The story takes place with a teenage boy named Leo who's raised by a single father his mother died when he was seven he doesn't remember what happened to her exactly today was his first day of junior year he was so excited but he really wanted to go back to sleep though his father came and roll for slipper flying it at the wall told him get up out the bed Leo jumped up and started getting dressed he started getting ready for the day his first day of school his father threw some toast at him and said here you go out there we go son have a good day Leo said okay have a good day Dad he walked with the door and start on his way to school he was walking in this random woman got her personal he ran after the man and got her purse back in the world cup bruises but he's perfectly fine he said to the woman he continued to keep walking and he reached the building eventually he walked into the school building he seen a whole bunch of kids outside Leo didn't think too much of it he continued what he was doing and kept walking the boy came up to him and said you must be new here my name is Miku he says I'm a kid in the solution mess up do you understand Leo nods his head and rolls his eyes Miku gets irritated and punches him in the face Leo punches back the both of them start fighting the headmatures comes outside embrace the two of them up they get to her office they start to walk there and she yells what was the meaning of the situation you two and on your first day Leo my days not starting off till Good start he says to herself