Chereads / The Midnight Flower Series: Ari Constantine / Chapter 18 - What Happened Three Years Ago

Chapter 18 - What Happened Three Years Ago

Ari Constantine's POV

I walk silently behind Shadow and I can feel the feathers of my wings twitch in anticipation of what I'm going to learn.

I'm nervous but I steel my resolve and march forward.

When we reach the middle of the dark barely lit room, he abruptly stops and I crash into him.

Muttering obscenities under my breath, I just hope he doesn't get pissed off with me for being such a klutz right now.

He puts his right arm forward and I see his blood drip to the floor from his hand. As he stated before, an alter with a giant crystal ball, candles, and other miscellaneous things rise from the ground. A few glowing pearly blue orbs spin around it multiple times before bursting apart with anguished cries.

"I can't stand those spirits. They're always trying to escape or enter into my crystal ball so they can beg to be set free." He says with exasperation and a flick of his wrist.

"Well then." I say awkwardly and look away. The sight of it was hauntingly beautiful but now I don't know how to feel.

"They were dead anyways. Now come stand in front of me on the other side of my seeing stone." He says with nonchalance.

"Seeing stone?" I query with a raised eyebrow and a small laugh.

"Problem?" He says matching my energy but edgier.

I smile and shake my head.

"Nope. I think it's badass."

He flashes me a sharp toothed grin and then he tells me to touch the ball and as soon as I do, images flash across and then, I'm being sucked inside against my will.




Flashes of my entire life played out. But what gets me the most is finally understanding what happened three years ago.

Me and Shadow brought Luna back from the shadow realm and at her fullest health. My heart hurts at the fact that her wings are gone.

She cried for weeks and I did my best to console her and in a way she just seems more vulnerable.

I had tried to let her know what my intentions were that night but she didn't want to hear about it because all she could think about were the arachnadian species and the male who hurt her. She really has a fear of them now and tends to set any form of critter that looks like a spider on fire.

We tried to help her as best as possible and talk but at some point, she has been zoning out a lot with dead eyes.

Even tho we were in the shadow realm for a few months for her to recover and be taught some valuable stuff, only three days passed in Slymethius.

Two days too many for the king and queen.

My protector title was officially stripped away from me and the betrothal to Luna was publicly announced to be no more.

I was thrown in the dungeons for close to a week and a half without any food or water. At times, Luna would sneak down and convince the guards to allow her to see me. I looked forward to it because she also brought me food and the sweetest honeysuckle.

Then the fourth day rolled around and Fang caught her heading down to the dungeons to see me. The visits stopped all together. What little food I did have, it ran out on the sixth day as it was scraps to begin with.

Then came the day I was set free and I was told to leave the palace and my parents came and got me. Everything I had and was supposed to be was stripped away from me. I don't know what to do with myself.

I look up at my dad and an intense disappointment radiates from him and I drop my head in shame.

My mother on the other hand gives a forced smile while sadness brims in her eyes.

"It's going to be alright Ari. Everything will be just fine."

I gulp and look at her and try to stay strong as we continue our walk towards the gates to leave.

"Ari!" I hear Luna yell behind me.

I tense and am already on alert as I spin around.

However, I'm startled when I'm met with fire orange eyes and a triumphant smile.

As defeated as I feel, I will always hate this vampire.

And with that thought, anger courses through my veins as my hair starts turning dark brown and my eyes shine lavender.

"I finally have you out of my way. She's mine and always will be. My mate will never be your wife. And to ensure you move the fuck on,"

He paused and pulls a miniature jar from his coat and whispers some weird shit. Then I watch in fascination as a small orb slowly makes its way to the jar.

Slowly I start to struggle on where I am, who the people are next to me...

Wait... who's the vampire in front of me.

Why am I angry?

I feel my face and feel tears streaking down.

Wait? Not anger. Am I sad?

The vampire snaps his fingers in front of my face and a silence goes over my brain and my ears zoom in on what he's saying.

"I am Romeo Fang James. Prince of Vampires and next in line to be King of Slymethius. You have officially been banned from inside these castle walls. If I see you at any point and you have the smallest sliver of who you once were and my beloved mate; I will kill all who's related to you and make you watch and then I'll end you. Do I make myself clear you filthy fucking demon!" He snarls, his fire orange eyes glowing with intensity.

I'm overcome with an intense fear and I fall to my knees and bow my head to show my respect for the royalty in front of me.

"Y-y-yes my prince!" I stutter out.

This feels wrong.

A low dark chuckle falls from his lips and then he acknowledges the people with me.

"See to it that he doesn't even remember his own name. This case should last a good while. Find me if you run out or he becomes problematic." He says with arrogance. They murder their agreements and he waves his hand to dismiss us.

In an instant, I'm yanked up from my kneeling position as the two people practically drag me away.

The two creatures are hauling me as fast as they possibly can while I trip all over myself trying to keep up.

"Wait! Slow down." I try to get out but my words are falling on deaf ears as they continue to rush away with a black briefcase.

More tears begin to fall and I look behind me.

Why do I want to go to that medieval castle on the hill?

"Ari, Ari! Don't forget about me!" A girl cries out running to me. I turn around and see her and impulse drives me to run back for her and we almost reach each other.

Our fingertips were so close and then darkness takes over.

"Ariiiiiiii!" Her cries echo in my ears and then I'm thrust out of the giant crystal ball arms outstretched and feeling frantic.

"Luna!" I cry out before falling down. 

"Luna, Luna, Luna, Luna!" I cry grabbing at my temples.

My heart feels like it's being ripped apart with this raw emotion.

My Luna.

She was right in front of me and I didn't know who she was.

"That fucker!" I yell my sadness and anger but most of all my heartbreak out.

Three fucking years and now I know why I've been trying to go back.

I turn to Shadow and nod my head in a final decision.

"I'll be more than happy to help you with whatever you need." I say putting a fist over my chest and slightly bowing my head to him.

"I know. But right now the best way you can help me is by remaining clueless. I can't risk my twin going after you quite yet." He speaks softly with sorrow.

My head shot up and I stare at him in disbelief.

"No. I can't go back to being that way! I have to find Luna and protect her!" I say feeling anxious and desperate.

"You've been protecting her this whole time just by staying away. Just trust me, you'll know when the time is right to go back. For now, just wait." He says being practical, his voice still too low.

Feeling conflicted with my emotions, I reluctantly decide to go with what he says.

"For now. I will go with what you want for now. Then, I'm going after her." I say firmly.

No longer feeling hesitant but content, I silently vow I won't fail her like this again.

Slowly, my shoulder length brown hair starts turning blue and my eyes remain lavender.