Chereads / Everlasting dream (18+) / Chapter 16 - First night in the woods

Chapter 16 - First night in the woods


[Nivalis Silverfrost]

Nivalis continued walking, her arms and legs burning with the strain. Her breaths came out in ragged gasps, and her feet felt like they were made of stone, heavy and numb, trembling from the effort. "Just a bit more," she whispered to herself, a desperate mantra that fueled her steps. White puffs of air formed around her lips with each word, the frigid air biting at her lungs. "I can do this. For my children."

Snowflakes fluttered around her like delicate butterflies, dancing in the icy breeze. The fierce wind mourned through the trees, its cries echoing across the wintery landscape and flushing her cheeks with cold.

The sky above gradually turned darker, the once blue hues giving way to shades of orange and pink that stretched across the sky. The sun's rays cast long, distorted shadows across the snowy ground, and as the light dimmed, the trees' shadows seemed to stretch out like dark, inky fingers, reaching toward the trio.

"It's nearly nightfall. Are you hungry?" Nivalis said, glancing behind, only to find her sleeping daughter and a baby nestled beneath a cocoon of furs and blankets. "Alright... a little bit more, and we'll stop for the night," she muttered to herself, a hint of worry in her voice.

Despite the growing chill and the exhaustion that weighed heavily on her shoulders like a boulder, Nivalis pressed forward. And even though each step was slower than the last, she knew she couldn't afford to stop or let the weight of her exhaustion pull her to the ground. She needed to get far away from that cursed village, away from Haldor.

As the last of the sun's rays dipped below the horizon, the forest around Nivalis transformed into complete darkness, swallowing the last remnants of light. Only then did she allow herself to halt her steps, her lungs burning from the effort. She looked around, or at least tried to, searching for a safe place to rest for the night. Her eyes darted from tree to tree, her ears straining to hear any sound, hearing nothing but the soft crunch of snow beneath her boots.

The moon peeked out from behind a cloud, its silver light illuminating the clearing not too far ahead. She took a deep breath and forced her legs to move, quickening her steps as she pulled the sled towards it. The old, withered trees at the center of the clearing stood tall and sturdy, their gnarled, bare branches reaching the sky.

A little girl stirred in her sleep, awakened by the sudden stop, her golden eyes fluttering open. "Mommy? Are you alright?" Silvia asked with that childish, high-pitched voice.

— "Yes, darling, we will stop here for the night," Nivalis replied, her voice trembling from the cold. She looked around the clearing again, ensuring there were no threats.

"Oh, okay," Silvia replied, yawning softly as she settled back down into the furs, her eyelids growing heavy once more. Her delicate arms wrapped protectively around her brother. A soft grumble of her belly echoed in the night, yet the girl said nothing about it, perhaps not wanting to worry her mother even further.

Nivalis gazed at her children, worry swirling in her chest. 'Is it safe to make a campfire?' she wondered, her forehead wrinkling in thought. It might draw unwanted attention, but the biting cold was too harsh to ignore. 'We need something decent to eat. Something warm.'

'And what about shelter? I can try to build something out of blankets and sticks. But would that be enough to keep us warm?' she continued to ponder, her gaze drifting to the dense trees around them, unsure what to do. Yet one thing was certain: she couldn't afford to dwell on these questions for too long. Instead, she decided to just do what a mother should. Her babies needed warmth, a safe place to sleep, and, most importantly, food. And that's what they were going to get. So, first, she focused on starting a fire.

She gathered sticks and dry bark, prepared a space by clearing the snow off the ground, and arranged them in a teepee formation, just like she'd seen her father do many years ago. As her fingers trembled from the cold, Nivalis searched for the flint in the sled, her breath forming small clouds in the frigid air. "Finally... there you are," she muttered to herself, relief washing over her as her fingers finally grasped the familiar shape of the flint.

She sat in the snow, her legs tucked beneath her, and struck her knife against the flint, sparks flying with each strike. But for some reason, the dry bark didn't catch on fire. A frustrated sigh escaped her lips. 'Come on, you can do it,' she reassured herself, repeating the process repeatedly with more force each time.

Her movements became increasingly frantic, and tears threatened to spill down her cheeks as the task proved more difficult than anticipated. Everything felt so pointless, so cruel, and so unfair. And not just this damn fire, but her entire life. 'You are a mother now, Nivalis, and your children need warmth,' she reminded herself, wiping away the tears that stung her eyes. 'Stop being pathetic and get it done.'

Nivalis repeated the process, sparks dancing in the darkness. Her tired face was illuminated by the small embers that flew around. At some point, she couldn't feel her frozen fingers anymore, just how cold it was, yet she continued to strike the flint with her knife, desperate and tired.

Then, after what felt like an eternity, the kindling suddenly began to smolder. She tossed the flint and the knife and quickly brought the kindling closer to her mouth, blowing gently on the flames and coaxing them to life. "That's it, little one. You can do it," she whispered encouragingly, almost as if it was her child.

Slowly, the fire grew, its flames spreading out to consume the larger pieces of wood, each cracking and popping in the cold night air. The warmth radiated outward, and the snowflakes that danced around it melted away. The little girl nearby quietly watched, her eyes locked on the burgeoning flame, a small smile forming on her face. "You did great, Mommy," she said softly, opening slightly the blanket so her little brother could see it as well. He giggled in the most adorable way possible. Nivalis couldn't help but smile in response, a shy, barely noticeable tug at the corners of her lips.



As the night wore on, the fire crackled merrily, casting flickering shadows on the surrounding trees. The girls had managed to create a makeshift shelter, using a few sturdy branches and pine leaves to construct a small hut-like structure. The floor was covered with pine leaves to keep the warmth inside. The floor was also cushioned, offering some protection from the cold ground. Additionally, they built walls out of the snow around it to block the wind.

By the end, Silvia got so tired and sleepy that she could barely keep her eyes open, her small body swaying from exhaustion. Nivalis helped her to lie down and covered her and the baby with a warm, cozy blanket. The sight of the two of them sleeping peacefully, nestled in the shelter they'd built, made everything worth it.

'Everything will be alright,' the tired mother sighed, sitting down near the entrance of the small hut, staring into the dancing flames. She thought mostly about her children, the two most important people in her life, the ones she'd do anything for. She couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to them. 'We'll find a new home. A better one. Where we will be safe and happy,' she assured herself, trying to keep the doubts at bay.

But, as much as she wished to sleep next to her babies, she couldn't. Not now, at least. She needed to make them a good, nourishing meal that would fill their bellies to the brim. So, she retrieved a pot from her supplies and filled it with freshly gathered snow, her hands still trembling slightly from the cold. Placing the pot over the fire, she waited for the snow to melt and transform into clear, bubbling water. The sizzling sound of the snow melting in the pot, accompanied by the crackle of the flames, was quite nice to listen to.

Pulling out a sharp knife, Nivalis began to chop up the vegetables and herbs, her movements careful and precise despite her weariness. Small, bite-sized pieces of carrots, turnips, and herbs fell into the pot one after another, the sound of the knife against the cutting board echoing through the quiet forest. The aroma of the fresh ingredients filled the air, a pleasant and comforting scent that seemed to chase away the chill of the night.

While the mixture simmered, Nivalis searched the sled's contents for anything else she could add. To her relief, she found a small pouch of salt and some strips of dried meat. Almost like magic, it transformed the stew from a bland concoction into something truly delicious.

The soup simmered, the flavors mingling and melding before her face. A satisfied smile tugged at the corner of Nivalis's lips as she stirred the pot, her blue eyes locked on it. 'Now we wait,' she thought to herself, her stomach rumbling in anticipation.



Taking a deep breath, Nivalis glanced at her daughter. "Honey, wake up," she whispered, her voice gentle and soothing, shaking Silvia's small shoulder ever so gently.

Silvia stirred from her slumber, a soft, sleepy "Hmm?" escaping her lips as her eyes struggled to bring the world into focus. Nivalis couldn't help but smile warmly as she looked down at her child.

— "Let's eat, sweetie," Nivalis whispered, helping her child sit up.

Silvia yawned, rubbing the sleep out of her golden eyes. "Mommy?" she mumbled, her eyelids heavy and blinking slowly.

Cupping Silvia's cheek with one hand, Nivalis smiled. "There's a delicious stew waiting for you, my little snowflake. I've made it just for you," she whispered, patting the log next to her and inviting Silvia to sit beside her.

"Oh, I'm so hungry," the young girl carefully crawled out of the shelter, still cradling her baby brother in her arms. Her tiny tummy grumbled in anticipation as she approached the fire, the snow crunching softly beneath her tiny boots. A wooden bowl, filled to the brim with the hearty stew, was held out by her mother, a small cloud of steam wafting from its contents. "This is nice, thank you, Mommy."

— "Of course, my love. Just be careful. It's hot," Nivalis cautioned, her motherly instinct kicking in.

Silvia nodded slightly before cautiously sipping the steaming broth. The warmth touched her lips, and the rich aroma filled her senses—a comforting, familiar scent of her mother's cooking. Her petite body welcomed the heat, her hunger showing itself in full force. She took a deeper, longer sip, savoring the flavors. "It's delicious, Mom," she praised, the corner of her eyes wrinkling slightly. "Perfect," she added shyly.

Nivalis patted the girl's silver hair, a warm smile playing on her lips. "Thank you, sweetie," she murmured, watching the young girl enjoy her cooking. It was the best feeling a mother could experience.

Nivalis took a spoonful and tasted it as well. The taste was unlike anything she had ever experienced, probably because she was exhausted and had not eaten a proper meal the whole day. They continued to eat, the crackling fire casting a warm glow on their faces. The sound of chewing and swallowing echoed through the clearing, punctuated by the occasional slurp or sigh of contentment.

Eventually, they finished their meal, and their bellies were satisfied, at least for now. The fire crackled in the background, its warmth and light casting a protective circle around them in the stillness of the night. Nivalis joined her daughter in washing the bowls, spoons, and other cooking utensils. "Do you need to pee, sweetie?"

The girl nodded slowly, meeting her mother's gaze. "Yes, Mommy," she replied, her fragile voice barely louder than a breath. She looked at her baby brother, a delicate bundle in her arms, and prepared to hand him over to her mother's arms.

Once the baby brother was safe and secure in Nivalis's embrace, she took her daughter's hand. "Should be fine here," she whispered, leading her behind a large tree, away from the fire.

Silvia's face was filled with uncertainty and fear, her eyes darting around the darkness that enveloped them. "Mommy, it's scary here," she whispered, her voice trembling like a fragile leaf in the harsh winter wind.

Nivalis's heart sank as she recognized the fear in her daughter's voice. She understood they were in a dark, unfamiliar place, far from the safety of their home. "I'm right here, my love. Don't be afraid," Nivalis whispered, her voice barely above a whisper, placing a comforting hand on the child's shoulder.

"It's dark," Silvia said, her wide, fearful eyes looking around the clearing, her young imagination turning the shadows into potential threats. Fangs, claws, and glowing eyes seemed to lurk in the corners of her mind, waiting for her to drop her pants. Surely.

— "Shh, shh. Sweetheart, it's okay," Nivalis assured her, holding the girl close, feeling the trembles in the child's tiny body. "You're safe with me. I promise you, my dear."

"Mommy, can we... pee together? I know it's a bit silly, but... I don't want to do it alone," Silvia asked, her voice barely above a whisper, looking up at her mother.

Nodding without hesitation, Nivalis smiled in understanding. "Of course, sweetie."

"Thank you, Mommy," the girl breathed, the tension slowly leaving her shoulders. She watched how Nivalis kneeled beside her and began to remove her pants, revealing her naked lower half to the cold, dark night. Her pale, smooth thighs quivered, her knees knocking together as she tried to remain calm. A gust of cool air caressed her exposed skin, raising goosebumps on her tender flesh.

Nivalis then quickly removed her coat and gently laid it on the ground, providing a makeshift bed for the sleeping baby. With great care, she placed him on the coat, ensuring his warmth. Then, she covered him completely so no cold air could reach him.

After that, Nivalis lowered her own pants, exposing her naked bottom half, just as hairless as her daughter's. "Mommy, it's cold," Silvia whined, her teeth chattering as she tried to control her shivering body.

Nivalis could only nod in agreement, feeling the chilly air caressing her naked lower body as well. "I know, sweetie. Just breathe," Nivalis whispered, her voice barely audible against the howling wind. The two of them crouched there, facing each other, their bodies shivering with the cold, their bladders ready to burst. "Alright, my love. Just like you always do," Nivalis encouraged her, her eyes focused on her daughter's frightened ones.

Silvia squeezed her mother's hand, trying to ignore the cold wind blowing across her naked, smooth bottom. Despite her thighs heavily trembling, the girl began to pee, the sound of her urine splattering against the untouched snow echoing through the stillness of the night.

Once Nivalis heard her daughter's pee splatter against the ground, she let herself go as well, her warm fluid trickling down onto the untouched snow. A mother and daughter, relieving themselves in unison, forming a strangely comforting symphony of gentle splattering and delicate splashing. Both watched their urine swirl closer to each other, connecting on the ground and forming a yellowish-golden puddle. The scent of their pee spread through the air, filling their nostrils with an oddly comforting fragrance.

The little girl couldn't help but smile as the final dribbles trickled out of her, her body finally empty and relieved. Both of them wiped themselves, using a spare cloth that Nivalis carried in the pocket of her pants. "That was fun, Mommy," Silvia mumbled, watching her mother picking up the coat with her brother.

— "Yes, my darling. It was," Nivalis smiled, holding her hand for her daughter to take. Silvia gripped it firmly, her tiny fingers intertwining with Nivalis's. They returned to their camp and sat beside the fireplace, their eyes fixed on the fire's dying embers.

Nivalis added more kindling to the fire, coaxing it back to life. Silvia's eyes were drawn to the sleeping infant, whose peaceful and serene face was illuminated by the flickering flames. The sound of the fire crackling and the wind howling through the trees was strangely comforting now that the scariest part—peeing—was behind them.

Once sure the fire was well-fed, Nivalis murmured, "Let's go to our shelter. It has been a long day, and I need to feed your brother as well."

"Okay," Silvia obliged, watching her mother removing her boots and socks and placing them by the fire, where they would dry overnight. The young girl followed suit, her smaller hands struggling with the leather straps, her fingers fumbling with the buckles and knots.

Seeing her daughter struggle, Nivalis reached out and helped her, undoing the last few knots that proved difficult. Once free, Silvia sighed in relief and placed her boots beside her mother's. Her tiny toes wiggled gently in the heat, her feet exposed to the warmth and light of the fire.

As the girls crawled into the shelter, huddling close together, the fire continued to crackle, the flames dancing merrily in the night. The wind whistled through the trees, but the warmth from the fire kept the chill away. Cradling her baby boy in her arms, Nivalis lifted her shirt, exposing her soft, pale bosom, her breasts heavy and full of milk. She gently placed her child against her chest, feeling his small mouth search for her nipple, and soon enough, he was nursing, drinking the warm, nourishing liquid.

As the infant latched onto her breast, the woman felt a rush of pleasure, a warm, tingling sensation that spread throughout her body. "You're a hungry boy, aren't you?" Nivalis teased, stroking his head affectionately. Nivalis's body relaxed, and she could feel the tension and anxiety slowly going away. Her baby's soft, warm weight was comforting, and his quiet sucking noises were soothing.

Suddenly, Nivalis felt something brush against her other nipple. She jumped slightly, her eyes widening in surprise. She looked down to see her daughter's face pressed against her breast, with her lips wrapped around her erect nipple, suckling gently. The warmth of her daughter's tongue, soft and velvety, swirling around her nipple, made her gasp.

Nivalis wasn't sure how to feel about it. It was a bit shameful, perhaps. But the innocent look on her daughter's face, her wide, golden eyes looking at her while sucking her breast, and her body pressed against her made it impossible for her to say no. "Someone still hungry, huh?" she said, her voice gentle and loving.

Silvia slowly nodded, her golden eyes fixed on her mother's face, her expression a mixture of shyness and eagerness.

— "Alright, darling. You can drink," Nivalis said, stroking her daughter's hair, feeling the warmth of her breath on her skin.

As her children suckled on her breasts, the three of them lay together in the shelter, under layers of blankets, their bodies pressed together, sharing warmth and comfort. Their slippery tongues were swirling and lapping, their mouths sucking and tugging at her delicate, sensitive flesh. The winter's cold had melted away, replaced by a feeling of warmth and security; the only sounds were the crackling of the fire and their gentle suckling.

Eventually, they all fell asleep, their breathing slow and steady, the sounds of the forest echoing in the background. Silvia's head rested on Nivalis's breast, somehow managing to sleep with her nipple in her mouth through the entire night. Aster was right in between mother and daughter, in the warmest spot.

As the hours passed, the fire's embers burned low, and the winter's chill began to creep back in, but Nivalis didn't notice in her comfort slumber. Her mind and body were at peace, her children nestled in her arms.