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Horseshoes on the Escalator

Luka's a porn star - not on the screen but on the stage of the real world. A group of underground perverts have named her Lady X after a classic pink rose and she's the most sought after subject for their upskirt photograpy expidetions. They follow her up the escalators throughout the labyrinth of Shibuya station in Tokyo to enjoy the show she puts on for them.

Chapter 1 - Horseshoes on the Escalator

Horseshoes on the Escalator

Yuki Sembommatsu Edited by Louie



Luka's a porn star - not on the screen but on the stage of the real world. A group of underground perverts have named her Lady X after a classic pink rose and she's the most sought after subject for their upskirt photograpy expidetions. They follow her up the escalators throughout the labyrinth of Shibuya station in Tokyo to enjoy the show she puts on for them.


Chapter 1


Luka's first step on the escalator made an unexpectedly loud clang that was amplified by the structure of the escalator . It was her new pair of high heels with soles made of metal like horseshoes. They were three inches high and covered with a luscious strawberry colored enamel. But she chose the shoes not for their look, but for the golden metal that made a clang like horseshoes. A clang like a gong signaling that the show had just begun.


The historic Shibuya station was built in 1885 and was recently renovated. They moved one of the four train lines five stories down. The brand new escalators were so long that they looked like a moving stairway to Heaven. The busy people of Tokyo never just stood on the escalators, but walked quickly almost running both up and down. They did this automatically seemingly oblivious to their destination be it another world or Heaven or Hell.


The first step onto the escalator was special and new each day for Luka. The escalator raised her body higher and higher as if floating. As the vibrations from the escalator became increasingly strong her breathing quickened. She'd been waiting for these feelings that moved like delicate fingers slowly moving, spreading inside her ultra-thin panties.


"Get down from there!" a man shouted loudly. "Don't move!" another man shouted louder.


Luka looked back and saw three well built men grab a fat middle-aged man pulling him back onto the platform. Luka had seen the fat guy before. He reminded her of a green worm her brother found crawling on a weed in the park. Her brother was then about six years old and excited to see a beautiful butterfly emerge from its cocoon. But what he saw was an ugly bee-like insect that made him cry with disappointment. We later found out that this was a kind of parasite that grew inside a worm, at the butterfly's cocoons and killed them.


"Give me your phone!" demanded on of the guys. The one who looked like he could have been a professional wrestler handcuffed the fat man. Luka couldn't stop watching the scene unfold as she felt she was watching a movie. It was the evening rush hour at Shibuya station, one of the busiest train stations in the world. No one else stopped to watch and hurried home like automatons. This made the whole think look more like a surreal movie.


"Would like to come with us?" a woman asked in a tone that was more than a request.

The voice came from close behind her head and her instincts told her that she was in trouble.

"No I wouldn't!" Luka shot back immediately as if it were a request and not an order.


Now Luka realized that the woman was a police officer and the invitation to come with her was really an order as she looked in her eyes. Luka knew she had no choice, but gave her a savage look that was echoed by the police officer so that they appeared as two wolves who suddenly encountered each other in the woods.


There was another woman and they took Luka away, one in front of her leading and the other behind. Luka's horseshoes resounded on the platform as if a warning to herself. She felt like she was being taking somewhere she'd never imagined.


Luka looked for a way to escape into the crowd of people surrounding them. The people weren't walking, they were running and amazingly passed each other without touching. It reminded Luka of flowing water. Luka tried to dive into this stream but the woman behind grabbed her arm with a vise-like grip and slapped her on the back hard as you might a child who has done something wrong.

She was taken to a room downstairs that had no sign on it. She saw uniformed police and thought it must be a secret police station. As a child Luka had been apprehended by police when she ran away from her neglectful parents. From then on she always had the feeling that she was running from something but she didn't know what from.


Luka was surprised to see such a large police station underground. The two women who had apprehended her sat at the table facing Luka. The table was close to the door. Many people were coming and going. Both women were unattractive but one was much more unattractive than the other. She looked like illustrations of the queen in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" that she'd seen as a child. The queen began questioning Luka.


"Did you know that man was recording up you skirt?", she began.

(Grandma always told me to keep silent if I was ever arrested)


"We've seen you in this station before wearing a short skirt just like the one you're wearing now", she continued

(So I get off on showing my long, shapely legs to all the poor, tired salarymen on their way home)


"Why aren't you answering my questions?", she said angrily.


(Because I don't like your looks. Why are you wearing such ugly black suits? And have you ever heard of makeup?)


Luka touched her long, fake lashes to make sure they were still firmly in place.


"Well this questioning is going nowhere. Let's take her to Kasumigaseki.", she said frustrated. Kasumigaseki was headquarters of the "National Police Agency" and far and away the largest police station in the country.


"Why should I go there.", Luka finally spoke.


"Oh look, she speaks!", the police officer said condescendingly.


At first Luka thought that was rude, but then felt sorry for her because she felt that the rudeness was a just a compensation for being born ugly. The two officers were getting ready to go to Kasumigaseki. Luka was left alone, but there were so many police around that she couldn't find an opening to escape.


She saw three large LCD TVs hung from the ceiling each tuned to a different news channel. The TVs were on mute with captions on as they usually are in noisy rooms full of people. The female reporter on one of TVs was nice looking and Luka noticed the pretty pink nails on her hands wrapped around the microphone. She got closer to see the details of her nails. Nails were almost never just a solid color, but had elaborate adornments. The captions said that the reporter's name was Andrea. She had long blond hair and was wearing a colorful Chanel suit with shiny gold buttons. She wondered if the blond hair came from a bottle. Luka was surprised because she'd never seen a Japanese TV reporter dressed to expensively. She was speaking to someone in English, but there were captions in Japanese.


"Lieutenant, can you tell us a little more about the incident." the reporter began.


"Is my face really covered?", the lieutenant whispered.


"Don't worry, your identity is safe.", she answered reassuringly.


The camera caught her beautiful smile and Luka thought of how hard it must be to smile constantly for the camera. Luka went up to the TV screen to see if she could find out what kind of fake lashes she was wearing. Andrea and the Lieutenant were discussing "tosatsu", which translate as "camera voyeurism" and is a word made of two ideograms "to steal" and "to take a photo."


"This is a dark side of Japanese culture.", the lieutenant explained, "The perpetrator takes photos or videos of women in public without their knowledge when private parts of their body are exposed. This can be done with hidden cameras in dressing rooms or bathrooms, for example, but by far the most common way is to take a photo up the skirt of a woman as she climbs stairs or rides up on an escalator.  "


Luka fingered her bra, decorated with European lace, to make sure her breasts were perfectly aligned to display her cleavage. The bra rubbed against her nipples as she adjusted it and gave her a tiny spasm of pleasure that traveled throughout her body. She noticed some of the police officers stealing glances at her breasts which confirmed that they were positioned for maximum effect.


The two female officers returned to the table. The Queen of Hearts looked at Luka's breasts with an envious look that was hard to hide.

"Don't you know what you've been doing? It's called 'seducing."

(I know, I speak Japanese.)

"You're seducing men with your too-short skirt and your exposed cleavage."


The queen's partner asked Luka for her ID.

(Why should I carry by ID when trying to seduce tosatsu guys into filming up my skirt? If you want to know who I am just search your database.)

Luka's eyes were now fixed on the police lieutenant on TV and especially his hands. Hands with long slender fingers. They could be the hands of a pianist, she thought, as she watch the elegant gestures they made. He was talking with his hands as she'd seen many Westerners do, especially Italians.


The women went to a desk to fill out some kind of paperwork and were not supervising Luka closely. She saw three remotes on the table, grabbed one and turned the mute function off. To her delight she'd picked the right one and heard the lieutenant's young, sexy voice that she felt had the seductive quality of a saxophone. He seemed very passionate about hunting and arresting these tosatsu guys. It almost seemed to be his mission in life.


"Oh look! It's lieutenant Sasajima!", one of the police officers who recognized Sasajima's voice exclaimed.


Now the police where huddled around the TV with interest sparked by the realization that it was their colleague who was being interviewed. She bob and weave like a boxer to catch a glimpse of the TV through the crowd of officers. Luka was tall for a Japanese woman but the officers were taller. She thought they must have been chosen for their height and its intimidating quality. The lieutenant was now talking about a mysterious, secretive tosatsu group.


He explained, "We've been investigating a secret and organized group of tosatsu men. We haven't been able to identify then so far as they hide deep within the dark web. They exchange photos and videos and the most favorable times and places to set up their photo taking ambushes."



Chapter 2


A police officer burst through the door. In an instant Luka saw her chance and slipped through just before the door slammed shut. Instinctually, she inhaled and held her breath as if she needed to make herself thinner to fit through the closing door.  As she exited she heard the TV reporter close her segment with, "Thank you for sharing, lieutenant. And thank you for watching. This is CBC News, Tokyo."


Luka took off her clunky shoes and ran as fast as she could. As fast as she ran, amazingly, she bumped into no one. It was as if they had invisible force fields around them that kept them from touching. Non-Japanese always marvel at this phenomenon. She felt a pain at the back of her foot but kept running.


She jumped into a Tokyo Metro car. It was near the end of rush our and it was still packed with no place to sit. She saw a tiny stream of blood seep out from under her foot onto the subway floor. It hurt, but she'd worn those high heels and there was no other way to run by barefoot.


Luka felt eyes on her. She looked around and there was an ugly, fat, green worm of a guy just like the one she saw get arrested on the platform earlier. She heard the announcement for the next station and realized she was going in the wrong direction. All this time the worm of a man had been making his way towards her pushing steadily through the packed riders. Just as in the encounter with the police she heard his voice coming from right behind her head.

"I know you, Lady X.", he whispered as his rotten breath wafted towards her.


Luka had never heard of anyone called 'Lady X' and a panic overcame her. The worm shoved his phone in her face and photos and videos of her, secretly filmed of course, streamed before her eyes. This surreal encounter made her head spin. He jumped to the website where there was information on where and when you could find Lady X. And there were photos not only of her body but close-ups of her face.


The subway doors opened at  Mistuskoshi-mae and Luka stepped out just as the doors were closing so the man would not have time to exit and ran as fast as she could. She ascended the escalator without shoes and saw men staring at her swaying short skirt hoping to get a glimpse of something forbidden.


Luka entered one of the most luxurious hotels in Ginza, the high-fashion center of Tokyo. She found a bathroom and began to assess the damage. She opened her strawberry purse , which matched her platform shoes, to fix her hair and makeup and noticed stains she'd gotten while running through the station like an absolute lunatic. She dabbed some water on stains, but nothing would bring back the whiteness of her dress, as white as angel feathers, until she got it professionally cleaned.


The front desk staff eyed her suspiciously as she walked by. She tried to blend in as one of the hotel guests but this was all but impossible because of her suggestive outfit designed to seduce. She used to really belong in this hotel and came here with her parents for dinner a few times. She looked up at the elaborate crystal chandelier and memories of her childhood came rushing back. As a child of about six she stared up at the chandelier and imagined a sky full of fiery stars. It had been like a universe to her, but now it seemed smaller and less shiny.


A man approached. He was dressed and groomed like he belonged here.

"How much?", he said expecting her to know what he meant.

Of course she knew what he meant as this had happened to her countless times before.

"A billion yen", she answered with a ready reply.

"Humph", was the sound that came from him without his mouth opening. A sound that said he judged her not worth the price. His nose went up a little to make the insult even stronger. She thought she was impervious to such slights but somehow today this one got to her. She went to the bathroom and cried. She was soothed by the fresh baby powder smell that filled the bathroom.



Chapter 3


Luka's game was getting a little more extreme each time. Her skirts inched up higher and higher and her panties got tighter, smaller and more sheer until they barely covered anything. She enjoyed her erotic body and the effect it had on men. Her body was like a flame and men like moths attracted to it. When she walked she moved hips suggestively making her little skirt move to and fro like a candle flame and the men began following her like moths hypnotized. When she was sure they were following she'd make her way to the escalator and position herself on the steps and allow them an opening to take photos. They would get out their tiny cameras or phones and began taking photos up her skirt in ways that then thought would not get them noticed. But of course Luka noticed. Sometimes they'd even be bold enough to talk to her or try to grope her, but she made them keep their distance. When she saw a platform full of tired businessmen beaten down by life and work she felt that entertaining them and indulging them in their dirty little fantasies was what she was born for.


One time when Luka had reached the top of the escalator a guy boldly approached her and showed her his phone. It was new with high-resolution lenses and image processing software. The images he showed her were so clear that she gave a gasp of surprise at how much she was exposed. The surprise quickly became delight, because this was what Luka had hoped for.

"Thank you, Lady X", the guy said and quickly scurried away.


Luka did an internet search for the phrase 'Lady X' and got the usual stream of junk unrelated to what she was looking for, but after a while the search turned up  that it was the name of a rose. Now she became obsessed with the rose. She saw pictures of it all over the net, but this did not satisfy her obsession. She wanted to see the real thing. She called rose gardens all over the Tokyo area looking for it.


The Furukawa House house, built in 1919 by baron Furukawa, is a designated National Historical Landmark. A strong wind whipped around her as if a typhoon was coming and Luka was glad she wasn't wearing that short skirt today. The roses were swaying wildly in the wind but she finally found the Lady X. She cupped her hands around the rose and smelled it deeply. It had a strong fragrance that almost made her dizzy. She kissed the petals and thought that she'd never seen anything so real. So real that it made her believe, for the first time in her life, that the world around her was real.


She remembered what Sasajima said on TV with that pretty blond lady who had a set of very expensive custom-made fake eyelashes. There was a secret website hidden like Freemasonry. When Luka imagined dirty guys who recorded her body did a dirty thing in bed. That gave her strong ecstasies. She imagined dirty guys who watched her videos, held their phone on their left hand and toughed themselves on their right hand. Millions of guys were looking at her. Lady X was their fantasy. She was their dirty princes…touch me, rub me, splash your dirty liquid at me on your phone!

She remembered now what lieutenant Sasajima said on TV to that blond reporter with the fake lashes. He said that there was a hidden website on the dark web for the secret society of tosatsu fanatics. Imagining the countless tosatsu fanatics out there masturbating to her photos and videos gave her a delicious thrill. She closed her eyes and imagined a surrealist painting she'd seen by the American artist George Tooker. It was called "Landscape with Figures",  a composition which consisted of office cubicles that stretched out in all directions like some infinite egg crate and in each cubicle was an office worker hunched over with a tired, beat expression. In her imagination the office workers became the tosatsu men, an infinity of tosatsu men,  and from each cubicle came the glow of their cellphones, pulsating like fireflies,  which they held in one hand while masturbating with the other. On each cellphone was a video or a photo of her, their princess Lady X, in some state of exposure, in some provocative pose. Imagining this scene she herself began to masturbate, one hand pushing deep between her legs and the other squeezing her soft breasts, pinching her nipple that was now fully erect. She floated above the cubicles on pure white angel wings and she would hear a grunt and a sigh of relief as they came, one by one, writhing like a little worm in their little space and spilling their thick, sticky white liquid onto the phone screen, making that particular cubicle dim. With each of their orgasms she felt their semen splash, not onto the phone screens, but onto her, filling her with warmth and excitement which rose in her as she climaxed over and over  until she finally collapsed in exhaustion.


Chapter 4


"Hey, we're gonna do that today!" Sasajima told his team with ten guys and one woman.

"Have you got an arrest warrant?" Sasajima's team member asked.

Sasajima show them the arrest warrant. One of the team members asked, "What charges for?"

"Public indecency"

"But her pussy is still covered."

One of the team members showed the team a picture of Luka's panties.  The woman police asked," How did you get that photo?"

"I took it for investigation."

Everyone laughed.


"Okay, let's do this thing," Sasajima said to his team of ten men and one woman.

"You got the warrant?" a team member asked and Sasajima pulled out the warrant and showed it around.

"What are the charges?" another asked.

"Public indecency," he Sasajima replied and held up a photo.

"But nothing's fully exposed. Granted her panties are tiny and almost transparent, but does this qualify as indecency?" another pointed out.

"Hey, how did you get that photo?", the female officer asked seeming a little upset.

"I took it for reference from the evidence locker.", Sasajima said with a barely perceptible wink.

The male officers chuckled in unison.

It was Friday. Sasajima knew Luka was coming to the long escalator at Shibuya station but unfortunately, she didn't show up. They waited for her until 9 PM.

It was Friday and Sasajima knew from his investigations that Luka was here every Friday at this time to ascend the Shibuya station escalator. They waited until 9 pm but she didn't show.

When everyone came back to the police station, there was someone surrounded by three well build policemen. The lieutenant wondered if the person male or female because the long hair covered the face. The lieutenant got closer. It's a young guy, looked scared and shaking. Sasajima thought that this guy would burst into tears with his little touch.

When they got back to the police station they saw that there was someone in custody surrounded by three well-built officers. The lieutenant couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman because of the long hair that covered the face. As he got close he could see that is was a young man, scared and shaking. He seemed to be on the verge of crying.

One of the policemen took lieutenant away from the young guy and whispered, "We found him when he was doing tosatsu on the escalator at the subway station and he said he could do anything for not to get charged."

One of the arresting officers took Sasajima aside and whispered, "We caught him trying do the tosatsu thing on the subway station escalator. He said he'd cooperate with us if we didn't charge him. He said he'd literally do anything."

The lieutenant laughed, "He could do anything?"

"Anything?", the lieutenant smiled stroking an invisible beard.


"Yes, that's what he said. His name is Hayato. He's just accepted for a prestigious university. He is desperate, doesn't want to lose the opportunity."


"That's what he said. His name's Hayato and he's just been accepted by a prestigious university. He's desperate not to screw that up.", the officer explained.

Sasajima approached Hayato and asked him, "What can you do for us?"

"I can do anything but I wanna get an official agreement that says I won't get charged." He said nervously. His voice was shaky.

"That's depends on what you could give us." The lieutenant said.

"I want my lawyer, and I want a plea bargain."

"I said that's depends on what you could give us!" the lieutenant yelled at the young man and banged on the desk hard.


"So Hayato, that's your name isn't it?", the lieutenant began.

"Yes sir.", he replied respectfully.

"So I hear that you want to help us out, that you'll do anything to help. Is that right?", said the lieutenant.

"Yes sir, anything sir.", he replied eagerly seeing a way out of the mess he was in. "But I want a guarantee that I won't be charged and I want it in writing."

"Slow down before you start making demands", the lieutenant replied, "let's see what you can give us first and then we can bargain."

Hayato replied uneasily, "I want my lawyer and I want a plea bargain."

"Listen you little shit you're in no position to make demands. I said you need to tell us first what you can give us!", the lieutenant said slamming his hands on the table and getting right in Hayato's face so close that he could feel the lieutenant's hot breath.





Hayato was shocked, looked down and stay silent for about two minutes, the police officers in the room were staring at his girly face. He finally started talking.

Hayato was shocked by the violence of the officers. He looked down and remained frozen for several minutes. The police looked at his soft, feminine face with disdain. He finally started talking.

"I couldn't help overhearing your conversations… I know who she is."

"Who?" the l lieutenant asked.

"Lady X."

"Who're you talking about?"

"That girl you're looking for tonight."

"Is that her name, Lady X?"

Hayato nodded.

"What do you know about her?"

He was looking at lieutenant in his eyes with confusion and said, "I know everything about her."

"Do you know how to find her?"

"I said I know everything about her!" He raised his voice. He asked to get his lawyer again.

"I heard you talking when you came into the station. I know who she is.", Hayato offered.

"Know who 'who' is?", the lieutenant asked.

"Know who 'she' is. The Lady X. The girl you said you were looking for tonight.", Hayato explained.

"Is that what you call her? Lady X?", an officer questioned.

Hayato nodded.

"And just what do you know about her?", Sasajima asked.

"I know everything about her.", he said now more sure of himself.

"Do you know how to find her?"

"I said I know 'everything' about her!", he raised his voice as someone who holds all the cards. He asked for his lawyer again.


Someone was knocking on the door very hard. When the door was open, a young man dashed into the room. He was tall, wearing wrinkled sweatshirt and pants. His hair was messy.

Someone was knocking at the door insistently. When the door was opened a young man, tall with unkempt hair and wearing a sweatshirt and pants that looked like he'd been wearing them for days, burst into the room.

He ran to Hayato and asked, "Hayato, are you okay?"

He ran to Hayato and said, "Hayato, poor boy, are you okay? Have they done anything to you?"

Hayato's face was blank. The messy hair guy looked around the room with full of the police officers and said, "Sorry, it was my first day off after three weeks working. I'm Hayato's lawyer, Yoshida. Nice to meet you everyone!" He opened his briefcase.

Hayato's face was just blank and emotionless. The man looked around the room of officers and said, "Sorry to rush in here like that. I was on my day off. First day off after working three weeks solid so I must look pretty messy. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Hayato's lawyer, Yoshida. Pleasure to meet you all. Now if you'll kindly fill me in on what's going on here with my client."

The police and the Lawyer Yoshida made a deal. Hayato will help to arrest Lady X first because it's the most urgent matter.

After some minutes of consultation the police and Yoshida struck a deal. Hayato would help arrest Lady X first because that was the most pressing matter and he'd be granted immunity from prosecution in exchange.

Sasajima asked Hayato, "Who is Lady X?"

Hayato replied nervously, "We go to a same school."

"What school?"

"High school."

Sasajima began, "OK, now just who is Lady X?"

"She's a classmate of mine from high school.", Hayato offered.

The police was surprised when they found out Hayato was one of the members of the mysterious tosatsu cult. Hayato didn't want to talk about the cult because they're very dangerous but he gave the police some of the Lady X's tosatsu photos including her face.

The police were surprised that this affluent and obviously high achieving high school kid was a member of the mysterious and secretive tosatsu cult. Hayato didn't want to talk in detail about the cult because he feared for his life, so dangerous was the cult. But instead he offered up photos and videos of Lady X from his phone, including one that clearly showed her face.


Chaper 5


The sun was going down waving her hand to everybody on the Earth. Sasajima and three muscular police officers were at the high school gate. The reason why they waited there was they didn't want to arrest her in front of other students. They saw three girls came from the school building. They were wearing old fashioned sailor uniform with a pair of polished laced shoes. When the three girls saw four police officers hiding behind the gate, one of the brave one started talking to them.

"Hello, police. Good luck to whatever you're trying to do," she giggled.


The sun was setting, tinting everything with a melancholy orange glow before giving up the world to darkness. Sasajima and three officers, whose bulging muscles made their clothes look too small for them, waited at the high school gate. They wanted to arrest Lady X outside the school rather than embarrass her by yanking her out of class for all the school to see. Three girls in stereotypical sailor uniforms came through the gates and saw the officers there trying to look inconspicuous.

"Hey there," one of the girls said giggling, "hope you catch the bad guys."

Sasajima was wondering how she found out they're police. None of them were wearing police uniform. He looked around and realised that he got handcuffs shined on his waist.  The four police talked about how they approach Lady X. They don't know how she like. The high school students seemed more mature then the four thought.

Sasajima wondered how they knew we were police. Does the stink of being a cop follow them around even out of uniform? He looked around and realized they all had handcuffs dangling from their belts. The four police discussed how to approach Lady X. They didn't know how she'd react. The ones coming through the gate just now seemed more mature than they'd expected.

Sasajima saw a gorgeous brand-new black Mercedes parked other side of the road. He was upset because that place was illegal to park. Sasajima had started his career as a traffic control officer on a large motor bike. He realised that he had a more important mission to do than the traffic control.

Sasajima saw a brand-new black Mercedes parked across from the school. What stood out to him instinctively, having worked in the traffic division early in his career, was that it was illegally parked. He had to resist these instincts. He had bigger fish to fry.

Sasajima couldn't stop looking at the Mercedes. A man as gorgeous as his car came out from his car. He's obviously half white, tall, wearing a perfect fitted black suit. Sasajima was wondering who and why they had to show themselves fancy like that. It looked like a scene from a movie or play.

But Sasajima couldn't take his eyes off the Mercedes. Just then, like a scene from a movie or car commercial, the door opened and a man stepped out gracefully. He looked Eurasian with the chiseled face and physique of a male model. He half expected, like in commercials, to see him back-lit by the sun with a mist arising around him. He really looked out of place here in front of this high school.

The large group of students were just passing by. The police were busy looking for Lady x. Sasajima felt some instinct and look at the driver opened the door of the Mercedes. A student in sailor uniform went inside the car. Sasajima was sure that the girl was the one who they were waiting for.

That school was over was heralded by the three school girls that passed by earlier but now the bulk of the students were exiting. A large group passed by and he didn't see Lady X yet. Sasajima's instincts told him to ignore the crowd of students and focus on the conspicuous Mercedes with its door open waiting to pick someone up. He saw the blur of a girl in a sailor uniform disappear into the blackness of the car. He was sure she was the girl they were looking for. 

Sasajima got on the police motor bike that one of his team rode to get here. He quickly turned the siren on. He ran thought the red light. All cars stopped for him. Japanese police bikes are called 'White Bike (白バイ)' because their bodies were white. Sasajima found the black Mercedes. The driver had noticed the white motor bike following them.

Sasajima got on the bike that one of his team rode to the stakeout to chase the Mercedes. As soon as the bike started he switched the siren on. Cars stopped as soon as they heard the siren and he was able to run a red light to catch up to the car. Japanese police bikes are called "White Bikes" because of their color. Not quite as fearsome looking as the Harleys that the American police departments use, but as fast or faster. Weaving through the stopped traffic Sasajima locked on to the Mercedes. The driver noticed the white bike tailing him and sped up.

The car and bike were driving around in the busy rush hour traffic. The siren sounded crazy and the red lights on the white bike glowed bright. Sasajima saw the car turned into the narrow pathway. Sasajima quickly speeded up and turned at the corner to make a short cut. Finally, the black Mercedes and white motorbike were facing each other. The road was too narrow, the car had no way to escape.

The car was obviously trying to elude him. Sasajima sped up with lights flashing and siren howling. He saw the Mercedes turn down a narrow street hoping to lose him but Sasajima knew these streets better than anyone. He sped up and turned down a parallel street and came up the one the Mercedes was on in the opposite direction, blocking him and leaving him nowhere to escape to.


The car's back door opened. Sasajima saw a girl came out elegantly. Her face and legs glowed in the dark. Sasajima was surprised because she looked so different from what he was expected. She looked ten years younger than Lady X's photos. She had an innocent look without makeup. Her hair was neatly tied on the back. Her secret part of the body was hiding quietly in her pleated uniform skirt. That was the reason why the four police officers missed the girl when they were at the school gate.

The back door of the car opened and he could see a girls face and long shapely legs glow as she emerged from  the darkness of the back seat. She slid out elegantly. Sasajima was surprised. She wasn't what he'd been expecting. She looked at least ten years younger than the photos he'd been given of Lady X and had the innocent look of a schoolgirl, with no makeup and her hair tied in a ponytail. The police missed her coming out of the school gate precisely because she looked just like any of the dozens of sailor suits who were passing them on their way out.

The Mercedes driver came out and stood between Sasajima and the girl. The girl said to the driver, "It's okay, Alex." She walked toward Sasajima and said, "I'm not gonna run away. If you need me, I'll come with you."

The imposing figure of the Mercedes driver stood between Sasajima and the girl. "It's okay, Alex.", and she put a hand on his shoulder as if to say 'Stay!' as one would to a pet dog. "I'll come quietly if you're here to arrest me.", she said to Sasajima.

She sounded like a brave samurai's daughter in movies who kept a knife in her chest in kimono, to cut her throat before she got caught by their enemies. A police car arrived. Sasajima and Lady X sat in the back seat.

She reminded Sasajima of a brave daughter of some samurai he'd seen in the movies who kept a knife hidden in her kimono so she could slit her own throat if she were caught by the enemy. She had that defiant yet resigned look about her. A police car arrived and Sasajima and Lady X both got into the back seat.

Lady X's left hand held Sasajima's right hand. He was surprised of her behavior. He couldn't move his hand. He was just feeling her warm hand. He wondered maybe this was the famous Lady X's technique of seducing but this girl looked so different from the photos. He was confused. He didn't know who the girl was.

Lady X softly took Sasajima's right hand in her left hand. He was frozen. He hadn't expected this. He just let the warmth of her hand flow into his. He knew he was being seduced, but so unlike the techniques Lady X used in the train station. His head was spinning. He didn't know who this girl really was.

She said with looking at front without looking at him, "I've seen your hands and I've heard your voice."

Not looking at him but looking straight ahead she said, "I've seen these  hands before and heard your voice."

"Where? When?"

"What?", he said, "Where? When?"

The police car's driver asked, "Lieutenant Sasajima, are you going to National Police Agency?'

"Where are we going lieutenant Sasajima? National Police Agency?", the driver asked.

Lady X whispered mischievously, "I knew your name, lieutenant Sasajima."

And, like a witch who had everything she needed to cast a spell, she whispered, "And now I know your name too, lieutenant Sasajima."

Chapter 6


Sasajima's boss passed him a report of Lady X, "Lieutenant, Lady X's real name is Luka Yamazaki. Guess who's Lady X's father?" The boss looked exciting and continued, "The famous movie director, Yoshiki Yamazaki."

Sasajima's boss handed him a report on Lady X, "Lieutenant, Lady X's real name is Luka Yamazaki. And just guess who Lady X's father is.", the boss said excitedly, "Yoshiki Yamazaki! The famous director!"

Sasajima asked, "Yamazaki was just in a trial, wasn't he?"

"Wasn't he just on trial for something or other?", Sasajima asked.

"He won the case again. His movies always make big hits in France as you know, his fans and even the mayor of Paris sent a letter to the court said his movie is an art not a pornography," his boss laughed and said, "The father and the daughter both are pervert, it must be genetic. "

"Yeah, the usual, he was on trial for pornography. And, as usual he won. He's big in France, you know, and his fans, and even the mayor of Paris, came to his rescue and attested that his films are art and not pornography," the boss laughed and continued, "Seems both the father and daughter are perverts. Must run in the family."


It was Sasajima's third visit to her. Because she was underage, she was not in the cage, she was in the hospital in the police facility. Luka finally told him where and when she saw his hands and heard his voice.

"Oh, that TV show! But how could you remember me? I was on not more than five minutes."

It was Sasajima's third visit to Luka. Because she was underage she was kept in the police infirmary and not in jail. Luka finally told him where and when she'd seen his hands and heard his voice.

"Oh that TV show! Why I couldn't have been on for more than five minutes. It's amazing that you caught that segment and more amazing that you remembered me."


She was smiling like a mysterious princess in the fairy tales. She held his both hands with her both hands. Sasajima wondered why she did this, because of her pureness or just she's been trying to seduce him to manipulate him. Everyone knew she was a queen of seducing.

"Talk to me, I like your voice," Luka asked him, looking at something in the air with dreamy eyes.

She smiled the mysterious smile of a fairy tale princess. She took both his hands as an innocent girl would. What was she trying to do? Manipulate or seduce him? According to the reports she was the queen of seduction.

Luka always looked down at Sasajima's hands and then looked up in his eyes. Somewhere in between, her eyes stopped in the air. He didn't know what she was looking at. He felt like she had something she was looking for but she's never found.

Luka looked down at Sasajima's hands and then began to raise her head to look in his eyes. Somewhere between his hands and his eyes her gaze stopped as if looking for something she never found. He was puzzled. He had no idea why she did this or what she was looking for.


After visited Luka, Sasajima met a doctor. The doctor was middle-aged quiet man, he was wearing a pair of Christian Dior socks from the new collection. Sasajima had a strange socks fetish, he owed more than three hundred pairs. The socks that the doctor was wearing was the one he wanted to buy, but they're too expensive for Sasajima, so his respect for the doctor was big.

After visiting Luka, Sasajima met with a doctor. The doctor was a quiet, middle-aged man wearing a pair of Christian Dior socks from the latest collection. Sasajima had a strange sock fetish and owned more than three hundred pairs. The socks he wore were ones that Sasajima had wanted but couldn't afford. For some strange reason this increased his respect for the doctor.

The doctor talked about Luka quietly, "This is the medical examination report of Luka Yamazaki." The doctor stopped talking in the middle of the conversation. Sasajima's curiosity got bigger.

That doctor, holding a folder, said in a quiet voice, "These are the medical findings on Luka Yamazaki." The doctor suddenly stopped and Sasajima became more curious.

After for a while, the doctor continued, "Luka has a bipolar disorder. It'll not easy to sue her for public indecency. It's the typical symptom to have abnormal sexual behaviors when they're high."

After some moments as if he were choosing his words carefully, the doctor continued, "Luka has bipolar disorder. In light of this it won't be easy to convict her on a public indecency charge. Abnormal sexual behavior is common in people with bipolar disorder.

The doctor's report gave Sasajima relieve. The doctor stopped talking again so Sasajima got a lot of time to think about Luka. He wondered why he was glad that she won't be sued. He and his team had spent a lot of time and effort to arrest her.

Strangely he was relieved at the doctor's diagnosis and he wondered why. After all he and his team had spent a lot of time and effort in bringing in Lady X.

Suddenly, the doctor started talking again, "Lieutenant Sasajima," and he stopped.

"Lieutenant Sasajima," the doctor suddenly started and then, just as sudden, he stopped.

After a few minutes, the doctor started talking again, this time, for some reason, he lowered his voice and looked around even there wasn't anybody close. The doctor seemed finally decided to share a secret with Sasajima. "Luka is a virgin."

  Looking to make sure there was no one around the doctor shared another finding as if it were a deep secret, "Luka is a virgin, lieutenant Sasajima."

Sasajima wondered how a virgin could that. Luka's been showing tosatsu guys her almost visible vagina that was barely covered with her small, tight and thin panties.

Sasajima was surprised. He had always assumed that, because of her lascivious behavior, the seduction of the tosatsu cult revealing to them the view up her skirt with her skimpy, almost transparent, almost nonexistent, panties, that she was surely promiscuous.

Luka's school mate, Hayato, was still too scared to talk about the tosatsu cult. Sasajima said to Hayato, "They have many photos of Lady X, and still passing around and shearing them. We must erase her photos."

The deal between Hayato's lawyer, Yoshida, and the police was completed, Sasajima couldn't insist Hayato anymore.

Luka's classmate, Hayato, was still too frightened of the tosatsu cult's retaliation if he talked. Sasajima said to Hayato, "They have many photos of Lady X and are still passing them around and sharing them with members. We have to erase all her photos." Since they'd come to a deal with Hayato's lawyer, Yoshida, they really couldn't pressure Hayato any further.

Sasajima visited Luka again this morning. He decided to tell her about the cult but It's hard. He said with hesitation, "Luka, we're sorry but we couldn't erase your photos and videos on the tosatsu cult. Their security is very high." Luka didn't say a word about the cult. She was busy tapped on his hand like playing a piano and said to him like singing with a child like smile, "I wish you're mine."

Sasajima visited Luka again in the morning deciding to tell her about the cult, but the words were stuck in his throat. He said with some hesitation, "Luka, I'm sorry but your photos and videos couldn't be erased. The tosatsu cult's security has, so far, been impenetrable. Luka didn't say a word in reaction to what he'd just said. She just stat there tapping on his hand as if it were a tiny piano and singing to him softly with a childlike smile, "I wish you were mine..."

Sasajima went to see Luka's doctor with a confusion, "Why Luka doesn't care about her photos and videos are shared on the website?"

The doctor answered, "In her case…" the doctor stopped in the middle of the conversations as usual. Sasajima looked at his leg what kind of socks he was wearing today during this pose. Those shocks were made by Gucchi. He was sure they costed more than $300 US. After about thirty seconds, the doctor continued, "She must have an exhibitionism."

Confused, Sasajima when to see Luka's doctor, "Why doesn't Luka care about all her photos and videos being out there?", he asked desperately.

The doctor answered, "Well, in her case,"  and, after a long pause which gave Sasajima time to see what kind of socks the doctor was wearing today. They were Gucci socks that must have cost $300 U.S.. The doctor finished, "I think she's an exhibitionist. Actually, I'm relatively sure of it."


One the way home, Sasajima sat in a café. He couldn't stop thinking who could became a lucky man to get her first. He started surfing the web without thinking, he typed unconsciously 'Lady X'. He saw many hits but mostly just junks, the cult was much more intelligent. He was surprised when he found Lady X was a name of the beautiful rose with interesting color. The blush of pink was fading into a pale blue as the flower was opening. He learned Lady X was bred in France in 1965 by Meilland, the famous rose breeder.

On his way home Sasajima sat in a cafe and, as he always did, sat there drinking coffee and mindlessly surfed the web. He couldn't get Luka off his mind. He thought about her exhibitionism and what eroticism must lie beneath just waiting to explode. It would be a lucky man to have her first. Unconsciously he typed 'Lady X' into the search engine. As always he came up with mostly ads and other junk but then roses began to appear. 'Lady X' was the name of a rose cultivar with an interesting color. It was pink, but when it opened it became blue. It said that Lady X was a cultivar bred by Meilland in France in 1965. He wondered if this could be a metaphor for Luka – pink and innocent on the outside, but with a dark blue interior.

Sasajima was working toward a luxurious hotel. He knew there was a large flower shop inside. The flower shop's owner was a talkative man. Sasajima thought he must be born to be a salesperson.

He explained, "All of our roses come from Holland. Using the latest technology, the breeders can design any roses they want, and they show the new roses just like a fashion show every year. Lady X is an old rose. I haven't seen it in any of rose catalogs for a long time… but for some reason, this rose matches with the Japanese people's mentality. The pink color fades quickly as the flower opens, this is not good in the western countries."

Sasajima said, "I think that rose is beautiful because of the subtle color."

The owner exclaimed, "That's exactly the Japanese mentality, wabisabi, is all about! The most people in the rest of the world love clear, bright colors that never fade."

Sasajima left the cafe and as he walked past a luxurious hotel he remembered that there was a large flower shop inside. The shop's owner was a talking man. Sasajima thought to himself that he was a natural born salesman.

He said, when Sasajima asked about the Lady X rose, "All of our roses come from Holland. Using the latest technology the breeders can make roses to almost any specification. They routinely enter their creations at rose shows around the world. The Lady X is an old cultivar and I can't remember seeing it in rose catalogs for some time. But, for some reason, the Lady X is attractive to the Japanese aesthetic sensibility. The pink color fades soon after the flower opens and this is not attractive to Western sensibilities. In the rest of the world they love clear, bright colors that never fade.

Sasajima said, "I think that rose is beautiful precisely because of its transience."

The owner exclaimed, "That is exactly what the Japanese concepts of 'mono no aware' and 'wabi-sabi' are, and this rose embodies them in its beauty and transient nature.  People in the West don't have that sensibility.


The owner phoned around and found a greenhouse that grew Lady X were blooming.

Sasajima said, "This place is only about one hour drive from here."

The owner was surprised and asked, "Are you going right now?"

Sasajima said, "Why not? I got a full tank of gas in my car."

The owner phoned around and found a greenhouse that had the Lady X currently in bloom. Sasajima, looking at the map on his phone said, "Oh, just an hour away from here!"

"You're going now?", the shop owner said a little surprised.

"I'm all gassed up so why not?", Sasajima said, "Thanks for all your help."


Chapter 7


When Sasajima arrived at the greenhouse, it was a minute before the sunset. He saw black solar panels on the roofs of the greenhouses. There're so many of them, he couldn't see the end. They glow like a space station, spread the Pegasus wings in the ice-cold space to catch the beam from the Sun. The flower shop owner said that the rose farmer didn't mind his visit at night. Sasajima saw one of the greenhouse's lights was on. The farmer was friendly and talked a lot just like the flower shop owner. He thought maybe flowers make people talk a lot. The farmer's name was Ishiyama.

He arrived at the greenhouse just a minute before sunset. The greenhouse complex seemed endless. The roofs were a black expanse of solar panels, stretched out like Pegasus' wings on the space station, stretching out in the cold silence of space to catch the sun's life giving rays. The flower shop owner said that the farmer wouldn't mind his after-hours visit. There was a light on in one of the greenhouses and that's were he found the farmer, Ishiyama, busily tending his roses. He talked a lot, just like the flower shop owner, and thought it must have something to do with being around flowers all day, but he didn't know why.

  The inside of the green house was huge, looked more like a factory. There was no soil at all. The rose bushes were grown in the water. He could see the healthy roots growing under the water. Ishiyama said everting was controlled by computers, mostly temperature and light. When Sasajima saw the real Lady X, he felt like he finally met his lover who he'd been dreaming about.

Inside the greenhouse it look more like a factory than a garden. There was no soil and the roses were grown in water. He vaguely remembered that this was called 'hydroponics,' and he could see the healthy roots growing underwater. Ishiyama said all this, the temperature, the nutrients, and the light, was all computer controlled. When he finally saw the real Lady X it was as if he'd finally met his love whom he had only dreamed of.

Ishiyama cut handful roses and told him, "I'll get some nice wrapping paper for you."

Lady X smelled like Heaven. Of course, Sasajima had never been to Heaven but he felt like little angels with golden hallows busy flying around the flowers in circle. He saw a small room inside the greenhouse. The door was slightly open. When he peeked inside, there were many computer monitors. He put his Lady X on the ground quietly.

Ishiyama cut a handful of roses and said, "Here, you hold these and I'll get some nice wrapping paper." The Lady X smelled like heaven. Sasajima, of course, had never been to heaven but he felt as thought tiny angels with golden, glowing halos were circling the flowers. Just then he noticed a small room with its door slightly ajar, and from it emanated an electric glow. He peeked inside and saw a row of computer monitors. He placed the roses on a nearby counter top.

Sasajima entered the room and looked at the monitors. Some of them showed inside and outside of greenhouses. It must be for the security. Then he found suspicious screens. He saw the familiar places. Sasajima had been working in the Shibuya station for years, he knew every corner. Someone had a hidden camera and walking around the station looking for something. Sasajima's heart started pounding. He was hurried to get out of the computer room. Luckily, Ishiyama didn't see him inside the computer room. He wrapped the roses with pure white tissue and transparent plastic sheet, he put an oversized white bow around the bottom.

Sasajima entered the room and inspected the monitors one by one. Some were obviously security monitors that showed the view from several cameras mounted at strategic places both inside and outside the greenhouses. He thought the security precautions a little much for greenhouses. Then he notices some screens that showed camera feeds that were not from inside the grounds of the greenhouse complex. They were from his beat that he knew so well – Shibuya station! One seemed to be connected to someone who was moving, looking around. His heartbeat quickened. Something told him to get out of there immediately. Ishiyama was just returning and, luckily, hadn't seen him snooping around the computer room. He wrapped the roses in tissue paper and plastic and tied it together with an oversized white bow.

Sasajima was back in his car. His heart was still pounding. He tried to calm down. He stopped his car when he came far enough from the greenhouses. The fragrant of bouquet was still strong and the angels were still flying.

Back in his patrol car his heart was still pounding and, when he was a little way from the greenhouse complex, he parked by the roadside and took several deep breaths to calm down. The bouquet was still giving off its heady perfume and the angels were still circling.


Luka, Lady X, rose, greenhouse, tosatsu cult, Ishiyama, monitors of the station. Everything connected in his head. Ishiyama had been controlling his cult members in the stations with hidden cameras, looking for girls going up on the escalators. The members walked in the hallways, turned at corners, climbed on the stairs, looked just like computer games. It's not games. It's real. He called National Police Agency to get the cyber-crime specialists. They would get all the evidences and destroy the tosatsu cult.

Luka, the Lady X rose, the greenhouses, the tosatsu cult, Ishiyama and the train station surveillance monitors were whirling around in his head trying to figure out connections. He conjectured that Ishiyama had been directing the tosatsu cult, via hidden cameras in the stations, to the most favorable places for upskirt photography. It looked just like a computer game, but this game was real. He passed all this on to the National Police Agency's Cyber-crime specialists. They would investigate and destroy the tosatsu cult.


Chapter 8


Sasajima was walking on the perfectly clean floor. His shoes made a sound like chatters of small birds. He saw a guy walking toward him. He was exhausted, his hair was messy, wearing clothes all wrinkled. Sasajima guessed what kind of man he was. This was his habit being police, but he had no idea who he was. The guy was very suspicious because he doesn't seem to belong to anything or anybody.

Sasajima was walking on a spotless, waxed floor. As he walked his footsteps make squeaks like the chattering of small birds. He saw a man walking towards him. His hair was unkempt, clothes wrinkled and had the look of exhaustion. Sasajima sized up the man as is the habit of a seasoned cop. He eyed him with suspicion as he didn't seem to belong. He had that look of being out of place.

The guy saw the bouquet of Lady X in Sasajima's hands and said, "She is sleeping."

As he walked towards Sasajima his eyes fixed on the bouquet of roses and said, "She's sleeping."

Sasajima realized that he was the respectful pornographer who was the celebrity in France. Sasajima had never seen Luka in bed. She's always in a room with other patients to watch TV. He sat in a chair by her bed. The fragrant of the bouquet woke her up. That was a perfect princess story but he didn't think he was suitable for a good prince. He was not romantic enough. He'd been in the reality too much, chasing after tosatsu criminals.

He suddenly placed the man. He was Luka's father, the respected pornographer and quite the celebrity in France. He entered Luka's room. This was the first time he'd ever seen her in bed. She'd always been in the day room with other patients watching TV. He sat in a chair that was by the bed. The fragrance of the bouquet, like magic, woke her. It was like something out of a fairy tale about a handsome prince waking the beautiful sleeping princess from an evil spell. A sleep that would have lasted an eternity had he not come to the rescue. He didn't feel like he fit the part of the prince. He wasn't romantic. Just a hardened cop who'd seen to much of the dark side of life.

He said, "You don't have to get up if you're tired," he tried to be a good prince but he didn't know that was working or not.

"Sorry, did I wake you," he said, "you don't have to get up if you're too tired.", he added trying to be the good prince.

The princess whispered to the prince, "Had dad gone? I didn't want to see him…My doctor gave me medications because I'd been high." She tried to get up but it was hard to keep her eyes open.

The princess whispered, "Has my dad gone? I didn't want to see him. I was high from all the medication the doctor gave me." She tried to get up, but she was struggling to fight off the effects of the medicine they'd given her because she was high.

"I wanna stay awake when you're here."

The princess whispered to the prince, "Had dad gone? I didn't want to see him…My doctor gave me medications because I'd been high." She tried to get up but it was hard to keep her eyes open.

"Are you gonna put me in jail? The princess asked.

"No, you don't need punishments, you need treatments." He smiled.

"I don't mind you put me in a little birdcage. I would be your little canary bird. You could visit me anytime. I would sing for you and you could insert your hand in my cage and I hop on with my little feet."

Luka's eyelids started falling again.

"I wanna stay awake when you're here."

The princess whispered to the prince, "Has dad gone? I didn't want to see him…My doctor gave me something because I'd been high." She tried to get up but it was hard to keep her eyes open.

"Are you gonna put me in jail? The princess asked.

"No, you don't need punishment, you need treatment." He smiled.

"I wouldn't care if you put me in a little birdcage. I'd be your little canary. You could visit me anytime. I would sing for you and you could hold out your hand  and I would hop on with my tiny feet."

"I want to be awake while you're here." , she said, one foot in a dream. Her eyelids were two heavy weights that she struggled to lift.

She inserted her hand in the bouquet and grabbed the rose stems hard. When she opened her hand, there're streams of blood came down. Sasajima didn't know how to react. She moved close to him and inserted her bloody finger into his mouth. Her finger caressed his tongue for a while and left. He tasted the blood came from virgins in any mythology in the history of the world.

Suddenly she grabbed the bouquet by the stems and squeezed hard. She opened her hand and thin crimson rivers streamed down her forearm. Sasajima didn't know what to do. She moved towards  him and, without warning, pushed a bloody finger into his mouth, searching out his tongue and caressing, massaging it as if she were giving him a deep, long kiss. She then slowly pulled her finger out leaving the warmth and metallic taste of blood behind. Blood, he thought, like the blood of virgins in ancient mythology.

  "Why do you like me?" His words came from his mouth without thinking.

"Why do you like me?", the question seemed to flow naturally.

"Why do you need a reason? I went to the rose garden and found Lady X but the wind was blowing, it's hard to catch her, but I finally got her in my hands, I kissed her, her smell was so good. It was the first time I saw the real thing and the first time I felt I live in the real world. When I saw you on TV, I felt the same way, you're alive in the real world, your voice and your hands. Your hands were moving so fast, it was not easy to catch your hands but I did. they're so real. I can't explain. Why do you need reasons?"

"Why do you need a reason? I went to the rose garden and found a Lady X, but the wind was blowing so hard that she was hard to capture. When I finally got her in my hands I smelled her heady perfume and, as in a trance, I lifted her to my face and kissed her. When I saw you on TV I felt the same way. You're alive in the real world, your voice, your hands. Hands that were moving swiftly like the rose in the wind. They were so hard to catch, but finally I did. They're so real. I can't explain. Why do you need reasons?"

"Why did you do that on the escalators?" He asked.

"Why did you do what you did on the escalators?", he asked.

"Why're you looking for reasons!" She shouted.

"Why're you looking for reasons!" She shouted. I was a neglected kid. It started when I was about eight, I couldn't stand staying home and walking on the streets hours and hours. I slept in narrow spaces between buildings, no one saw me in this busy city. My head was spinning with full of thoughts. I was screaming in my head, 'Someone help me, stop my thoughts!'. …It explained everything when the doctor told me that I have a bipolar illness, it was a relieve in some way, I found a small part of myself, but I didn't regret what I've done on the escalators.

"There you go again looking for reasons!", she shouted. "I was a neglected kid. It started when I was about eight, I couldn't stand staying home and walking on the streets hours and hours. I slept in narrow spaces between buildings, no one noticed me in this busy city. My head was spinning, full of thoughts. I was screaming in my head, 'Someone help me, stop my thoughts!'. …It explained everything when the doctor told me that I have a bipolar illness, in a way it was a relief and,  in some way, I found a small part of myself, but I didn't regret what I've done on the escalators."

"Luka, when I first met you, you looked so different from I was expected, so much different from the photos. I felt so guilty to look at you. I still feel guilty even think about you. I don't wanna hurt you. You're so young and innocent."

"Luka, when I first met you, you looked so different from the photos I'd seen. I felt guilty just looking at you. I still feel guilty thinking about you. I don't want you to be hurt. To me you're young and innocent.", he explained.

She smiled and caressed his hand between his fingers. The princess was a genius for seducing.

She just smiled and caressed his hand with her long, warm, sensuous fingers. Almost devouring his hand as she had done to his tongue only minutes ago. She was, after all, an expert seductress.

"I wanted to know who I was, I wanted to proof myself I was alive, living in the real world. That's what I wanted, I wanted a guy followed behind me and showed me he was interested in me. I had an ecstasy when I felt someone behind me on an escalator. When I imagined that he was watching my videos in his bed, that made me feel like I was alive."

Sasajima had been fighting against the worst criminals and put himself in danger. He knew if someone lie to him with his experience.

"I wanted to know who I was. I wanted proof that I was alive and living in a real world. I wanted men to follow me and show interest. I was in ecstasy when I felt someone following me on the escalator. When I imagined him getting off on watching my videos hungrily in bed." , she explained to him. Sasajima's years of experience told him that she was telling the truth.

Luka was looking at him with child like curiosity. He found Lady X's eyes in Luka's eyes. He thought that she's not lying. She'd done everything because she'd never lie to herself. He searched inside him if there were any lies.

Sasajima thought, "Why is it so hard to decide what I want? Why don't I want to lie to myself or to anybody?"

Luka looked at him with a childlike curiosity. Finally he saw Lady X in Luka's eyes. He knew she was not lying. She'd done these things because she couldn't live a lie. He searched inside himself to see if there were any lies. Sasajima thought, "Why is it so hard to know what I want? Why don't I want to lie to myself or, for that matter, anyone else? Am I someone who's been living a lie?"



The End