"Through bribing," she said, and turned to flash him a smile. Toro would be lying if he said he wasn't puzzled and startled by her behavior. The way she grabbed his wrist and pulled away from his car without giving it a second thought on how he might have felt.
Her brown wavy hair was tied up in a ponytail, and the small hand tank top and baggy jeans she was putting on accentuated her slender figure. He watched as she dragged him from his seat from his classroom, her soft fingers wrapped around his gently.
"Where are you taking me?" Queried him as he let her drag him away from his seat toward the cafeteria.
"You don't want to take up this role no matter how much I have pleaded with you to take it," she threw him a quick glance and continued to pull him away. "So I know what will make you give in to my demands...." She leaned in, her feminine scent tickling his nostrils. She whispered.