Chapter 41 - War Hero

Over the next month and a half the French led by Harry and a few other brave witches and wizards cut through Grindelwalds forces, they forced him back and further out to their country than they ever had. Everywhere they went Harry would leave his symbol behind to mock Grindelwald, he would cast the eye high over the battlefield. Towards the end of the month, the dark wizards knew to run every time it was cast as it meant that they were likely about to be slaughtered. There was no mercy for Grindelwalds army, they had terrorised the French; murdered fathers, brothers, sons, and mothers, and the French slaughtered them in kind.

They were almost as ruthless as Harry was, with dark curses, deadly transfiguration, and even the unforgivables. Nothing was off the table now, they killed hundreds. But none killed more than Harry who led the slaughter across France, with the only wizards able to match him being the acolytes any dark wizard he came across was doomed to die. Harry hadn't returned to the Delacour Chataeu since he had left preferring to go from mission to mission; he'd spoken with Louis through the floo a few times but those were strictly business, though he had encouraged Harry to come back a few times as there were people there who missed him.

Harry naturally refused.

Whether he knew it or not the events of the pit and the subsequent war were taking a heavy toll on his mind. In the pit he watched acts of torture, cannibalism, rape and those were on good days; and after escaping that hell and barely surviving he was thrust into a war where he killed wizards by the dozens, other sentient beings. No matter how much of a prodigy he is, he's not immune to the psychological effects of war. Eventually, he would either crack or he would withdraw into himself becoming barely a shadow of the boy he used to be.


(Assume they are speaking French)

"Sir... do we move in yet?" A young French Auror asked as he looked to his superior officer, a larger more grizzled man who stood by the window watching the streets of Brussels, well it wasn't exactly Brussels but it was the hidden city for magicals within. Where the Belgium ministry had laid down its roots; it was currently under occupation by Grindelwalds forces; Belgium was a small country, they did not have as many wizards to protect it, so they couldn't put up much of a fight when Grindelwalds men came through. Even now Giuseppe Rossi, the Minister of Magic for Belgium was being held hostage inside of his own ministry.

France had been in a much better position due to Harry's interference in the war and so Louis had decided to interfere in the occupation of Belgium, as their neighbouring country and ally it was their duty to help. It would also do much in beating back Grindelwald if they had more people to do so.

"No... we wait for Monsieur Potter, Minister Delacour has placed him in charge of this operation," the senior Auror stated.

"But, the wizard is barely a man, why do we follow him?" The younger man said stepping closer to his superior.

The Senior Auror grabbed him by his collar and shoved him against the wall "Don't speak about things you don't know! I've seen what this boy can do, I've seen him conjure an army of golems, a dragon made of water, he is what stands in the way of our annihilation at Grindelwalds hands," the man spat out. He grabbed the young man tighter before letting go of him and letting him fall to the ground. The younger Auror coughed violently, he couldn't understand why his superior officer defended a foreign boy so much.

Jean Lecoust was a middle-aged man who had been an Auror for over ten years. He had a wife and he had a daughter, both of which he'd sent away when the war began. Jean loved his country and would happily die in service to it, at least that's what he thought. When faced with the possibility of never seeing his wife and child again he found himself scared. He had been stationed in Orleans where the largest magical creature reserve in France was, it was here their wand makers got most of their cores for their wands and so it was an important place to protect.

When the enemy came they crushed their defences. Giants, trolls, werewolves, vampires. All manner of magic creatures fought them and slaughtered them. In the end, all Jean could do was lie down injured in a hole and wait for the end, but it wasn't the end. He remembered how dark it was, how cold he was as he lay in the mud a dark spell ripping his insides.

He was almost blinded when he saw it. A bright blue light in the sky in the shape of an eye; he remembered staring into the eye, feeling comforted. Hearing whispers, the pain he was feeling started to numb and he felt warmth chase the cold away. It was the first time he had met Monsieur Potter, he had saved them all that day. He is the reason that he was able to send another letter to his family.

Hundreds of men had similar stories, all of them owing their lives to Harry and so none but the fresh recruits had a problem with following a thirteen-year-old boy into battle. In the next room, Harry sat down in a corner, he was sleeping —for the first time in days. Yet his dreams were never peaceful, when he closed his eyes he was always back in the same place... the pit. Or he was watching as Hannah was killed again, or he was being held down and torn apart by the dozens of people he'd killed.

Harry shifted as sweat started to pour down his face. It got so bad that one of the aurors in the room with him approached and shook him awake. However before he could even touch his shoulder Harry grabbed the man's wrist and tightened his grip, his wand flew out of his sleeve and pressed into the aurors neck. "I'm sorry for waking you Monsieur Potter..." the man said shaking slightly as he felt the heat at the tip of his wand.

Harry loosened his grip and his wand disappeared back into his sleeve. "What time is it," he said as he stood up popping his back and neck.

"Just after six Monsieur," the man said as he watched the young wizard go to the window and look out into the streets. It was mostly empty, there was a curfew being enforced and anyone caught breaking it would find themselves being strung up on the walls of the ministry. 'A full-out war is occurring in Europe and the ICW still refuses to act...' Harry pulled his blindfold up opening his eyes. He could see most of the area now stretching for miles rather than the limited perception the blindfold offers.

Magical creatures patrolled the streets mostly, with a few wizards to give them orders. Werewolves, vampires, even a few dementors 'Where did they get those,' Harry thought to himself. He shrugged his shoulders before stretching again.

"When do we move Monsieur Potter," Jean asked as he crossed into the room.

"We go now," Harry replied. "Tell everyone to cover all the windows and doors, make sure no one can get in without you knowing.

Jean nodded but he was a bit confused. "Right away," He said before letting the others know what to do. However, a younger and more inexperienced Auror could not hide his opinion and so he stepped forward.

"How are we supposed to attack if we are defending this house," He said a little condescendingly. He was one of the few who did not like the idea of following a boy and was not afraid to make his opinion on that known. Harry turned around to him after pulling his blindfold down and slowly regarded him, after a few seconds he turned back around ignoring the man which only served to make him angrier.

"Listen here, boy-"


Harry placed his hand on the wall and red sparks flowed through his body. The house started to crack and shift, and the French wizards stumbled and fell to the floor some even drew their wands as they prepared for what came next; they looked out the window and saw as the house was raised from the ground and all quickly realised what was happening, the house was moving. Harry had animated the whole house and transfigured the foundation into numerous legs that moved it forward. This was a piece of magic that only those at the peak of transfiguration would be able to achieve, and while Harry was good at this branch of magic he was nowhere near close to being able to do something like this.

However, when using the philosopher's stone a person is only limited by their imagination. The stone breaks all laws of transfiguration and gives them the ability to make their will a reality, it is one of the most powerful artefacts in the world, close to the deathly hallows in its power. The building had formed arms and legs and it moved through the streets; the French wizards were in awe at this legendary display of magic but they were snapped out of it when Harry told them all to get to their posts. They rushed to the windows and doors which had all been reinforced; though the windows had shifted to allow them to fire spells out of them, and that's what they did. When they came upon the first detachment that was still reeling from the animated house that lumbered towards them. Aurors fired out a multitude of spells blowing up the ground near them and blasting people to pieces.

Harry drew his wand as well and fired a bolt of lightning out of the window that connected with a troll stopping him dead and making him fall to the ground. They were the first creatures he ordered his forces to target as they would likely be told to stop their mobile house from moving. Harry had to duck out of the way as a powerful fire spell was sent his way melting the windows and breaking past the defences. They were a big target and so Grindelwalds men were able to hit just as hard as Harry and the others did. The front of the house nearly came off as it was hit with all manner of elemental and explosive spells. Harry however was able to reverse that damage with the power of the stone.

"This plan is insane Monsieur!" Jean said as he fired off spell after spell trying to stop the werewolves from climbing up the side of the building. While it wasn't a full moon a werewolf was still more enhanced than a regular wizard was, in fact, their bodies were in a perpetual state of magical enhancement, which would only be amplified if they were to use magic. It was why Harry struggled so much against Fenrir in the pit.

"This is how we inspire," Harry replied as he fired off a depulso which caught a werewolf that was by one of the windows. "Grindelwald inspires fear, if we sneak around we only enforce that feeling."

"This way we show everyone who sees us that we are not afraid, that Grindelwald does not scare us!" Harry shouted.

This got roars from the others and they started to fire off with even more intensity. However they were outnumbered and soon the enemy started to get in; a dark wizard managed to get a line of start and apparated inside, he turned his wand on one of the younger Aurors and fired only to be caught in a clash by Jean. Harry then fired off a bone breaker shattering the man's arm, just after that happened the wall exploded inside and a werewolf armed with a wand jumped in, his reflexes let him avoid the stunner that was quickly fired, he then shot an overpowered incendio trying to cause as much damage to the building as he could. One of the French wizards tried to disarm him but the werewolf crossed the distance in less than a second. He grabbed his arm and snapped it before taking a bit out of his hand. The young Auror screamed as his fingers were eaten.

Harry twirled his wand and slashed it forward summoning a whip made of lightning that latched around the werewolf's throat he then slammed him into the walls a few times before pulling him back. The man changed direction trying to take advantage and charge Harry; he didn't expect Harry to meet his charge with a roundhouse kick to his jaw sending him crashing through the wall and out of the building.

More and more enemies were breaking through now. A detachment of vampires managed to stealthily get through by jumping on from neighbouring buildings. One Auror was grabbed from the ceiling and his throat was torn out by vampire fangs. Another managed to spot it and managed to shoot a blast of fire that illuminated the ceiling. The shadows were pushed away and half a dozen vampires were revealed.

The vampires came down, their supernatural speed and strength were their greatest boons. Luckily only the older ones were capable of performing blood magic which was a very powerful form of magic that was banned in Britain and most places in Europe. Vampires also had a resistance to magic so the aurors switched to elemental spells and transfiguration. A vampire managed to tackle one of the Aurors to the ground and rip his throat open sucking down his blood.

Harry stepped into the room seeing the chaos as the vampires were able to overpower a good number of them. It was a small room and so the wizards were at a disadvantage, at least the younger ones were. The more senior Aurors were versed in magical enhancement and were able to keep the fledglings off them.

"virtute solis

ego praecipio tibi


abiit in pulverem."

"Lux Solis!" Harry held his wand out as it pulsed with light. The vampires hissed and screeched as their burned, every pulse of Harry's wand sent out a shockwave that sent them scurrying away to find a shadow to hide in. Just like in the Potter Grimoire which held a chant that increased the power of his lightning spells. He found a spell in the Delacour library that did the same, though it seemed this one empowered light with an aspect of the sun emulating its effect which worked well against creatures of the night.

"Nightlord!" One of the Aurors called out.

Harry looked out of the giant hole in the wall and saw a swarm of bats flying towards them. A group of their aurors tried firing spells at the swarm but they all missed. The swarm smashed into the building filling the room before it coalesced into a person. Harry watched as bone breakers, piercing curses, stunners, and all manner of spells were hit against the nightlord and yet he managed to reform moments later.

"I feast on you now in the name of Lord Grindelwald," The Nightlord spoke before slitting both his wrists and letting his blood pour out.

One of the younger aurors screamed and tried to run but the blood lashed out slicing through the air and then through his knees taking both his legs off. Harry was intrigued, there wasn't much information known on Nightlords only that their powers were unique and essentially unknown. When a vampire ages to a certain point the collective blood that they've gathered over the years forms a core inside of them which becomes the basis for their magic. It gives them a unique ability based on what they've eaten; so one that has feasted on animals will likely get a physical ability or a shapeshifting one.

The Nightlord manipulated his blood with a speed that most of the younger aurors couldn't react to. Harry stepped in firing a stream of fire that split and surrounded the Nightlord, while most vampires would be concerned at being surrounded by fire the elder vampire barely looked phased.

He looked at Harry and licked his lips, frost emerged from his body and started to dull down the flames. "One as young as you could not hope to beat me," the Nightlord said.

A small smile formed on Harry's face before red sparks emerged from his body and down his wand. The fire intensified and turned blue which made the Nightlord panic. "You're barely even a threat," Harry said with an emotionless tone. The Nightlord tried to escape but Harry flicked his wrist and the intense flames wrapped around him stopping him from transforming. Harry flicked his wand and slammed him

Through the wall outside of the moving building; the flames intensified making the creature screech until it was turned to ashes.

"Monsieur! They are getting reinforcements! We have to retreat!" One of the Aurors shouted to Harry.

Harry did not reply he just walked to the large opening in the side of the building. He cursed, he was hoping that he wouldn't have to use any large-scale magic yet as he couldn't be sure an acolyte wouldn't show up, but it seemed he wouldn't have a choice.

Harry stepped forward so he was stood on the edge, he batted away a spell from a dark wizard and fired his own back slicing his head from his body. "Monsieur! Whatever you're doing, do it fast! The battle is attracting curses!" Jean said as he gestured east where deformed creatures flew in the air, beneath them, cursed spirits ripped the tiles as they dragged themselves over the buildings.

Harry clasped his hands together.

"Twelve Stars Summoning Technique: The Water Dweller Pisces 

A flash of light illuminated the building before a floating fish appeared around Harry, it swam around his body as if there was water present. "Pieces you know what to do," Harry said, though it sounded like a screech to the rest of them.

"Augmenti Enti Maxima," Harry spoke as he conjured a huge amount of water, as he conjured it Pisces took control of it and it slammed into the forces below. Wizards apparated away but Pisces control of the water wasn't like the average wizards. Pillars exploded from the water in the shape of dragons that opened their maw crushing them and drowning them in the water. The streets were flooded with water nearly 8ft high, Pisces manipulation of it kept it all from sinking into the earth; this was a deadly combination of magic and something that only something multiple wizards could do together. Not including S Class Wizards of course.

The Aurors stood behind Harry watching his outfit billow in the wind behind him as he kept summoning huge quantities of water. All they could do was stand and gape, it was not often you stood in the presence of such a high-calibre wizard.


"Such power..."

"He must be S-Class at the very least."

The wizards all cheered for Harry as he swept their enemies away through the streets. He hadn't wanted to resort to this but it made for a good backup plan as a large amount of their enemies were in front of them. The damage was something that could be fixed he just hoped no innocents were caught in the crossfire as he knew there were still many people here not loyal to Grindelwald.

The building they were in eventually fell as its legs snapped, however, Pisces made sure that it was swept along with the water rather than sinking beneath it. It carried them all the way outside of the ministry building; the enemy had a formidable defence outside however it all crumbled when thousands of gallons of water smashed into it sweeping away everything in its path. Harry then threw his arms outward and parted the water between the house and the building.

"Let's go!" Jean shouted and the aurors rushed out heading towards the building. Over twenty aurors flooded the ministry firing spells and dealing with the remaining enemies.

With everyone inside Harry let the water collapse. "Thanks, Pisces," Harry said as he slumped slightly. Such large-scale magic while not taxing on his body now that he had the philosopher stone, was taxing on his mind. In truth, Harry had expected the stone to be able to heal him of magical exhaustion, but it seemed he was wrong. The only theory he could come up with was due to magic's connection to the soul and how the soul isn't so easily healed.

"No problem master, try not to strain yourself," Pisces said before disappearing in a flash.

Harry jumped down from the building landing on the stone below. He looked around at the devastation, the dead wizards, the dead magical creatures. It made him feel sick. He had to remind himself that they were the enemy, that they would do much worse if he allowed them to win. But in the end, it did little to ease his mind.

Harry tightened his grip around his wand as he walked into the ministry building only to duck as a spell flashed over him. His wand thrust forward and he shot an entrail expelling curse at the wizard who attacked him. It struck him and he screamed before falling down the central staircase. The ministry building was beautifully built, it had a large atrium with a fountain, marble flooring and a large central staircase that led to an open second floor. Harry watched as his own forces battled against Grindelwalds and he didn't hesitate to get involved.

He walked forward not stopping as he batted away a spell and then fired a bone breaker that impacted the wizard's neck killing him instantly. He threw up a shield covering himself from an inferno that spread around him he erupted the shield away from himself pushing the fire away, he ducked under the next spell and slid next to the wizard pulling his leg out from under him. As he fell backwards Harry grabbed his throat from behind throwing him over his shoulder and into the path of a killing curse. Harry then shot a severing curse that hit the other man at the waist making him collapse into two separate pieces.

As Harry fought his way up the staircase it didn't take long for Grindelwalds men to realise they had lost. No help was coming, they started to apparate out of the building, something which Harry allowed. Better to leave a path opened lest the cornered animal bites. With the enemies retreating they left a path opened to the inner offices which were full of hostages. Harry stepped into what looked like a conference room and inside was someone Harry recognised as Giuseppe Rossi —Louis had shown him a picture beforehand.

Behind him was a skinny man with rotten teeth and greasy hair; had his wand pointed at Giuseppe's neck. "Stay the fuck back, I will kill him! I-"

Before he could finish speaking Harry fired an expelliarmus at him. His wand flew into Harry's hand, immediately after Giuseppe smashed his head backwards crunching the man's nose and making him roar in pain. Harry flicked his wand and transfigured the chair next to them into bindings that wrapped around the man.

Harry walked forward. "Minister Rossi I am here on behalf of the Ministry of France... Grindelwalds forces have been banished from your land."

"You are Free."

(AN: So Harry has been making waves through Europe, though is that a good thing? Well yeah but in the long run probably not. Belgium are now free of occupation and will join in the war against Grindelwald. This is going to have a big affect on the war as a whole which I'll go into more next chapter. Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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