A familiar place revealed itself to Lucas' eyes.
It was his room, with the familiar dim lighting coming from his glass window. His place was monotonous in design but it was something he liked and felt comfortable with. He has this built-in closet, his desktop setup, the familiar humming of his room's AC, and his sixty-four inches flat-screen TV.
This was his place of comfort.
Am I finally back?
He inwardly asked with tired eyes.
He still could not get off from everything he felt from that dream, or whatever world that was.
Coupled with this was his newfound inability to completely trust everything he is now seeing.
Is this really it though? How do I know that this is just something like a death dream?
He spoke-
Wait.... I can't open my mouth to speak... As if I'm mute?...
Lucas was trying to form words with his mouth, but to no avail, not a single noise came out, as if he's not even breathing.
Whatever, I don't care anymore.
It seems that he has developed the ability to not care about the things he can't explain and has no answer to. An ability he had developed from all the stress he was put through. Or perhaps a curse.
After a while of just laying there and nothing actually happening, he began to feel bored and so he found the motivation to get up and check out this familiar-looking place.
Stepping his foot out of his room with an expressionless face, he wasn't even expecting his mother to be here anymore. He has this instinctual feeling that he's alone here in this place.
He also began to realize that the sense of familiarity he felt earlier was only something shallow, he felt familiar here, but at the same time he didn't, a liminal space indeed.
He came down the stairs and found himself right in front of the kitchen, where Ochako would normally be in. But she wasn't here, and this place is insanely quiet.
I guess she's not here.. Then what is this place for then? My eternal place? Heaven? Or maybe Hell? Aissshh whatever I said I don't care..
He thought tiredly as he continues to look around until a loud noise made his body jolt in surprise.
It was his phone.
Something actually works?
He picked up his phone and looked at the caller name.
Do I know anyone named Rob?
He was curious and confused because from his memories, he never knew anyone bearing that name, let alone having their phone number.
Hesitant between not answering and answering the call, he sighed in a bit of a frustration. But he has nothing to do here except talk to someone he doesn't even know through the phone, so he chose to "do something" instead of just standing here.
Lucas then tapped the answer button and put his phone against his ear to listen.
The voice, familiar sounding, spoke.
But before he continued, he realized something. The voice did not sound like it was coming from the phone, but rather from his head.
Have you figured it out? Enso, I mean, Lucas, you're quite sharp.
When he heard the latter part of this Rob's sentence, it all clicked.
You, you're that head voice....
Yes I am, Lucas.
The latter responded to his wild guess.
I do apologize for this late introduction, my knowable nomenclature would be Rob.
Rob continued with his apology and introduction to which Lucas responded nothing with.
It seems that you're not even a least bit interested about my name. No matter what, so to keep the awkwardness away from this conversation, I shall let you ask me whatever you want for three times only. Ask away, Lucas.... that is, if you're questions are worthy of an answer.
It took a while for Lucas to calm down.
And he then started his questions.
So, who are you really?- I mean what are you?
Well, I am Rob, a person.
Lucas was baffled by the immediate but vague answer. He found that his question must've been too prying.
You don't believe me one bit do you? Well it's not my problem.
Whatever snubbo.. My second question is What the fuck happened to me?
Lucas once again became somewhat emotional as he conveys his question to Rob.
Well that certainly surprised me, i'd thought that the consequences of your wish must've broken you.
Ignoring my words again... Okay I'll just answer straight. You have unfortunately died.
Lucas was once again baffled by this entity's lack of details.
I already kind of saw that coming... But I still needed to confirm so yeah... But back to my last question, How did this all happen? And Where am I now?
Lucas conveyed, until he finally realized his big mistake.
Oh no Lucas, too late, I'll answer your first question then.....You have died because of your wish, and for your wish to come true, I needed your life in exchange, that's it.
After stating the last word, Lucas heard a clicking sound coming from within his head.
Aaaarrrrgggggggh!! You slippery motherfucke-
Were the only words he could convey as his mind slipped out into the unconsciousness.