Once Andrea was down for the night and Carter turned in for the night, Daniel couldn't help but sit in bed, still trying to decide what exactly he wanted to do about the situation. He knew someone in Hemming, but he wasn't sure if they were part of the purging project. He wasn't sure if he should tell Carter or not, since he didn't have much to go on. What would it help if he told Carter about his connection to Hemming, just for the person to be someone who has nothing to do with the purging?
It was as if his thought managed to summon the person he was thinking of since his phone suddenly got a notification, it was one he hadn't heard in a while, and he was a little surprised to see it—a message through Facebook. He hadn't used the app personally in ages, but he does use it to keep tabs on what business partners and shareholders are up to so they can keep everyone happy.