Chereads / Illusive Eden - He Pretends He's the Hero / Chapter 46 - Reinforce has arrived

Chapter 46 - Reinforce has arrived

The dark night swallows the deep blue inked sky, the empty sky with ne'er glistening stars anaesthetises the heart.

Nothing remained... her senses slips away.

Her soul weakens and eyes blurs as the weight of the armageddon sinks down, bleeding her heart out.

She wishes to turn back time.

She sauntered out of her hiding place purposelessly. What was she thinking?

Then as she descried the harrowing scene, the after consequences showed beyond doubt; she was the reason for all that happened this night at the cruise.

At this moment, as she conceals herself from the enemies, a child in her arms, his chest rises and falls delicately.

She's pressuring to keep the blood from flowing, her eyes sheding tears, dripping down on his numbed face.

The horrible noises of the battle terrifies her.

It was so loud.

She wants it to stop.

Why does it not stop?

Her chest tightens in grief.

It's sinking, this nightmare into the grave of verity.

"Make it stop!" She sobs, overwhelming with bleeding emotions.

All the lives that cost today could have been forgiven.

She should have surrendered herself. Had she just made herself visible earlier.

Yes, she could have prevented the disaster. The time still had to conclude.

Yes it's her fault.

She should have died instead.

Could she stop the battle? Will Rhett survive if she hands herself to them?

But she cannot move her legs... Why are her hands trembling so much?

She does not deserve to be afraid.

She is to blame!

Her gut-wrenches in disgust of her own impotence. How is she supposed to live now?

Rhett fights alone, he revenges them.

Seizing their lives just the same as they did to the living on the cruise.

He has to think of a way. If they start bombing the cruise with missiles, he would have to just stand there and await the end.

The Navy should have arrived... What the Hell is taking so long?

Some distant afar the Navy with two warships approaches the battle scene.

A sudden drift in events.

The reinforce has arrived. Two armed helicopters arises from the warships, they hover above the foe's ships.

The situation right now shall be controlled by the military.

And Rhett feels his shoulders lightened to some extent.

The remaining enemies in the cruise reveals themselves. They shout and scream and attack the Navy.

There was no need of useless amends to make and commands to surrender.

They had to pay with blood for the blood they drawed from the innocent citizens.

"Seems to be some big disaster." The commander on the manoevring room of a larger looking warship bends down and comments, discerning the scene looking through the transparent window.

The enemies attempts were futile as they in vain fired at the aircraft hovering above them.

"Fire." The commander orders.

"Roger. Firing." The soldier seated beside the commander replies, and fire blows off the warship to the opposite at the ship of the enemies.

The battle between the warships holds a threatening atmosphere. Firing echoes around throughout the four directions.

The thugs attention now diverted away from Rhett. He hangs the backpack on his shoulder, throwing away the gun with no bullets remained.

The heavy pistol with filled magazines in his grip, Rhett rushes for Neva.




He crouches down next to her.

Glancing for a moment at her terrified eyes he gazes down at Noah.

He brings his index and middle fingers near Noah's nose to check his breathing.

He sighs closing his eyes.

Rhett feels Neva's tightened hold on the child.

"Neva, it's fine now. The Navy has come for us." He caresses her face.

"Really?" Her wavering voice queries him.

"Yes, we should leave as well." Rhett says, placing his gun in the holster and picking up Noah's limp figure.

She let's him go.

Rhett stands up on his feet and releases an apologetic breath—as he carries Noah's limp body in his arms towards the bed.

Neva frowns, at Rhett laying down Noah on the bed.

"What're you doing?" Neva asks him, her legs wobbly, supporting herself to stand with her arms on the wall.

Rhett closens to her. He holds her hands. "The soldiers will get his body."

"Get his body? Are you insane!" Neva shoves him out her way and rushes towards Noah.

"How could you say that Rhett?"

She reaches the bed and attempts to carry Noah. The child's blood smears the white sheets.

Rhett caresses her shoulder.

"Neva we can't take him." He calmly says.

Neva stands up cradling Noah, her warm embrace connecting with the cold body close to her heart.

"We have no time. Let's go." He tries to reach for Noah to separate him from Neva.

"He needs to get treated." Neva's hold on Noah was firm.

"The Navy, they could help him Rhett." She meets his eyes and fails to perceive his grieving ones.

"They cannot help him." He declares.

"Of course they can. Hurry up we should—"

"He's no more Neva." Rhett interrupts Neva mid-way, stiffening her.

"Noah's long gone." He whispers, he then once again tries to set them apart, only for her hold on the little boy to make more secure.

"Nonsense! He's still breathing!" Neva glares at him.

Rhett hears the rumbling of firing noises getting fiercer. He inhales a sharp breath. "Let him go Neva."

"No." Her lips quivers, how can he spout such absurd words.

Rhett grabs her hand forcefully removing from Noah's back.


He makes her fingers wrap around Noah's wrist. "Can you feel his pulse?" He asks her.

She swallows, but then firmly caresses Noah's wrist to check his pulse.

Neva's heart drops. A bike rusing her stomach.

"Why–why does it not beat?" She removes her hand from around Noah's wrist and caresses the back of his head.

Tears gushing out her orbs.

"Why does his heart not beat Rhett?"

Her vision unveils of the lifeless features of the boy.

"He's so cold." She presses her chest to his own; close to the heart of the little boy's that has finished it's beating.

She gazes at Rhett, her eyes scarlet and seeing darkness.

"Rhett do something. Make him breathe. Please..."

He feels the clinging hope in her eyes, stemming his heart to snap the veils of strength.

"It's too late." Rhett embraces Neva.

Pulling away, he finally has Noah's body away from Neva.

He softly places him on the bed.

"No. We have to take him." She endeavours to carry Noah from the bed again, but Rhett holds her hand forcefully and drags her away.

"Rhett!" She twists her wrist, her other hand trying to remove his caging grasp from her.

Her strength being no match for him.

She could only whimper and glance back at the tiny figure alone as Rhett trails her out the room.