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Alex no demon volume 3( The storm Arc)

This is the continuation of volume 2 were alex and his friends head out to the lightning country

Chapter 1 - Alex no demon storm arc chapter 1

It's been almost two days since everyone took off with the jet into the lightning nation and now its day break at 12 o'clock in the afternoon noon. Meanwhile as everyone was sitting in the jet, it was very lively as everyone was just talking and laughing. Alex who seemed extremely tired says "Ohh cmon, how long is it going to take to get there?Its just a few continents away. Isn't it?". Serena then replies him as she tells him "St.op being a baby. The lightning nation is actually far, so just pull yourself together. It wont take long", sukuna replied to serena saying "It cant be helped, I mean this jet has been flying for hours now, although we should be reaching the lightning nation by now". Kinto who seemed to be a little bored then sighs as he says "We've left the city 20 hours ago, so obviously I'm shocked this place is still lively even though some of us are extremely bored" Sughi who was controlling the jet from his lab then explains to everyone as he says "Okay kids we are here.If you look out the window, you'd see the lightning country. And you guys better not get too surprised by how advanced the place looks." As alex and Raquel look down the window from high up, they see how cool and tall the buildings are as they both were amazed. Deo seeing this then thinks to himself "Wow, the tech in this place looks so advanced. This is actually cool", son, Baraka, runo, mori, serena and sukuna were also perplexed to how cool and flashy the lightning country looked as serena says "This is nice, I can deal with this". Sughi then says "Alright kids, you all are elites from the city, you all trained assassins and soliders. Alex, serena, sukuna, kinto, Baraka, mori, runo, deo, son, Raquel. You all should do your best". Alex then gets excited as he says with a smirk "Sure we will win this, no way we'd loose" sughi then informs everyone that since they are the most skilled fighters the city has, they would be know as the "elite squad 10" and that they will also be landing without Parashoots. He further explains "Since you all have been trained to go on missions since the age of 4 years old, you all will be jumping of this jet without a Parashoot. You guys have done a goood job at harnessing your abilities. You are to land at the lightning country's military base that's below us". Alex after hearing this information then pounds his fist to his palms as he says "Hell yeah! Now this is what I'm talking about", as the back of the jet opens the "elite squad 10" jump out of the jet in excitement. Meanwhile in Najenda's office (The lightning lords office) while Najenda was having a discussion with kojin, she says "Well kojin, I'm so glad you could make it, and I'm glad to hear your team (The elite squad 10) are already arriving". Kojin who was sipping a cup of tea while Tomoa and levi were standing beside him responds saying "Well I'm glad im here, thanks to you. Plus we both agreed that the strongest soliders from both our nations would face off, didn't we?". Najenda then smiles as she says "Yeah you are right, we agreed that if your fighters from your city wins, then the lightning country would help you with out weapon. But if you lost, then our agreement would be off". Najenda then smirks as she says "Beware, most of the skilled soliders in the lightning country are B-rank, so do you still want to do this?", kojin then drops his cup of tea as he says with a smirk on his face "Oh dont worry, the elite squad from my city are going to put up a very good fight. So dont worry dear. And plus, my soliders are already B-rank level or at least semi B-rank, this is just a test for them just for me to confirm, but beware! There is a notorious one among them. Let the battle begin!". As Alex and the gang were sky diving, son uses his flames to accelerate his speed, serena charges up a electricity over her body, sukuna charges up a huge amount of plasma, deo's legs transformed into rocket boots, mori does a few hand signs, Raquel crystallized her hands and feet, as well as runo preparing her guns while preparing to land. Alex, kinto and Baraka who looked extremely excited falling from the sky, they all land together in the process of making a flashy entrance. Alex who seemed hyped says "Alright let's do this",a woman who had short yellow hair with very attractive yellow dress then introduced herself as nazuna(Lord Najenda's second in command)as she proceeds to says "Wow, that was an incredible landing. Welcome to the lightning country, it's a pleasure to meet you all, elite squad 10". As kojin was in Najenda's office while he and Najenda were discussing, Najenda says " You know kojin, I must say that your team of elites performed quite an amazing entrance. Skydiving Over a Thousand feet from the sky without Parashoots is quite reckless you know?" Kojin then responds with a smile as he says "There is no other way to make an amazing entrance now, is there? And by the way, it's a way of showing off our strength". Najenda then explains to kojin as she says "Your soliders would be teleported into different areas of the country, each area has one of our top rank warriors in there. So like this, it would be a one on one fight", kojin then sighs as he says "I have no problem with that at all". He then smirks and says "I know you are lying, I'm most certainly sure that you will pull some strings". Levi and Tomoa with a funny but nervous expression then monologues to themselves as they both say "So scary, I think kojin just reverted to his old self"