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Wolves of Asgard

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Reinhardt Wiseman was always in the shadow of his older brother Johan Wiseman the son of a prostitute barely making ends meet in the Big Apple. He longed to practice his violin somewhere where he would be appreciated. Soon he is adopted into the Wiseman household of the esteemed author Isaac Wiseman. There he grows up to be quite a violin and music virtuouso who is appreciated widely in all of the nightclubs of downtown Los Angeles. However this is not to be as the void demons are preparing for an invasion of Reinhardt's version of earth. He discovers that he and several of his closest friends are werewolves and they all adventure together to discover the origins of the void and what went wrong to cause reality to malfunction and why gods from two Pantheons fall enough causes creatures from the void to spill forth. On the lowest layer of Reality, the void demon king is plotting his revenge on all of reality. What is his deal. This demon king named Void Chaos and why does he want to bring ruination to all of reality. This is a tale of seven heroes told from first person as they explore the world of Wolves of Asgard together and try their damnedest to survive. Prologue: I'm planning to write this out as it's own book before the story truly begins in earnest so I'm going to be working on this as well as the first book together. This has to deal with the invasion of the heaven realms by the void demons and their armies, the star-crossed love between Sophia and Fenrir and the role the Blood demon wolves play in all of this and their prophecy to be the ones to defeat the void demon army. Book 1 (Chapters 1-100): This book is going to be focused on the trials that Reinhardt Wiseman undertakes as he proves himself to be a worthy leader for the individual blood demon wolves and their goals around the nine realms. There will be seven wolves in total each with their own differing personalities as well as cool blood related powers although the main narrator is going to be the older version of Bloodedge. Note from the author: This is my first time writing a webnovel and I'm mostly going to be doing this for fun. Please if you leave a review or criticism please do not make it too overly aggressive. I'm a webnovel newbie and a newbie at writing in general and this is mostly to meet a personal goal of mine to be a novelist as such I outline about ten chapters every weekend and try to write to meet them every week. The update schedule is going to be rather sporadic as this isn't really meant to attract all that many readers and personally just be a pet project that I work furiously on. This is just something I'm writing for fun about a character that's been in mind a lot and I'm hoping to have a lot of fun sharing his travels of the nine realms with you and everyone who is either brave or foolish enough (This is my first work on here.) to read the drivel I have to write.

Chapter 1 - Werewolf

Werewolf, what does that term mean to you. Well unless you are brain dead never read a book, still a whelp or have been living under a rock for the past 3000 years that term should hold some meaning to you. Normally it means a man cursed or otherwise that becomes a wolf or wolf like being under the light of the full moon.

You must be wondering who is this person, who is our narrator. I'm a Werewolf, a red one known as  a blood demon wolf, blood because we were particularly skilled at manipulating blood magic and demon because Our Patron God Fenrir is a demon wolf.

I did just say that Fenrir was a god so now you're proably wondering how someone can be both a demon and a god. Well demon gods exist and they technicially count as the "bad guys" if you stick to the script of the various pantheons but in truth they're just another permutation or mutation of the gods that were destined to serve another role.

Oh yeah, that's right did I forget to mention that? Blood demon wolves are fenrir's little project recent in the grand scheme of things the other wolves that served under Fenrir such as the Golden Emperors and the Silver Sages are acneint by comparison but us, the blood demon wolves are very recent by comparison. Us blood demon wolves have been around for only about 1000 years total and there are only a select few of us. Around I'd say a couple hundred in the entire multiversee. Needless to say I felt quite proud and pirviledged to be one. 

I serve the god fenrir and while the name of our particular species of wolf is an edgy one I can assure you there's personalities of all types when it comes to our specific breed. Personally, I think that being a Blood Demon Wolf is damn cool.

We're like the red mages of the Fenris Wolves, Fenrir's pack that must have number around the hundreds of thousands in my original earth alone and a couple hundred million if we consider their reach throughout the multiverse.

There are many different types of werewolves in this world some friendly. Some decidely less so. The difference between werewolves is night and day some could be playful puppy dogs happily wagging their tail for anyone that would give them some good food and some warm company. Most of us, we prefer meat.

  Werewolves in human form blend in inconspisciously with humans on earth or Alfheim or Asgard. Hell most of us thought that we were human. Like human females female werewolves were truly frightening. Female werewolves can be.... Truly frightening

Back when I was human back on my version of earth I wasn't someone with no connection to society. I've often dreamed about running with werewolves and discovering my own wolf soul. I often played the werewolf race in popular VRMMOs and the feeling of being a werewolf to me was exhilirating in VR. In real life it feels divine.

You might be thinnking back to some old werewolf movie for your idea of us I'm sorry to say that the werewolves in real life are much more hidden and much more powerful. You could mistake us or just you next average person we look no different that the particular race of a world until we turn then we become the idea of physical perfection. The truth of it is werewolves exist. And usually it's not such a good idea to get on their bad side. They bite. Hard. Afterall, I've learned that from experience and I might say I don't look so pretty under the light of the full moon myself.

There are a few things you should learn about us werewolves. You don't ever want to piss off a werewolf. You might find a huge chunk missing out of you. That is if you survive the mauling they're wanting to give you. 

Contrary to popular ideation us werewolves aren't hot mates for the next paranormal obsessed white goth chick. Although, werewolves very well could be. Get us mad and you'll have to see how far you can run before we catch our tasty little morsel our weak and pathetic prey.

Now let me tell you a bit about me as a person. I'm not so different from regular humans. Hell I thought I was a regular human once a long time ago, but I felt out I was something different. Something much more created to protect the world of the game Wolves of Asgard in this place. The New World. The Digital hub where all of the gods have decided to create their own digitized fantasies using reality as a type of "simulation." 

The world that I'm from was very much like the world your from with all it's fancy technology and gadgetry but a load of good that'll do you when you're up against a 300 wall of fur and fangs.Today, ladies and gentlemen we'll be discussing a very different world. The world I presently find myself and have come to call my home.

We'll be discussing the world of Wolves of Asgard Online. The world where we are all currently players. A world built as a safe haven for those that were battling the void demons in the other worlds to be reincarnated to and watched over by the eyes of the Aesir Gods.

So now I'll be discussing this world. The world that we've all sworn to protect with our lives from the glitches and the malignant software that will crawl up from the Gap. The void between worlds that once threatened the very existence of the tree of life itsel Yggdrasil. I'll recount a history told by the fire light of our pack for generations by yours truly.

Now the world is comprised of infinite multiverses that much is certain but you know those deities that ol timey religions used to tell us all about in their fairy stories? Well, all of those deities exist and has ruled over all of the nine realms since the beginning of time.

Ah dear reader, I can sense in you denial. The denial that the gods exist in your world as well is palpable and iti is just as sweet on my tastebuds as it is dishearteninglydepressing. Now the gods weren't always so civilized. They are no strangers to warfare. Warfare was a universal constant.

Gods of various Patheons used to fight for supremacy and believers all the time. Now God's don't necessarily need believers they are as powerful as they are the moment they are born from the stream of creation and ideation known as Cosmos which itself has it's own goddess, and by the way she's beautilful.


Now you're probably wondering to yourself that it must be pretty cool to live in a world that is governed by something seemingly close to humans rational, sentient and maybe even loving. Now I have to admit to you that the gods aren't all bad but they are much more human than you might think.

If you earth is anything like mine you must have always heard stories about rageful jealous gods and thought that if the gods did exist they must hate humanity with a burning passion. That I am unsure of. It's certainly not unlike them to hold a grudge but theyc certainly wouldn't want to doom all human kind. No we seem to be doing a pretty good job of that ourselves. However, I digress.

The almighty god himself exists and he is just one of many all fathers although he is quite a powerful man I assure you that, maybe a little full of himself but I mean at least he means well and he's someone that I love to grab a beer with.

Just between you and me he doesn't seem like the type of person you want on their bad side. He is still the god of the old testament afterall Coming from a former atheist no you don't want to get on god's bad side that's when he goes from all powerful, all good, all loving sky daddy.

These gods all preside over their own personal realms well multiples of their own realms and these realms are collectively known as Asgard all nestled away in the branches of Yggdrasil. All of these realms agreed to each other that they would stay out of their affairs there wasn't a treaty per say more like an unwritten agreement an understanding amongst gnetlemen and gentle ladies that one pantheon wouldn't cross into another pantheon's territory there was kind of, an understanding shall we say... that if they didn't all hell would break loose.

Now when I say all hell breaks loose.I mean to damned hell, that all the hells break loose. Or rather something worse than hell. Most demons are actually rather nice in the long term, Afterall. But, we'll get to that later.

As with every rule however, and I've never met a werewolf that was particular keen on rules. Not one that I've particularly like anyways,there was one, someone close to me, in fact, and I hate him with a passion.

Now who are the lucky man and woman who broke these rules. These oh so holy rules that all of the gods abided by so that all chaos wouldn't reign down upon the nine realms. Well, it was the gnostic, that mean knowing by the way. A more pretentious group of people I have not had the displeasure of coming across.

Well, no I suppose that's rather unfair afterall, the gnostic were persecuted for most of their history. The real ones. The genuine gnositcs are some of the most enlightened groups of people I've ever come across. Although, those are rare and well in between. Most of those gnostics are in academia and they've published many many dissertation on literary cristicism. I've read some of them and they made some fair points.

So anyways, their goddess, quite a beauty too and she's every man idea of beautiful not just some preference because she is everybody and everybody is a part of her. Her soul was fragmented to make us. Sentient beings, humans and even us werewolves, even monsters are basically human at the end of the day.

Now one day this goddess, this idea of truth, beauty, justice and everything good was lost in the deep dark words somewhere outside of the heaven of the Norse Pantheon probably fulfilling some errand for her male counterpart the judeo christian god, when she slips up, trips and falls flat on her face like all "Kyaaaaaah...." just like you'd see in one of those cheesey old timey anime from the early 2000s.

Who's there to greet her and show up all gallant to allay her worries and kiss her and make everything alright while they stare deeply into each other's eyes sparks going off and getting the hots for one another than my old man, my dear father dearest. Fenrir, the wolf god of the Aesir in his human form.

Platinum blonde hair that reaches his back all perfectly muscled and handsome like attending the council of Valhalla about the reinactment of Ragnarok. You know gods have a hard on for this thing

called tradition, times have changed. They've changed.

Back in my own world, my own earth when I was still human there was definitely a time period in my adolescenceand hell if we're being honest with ourselves in my adult life when I crave the thrill, the action and the adventure of Ragnarok a battle against my father's enemies for the glory of the Fenris Wolves against the wolves of Odin. Man! What a rush! Sure it's fun. There isn't a wolf who doesn't enjoy battle. Justt thinking about it activates my bloodlust, but still somethings are just simply... outdated shall we say for a lack of a better term.

These gods couldn't think of a way to not kill each other every eternity or so to reset the world until everything came crashing down around them and the worst part of it all was that my father just went along with a stupid planner scenario where he got his head smashed in by Thor's hammer his precious wolf skull crumpled to chunks and brain nad viscuous bits flying everywhere. Penance the Aesir would say for biting off Thor's hand.

Reallll nice way to treat the actual all father. Not that they knew it back then. Thank God we do this all digitally now, simulated universe full body immersion through reincarnation into that game world. You simply can't tell the difference between that and reality except the fact that you don't die when you're killed and instead just respawn. Much more civilized.

Still these two, a goddess from the gnostic patheon and a god from the Norse Patheon fell in love with one another and so started the beginning of the end. We didn't know it at the time but there is a reason that the individual deities from two separate patheons shouldn't intermingle it causes a glitch and crashes the system making the make up of realityand all realities vulnerable to attack from outside.

Little did we know back then that Yggdrasil, which we can kind of think as a computer system that runs the program known as "all realities that did, do and ever will exist" operates by similar principles and locked away in some subtereanean prison on the bottom layer of all conccievable realities was the void demon king a real nasty piece of shit. His only function was to erase corrupt and destroy. We'll save that for a later time. I don't think I should front load you with all this information might be a little too hard for someone who's not "in the know" to memorize.

Let's talk a little bit about Fenrir,the wolf god of primordial Savagery, which is a moniker he earned by being a badass on the battlefield in days of yore. Fenrir or going by his "human" god name Volundr was the All father of the Norse Patheon. "Wait a minute" I hearyou saying'"Isn't that Odin." and while Odin did reign for a long time as the all father.

From their very roots the Norse truly were sons of Fenrir. You see back when creation was first getting made the Primordial Wolf Spirit splintered off into many diferent versios of itself more suited to the task at hand.

Somewhere in the frozen north there were many small kingdoms at war with one another. These brave and hearty warriors were known as the vikings and to them the more feral and ferocious aspect of the primordial wolf god displayed it's martial prowess felling entire armies of thousands of battle hardened soldiers with the fierceness of it's Arctic cold howl alone such that the Wolf God and the Arctic Cold became one and the same and came to be known as Fenrir, the Wolf God of the Frozen North.

Still men and battle hardened soldiers kept coming at these noble and brave warriors whereever they chose to settle and so the wolf god decided to bless these warriors with part of his own soul. He would combine their souls with those of these men and change them in shape and martial prowess into what we know today as the wolf warrior, the man wolf, the werewolf.

Dfferent from what the hollywood movies show, wouldn't you agree? First of all, hollywood movies show being a werewolf a combination of man and beast as a curse, but instead you're telling me that being a werewolf is a blessing and maybe one of the oldest blessings in existence. What's it all for? Just to help man tap into their animal spirit and help them survive against a cruel and unforgiving world .

Just between you and me. There is nothing more fearsome than a unit of elite werewolf warriors charging at you with all their primal ferocity. Not only did these brave warriors find a means to survive they became on of the most feared groups of people of the time period being able to build for themselves mighty kingdoms, found countries and dominate thewhole of the Europeam continent

There's an ancient japanese,turkish, native american and mongolian belief that all men are descendants of the Great Wolf Spirit. Sure each culture might have different names for them but go ack far enough and you'll see that the relationship between man and wolf is deeper than the relationship between siblings. We truly are one most people just never come to realize this simple fact, never tap into the spring of feral power that's within you. So can you blame werewolves for dominating most other humans for so long.

There's an old myth that's been spread around amongst us wolves for a lon time, and with eerything myth there is always some truth. Some werewolves belief that all men and women are wolves you've just got to dig deep enough to access your feral heritage.

So why are you telling me all this? You must be wondering to yourself. Listen, young one, and to me you are young. History has a habit of repating itself and this is all to tell ot the enemy that awaits in the depths of the void. Waiting restlessly, mechanically, methodically to crawl and slither back into the tree itself.

You must be feeling a mixture of emotions, fear,anticipation, anxiety, excitement. Let me tell you something else. I smell wolf within you. The blood of my kins man and it's strong. Without further ado. Let me tell you my own story, how I came to the world of Wolves of Asgard. How I made peace with being part man, part beast, part demon, part god. Let me tell you this tale so that when the time comes and you have to awaken your wolf spirit you'll be able to know exactly how to fight off the enemies of all of creation.