Chereads / Reborn As A Ring / Chapter 13 - Settlement

Chapter 13 - Settlement

Baranor feeling sickly from his wounds, leaned on the side of a hut and looked at the ground feeling as if it was his time to pass. Baranor started to reminisce of his past and even had a smirk thinking of his friends and family, while feeling regretful of his seemingly close demise, Baranor's conscious faded into darkness...

"You-, Young prin- Young Prince!" A voice shouted

"Huh? A young Baranor feeling drowsy rose his head and gazed upon a older lady in her 40's with glasses that rested on her nose

"Young prince, how many times must I say to not fall asleep during your lectures!" The lady said

"But Ms. Alice-" Baranor said before getting cut off

"No, buts, young prince, just because history of the arcane isn't your strong suit doesn't mean you can doze off whenever you want!" Ms. Alice said

"I know Ms. Alice, But please don't tell father!" A young Baranor begged

"Hmph, I won't if you promise you will stay awake for the rest of this lecture" Ms. Alice responded to his pleas

"I promise..." Baranor reluctantly accepted the teachers demands

"Very well, now, where were we? Oh, yes, runes, now young prince can you tell me what runes are?" Ms. Alice asked

"Hmmm are they magic symbols that can enhance a blade?" Baranor said with uncertainty

"Incorrect young prince, but, runes can do that. Now I'll give you a hint, its a source" Ms. Alice said

"Ohh, yeahhhh, runes are symbols that can harness certain sources of power from the world!" Baranor said with confidence

"Correct! My young prince, however, can you answer this, what is the difference between mages who use runes for magic and runesmiths who use runes to enhance objects of various sizes?"

"Hmm, isn't the application?" Baranor replied

"Right you are my young prince, as mages use runes to affect certain outcomes or create phenomenon, it is at the end of the day a temporary change to the worlds source and not a permanent one, yet a runesmith can produce a permanent change of an object or in some rare cases a person. It is actually more appropriate to call it a change of characteristics rather than a change of the source object, for example runes can make a sword sharper or armor more durable but it is still made of the same material at the end of the day, however mages can alter the material of an object by utilizing mana, although temporary as i once said, for example a mage can create fire from thin air by gathering the necessary mana and creating a suitable environment for it, however if a mage tried to change a piece of stone into gold what do you think would happen?" Ms. Alice asked after a rather long lecture

"Would it stay gold?" Baranor asked curiously

"Incorrect! It would revert to stone the instant mana was no longer being supplied to it, think of it like this gold is created by a number of protons, if one was to attempt to move around the atoms of the world and rearrange it to create a permanent change to something what do you think would happen?" Ms. Alice asked

"Wouldn't that ruin a lot of things, like the value of gold?" Baranor said

"Correct young prince, that is why almost as if to balance out the powers of mages the world's source of power and its resources cannot change into something new without a constant supply of mana" Ms. Alice lectured

"Hmm that makes sense I guess" Baranor said

"Very well, then how much do you know about world runes, my young prince?" Ms. Alice asked

"Well I don't know anything about that Ms. Alice" Baranor said

"Well, not too unexpected since it is a rather coveted secrete among those of higher power, well to put it simply it's objects of great power that can permanently change the rules of the world or objects within, for example a fire that can never be put out, or a cup that never empties of water, now this is why world runes are so coveted and sought after and even more so as to why their so dangerous, but as for someone like me who has spent their entire life searching the world of all of its mysteries I can safely say I doubt they exist as its not just a rune but a fraction of creation or destruction, i mean its something that can break the rules of the world and I ever only saw one recorded object that might have been affected by such and it was the cup of king Eveilon" Ms. Alice explained

"King Eveilon like the immortal king of the lost city, Eveilon?" Baranor asked

"Yes that very king" Ms. Alice responded

"Wow! of course the lost city would have something as cool as that!" Baranor said

"Haha, of course my young prince, now we steered off course a bit now lets get onto the next section. runesmiths"

Meanwhile on the outside world the leader of the uruk's that were under Baranor's control was able to finish up the battle with the other orcs and uruk's. The uruk's and orcs that resisted the new leader of the outpost were either captured or dead. The uruk leader of the outpost decided to set up security near their new master as he was resting outside of a hut, the uruk leader saw this and decided to carry his new master to his tent and asked one of the uruk's under Baranor's command to find one of the tribes doctors that were still in hiding. Once the doctor was fetched he was ordered to asses Baranor's situation, following the orders he was given he looked over Baranor's body and assessed he was nearing death. Hearing the news the uruk leader immediately instructed the doctor to use whatever mean necessary to heal their new master including any and all of their healing potions. The doctor tried to heal Baranor's wounds, however the wounds were simply too great to be healed by potions alone, so all they could do was wait to see if Baranor would recover.

While the uruk's waited on their new master to recover they decided to carry on their normal duties and hunted to secure food, all the while feeding Lunamir the required exp for another level.


-Level up!


Lunamir not wanting his current ring bearer to die pumped all of his skill points into light of salvation upgrading it to level 8.


-Light of Salvation: Passive(Level: Max) increased base healing by 200% Active: heals the wearer by 74% max HP over the course of 8 minutes and 50 seconds Cooldown of 24 hours(Level: 8) - Works on dominated beings as well


Lunamir decided to instantly use the newly upgraded skill on Baranor restoring him to almost his peak health and in return made his breathing easier and his body more stable. The uruk leader guarding over Baranor looked over to see a blue tint wash over his masters body and could visibly see the wounds on his body disappear. Shocked by this sudden revelation he quickly walked over to Baranor and checked his breathing to see if it was still rough and weak, only to feel it become smooth and melodic. sighing a deep breath of relief the leader of the uruk's was put into a much more stable and calm demeanor.

As Baranor was still dreaming of his past Lunamir decided it was time to gather more information of the surrounding area, as he peered into his followers eyes. Looking into a random orcs mind he could see it scavenging around the forest and traversing the terrain while following tracks of a animal. Lunamir was observing this uruk's actions as while as a few others and started to gather a basic mental map of the surrounding area and a few of its inhabitants, including wild Oxfur's and a few Great Foxes and wild Rage Boar's. Lunamir looked at the new animals he learned the names of from the uruk's memories or their murmurs with curiosity, while also realizing one thing. The uruk's and orc's were walking disasters to the surrounding environment's completely rampaging through the forest's natural resources and its occupants.

Watching the scenes play through, Lunamir realized something needed to change if the orc's and uruk's would continue to stay in the forest and as such devised a plan from Baranor's memories. He ordered a few of the uruk's and orc's to capture the animals they found alive instead of immediately killing them. As the orc's and uruk's started to come back for the day a few among them were confused as to why a few of their brethren were bringing back live animals rather than dead one's. To clear up any misunderstandings Lunamir conveyed his orders to the leader of the tribe and he understand his new orders and rallied his tribe to the center to explain their new plans.

"Brother's and sister's of the War Saw tribe I have called you here today to convey our master's orders, first of which is to tame the wild beast we have brought back alive to have a more sustainable food source and second of all, to scout the surrounding area and report back to me! Any question's? No! Good! Now go!"

-Oxfur: An ox with three horns and around twice the size of a normal one and lacks any real intelligence

-Great Foxes: A fox the size of a wolf that is surprisingly agile and intelligent for its size and in a few rare cases has a elemental affinity and that usually travel's alone but isn't uncommon to see them in packs of 3-6

-Rage Boar: A boar with 6 tusk and the size of a bull and has the ability to go into a rampage yet lacks intelligence and is rather easy to dodge