The whole ground trembled as the Reaper's head hit the ground, and holding his head is Incarus.
Unable to move his head, Reaper moved his eyes upward to look at Incarus.
But his head moved as Incarus jumped upward, dragging Reaper along with him. After jumping a little bit into the air, Incarus's hand suddenly let go of Reaper's head.
Being released, Reaper became confused. As he looked toward Incarus, he saw he spin in the air. At the end of his spin, Reaper saw Incarus's leg coming toward his head.
With a powerful kick from Icarus, Reaper fell toward the ground.
Digging into the ground where he fell, Reaper hit the ground.
At the same time, Incarus landed in front of him as he jumped to the ground from above.
Looking above as he lay on the ground, Reaper stared at Incarus, who was looking at him.