Chereads / WORLD PARADISE / Chapter 7 - PUNISHMENT

Chapter 7 - PUNISHMENT

The situation was carried to the Chief of Aoga village to pass on Judgement to Hina, with Hina locked up in a cell awaiting her fate.

Chief Jonathan X Vindola III [ The Chief of Aoga village] attention was requested concerning the matter that ensued between Hina and Aika.

Whilst Hina locked up in her cell, Jigoro having a considerable amount of connection due to his ancestors being one of the 12 great sailors of the sea in the village tried his best pulling some strings behind the scenes for Hina to be pardoned but to no avail, due to the fact that life was involved in this matter, "Oda's life", Hina cannot go unpunished.

The village has the history of upholding the principle of Karma and rigidly supporting Lex Talionis [The law of retaliation] expounding on not just "The wages of sin is death, But also the wages of death is death"

A Colloquy was convened and details of what ensued was presented by both the supporters and the dissenters to the Council of Elders [ Which encompasses of The Chief, The priest and other very important people that possesses high position in the village.].

The Council of Elders engaged in a thorough discussion and deliberations considering factors like the severity of the Situation, Hina's intentions, and mitigating Circumstances.

And after their discussion, what followed was the Punishment determination and its implementation. The Colloquy continued for a week and then a befitting Punishment was placed on Hina, where she would be tied up for seven days and night and if she can live through those seven days and nights with night crawlers [ if possible] she would be set free and return to Yami and Jigoro.

"I heard about my Punishment, if I could live through Seven days and nights with night crawlers, I would be set free.

Do you think it's possible?, that I could live through seven nights with night crawlers swarming after sunset?" Hina with her head face downwards and her hands chained to the horizontal ends of both parts of the cell [ Left and Right] asked Jigoro who was outside her cell locking his hand to the bars of the cell, sounding despondent and seeming Pessimistic, "Of course not, you won't even last a night with those night crawlers swarming after sunset, what are you thinking?,... Don't worry I'll get you out of here, yes.. I'll get you out of here, You know it is believed that night crawlers are not in the ocean, so we'll take my boat and sail out of the village, I can't let you die Hina... I just can't, please.. please " Jigoro Pleaded as he sounded desperate to get Hina out of the cell and escape from the Village, but Hina refused as she already Understood the situation saying "I'm sorry but I'm responsible for the death of Oda, Yami's friend. I won't be able to face Yami if I'm not punished for my sin. I can't go home to Yami and smile with him after killing his friend, and I'm sure, Aika is really sad about the death of her only son, after her husband died too. I'm sorry Jigoro, but I'll have to take this PUNISHMENT. "