Chapter 66 - Chapter 66 Change

"Well it has come to my attention now that I can no longer properly look over you and guide you ads your teacher and that is why I will be leaving." She said to them and she watched as the students widened their eyes before looking towards her in shock.

Gloria was the first one to speak up. "You are going? What do you mean you are going? Going where and then what does that now mean for the rest of us? What are we supposed to do?" She asked her in frustration.

Ms. Mary gulped shaking her head as she pointed a finger towards Ken. "I am not leaving you alone and your course will still go on. But this time you will have a new leader Mr. Ken will be looking after you. He is very experienced with the outdoors and he will teach you several tricks. Most importantly he will keep you safe." She said to them.

The students grumbled showing their disdain. "but we don't want you to go you have been with us." Gloria said.

"didn't you hear what she said. She has to go she doesn't have a choice in it so how about you just say your goodbyes and she can leave already." Tina voiced out and Gloria gritted her teeth as she sent her a glare.

A part of her missed the time that Tina had spent with her mouth shut where she was unable to say anything.

"Like Tina said I have to go and I trust that Mr. Ken will keep you safe." Ms. Mary said with onew final glance towards the class she knew that she had to go as she made her way out of the clearing and she began heading back towards the college.

The students watched her leave as some of them held disappointment on their features. However Tina carried a bright smile.

 She was glad that Ms. Mary was gone and that would mean that she would have Ken in charge. He was basically a puppet under her control and he would do anything that she asked.

Ken watched as Ms. Mary left and he turned towards Tina as her noticed her offer him a smug smile. 

He turned his attention towards the other teacher as he observed him carefully. He knew that he would have to find a way to convince him to leave as well.

"Do you think that she really is going to keep her mouth shut." Ken asked and he watched as the other teacher shrugged his shoulders at him in response but didn't say anything else to him.

"Well she better keep her mouth quiet because if she does say something she is going to end up getting herself into trouble and I wouldn't want to do that if I were her." He said to him with a light chuckle.

Ken acted dumb as he looked towards him in confusion. "and why wouldn't she want to do that." He asked him.

"Because if she does that she is only going to get herself into trouble. And she wouldn't be foolish enough to do that and end up risking her own job for something like this." He said to him.

Ken hummed at him in response before faking a dramatic gasp. The other teacher looked towards him strangely. "What if she finds a way to lie about it to save her own skin and finds a way for her to blame it on us." Ken said.

The other teacher looked towards him in confusion as though he had a hard time believing. That would happen. 

"Come on if you were in her situation I bet that you would also be willing to do anything that you could in order to make sure that you were able to save your own skin." He said to him and he watched as the teacher stiffened.

"You are right. So what does that mean then. What do we do about it now." He asked him in worry.

"I think that you should go after her to make sure that she doesn't do anything stupid whilst I stay here and I can look after the kids." He suggested. The teacher was hesitant before letting out a sigh.

"I guess that you are right. One of us has to go to make sure that she doesn't do anything to implement us." The teacher said before he turned towards the forest in hopes of going after Ms. Mary.

Ken watched as. Thew other teacher left as he felt a smile come over his features. 

He was glad to see that he was able to convince him to leave and as he turned towards Tina he found that she had a small smile on her face as well.

He was simply relieved with the fact that she was happy with him and that she wasn't about to lash out on him. 

With her things always seemed to be unpredictable but now all he wanted was for her to put in a good word for him with her father.

With the other two teachers gone the students were left in the hands of Ken. 

But unbeknownst to them they had no idea what he had planned and what they didn't know was the fact that Tina was the open at the helm of the ship and she was the one who was controlling his movements as well as his actions.

Tina turned her gaze towards Gloria as she offered her a light smirk.

 Glorias had better watched her back because Tina was coming for her and when she got to her she wouldn't know what hit her.


Dick watched the entire scene unfold before him with slight worry.

When they had first arrived here Tina had been docile and she had barely spoken a word.

 He had watched as the other two teachers arrived and they and Ms. Mary excused themselves to have a private conversation.

They made their way to the corner and he could Almost instantly tell that what they were talking about had something to do with Tina.

He could see them glancing towards her every once in a while and he couldn't help but feel worried about what it was exactly that they were discussing.

After several minutes they returned to the class and one of the teachers in particular Mr. Ken pulled Tina aside to have a private conversation.

It seemed as though she was. Doing much better and that was another thing that bother ed him. But it only became worse when the teachers returned and it was decided that Ms. Mary would leave.

Not long after the other teacher followed her as well. Dick knew that there was something fishy about it all and he could tell that something wasn't quite right.

Dick was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard the sound of the other teacher Mr. Ken letting out a low whistle form his lips. He raised up his hands as he gestured for the students to come closer.

Dick who was stood next to Gloria made his way over as the teacher began to speak.

"Well as you may have noticed Ms. Mary is going to be gone for the rest of the course and we have decided that I will be the one in charge of you from now on..."