Chereads / TYRION / Chapter 5 - Massacre in Emberfall

Chapter 5 - Massacre in Emberfall

Isolde and Selena footsteps echoed softly as they made their way home, each of their steps harmonizing with the gentle swish of their flare gown. Isolde's face brighten with excitement, even in the darkness of the night.

"We made enough coins tonight, it would sustain us for a while" she squealed excitingly, clutching a small pouch of jingling coins in her hand. She sighted Selena's lips curving into a smile before it retreated back to her normal expression

"We didn't make enough coins, Aaron gave you that much from his earnings" Selena attacked causing Isolde to react by squeezing her face, she wasn't expecting that response from her.

"But I didn't ask him, he gave me" she argued

"And you know what that means Isolde, you might end up serving him for a long time if you accept all his favours" Selena exclaimed, small tension driving in between the two.

"Well, I didn't ask and he's my friend. I don't think anything is wrong with it"

Selena turned to her, holding her in place with a tender touch as they stopped walking.

"You always know I want the best for you and for us Sister, I want us to stop dance soon" Selena swallowed

"Oh, there you go again" Isolde cringed, withering away from her grasp, Isolde had always enjoyed dancing, not as a job, but as a passion. To her, making money from it was just an addition

"Mother is not happy that we are dancing. There are several lustful eyes on us, remember we need to lay low" Selena convinced

"But Selena, we need the money. Our mother is sick, and the coins we earn keep us fed and warm. She'll

understand, won't she?"

Selena gently placed a hand on her sister's shoulder before she continued "I hope so, Isolde. But you know how she worries about us when we dance late into the night. She fears for our safety." Isolde sighed, her new expression displaying a change of mind.

"Okay, we will stop"

"Really?" Isolde smiled and nodded.

"Thank you" Selena grinned as she kissed Isolde's forehead, something she always do when she's pleased with her, it makes Isolde feel safe everytime she does it. Keeping their bond healthier. If she can always feel like this whenever she makes her sister happy, then she doesn't mind sacrificing things like this. That was Isolde's thought at that moment.

"I saw you and that traveler earlier" Selena chipped in causing Isolde to scoff at the memory

"He was lusting, just like everybody else that had watched me dance" she replied, her charming hazel eyes depicting boredom.

"Even though, he seems like someone you might fall in love with, he has the physical features of your dream man, at least judging from what you've told me" She added, slowing down her pace to align with Isolde's

"It crossed my mind too, not until Aaron defeated him easily like that. It was an eyesore" she grimaced.

"What a wasted body, he's so gorgeously builded for no advantage" Selena added. Suddenly, Isolde stopped walking as she heard noises and screams from the other side

"Can you hear that" her breathe itched as she put the question out to a now sensitive Selena as well, before she could reply, the sight of people coming to their view running towards them, coupled with high pitched screams aggravated their fears

"What's happening"

"I don't know!" The two ran for safety as series of arrows lunged towards them and the crowd

"No no, this is not happening again, no please" Isolde feared as they ran to a corner and hid behind some leaves watching the horrific view before them.

"Shhhh" Selena consoled as Isolde breathe tightened and heaved heavily.

"We will be safe" Selena assured in a whisper, but her hopeful state was cut short when a sword appeared before them, pointing at Selena's neck


"Alaric!!" Tyrion pushed Alaric with great force, causing him to miss the arrow that could have cut through his neck brutally. Without another warning, Alaric draw his sword ready to attack. Tyrion ran after the strange movement in the bush but couldn't catch up with the figure.

"Are we being traced?" Alaric asked wide-eyed, but the noises coming out from the other side gave a different impression.

"No, this is a massacre" Tyrion said, pulling a mask on to cover his identity before running towards the deadly attacks. On Getting to the main scene, few dead bodies were already on the floor, some brutally harmed. A sight that caused the warrior in him to stir through. He flung through the air, battling the arrows with great fervor, cutting them into two like they were plastics sent out to play. A figure emerged to fight him but Tyrion slashed his sword through him with expertise and left him wasting on the ground. More lunged at him but ended up running back as both Alaric and Tyrion joined hands to fight the attackers.

A whimper from the bush caught Tyrion's attention, without warning, he stomped to the direction. He could depict women voices. On getting to the scene, he sighted one of the villains threatening two women with a sword, he silently saunter to them, catching him off guard by grabbing the attacker with a knife held to his throat. The man tried to run in defense but was held tight by Tyrion

"Who are you and what's your mission?" Tyrion whispered in a deadly tone with gritted teeth into the man's ear as he recognized one of the two women to be Isolde, the dancer he had admired, something else got him scared. She seemed to be passed out on the floor

Help us please!" Selena cried out as she held her sister tightly to her chest, the little distraction worked to the villain's advantage, as he harmed Tyrion's hand with his sword before running away. Tyrion let out a small whimper as the pain cursed through his wrist. But he had something more serious to attend to. 'Isolde' not without removing his mask to avoid being recognized as the one disguised in a mask.

Luckily, Alaric got there too, bailing him out of his confusion. Tyrion left the scene, only to come back looking different like he just got there.

"Was she harmed?" Tyrion asked, as he checked for her pulse with shivering hands, an act that's strange to see according to Alaric, who was starring at the scene in total amazement.

"No, she fainted out of shock. Can you help us home please" Selena asked with quivering lips, but Tyrion had another plan, he wasn't going to feel at rest knowing they were out of his sight in a delicate situation as this.

"You are going with us" Tyrion said with finality as he lifted Isolde up onto his shoulder, a sharp screech pitched into his ears causing him to stop mid steps.