Chapter 95 - Chapter 95

"We need to escape." One of the students said to the others. The others nodded their heads at him in agreement but they were slightly cautious.

"But how they are going to kill us." One of them said. 

One of the students gritted his teeth not liking how the wolves had all of them cowering away in fear. He hated the sight of that and he wanted to change that.

He stepped in the front of the group channeling his powers. He created a small ball of energy in his palm that sent tremors through his body.

Without warning he fired it at one of the wolves that was stood in front of them. he watched as the wolf shook his herds and let out a light whimper.

"I can hold them off. While the rest of you run." The student said and the others looked between each other as though in shock.

The last thing that they wanted to do was to leave him here so that he could fight them off on his own.

"You aren't going to win against them and we can't just leave you here so that you have to fight them off on your own." The others said to him.

"Well we can't just run they are going to kill us easily. the magic is enough to leave them disoriented for a moment. So I will do that to distract them while the rest of you run. I will be fine and I will just have to catch up with the rest of you later. You just have to trust in the fact that I will be fine and truly you don't have anything to worry about." He said to them but he wasn't sure who he was trying to convince them or himself.

He turned away from them as the other students decided to make a run for it.

He watched as the wolves turned their heads towards the other students who had managed to run but he wasn't about to let them get to the others.

He sighed sucking in a deep breath before channeling his powers once more. he raised his hands up to the sky as he watched a brewing cloud of thunder begin to gather above them.

 They heard the loud clap of thunder as some of the wolves here left slightly startled.

Some of them were slightly taken aback as they let out low whimpers from their lips.

The student swirled his hand around in a circle as the clouds continued to thicken.

He raised his hand straight towards the sky and the wolves were left frozen as he watched a lightning bolt crack straight from the sky.

As the bolt of electricity hit the students fingertip he felt himself become energized once more.

He decided to channel the lightning as he felt it flood through his body. Instead of letting it dissipate through his body he channeled it back towards his fingers.

He watched as his hand turned a lightening blue. He grinned at the sight before turning his hand to the wolves. 

He balled his hand into a fist before unclenching it and watching the lightning redirect from his fingers and towards the wolves. 

The students watched frozen in their spots as the bolt of lightning struck the wolves causing them to howl loudly.

The student at the front looked towards the sight with a light grin on his face as he realized that it was working and that if he put in a little more effort that he would be able to do it long enough for the other students to get away to safety.

He watched as the students began to run whilst the wolves before him continued to spasm.

However he knew that his magic wasn't going to get him far and that it would only last so long.

He looked towards one of the trees watching as his own magic began to falter.

He turned one of his hands towards the trees before he clenched his hand and was able to pull it out from the ground.

He then flicked his wrist throwing the tree across the floor. It skidded across the floor landing inf front of the wolves causing them to tumble back.

As he watched them fall to the ground for a moment he assumed that it meant hast they were no longer a problem to him and that it was all about to be lover.

So he unclenched his fist causing the clouds to dissipate as they began to disappear slowly.

Without another thought he began to run following behind the students.

 However what he didn't know was that the wolves were not about to be down for long. He heard them let out a loud growl as he made a small mistake of him turning around to look at them

He watched as one of the wolves caused his hairs to stand on end as its bared his teeth at him.

He watched as the wolf dug its paws into the ground as the ground beneath them began to vibrate and he couldn't help but widen his eyes at the sight.

He gulped as he watched as the wolf began to glow a bright blue color as its eyes turned blue as well.

The beast pulled its paws out of the ground after a moment and the others watched as a wind blade materialized before them. It was long and double edged.

As the students watched but they couldn't help but widen his eyes at the sight as he scrambled up to his feet.

He tried to run but he wasn't quick enough as the sound of. Wind whooshing filled the forest floor. The students were frozen in their spots as they watched the blade cut through the air.

however the student couldn't get far the blade flew straight towards him and he was able to cut his head clean off his shoulder.

The students body fell to the ground as his decapitated head soon followed.

The others looked towards the sight in shock as they brought their hands to their mouths to try and stop their own shock.

The students soon came to realize that it was over for them. they tried to run again but the wolves were much faster and stronger.

As the wolves notices the students fallen body they turned their attention towards the other kids as they bared their teeth at them.

The students gulped as their breaths began to pick up.

The students decided to run through the frost as they knew that the wolves wouldn't stop until they catch up to all of them but they couldn't take them all down at once.

However what they hadn't realized was just how powerful the wolves were.

They followed them easily as one of the wolves grabbed a hold of a student's foot.

He raised the students body into the air as he began to whirl him around in the air as though he were a rag doll.

The other students watched the sight in horror as their bodies were paralyzed by fear at the sight.

The student continued to scream but the others couldn't do anything to help him as they simply watched as his body was a tossed from side to side.