Chereads / Sword Mage: Magitech Pioneer / Chapter 11 - Baron Jericho's Dominion

Chapter 11 - Baron Jericho's Dominion

The next morning, the sun began to bathe the shipyard with its golden rays, signaling the beginning of a new day. Raphaello woke up before dawn, as usual, with unwavering determination in his eyes. 

  Raphaello stood up silently and then approached the straw where Lancer was sleeping. With a gentle touch, he woke his faithful companion. He knew that morning training was important to stay in shape in case of unforeseen events. 

- Lancer, it's time to start our day. 

Lancer blinked his eyes sleepily before stretching and standing up. He was starting to get used to the morning routine. The two friends headed to an open area of the shipyard, where they began their routine stretching and warm-up exercises. 

After the initial exercises, Raphaello and Lancer began to practice basic unarmed combat techniques. Raphaello instructed Lancer on how to direct his internal energy, his Qi, to strengthen his strikes and stamina. They moved gracefully, performing fluid movements as the rooster crowed. 

When they finally finished the training session, Raphaello gathered Lancer for an important conversation. 

- Our progress in Qi training on the first day is promising, but we still need time to complete the first phase of our plan. I estimate it will take 10 to 15 days to reach this stage. After that, we will be able to dedicate ourselves to training and increase our strength significantly. 

Lancer nodded, understanding the importance of patience and dedication in his training and work. 

- After we finish this part, our next step will be to build a furnace for charcoal production. This will be essential for what comes next. However, we will still need to continue working during the day to ensure our survival until winter. 

He looked at Lancer with determination in his eyes, a sincere smile forming on his lips, conveying confidence and enthusiasm. 

- But when winter comes, we will have a better life, my friend. With our newfound strength and the resources we plan to accumulate, we will be able to face whatever challenges the future holds. Together, we will build our own path to prosperity. 

Raphaello went to the center of the village on the first day of work with the blacksmith Roger. His step was a little more hurried than usual, and his mind was occupied with anxious thoughts. It wasn't the work itself that worried him, but rather the idea of receiving payment after 15 days of effort. 

His past memories as a tycoon had never put him in the position of working for someone else, and that made him distressed. He was determined to follow his plan and gain power, but the feeling of being financially dependent on another was an uncomfortable novelty for him. However, the prospect of future rewards motivated him to continue, and he forced his thoughts to focus on the greater goal he sought to achieve. 

Raphaello arrived at Roger's workshop the next morning, determined to begin his new job with the blacksmith. Roger was there to greet him, a warm smile on his face as he extended his hand in greeting. 

- Good morning, Raphaello! I'm happy to have you here. I hope you're ready for a hard day's work. 

Raphaello shook Roger's hand firmly and responded enthusiastically: 

- Good morning, Mr. Roger! I'm ready to learn and work hard. I can't wait to get started. 

Roger nodded his approval and then led Raphaello to the forge, where the blacksmith explained his strategy. 

Roger stroked his beard and thought for a moment before sharing the plan with Raphaello. It was evident that the blacksmith had experience in getting the most out of people who used magic. 

- Well, Raphaello, here's the plan. We will use your mana to increase the temperature of the fire and speed up the metal melting process. 

Roger pointed to the furnace, where the fire crackled with moderate intensity, waiting to be fed by Raphaello's magic. 

- However, we know your mana is limited, so we need to be smart about how we use it. 

The blacksmith paused, allowing the gravity of the situation to sink in to Raphaello. The young man knew that his most valuable resource was scarce and needed to be managed wisely. Roger continued in a calm but authoritative voice: 

- You will increase the temperature of the fire until the metal melts. 

Melting metal is a critical part of forging using fire to heat the metal to an extremely high temperature, causing it to change from a solid to a liquid state. It is in this state that metal can be shaped to create tools. 

Roger pointed to the fire in the furnace, where the flames burned fiercely. 

- That's where your magic will come into play. You will increase the temperature of the fire with your magic, allowing the metal to reach its melting point more quickly. 

- When the metal is completely melted, you will end the spell. At this point, we need to be quick, as the metal cools quickly, returning to its solid state. That's where we'll shape it into the shape of a sword. 

Raphaello listened attentively, remembering every detail of the process that he already knew well. The process was a delicate dance between magic and manual skill, where timing and precision were crucial. 

Roger worked diligently, taking advantage of Raphaello's help to speed up the forging process. Together, they managed to forge six swords in half a day, a feat that would normally take twice as long. Roger was impressed with Raphaello's contribution, even though he had exhausted his mana in the process. 

When they finished forging the swords, Raphaello observed the few reserves of coal that Roger had. Raphaello, curious, decided to question Roger about the situation. 

- Roger, why is there so little coal here? Doesn't the village have constant production? 

- Well, Raphaello, there is coal production in these lands, but the problem is that Baron Jericho monopolizes the sale and distribution of this resource. 

Raphaello began to understand the complexity of the situation and how the Baron had strict control over the village's resources. 

Faced with Roger's revelation about Baron Jericho's strict control over coal in the village, Raphaello realized that he would face more challenges than he had initially imagined. He was determined to find a solution to this problem, but he needed more information. 

- Roger, do you know of any way to bypass the Baron's control and obtain more coal? 

Roger sighed deeply, looking at Raphaello with a serious expression. He began to explain the difficult situation they found themselves in. 

- even if coal production is carried out here in the vicinity of the barony, it is practically impossible for us. 

There was a reason for Roger's speech. Every week, a soldier sent by the Baron comes to inspect the perimeter of the village, especially the forest area. 

- The Baron is keeping an eye on any suspicious activity, such as cutting down trees without authorization. And, as you might imagine, illegal coal production would be considered a serious offense. 

Roger paused for a moment, letting the words sink in to Raphaello. It was clear that the situation was complicated and risky. 

Raphaello tilted his head slightly to one side, his eyes reflecting a thoughtful expression as he considered Roger's words. The frown on his forehead showed the intensity of his concentration, and he was beginning to realize the magnitude of the challenges he would face in his plan to get rich and gain power. 

The idea that the Baron's constant vigilance would make any illegal activity extremely difficult made him feel a tightness in his chest, a sense of impending defiance. However, determination shone in his eyes as he realized he would need to find a creative solution to overcome this obstacle. He knew he could get out of this complicated situation. 

- Roger, how is the sale of coal during the winter? I imagine demand will increase considerably, right? 

Roger let out a heavy sigh before replying, his expression turning dark: 

- During winter, things get even worse. Baron Jericho sells coal at exorbitant prices. Demand is so high that many people are forced to ration coal, and the cold becomes unbearable. 

In winter, people face agonizing choices, deciding whether to use scarce coal for cooking food or for keeping warm. Unfortunately, a sad reality plagues the village during the coldest season: many cannot survive due to the Baron's foolishness. 

Raphaello's expression became increasingly grim, and he began to understand the idea that Baron Jericho's greed was causing the deaths of many in his village was deeply disturbing. He knew that, somehow, he would need to find a way to change this reality and bring justice to the people. 

Raphaello said goodbye to Roger with a nod, expressing his gratitude for the learning he had learned during that brief working day. He promised the blacksmith that he would continue to cultivate his Qi so that he too would prosper in his craft. 

With the feeling of having gained more knowledge and experience in Roger's forge, Raphaello left the blacksmith's workshop and headed to the village's central square. His thoughts were focused on the next steps of his plan and the challenges he would have to face to achieve his goals. He knew the journey would be arduous, but his determination and confidence in his abilities propelled him forward.