Chapter 61 - Chapter 61 Ridiculous

They were relentless in their assaults and Dick knew that once they were done with her they wouldn't hesitate to kill her.

Their cocks were still hard and there were several goblins that were still stood around and they were simply waiting for their chance to have their fun with her.

"They are going to kill her." One of the students called out. The others didn't say anything as they remained silent. "What is going on here?" Ms. Mary called out all of a sudden.

The students turned around to find her standing at the bottom of the hill. Behind her were the students that had been sent out to search for her. She had a look of shock and worry on her face.

"well someone tell me what is going on.?" She said and the students didn't know how to explain the situation and so instead they simply pointed their fingers towards Tinas. 

She was knelt in the middle of the forest as the three goblins pulled out of her. All her hokes were leaking cum and her holes were puckered.

Ms. Mary took in the site with her eyes wide open as she took in the sight of horror. "Oh my word. How sod this happen." Ms. Mary questioned. 

"Ms. Mary did you find the wind wolves." One of the students asked trying to draw her attention away from Tina.

"Well I wasn't able to disperse them. I was still on their trail when the other students found me. and I am glad that they did it because what is this. How did this happen to your leader." Ms. Mary asked.

The students were quiet not knowing what to say to her. The truth was that a part of them was upset that Ms. Mary had come back so soon. They enjoyed seeing the sight of Tinas suffering and getting tortured. They didn't want it to end so soon.

"Well why are you just standing around why didn't you try to help her." She called out to the students but it was clear that they were in no rush to try and help Tina.

"She is one of our strongest and if she couldn't go up against the goblins and win we didn't have any chance that was why we decided to wait for you. So that to could make a decision." One of the students said to her.

Ms. Mary looked towards them in confusion not entirely understanding their question. "What do you mean by decide on what to do. We have to rescue her of course. There is no other thing to be done." She said to them in a raised voice.

"But do we have to Ms. Mary? Why don't we allow the goblins to put her out of her misery. If we go in there we will end up getting killed by those goblins. I mean are we going to choose the life of one student over the life of several others. That seems like favoritism to me." The student said and the others nodded their heads in agreement.

Ms. Mary was shocked by the fact that they didn't seem to care about the welfare of their fellow student. They even seemed somewhat excited that she was having to suffer that way. 

"Don't be ridiculous of course I am going to help her. I would help any of you and if she was on the other side of things I know that shew would do everything that she could in. order to make sure that she found a way for her to help the rest of you." Ms. Mary said.

The other students groaned at Ms. Mary's announcement. However Dick didn't feel the same. "Well I think that Ms. Mary. Is righty. Tina is our classmate and it is our job as part of our course to help her out. We can't simply leave her behind. We must help her put." He said to them.

A few of them were shocked that Dick was the one who was defending her because he was usually not like that. The truth was that Dick had his own reasons for wanting to save Tina. 

He knew that Tina was head strong and she liked to show that she was stronger than the others so he knew that it would be a blow to her ego if they were to help her. 

She wouldn't be able to live with the fact that she hadn't been able to save herself and she had needed the help of someone else in order for her to be saved. 

This was another perfect way for Dick to be sure that he was able to get his revenge on Tina and he knew that if he was able to carry this out that she wouldn't be able to live with herself afterwards.

 He couldn't help the grin that made its way onto his face as he felt the plan come into play at the back of his head.

With her being raped in front of her entire class, left vulnerable and helpless and also include the fact that she needed to get Ms. Mary's help in order to save her. The act of revenge was perfect and he knew that it would hurt her more than anything.

Ms. Mary looked towards Tina who was helpless as she let out occasional whimpers. All three of her holes were filled with cocks as she remained surrounded by a large group of goblins. 

Ms. Mary knew that it was up to her to save Tina from the horde of the goblins and get her back to safety.

"you should be ashamed of yourselves for not being willing to help your leader. This is not how mages behave." She chastised. "You must remember that after this that you will return to your course and you will still have to work together and that means all of you including Tina. But since you aren't willing to do anything to help her out I guess that it ids up to me to help her." Ms. Mary said.

She attempted to make them feel guilty for the fact that they hadn't been in a rush to help Tina but the truth was that they didn't feel guilty. They didn't want to help Tina and that was simply the facts.

Ms. Mary closed her eyes as her body vibrated before she began to channel the mana that was inside of her. 

She pulled open her eyes once more as she created a large magical tornado. It caused the students hairs to stand on end as they struggled to stay on their feet. 

She channeled the gust of wind towards the goblins before she fired it right at them.

Several of the goblins were sent flying backwards as they howled loudly. 

A few of them were lifted off their feet and raised into the air. They began to panic as their bodies were whirled around and they were unable to control it before they were slammed onto the ground.

They groaned as they hit the floor but it wasn't over yet. Tina was left quivering in the middle of it all. Her body was filled to the brim with cum.

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