It seemed like everything was falling into place so well, Júlia was happily married and Nina was close to giving birth to her long-awaited babies.
However, before that happened, they had something to celebrate, which was Hannah's birthday.
Patel watched all the movement in the mansion and remembered that he suspected Nina would change Dominic's life, but he didn't imagine it would be such a big change.
She never imagined seeing so many children in the mansion's garden. She looked to one side and saw a group laughing and running, to the other and a group of children playing football, she looked at the pool and several children screaming, with colorful floaties and swimwear with animal prints, as cute as they were. . There were also the gluttons, who attacked everything that was served.
It was as if she had left one dimension and entered another, so different was the reality of the past from now.