Taking a defensive stance, slowly raising his hands toward Arien, Ty states, "So, what exactly do you want from us?"
Arien, stating out loud, "I want to learn why I can't kill you, but Master Dagon believes you can be of assistance dealing with the traitor and helping us find the person who attempted to assassinate the house heads 2 months ago."
"Two months ago?! It was that long? Has there been any sightings of this man since then?"
"I will say this now: he and I go way back, and if he shows up, I get the first swing at him," a newfound anger welling up inside Ty as they both look on in shock.
"You have a history with the man?" No one in the entire kingdom can account for seeing him before and only rumored pictures of him have surfaced to keep the minds at bay.
"His name is Erebos, and he's a powerful vampire from another land. He uses coins to fight and is insanely strong and fast."