Nana couldn't help but break into laughter as she walked into the INN.
Ty watched on with slight confusion before joining her inside.
They found the old INN lady sitting atop Todd's back, ordering him to clean spots he had missed.
Waving at them when they walked in, she said, "Thank you for the helper. I've discovered places that I haven't seen in years.
Spots I thought were black leather décor were actually just covered in black dust for years!"
She bellowed with a small, ladylike laugh.
Todd groaned and confirmed, holding up a pure black rag that used to be plain white, and black particles covered his green mossed hands.
Ty observed as she asked the big, lumbering man to bring her down so she could have lunch, thanking him for his assistance with a nod.
"Why did you two leave me this morning? I woke up to being left out of all the fun, and she told me you all volunteered me to be her helper," Todd questioned.