Amidst the heartbeat of Clavis, with streets alive in their mundane glory and inhabitants lost in their routine existence, Lucius, a relic from times immemorial, felt like a puzzle piece that didn't quite fit. He bore the weight of memories so ancient and vast that they dwarfed the span of countless civilizations. While the world reveled in the radiance of the present, Lucius's mind was ensnared by the agonizing chasm tearing through his soul.
In that cataclysmic clash with the Archangels, not only had he faced an overwhelming force, but the very core of his being was critically injured. The core that linked him to the primordial chaos from which he was born. Without its mending, the connection that fueled his very existence, that tethered him to the abyssal energies of the universe, threatened to be severed forever. This wasn't merely a quest for power—it was a desperate bid for survival.
Lucius's contemplation drew him deeper into the mysteries of his origin, shedding light on his existential plight. Before the dawn of order, before the celestial tapestry was meticulously woven, chaos was all there was—an unbridled, tempestuous sea of potential. The arrival of God heralded a new era, wherein this chaos was sculpted, refined, and ordered. Constellations were birthed, realms took shape, and the multiverse emerged from its embryonic state. And once His grand design was set into motion, God retreated into obscurity, leaving behind His angels to maintain this newfound order.
But pure chaos, by its very nature, defies containment. Residual fragments of this tumultuous energy resisted God's touch, coalescing to form entities that would stand as counterweights to the imposed order. These were the demons, born from the raw, defiant energies of the multiverse. Every demon was a testament to the universe's chaotic beginnings, and Lucius was among the oldest, birthed from the very first echoes of disorder.
Hell, untouched by God's mandate, became the sanctuary for these creatures. A realm in a constant state of flux, Hell was a manifestation of its residents' volatile nature. Over vast epochs, as the desire to reintroduce chaos into God's worlds swelled within them, demons, including Lucius, embarked on their cosmic sojourns.
Yet, contrary to any sense of camaraderie or brotherhood, demons acted on their intrinsic nature—wild, capricious, and inherently violent. The very idea of a collective agenda was antithetical to them. Their incursions into various realms weren't organized campaigns but spontaneous eruptions of chaos. Their clashes with angels weren't driven by vendettas but by the fundamental opposition of their natures.
That pivotal confrontation with the Archangels was a climax in this age-old dance between order and chaos. The aftermath of that battle wasn't just Lucius's weakened state, but a cosmic imbalance that echoed across realities.
Refocusing on his present situation, Lucius acknowledged the gravity of his predicament. To mend his fractured soul was to reforge his bond with the primordial chaos. The souls of mortals, when consumed, were broken down, assimilated, and transformed into chaos energy by a demon's very essence. This energy was the lifeblood of a demon, the sustenance that kept their volatile natures in check. Without it, not only would their power wane, but their very existence would teeter on the brink.