asked the young girl, who missed the dark tone in his voice.

"Because that's what he is," one of Katsumi's told the former hero, "a weak and useless person. Someone better off not knowing or dealing with, as he said himself, he is Quirkless and so helpless within a fight. We would always be protecting him, where we could be dealing with the villain instead, he would be a bigger risk as he would be trying to be a hero when he isn't one." the friend smiled as Katsumi agreed with him.

"I see." Scorpion said with a sigh, the way these kids talked about Izuku was the reason he wanted to teach people martial arts. To show that even if you had a weak Quirk or was Quirkless if you had the skills and wanted to save a life, that didn't matter. But here, these kids didn't want to see reason, that it was all about strength and nothing else. Wanting to see if all the kids were like this, he asked, "Do you all think this? That I shouldn't teach someone like Izuku because he has no Quirk?"

"Yes!" said all the kids apart from one pink-haired girl, then, Katsumi went on to ask, "Why would you want to teach someone as useless as that deku? He has no potential, he's Quirkless and would hold everyone in the class back. You should teach someone like me, who has a powerful Quirk and is willing to learn whatever you have to offer and without problems." Here the young girl let a small explosion come from her right hand, to show off what she could see, whilst the other kids looked amazed at this.

"I see, in that case, I'm sorry to say this, but apart from Izuku Midoriya and…?" the former hero left it as a question, not knowing the pink-haired girl's name yet.

"Name's Yuno Gasai, sir." the young girl said softly.

"And Yuno Gasai, the rest of you can leave, I won't be teaching you martial arts." Scorpion informed them.

"What!?" screamed the children, shocked that he wasn't going to teach them anything. Then Katsumi asked, "Why would you teach a deku like Deku and a pink-haired freak, and not someone like me, who would be the best student you would ever have." Here Katsumi used her Quirk by letting an explosive go in her hands, to show how good she was. The other kids looked at her in awe at this, seeing how their Quirks weren't as useful as theirs. "As you can see, I'm better off learning martial arts than Deku."

"So you're saying that young Izuku shouldn't learn how to keep fit and learn to defend himself." Scorpion asked them, fearing what they would reply.

"Of course," Katsumi told the martial arts teacher, "what's the point of learning to defend oneself if you don't have a Quirk? Most people these days have a Quirk, so they would have an upper hand against someone who doesn't have a Quirk, who will more than likely have a problem who has one. And if he wants to keep fit, he can do something else to do so." Apart from Yuno, the rest of the children agreed with her.

Scorpion sighed at this, seeing how these children seemed to look down on those who are weaker than themselves. "And that's why I won't be teaching you. I don't like those who look down on others because they might be weak or Quirkless, as, with training and experience, even they can defeat those who are stronger than them. Not only that, but you young lady, I feel as if you would use my skills to show off and against others to get your way. I'm not willing to teach someone who might use my skills to hurt others for no reason other than they upset them or to get their own way."

"What's stopping others from doing this?" asked one of the other children.

"Admittingly nothing," admitted the former hero, "but if I know or even suspect someone using the skills for reasons other than to defend themselves or others, I'll stop teaching them. So, as you can see, I won't stand for those who'll use the skills I teach for their own gain or use them for evil deeds. So I bead you all good day and I hope you find someone who'll teach you martial arts."

Here, the children that were denied the class left unhappy, they were muttering how unfair it was. That someone as Quirkless and weak as Izuku could learn from the famous hero like Scorpion when they who had Quirks weren't allowed. It was totally unfair or so they thought.

Mitsuki shook her head as she left with her daughter, she warned her to keep her opinions about her thoughts about the weak, the useless and the Quirkless to herself, as she feared that Scorpion wouldn't teach her. But Katsumi thought she would be fine, that once the Undead Hero saw her ability, he would be more than happy to teach her over someone who seemingly was Quirkless as Izuku. But she found out that she was wrong and pissed her off.

Mitsuki on the other hand hoped that this would make her daughter see that strength wasn't everything, that there is more to being a hero than having a powerful Quirk. That it was skill and how you use your Quirk that mattered and not how powerful your Quirk was. Only time will tell.

Once Katsumi and the other kids left, Scorpion talked to them a bit about what they want and their likes and such, by the end of it he agreed to teach the both of them. Whilst Izuku kept with the story that he was Quirkless, Yuno informed them that she had a Foresight Quirk. She was able to see what would happen for the next ten minutes into the future. But needs a few minutes rest between each use before using it again, and she also needed to touch the person for at least five to ten seconds before her Quirk would work.

Other than the rest period between uses and needing to touch a person for at least five to ten seconds before her Quirk would work, admitted that it was a useful skill and learning Scorpion's skills would be a good idea for her. Even if she could see what was going to happen, unless she knew how to fight, the person she was against could still beat her if they knew how to fight. These skills were even more important as unless she could use her ability another way, martial arts was important to become a hero, as without them she couldn't go far as a hero.

Izuku admitted that these skills were even more important for him to learn and master if he wanted to be a hero, as someone without a Quirk, it would be near impossible to be a hero without training very hard to do so. Yuno could see where the young Izuku was coming from, both with her ability and his lack of a Quirk. So she promised to work hard and to help him where she can so that both of them could be heroes.

Once this was done, Scorpion bid Yuno goodbye and he would see her at the weekend but asked Izuku to come to his office with him, as he wanted a few more words with him about something important. Not wanting to be denied to learn from the hero, Izuku followed the man to his office. Once in the office, Scorpion said, "Now, the reason that I want to talk to you is about your Quirk."

"What do you mean, I told you I'm Quirkless." Izuku lied, he didn't want to, but he didn't want people to know what his Quirk really was. As he didn't want him or anyone else to look at him as if he was some kind of freak, or worried that he would force himself on them to gain the power he liked. This is why he kept lying about it and so told everyone that he was Quirkless.

"I know that's a lie, your mother told me that you have a Quirk that allows you to copy any female's Quirk." Scorpion informed the young boy, then seeing the hurt and betrayal in the boy's face and knowing what he was thinking, the former hero went on to explain, "I know you think your mother might have betrayed you somehow, but she didn't. I forced her to tell me. "When she came to me to ask me to train you, I asked her if you had any Quirks that I should be aware of. Of course, she lied to me and said as you did that you were Quirkless, but part of my Quirk's power is to tell me if they aren't telling the full truth to me. So I told her that if she wanted me to teach you, she had to tell me the truth or I wouldn't do it. The only thing that she told me was that you could copy any female's powers, she didn't tell me how it worked."

Izuku was relieved to hear that, and whilst a bit upset that someone knew about his ability, he knew his mother only told Scorpion so that he would be willing to teach him. Not only that, but she only told the former hero part of his Quirks powers, not how he copies the Quirks. But Izuku was somewhat worried as to why Scorpion would bring this up, and he was right to, as Scorpion then said to him, "Whilst I didn't push your mother about how your Quirk works, as I wasn't sure if I was going to teach you or not until now. But now that I have decided to train you, I need to know, how does your Quirk work? As I'm worried that you might use it to take Quirks from female students that you like."

"Do, do I really need to tell you?" asked Izuku, embarrassed that he might be forced to tell someone about his Quirk and how it really worked. He knew that someday he would have to tell someone about it, but the plan was only to tell those he really trusted and those he was going to have sex with. He had hoped to keep this to himself as long as possible. Sure he could understand where the former hero was coming from, but Izuku was hoping to keep the full truth of his Quirk from as many people as possible. "I can promise you that there's no way for me to copy a female's Quirk unless I really want to, I can't use it by accident."

"I'm afraid that you do," Scorpion told the young boy softly, "I know you think that you can't use it accidentally, but everyone thinks that, but sooner or later an accident happens and a person uses their Quirks without meaning to. So to prevent such accidents from happening, I need to know how your Quirk works so if such accidents happen, I can stop it or if prevent it from happening altogether."

Izuku wanted to tell the former hero about his Quirk for two reasons, one, he was, other than All Might, he was the most powerful and trusted hero out there, so if you couldn't trust him who could you trust. But more importantly, the main reason he wanted to tell the man about his Quirk, he wanted the man to teach him to fight. But he was hesitant about it, he didn't want to be seen as a freak.

Scorpion could sense the young boy's hesitation, and guessed that whatever his Quirk was, it must be somewhat embarrassing for him not to say what it was. So kneeling down to be face to face with the young boy, the former hero said, "Listen, you might have heard the rumours that I'm over a hundred and fifty years olds, although I only look around fifty years old. Well, thanks to my Quirk, that's true. So I can tell you that I have seen many Quirks in my years of living, so whatever your Quirk might be so that you can copy people's Quirk, you don't have to be embarrassed. As I have seen most of them. So you can tell me what yours is and I wouldn't think of you any differently, other than a kid with a Quirk who's learning about it."

These words seemed to lighten Izuku's heart a bit, but still, he didn't think that the former hero might have seen a sex type Quirk, as even he hasn't heard of such of one. Over the last few months, he had been looking into it to see if there was a way to control his Quirk, but so far found nothing of use. So maybe, this man who says he lived over a hundred years could help him out, so hesitantly, Izuku told the man about his Quirk, leaving out about him fucking his mother.

"Ah, I see, you have a Sex Type Quirk." Scorpion said after a few moments of thought. It was simple enough to deal with, make sure no women see the young man naked, which was easy to do.

"A Sex Type Quirk?" Izuku asked in confusion, during his research, he heard of many types of Quirks connected to the three main types, Emitter, Transformation and Mutant. But none that he read about had a Sex Type connect to them, so he had to wonder what they were, although he could guess already, but wanted more detail about them.

"Yeah, they are extremely rare quirks whereas you can guess they need to have sex for them to work." explained Scorpion, which Izuku already expected as much, "In fact, in the last ten years, I have heard about five people with such quirks and seen two of them. Those with Sex Quirks were able to either steal lifeforce, gain some strength, power and stamina from their partner. I even heard of a Sex Quirk that was semi-sentient which was called Succubus, it meant to give all the abilities that I mentioned and a few more, not only that, but it meant to have a female spiritual form that only the user could see. But it was said that the user of this Quirk was able to manifest a physical form of this female spirit to fight along with him. But I haven't heard of a Sex Quirk that allowed someone to copy a skill before."

"Why hasn't there been any mention of these Quirks before?" asked Izuku.

"More than likely the same reason that you didn't want people knowing about how your Quirk works, they don't want to be connected to a Quirk that needs them to have sex for it to work. They didn't want to be known as some sort of pervert or sex fiend." Hasashi told the young boy, which Izuku had to admit, it sounded right, that's why he didn't want to mention how his Quirk worked, as he didn't want to be thought like this. "Although, I'm surprised that your Quirk awakened at such a young age as yours, normally the Quirk wouldn't fully awaken until they were thirteen/fourteen. Never seen or heard of a Quirk awakened in an eight-year-old."

"I was five when it awakened." Izuku corrected the Undead Hero, shocking the man. He wasn't sure why he did it, but it felt somewhat better, letting someone other than his lovers knowing about this. This man didn't see him as some kind of a freak.

"Damn kid, I bet it was hard for you, having such a quirk at a young age." Scorpion whistled at this, this was the earliest that he ever heard that this sort of Quirk would awaken, it would awaken in their teens as they would have more of an option who they could fuck and had more help. But for someone of Izuku's age, that would be harder and would have people seeing him as some sort of freak, more than a normal person with such a Quirk.

"Can I ask who was your first time and what Quirk that you copied?" asked Scorpion.

"Do I have to tell you who it is?" Izuku asked, feeling embarrassed about it, not ready to say who his first time was, "I can tell you that I copied a Psychokinesis Quirk and a Glycerin Quirk that makes my skin look smooth and young, but I don't want to say who I got them from. I can tell you that they became totally submissive to me after we had sex." Izuku hoped that this would be enough info that the former hero wouldn't ask anymore who it might be.

"Knowing what the Quirks that you copied is enough." Scorpion informed the young man, not wanting to push him too much so that he would run. But he could guess though, Izuku was fucking his own mother all these years and Izuku didn't want anyone to know about it, which is why he was embarrassed and did not want to talk about it.

He saw Izuku's mother using Psychokinesis Quirk once when she accidentally locked the keys in the house she was showing him as they left the house, so she had to use her Quirk to get the keys. So it would be the easiest way for Izuku to get this Quirk. But it would mean that Izuku's mother was totally submissive to her son, which would explain why she tried so hard for him to teach her son martial arts.

It was strange, this would be one of the rare cases where such Quirks worked on a parent. Normally, when you have a mental based Quirk where it alters the mind in some way, the user's parents would be immune to the Quirk, so that they could teach the child how to use it if not, at least control the child so that they couldn't misuse the Quirk. It was very rare for such Quirks to work on the parents. This just showed how powerful this Quirk was or could be. The other Quirk wasn't a problem, as there wasn't much you could do with a Quirk that makes skin look smooth and young.

"Sir, do you think you can help me to control this Quirk?" asked Izuku, "I don't want all women to be submissive to me should they see my cock by mistake."

"Sadly no, Quirks like yours from my experience are always on and no way to turn it off. So all you can do is to make sure no woman sees you naked unless you want her." the former hero explained to the young boy, "Now if it was a pheromone-based Quirk, we could find a way to hide the scent or find a way to deactivate it, as most pheromone-based Quirks can be turned on or off unless you're unlucky where you can't ever turn it off."

Izuku didn't say anything, but he suspected that if he had a pheromone-based Quirk, it would be one that wouldn't turn off. Then his life would really be over, at least with the Quirk that he has now, as long as no one sees his cock, no one would be affected by it unless he wants it to. And with how he was now, he would not let anyone see it. He was upset that the former hero couldn't help him, but it would seem that he was still willing to teach him martial arts.

"Whilst I'm sorry that I couldn't help you to control your power, I'm happy to say that there doesn't seem any reason as to why I can't train you. So I'll see you this Saturday at noon." Scorpion informed the young boy with a smile, happy he could be teaching someone who might be a great hero one day as long as the powers to allow it. He knew all too well how this world was like, how someone who could be a great hero could become a great villain instead if something or someone intervenes. All he can do is do his best to make sure Izuku goes down the right path and hope for the best and let fate take its course.

Before Izuku turned to leave, the former hero asked, "Before you leave Izuku, can you tell me if you have started to train with your ability to see what you can and cannot do? And how many Quirks can you hold and for how long?" Scorpion was interested not in the training as such, but the potential of the young boy. He knew that those who had the copy ability had a rough idea of how many quirks that they can hold and how long for, so he wanted to find out the potential that Izuku had.

"Haven't done any training yet, as there's not many who would be willing to have sex with someone as young as me." Izuku told the man, which Scorpion nodded in understanding. There weren't that many people who would want to have sex with an eight-year-old, so testing it would be hard. "I could use my Quirk to make them to do so, but it would feel wrong to do so and so I have to wait until my mum can help me find someone who's willing to have sex with me."

Scorpion didn't say anything, just nodded and smiled. The way Izuku talked made him even more sure that the first person who Izuku used his power on was his mother, as no mother would help their eight-year-old son find someone to fuck to test their powers on. The former hero was glad that this power was in Izuku's hands and not someone with a darker intent, as someone without Izuku's want to be a real hero would use such a Quirk for their own gain, force women to fuck them to gain new powers and become more powerful.

"As for how many Quirks I can hold, I don't know." admitted Izuku, "I have only two right now, but for some reason, I can hold many, many more Quirks. I feel as if I could hold as many Quirks as I want and keep adding more. As for how long, I feel as if I can keep them forever. At first, I thought that I might only keep a Quirk for a short while unless I didn't keep fucking the person I was fucking, but once I didn't fuck this person for a few months, whilst it was hard for me, I still was able to use her Quirk and it felt as if I could keep using it forever."

"You really do have a powerful Quirk Izuku, if you need any help and if I can, I'll try to help." Scorpion informed the young boy. Now normally he wouldn't even bother with helping a student with their Quirks, with the law and such preventing him from doing so, but he knew one person who had a similar kind of Quirk. The ability to gain Quirks from others and use it as his own, he could have as many as he wanted and use them forever. The problem was that instead of copying the Quirks like Izuku, the person steals them from people.

This person was Minato Shigaraki or as a select few knew him as, All For One. He was one of the most powerful villains in the world, he works in the shadows so as not to be caught and for someone who was at least two hundred years old. Now some might wonder how someone could live for so long, it's thanks to his Quirk. Now this Quirk wasn't like Scorpion's where it gave the person long life, no, the Quirk was called All For One, which he named himself after, and its ability to steal Quirks and in doing so, make the user Quirkless.

For this reason, Scorpion suspected that All For One stole Quirks that would allow him to live for so long.

Now, the Quirk All For One, not only stole Quirks from others and made them Quirkless, but it allowed him to give others Quirks too. (Although, it's possible that All For One stole a Quirk that allowed him to give his Quirks to others.) Thanks to this Quirk, All For One was able to get those who would be willing to do favours and do his dirty work for him so that he wouldn't have to unless forced to.

But there was a risk to gaining powers from All For One, there were a few side-effects that Scorpion learned about over the years. You see, each Quirk is specific to a person/family, and it was theorized that if a Quirk was taken from the original user and given to someone else, could cause the new user to have severe reactions/side-effects. For a long while, no one knew what they were.

But when Scorpion learned about a few people having a different Quirk than the one they meant to have, over a hundred years ago, Scorpion went investigating about this. This is where he learned about someone named All For One, someone who had the ability to take Quirks that people didn't want but to give them to those who did want them, mainly those who were Quirkless.

At first, Scorpion only had a name, that and whoever this person was, took Quirks from others and gave them to those who were Quirkless or wanted more power. But over the following years, he learned that gaining new Quirks or gaining more than one Quirk in one Quirk, whilst might work for some, but for others for a lot of times, there could be a price, more often than not a dangerous price.

One of the rarest side-effects and to be honest the one the better side-effects was memory loss, they would have no idea who they were, where they came from or anything at all. This way, they could at least have some hope to rebuild their lives if there were people in their lives to help them with it.

As for the worst case, there are many, the first is that they may become mindless dolls, who are not able to speak or think for themselves. Scorpion only knew of a few of these dolls, they were taken into hospital and cared for as best as possible, the rest, he didn't know what happened to them, as All For One took them away to a place where no one could find.

Then there were the cases of ill-fitted Quirks where people didn't lose their memories or become mindless dolls, it could lead to pain and death. Some of them might not be strong enough to handle these new Quirks, so their bodies slowly reject the new Quirks, causing the user great pain and unable to use their new Quirks properly. Now other than pain and unable to use their new Quirks properly, Scorpion found that people died a slow and painful death because of gaining a Quirk that wasn't theirs, to begin with.

Over the years, Scorpion learned that the only ones that were able to sustain these powers were the ones who can copy Quirks, to begin with. Those who had Copy Quirk were born to be able to use Quirks that weren't their own, as long as they had enough power and room, as some can only keep a certain amount of Quirks. Also, some had a time limit to how long they could use a copied Quirk before losing them for good and needing to be copied again. Either way, Scorpion learned of a few people who were too lazy to go out and search for Quirks to copy and so went to All For One to get them instead.

Now over the years, Scorpion learned who All For One was and he and a few other heroes who knew about All For One fought against him. But they were never able to defeat him, not truly, only delay whatever he was planning. All the crimes that he was connected to or planned, he got away with the crime, as they couldn't link Minato Shigaraki and All For One as the same person. Not only that, but other people took the blame instead of Shigaraki.

So over the last hundred years, Scorpion and other heroes could only delay or prevent any of Shigaraki's plans. As too many people would take Shigaraki's place so that he wouldn't go to jail. Although, for the last thirty-odd years since the Pro Hero named Aerial or her real name Nana Shimura prevented All For One's plans the last time, he went underground and nothing was heard from him and this worried Scorpion. As All For One could be doing anything and no one knew what it could be.

Whatever the case, with similar power All For One, Scorpion wanted to make sure that Izuku didn't go down the same path. So if it meant he would have to bend the law here and there, even break it if need be, the former hero was more than happy to do so.

Either way, his thoughts were broken when Izuku thanked him, "Thank you for saying so sir, I just hope that I can find Quirks that can make me a great hero one day. Anyway, I'll see you this weekend." Izuku bid the man goodbye. But as he was about to leave, he thought of something and asked, "Sir, can I ask you something about these Sex Quirks?"

"Sure, I can answer if I can." Scorpion informed the young boy.

"I was wondering, with so much sex that we have, how come we haven't heard about Sex Quirks?" Izuku asked him, "From what I learned, Quirks inherited genetically and so with those who have these Sex Quirks, they would have a lot of children."

"Now you would think that with such a Quirk that would be the case, wouldn't you." the former hero admitted, in fact, when he learned about these Quirks he thought the same thing. But, apart from one person, the truth was quite the opposite, "But the truth is that those with Sex Quirks, they have a low chance of having children. You could fuck say twenty people as much as you want for every day for years, but you would be lucky if you get two or three children from it. For whatever reason, these Sex Quirks makes sure that you don't have many children. So unless you're very lucky, it's unlikely that you'll have any children. I have only heard of one Sex Quirk about fifty years ago that allowed him as many children as they wanted, but they were born Quirkless."

Scorpion didn't want to upset the boy, but he believed that the boy should understand the price of having a Sex Quirk was. So that if he wanted a family, he understood how unlikely it was. It might be heartbreaking, but it was better to know now than some time down the line. This way, the young boy could get used to the idea sooner rather than later.

Izuku was relieved and upset at the same time about this, relieved as he was worried that when he was finally able to produce children, he would be too young to be a father. So hearing this was a relief. But at the same time, he was upset, as he had hoped that he could have children with his mother and Mitsuki, but now it would seem that would be near impossible to happen, he would have to be very lucky to have children now.

Upset and wanting the comfort of his mother's embrace, young Izuku said, "Thank you for informing me what you can about my Quirk, and for agreeing to teach me. I'll see you this weekend."

"Of course young man, I'll see you this weekend." Scorpion told the young boy as the two bid each other goodbye.

Little did either of them knew at the time, but there was someone listening in to their conversation. That they were now going back to report it to the one who sent them there to find out information on Izuku.

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